Effective - 28 Aug 2009
167.208. Allergy prevention and response policy required, contents — model policy authorized. — 1. By July 1, 2011, each school district shall adopt a policy on allergy prevention and response, with priority given to addressing potentially deadly food-borne allergies. Such policy shall contain, but shall not be limited to, the following elements:
(1) Distinguishing between building-wide, classroom, and individual approaches to allergy prevention and management;
(2) Providing an age-appropriate response to building-level and classroom-level allergy education and prevention;
(3) Describing the role of both certificated and noncertificated school staff in determining how to manage an allergy problem, whether it is through a plan prepared for a student under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 for a student with an allergy that has been determined to be a disability, an individualized health plan for a student who has allergies that are not disabling, or other allergy management plans;
(4) Describing the role of other students and parents in cooperating to prevent and mitigate allergies;
(5) Addressing confidentiality issues involved with sharing medical information, including specifying when parental permission is required to make medical information available; and
(6) Coordinating with the school health advisory council, local health authorities, and other appropriate entities to ensure efficient promulgation of accurate information and to ensure that existing school safety and environmental policies do not conflict.
Such policies may contain information from or links to school allergy prevention information furnished by the food allergy and anaphylaxis network or equivalent organization with a medical advisory board that has allergy specialists.
2. The department of elementary and secondary education shall, in cooperation with any appropriate professional association, develop a model policy or policies by July 1, 2010.
(L. 2009 H.B. 922)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 167 - Pupils and Special Services
Section 167.022 - Request for records, placed pupils.
Section 167.026 - Expungement of disciplinary records, exception.
Section 167.029 - School uniforms.
Section 167.051 - Compulsory attendance of part-time schools.
Section 167.061 - Penalty for violating compulsory attendance law.
Section 167.111 - Officials to enforce compulsory attendance law.
Section 167.113 - Compliance with federal laws relating to pupil rights required.
Section 167.121 - Assignment of pupil to another district, when — tuition, how paid, amount.
Section 167.122 - Placed pupils, notification of district, distribution of information.
Section 167.182 - HPV informational brochure, contents.
Section 167.191 - Children with contagious diseases not to attend school — penalty.
Section 167.201 - School lunch program — funds — duties of state board.
Section 167.211 - School boards may provide for sale of lunches to children.
Section 167.223 - High school may offer postsecondary course options — fees.
Section 167.232 - Tax for extra transportation may be rescinded, procedure.
Section 167.265 - School counselors, grades kindergarten through nine — eligibility — application.
Section 167.266 - Academic and career counseling program — rulemaking authority.
Section 167.268 - Policy for reading success plans — state board to develop guidelines.
Section 167.335 - Alternative education grants — qualifications — joint applications.
Section 167.349 - Charter schools, establishment.
Section 167.600 - Definitions — nonseverability.
Section 167.614 - Discontinuance of participation.
Section 167.617 - Continuation of services previously provided.
Section 167.619 - Most accessible care to be provided — discrimination prohibited.
Section 167.624 - Lifesaving training — CPR.
Section 167.627 - Possession and self-administration of medication in school — requirements.
Section 167.637 - Influenza and influenza vaccination information, provided when.
Section 167.638 - Meningitis immunization, brochure, contents.
Section 167.720 - Physical education required — definitions.
Section 167.803 - Training of school employees, content, requirements.
Section 167.809 - Diabetic care may be provided to students, when, trained personnel to be on site.
Section 167.818 - Student may perform certain diabetic care for self, when.
Section 167.821 - Immunity from liability, when
Section 167.824 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 167.902 - Critical need occupations, data and information distribution.
Section 167.903 - Personal plan of study for certain students, contents — waiver.
Section 167.905 - At-risk students to be identified, district policy required.