Effective - 28 Aug 1999
105.1209. State agencies prohibited from requiring certain educational certificates as condition of employment. — No state agency, board or commission shall establish any policy or rule which requires any person to obtain any state certificate pursuant to a public school program linking education and careers, including any school-to-work program, as a condition of employment, nor shall any state agency establish any policy or rule requiring any employer to require such state certificate as a condition of employment.
(L. 1999 H.B. 889 § 162.1120, first sentence)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records
Chapter 105 - Public Officers and Employees — Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 105.006 - State officials and employees, effective date for salary adjustments, exception.
Section 105.010 - Terms of office.
Section 105.020 - Governor to commission certain officers.
Section 105.030 - Vacancies, how filled.
Section 105.040 - United States senator — vacancy, how filled.
Section 105.050 - Vacancy in certain offices — how filled.
Section 105.060 - Settlement of account with court.
Section 105.070 - Settlement to be entered of record.
Section 105.080 - Duplicate copies of record.
Section 105.090 - Payment to county treasurer of full amount.
Section 105.100 - Duplicate receipts for payment.
Section 105.110 - Delinquent settlements, how enforced.
Section 105.120 - Penalty on delinquents.
Section 105.130 - Treasurer to settle quarterly.
Section 105.150 - No state officer or clerk to deal in state stocks — penalty.
Section 105.160 - United States savings bonds — authorization for withholding.
Section 105.170 - Duties of commissioner of administration.
Section 105.180 - Termination of withholdings.
Section 105.190 - Incurrence of certain liabilities prohibited.
Section 105.200 - Warrant to represent sum withheld.
Section 105.201 - Office of administration to develop flexible benefit plan.
Section 105.210 - Officer may call aid, when.
Section 105.230 - Officer liable to party injured, when.
Section 105.240 - Officers may break doors, when.
Section 105.255 - Discrimination in hiring based on educational programs prohibited, when.
Section 105.260 - Certain laws to apply to St. Louis.
Section 105.265 - Life insurance benefits, effect of active military duty.
Section 105.266 - Leave of absence granted, state employees, bone marrow or organ donation.
Section 105.273 - Definitions.
Section 105.274 - Facsimile signature on public securities, instruments, or contracts, effect.
Section 105.275 - Facsimile seal, use, effect.
Section 105.276 - Fraudulent use of facsimile signature or seal, penalty.
Section 105.277 - Uniformity of interpretation.
Section 105.278 - Short title.
Section 105.300 - Definitions.
Section 105.310 - Federal-state agreement — contents — services covered.
Section 105.320 - Contributions by state.
Section 105.330 - Agreements with bistate instrumentality, how made.
Section 105.340 - Contributions by state employees, liability for — collection.
Section 105.350 - Agreements between the state and its political subdivisions — contents.
Section 105.360 - Nonapproval or termination of plan — hearing.
Section 105.370 - Contributions by political subdivisions and employees — liability for.
Section 105.375 - Officer compensated solely by fees to reimburse county for contributions.
Section 105.400 - Certification and transfer of state's share — contribution fund.
Section 105.420 - Additional appropriations for federal payments authorized.
Section 105.430 - Rules and regulations — publication.
Section 105.450 - Definitions.
Section 105.452 - Prohibited acts by elected and appointed public officials and employees.
Section 105.462 - Prohibited acts by persons with rulemaking authority — appearances — exceptions.
Section 105.464 - Prohibited acts by persons in judicial or quasi-judicial positions.
Section 105.467 - Discharge and discrimination prohibited, reasons — reinstatement.
Section 105.470 - Definitions.
Section 105.472 - Violation of law — complaint — oath.
Section 105.475 - Lobbyist exceptions.
Section 105.476 - Applicability of other provisions of law — additional standards.
Section 105.482 - Severability.
Section 105.483 - Financial interest statements — who shall file, exception.
Section 105.487 - Financial interest statements — filed, when, exception.
Section 105.489 - Financial interest statements — to be kept with filing officer.
Section 105.491 - Executive director of commission — duties.
Section 105.494 - Governor — appointment to certain boards or commissions prohibited.
Section 105.496 - Permanent select committee on ethics.
Section 105.498 - Out-of-state travel costs for full-time employees, reporting requirements.
Section 105.500 - Definitions.
Section 105.503 - Applicability — exceptions — federal law supersedes, when.
Section 105.530 - Law not to be construed as granting right to strike.
Section 105.533 - Constitution and bylaws, requirements — financial report, contents — definitions.
Section 105.535 - Officer and employee report, certain financial disclosures required.
Section 105.537 - Attorney-client information not to be included in reports, when.
Section 105.540 - Reports deemed public records — department regulations.
Section 105.545 - Maintenance of records, requirements.
Section 105.550 - Filing of reports, when.
Section 105.580 - Bargaining agreement, procedure — renewal — term of agreement, limitation.
Section 105.583 - Tentative agreement, requirements.
Section 105.585 - Labor agreements, limitations on.
Section 105.590 - Copies of agreement provided to public employees.
Section 105.595 - Civil action for violations.
Section 105.598 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 105.600 - Definitions.
Section 105.620 - Status of exchanged employees.
Section 105.630 - Travel expenses during assignment.
Section 105.650 - Travel expenses of persons assigned to this state.
Section 105.660 - Definitions, retirement benefit changes.
Section 105.662 - Public pension funds not to be commingled — trusteeship.
Section 105.663 - Retirement plan may appoint attorney as legal advisor.
Section 105.665 - Cost statement of proposed changes prepared by actuary — contents.
Section 105.667 - Gain or profit from funds or transactions of plan, prohibited when.
Section 105.670 - Cost statement available for inspection — effect of changes (general assembly).
Section 105.675 - Cost statement available for inspection (political subdivisions).
Section 105.679 - Contact information for retired members to be provided, when (St. Louis City).
Section 105.680 - Expenses for cost statements, how paid.
Section 105.683 - Plan deemed delinquent, when, effect of.
Section 105.685 - Effective date of changes.
Section 105.687 - Definitions.
Section 105.688 - Investment fiduciaries, duties.
Section 105.689 - Investment fiduciary may make investments in certain countries.
Section 105.690 - Selection of fiduciaries, preference to Missouri firms.
Section 105.712 - Dental primary care and preventative health services.
Section 105.725 - Confidentiality agreement, not to be required for claims paid.
Section 105.800 - State employee defined.
Section 105.820 - Option, who shall exercise.
Section 105.840 - Legislators, certain travel covered.
Section 105.850 - Sovereign immunity not waived.
Section 105.900 - Employee defined — limitations — tax exempt, when.
Section 105.905 - Deferred payment agreements authorized — funds, how invested.
Section 105.927 - State's contribution to participants in deferred compensation program.
Section 105.950 - Compensation of certain department heads.
Section 105.956 - Advisory opinion, withdrawn, when.
Section 105.958 - Designated decision-making public servant, notification.
Section 105.962 - Position created in ethics commission for electronic reporting system management.
Section 105.964 - Deadline for filing of reports extended, when — no extension, when.
Section 105.967 - Lobbyists not to serve on certain commissions.
Section 105.969 - Executive branch code of conduct — adoption.
Section 105.975 - Signature not required, when.
Section 105.977 - Attorney general to represent commission, exception.
Section 105.981 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.
Section 105.1000 - Definition.
Section 105.1005 - Withholding part of gross compensation of employees to fund plan.
Section 105.1020 - Political subdivisions may establish and administer other life insurance plans.
Section 105.1073 - Liability coverage to be provided — amounts of coverage.
Section 105.1075 - Eligible insurers — department of commerce and insurance to approve policies.
Section 105.1077 - Definitions.
Section 105.1079 - No waiver of sovereign immunity intended.
Section 105.1100 - Citation of law.
Section 105.1102 - Definitions.
Section 105.1114 - Administrative rules to be provided by state personnel advisory board, procedure.
Section 105.1200 - Guidelines for standardized audits, additional information may be requested.
Section 105.1216 - Hiring authorities to verify registration.