Effective - 28 Aug 1985
160.257. Pupil testing for competency in certain subjects — each school district to establish — department of elementary and secondary education, duties, limitations. — 1. The commissioner of education shall direct the department of elementary and secondary education to insure that all school districts have a program of pupil testing which shall test competency in the subject areas of English, reading, language arts, science, mathematics, social studies and civics.
2. The department of elementary and secondary education shall identify key skills within the subject areas contained in subsection 1 of this section which shall provide the foundation for the local school district's testing program. The department of elementary and secondary education may not set maximal testing standards.
3. Each local school district shall have a testing program. District testing programs may include minimal promotion standards and shall give due consideration to the research on the influence of cultural diversity on testing performance.
4. The testing program of each local school district shall include, but shall not be limited to, criterion-referenced tests approved by the department of elementary and secondary education. This testing program shall test all students at periodic grade levels. The testing program may test students annually. The tests shall monitor progress on key skills and shall identify areas for instructional improvement. The department of elementary and secondary education may develop criterion-referenced tests and assist districts with their testing programs upon the district's request.
5. The department of elementary and secondary education shall develop or select tests which measure student performance on minimum key skills, and shall annually administer such tests to a randomly selected, statewide sample of public school students.
6. Each local school district shall provide testing information upon request to the department of elementary and secondary education.
7. The department of elementary and secondary education shall annually report to the general assembly composite pupil testing information.
(L. 1985 H.B. 463 § 4)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 160 - Schools — General Provisions
Section 160.011 - Definitions, certain chapters.
Section 160.021 - Classes of school districts.
Section 160.031 - School districts formed of cities or towns, defined.
Section 160.045 - Standards for teaching required.
Section 160.061 - Records transferred from county superintendent of schools — duties.
Section 160.075 - American Sign Language courses, treatment as a foreign language, when.
Section 160.250 - Citation of law — statutes involved.
Section 160.272 - Rules and regulations, promulgation.
Section 160.278 - Scholarships, how awarded — students applying to indicate preferences.
Section 160.350 - Missouri award of recognition for student athletes, how chosen, qualifications.
Section 160.408 - High-quality school, defined, replication in unaccredited districts.
Section 160.451 - Earthquake emergency system to be established for certain school districts.
Section 160.453 - Requirements for emergency system — public inspection of system authorized.
Section 160.534 - Excursion gambling boat proceeds, transfer to classroom trust fund.
Section 160.539 - School flex program established — eligible students, requirements — annual report.
Section 160.560 - Diploma program, purpose — requirements — rules.
Section 160.575 - Ready to work endorsement program required — elements — development of standards.
Section 160.660 - School safety provisions — rules.
Section 160.700 - National Guard pilot instruction program — duties — qualifications — fund.
Section 160.710 - Purple star campus designation — definition — criteria.
Section 160.775 - Antibullying policy required — definition — content, requirements.
Section 160.800 - Governor may name council — public hearing required.
Section 160.805 - Articles of incorporation and bylaws — members, terms, staff — annual report.
Section 160.810 - Powers and duties.
Section 160.815 - Debts not debt of the state.
Section 160.820 - Departments may contract with corporation for activities.
Section 160.900 - Participation — lead agency designation — rulemaking authority.
Section 160.905 - State interagency coordinating council established, members, meetings, duties.
Section 160.915 - Regional office proposals, contents.
Section 160.925 - Fund created, use of moneys — transfer of moneys.
Section 160.2000 - Text of compact.
Section 160.2700 - Adult high school defined.