Effective - 28 Aug 1995
160.272. Rules and regulations, promulgation. — No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of this chapter shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024.
(L. 1985 H.B. 463 § 8, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 160 - Schools — General Provisions
Section 160.011 - Definitions, certain chapters.
Section 160.021 - Classes of school districts.
Section 160.031 - School districts formed of cities or towns, defined.
Section 160.045 - Standards for teaching required.
Section 160.061 - Records transferred from county superintendent of schools — duties.
Section 160.075 - American Sign Language courses, treatment as a foreign language, when.
Section 160.250 - Citation of law — statutes involved.
Section 160.272 - Rules and regulations, promulgation.
Section 160.278 - Scholarships, how awarded — students applying to indicate preferences.
Section 160.350 - Missouri award of recognition for student athletes, how chosen, qualifications.
Section 160.408 - High-quality school, defined, replication in unaccredited districts.
Section 160.451 - Earthquake emergency system to be established for certain school districts.
Section 160.453 - Requirements for emergency system — public inspection of system authorized.
Section 160.534 - Excursion gambling boat proceeds, transfer to classroom trust fund.
Section 160.539 - School flex program established — eligible students, requirements — annual report.
Section 160.560 - Diploma program, purpose — requirements — rules.
Section 160.575 - Ready to work endorsement program required — elements — development of standards.
Section 160.660 - School safety provisions — rules.
Section 160.700 - National Guard pilot instruction program — duties — qualifications — fund.
Section 160.710 - Purple star campus designation — definition — criteria.
Section 160.775 - Antibullying policy required — definition — content, requirements.
Section 160.800 - Governor may name council — public hearing required.
Section 160.805 - Articles of incorporation and bylaws — members, terms, staff — annual report.
Section 160.810 - Powers and duties.
Section 160.815 - Debts not debt of the state.
Section 160.820 - Departments may contract with corporation for activities.
Section 160.900 - Participation — lead agency designation — rulemaking authority.
Section 160.905 - State interagency coordinating council established, members, meetings, duties.
Section 160.915 - Regional office proposals, contents.
Section 160.925 - Fund created, use of moneys — transfer of moneys.
Section 160.2000 - Text of compact.
Section 160.2700 - Adult high school defined.