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Article 1 - Mississippi Rural Electrification Authority
§ 77-5-1. Short title - This article may be cited as the "State Rural Electrification...
§ 77-5-3. Definitions - The following terms, whenever used in this article, shall have...
§ 77-5-5. Mississippi Rural Electrification Authority created - A corporation, to be known as the "Mississippi Rural Electrification...
§ 77-5-7. Board of directors of authority - The authority shall have a board of directors. The powers...
§ 77-5-9. Number, appointment, removal and terms of board of directors - The board shall consist of three members who shall be...
§ 77-5-11. Organization of board; officers - Promptly after appointment the board shall meet to organize. At...
§ 77-5-13. Compensation of members of board - The members of the board shall not be entitled to...
§ 77-5-15. Members of board shall not hold full time state office - The members of the board shall not hold any full...
§ 77-5-17. Powers of board - The board shall have power to do all things necessary...
§ 77-5-19. Corporate purpose of the authority - The corporate purpose of the authority is to encourage and...
§ 77-5-21. General grant of powers to authority - The authority is hereby vested with all powers necessary or...
§ 77-5-23. Grant of specific powers to authority - The authority shall have power: To sue and be sued....
§ 77-5-25. Operations outside of state authorized - To the extent necessary in the judgment of the board...
§ 77-5-27. Issuance of bonds by authority - The authority shall have power and is hereby authorized from...
§ 77-5-29. Validity of bonds - Said bonds bearing the signature of officers in office on...
§ 77-5-31. Bonds of authority not debts of state - No holder or holders of any bonds issued under this...
§ 77-5-33. Rates, fees and charges; application thereof - The authority shall not be operated for gain or profit...
§ 77-5-35. Pledge of state to bondholders that it will not impair rate-making power of authority - The state does pledge to and agree with the holders...
§ 77-5-37. Security for bonds - In connection with the issuance of bonds or in order...
§ 77-5-39. Rights and remedies of bondholders - In addition to all other rights and all other remedies,...
§ 77-5-41. Moneys of the authority - All moneys of the authority, from whatever source derived, shall...
§ 77-5-43. Assets of authority shall pass to state upon cessation of authority's existence - In the event that the authority shall cease to exist,...
§ 77-5-45. Authority and its property subject to taxation - The authority and its property shall be liable for taxes...
§ 77-5-47. Right of way over certain state lands granted to associations and corporations operating under this article - All associations or corporations formed and operating under this article...
§ 77-5-49. Article complete in itself - This article is complete in itself and shall be controlling....
Article 3 - Power Districts
§ 77-5-101. Short title - This article may be cited as "The Power District Law."
§ 77-5-103. Definitions - Unless the context otherwise requires: "Power district" or "district" means...
§ 77-5-105. Boundaries of power districts - Power districts, the boundaries of which shall be coterminous with...
§ 77-5-107. Resolution seeking election authorizing creation of power district - The governing bodies of one-half or more of the municipalities,...
§ 77-5-109. Petition seeking election authorizing creation of power district - In lieu of the resolutions, or any of them, provided...
§ 77-5-111. Calling of election - Upon receipt of the certified copies of the resolutions and/or...
§ 77-5-113. Conduct of election - The ballots for said election shall be in such form,...
§ 77-5-115. Canvassing results of election; declaration of creation of district - Each county board of election commissioners, if more than one...
§ 77-5-117. Filing of order declaring creation of district - Such board of supervisors shall thereupon promptly cause a certified...
§ 77-5-119. Payment of costs incurred in creation of district - All costs properly incurred by the boards of supervisors and...
§ 77-5-121. Proceedings contesting creation of district - No informality in any proceedings or in the conduct of...
§ 77-5-123. Subdistricts - The boundaries of the subdistricts shall be drawn in such...
§ 77-5-125. Alteration of districts - Whenever a district shall, by resolution of its board, determine...
§ 77-5-127. Consolidation of districts - Two (2) or more districts may be consolidated by a...
§ 77-5-129. Dissolution of districts - ( )Yes ( ) No" A majority of those voting...
§ 77-5-133. Term and oath of directors - Directors selected from odd numbered subdistricts shall for the first...
§ 77-5-135. Vacancies in director's office - The death of a director, his resignation, his removal for...
§ 77-5-137. Compensation and expenses of directors - Each director of the district shall receive compensation from the...
§ 77-5-139. Board of directors to function as legislative body of district - The board of directors shall constitute the legislative body of...
§ 77-5-141. Powers of the district board - The board of directors of any district shall have power...
§ 77-5-143. Appointment of officers - The board shall appoint a general manager, a secretary and...
§ 77-5-147. Duties of secretary - The principal duties of the secretary of the district shall...
§ 77-5-149. Duties of treasurer - The principal duties of the treasurer of the district shall...
§ 77-5-151. Corporate purpose of district - A district shall be created for the purpose of conducting...
§ 77-5-153. General powers of district - Any district created pursuant to the provisions of this article...
§ 77-5-155. Specific powers of district - Any district created pursuant to this article shall have the...
§ 77-5-157. Exercise of eminent domain by district - Any district shall have the power to condemn any land,...
§ 77-5-159. Operations outside of state authorized - To the extent necessary in the judgment of the board...
§ 77-5-161. Issuance of bonds by district - Each district shall have power and is hereby authorized from...
§ 77-5-163. Rights and remedies of bondholders - In addition to all other remedies, any holder of a...
§ 77-5-165. Reduction of rates - After all proper charges against the revenues of a district...
§ 77-5-167. Moneys of districts - All moneys of a district, from whatever source derived, shall...
§ 77-5-169. Municipal and county aid to districts - Any municipality situated within the territorial limits of a district...
§ 77-5-171. Districts and their property subject to taxation - All districts and their property shall be liable for taxes...
§ 77-5-173. Declaration of purpose; construction; article complete in itself - This article is for the public purpose of promoting the...
Article 5 - Electric Power Associations
§ 77-5-201. Short title - This article may be cited as the "Electric Power Association...
§ 77-5-203. Definitions - The following terms whenever used or referred to in this...
§ 77-5-205. Formation of non-profit corporations authorized - Three (3) or more natural persons may, by executing, filing...
§ 77-5-207. Contents of certificate of incorporation - The certificate of incorporation shall state: The name of the...
§ 77-5-209. Prohibition on use of words "electric power association" and "electric cooperative." - The name of a corporation shall include either the words...
§ 77-5-211. Execution and filing of certificate of incorporation - The natural persons executing the certificate of incorporation shall be...
§ 77-5-213. Chartering existing corporations under this article - Any existing corporations under the laws of the State of...
§ 77-5-215. Amendment of certificate of incorporation - A corporation may amend its certificate of incorporation to change...
§ 77-5-217. Consolidation of corporations - Any two (2) or more corporations may enter into an...
§ 77-5-219. Dissolution of corporation - Upon complying with the requirements of Section 77-5-217 or 77-5-237,...
§ 77-5-221. Board of directors - A corporation shall have a board of directors, and the...
§ 77-5-223. Powers of board of directors - The board of a corporation shall have power to do...
§ 77-5-225. Membership in corporation - Except as hereinafter provided, the corporate purpose of a corporation...
§ 77-5-227. Certificate of membership; voting - A corporation may issue to its members certificates of membership...
§ 77-5-229. General powers of corporation - A corporation is hereby vested with all power necessary or...
§ 77-5-233. Operations outside of state authorized - To the extent necessary in the judgment of its board...
§ 77-5-239. Power of corporation to incur obligations and liabilities, borrow money, issue notes, bonds, etc. - A corporation shall have the power to incur obligations and...
§ 77-5-241. Interest rates - Any note, bond, or other indebtedness issued by a corporation...
§ 77-5-243. Power to execute and deliver instruments to create security interest in corporation property - A corporation shall have the power to execute and deliver...
§ 77-5-245. Purchase and cancellation of bonds - A corporation shall have power out of any funds available...
§ 77-5-247. Monies of corporations - All monies of a corporation from whatever source derived, shall...
§ 77-5-249. Corporations and their property subject to taxation - A corporation and its property shall be taxed and assessed...
§ 77-5-251. Construction of article; article complete in itself - This article is to be liberally construed, and the enumeration...
§ 77-5-253. Annual financial and compliance audits - All corporations created under this article shall submit annual financial...
§ 77-5-257. TVA jurisdiction - It is hereby recognized that certain corporations formed or operating...
§ 77-5-259. Limitation for billing errors - In any action or regulatory proceeding arising from any overbilling...
Article 7 - Local Governmental Power Development Under Laws of 1934
§ 77-5-301. Counties may engage in power development - The counties of the State of Mississippi, acting by and...
§ 77-5-303. Intergovernmental cooperation - The board of supervisors of any county is expressly authorized...
§ 77-5-305. Ordinance of intention; notice; election - In the event the board of supervisors of any county...
§ 77-5-307. Activities must be self-sustaining - No board of supervisors taking advantage of the provisions of...
§ 77-5-309. Exercise of power of eminent domain - The board of supervisors of any county is expressly authorized...
§ 77-5-311. Debt limitations are inapplicable - No statutes fixing the maximum amount of indebtedness of the...
§ 77-5-313. Provisions of this article shall be applicable to municipalities as well as counties - All rights, privileges, powers and duties granted or imposed in...
§ 77-5-315. Construction of article; article cumulative - It being the purpose of this article to promote rural...
Article 9 - Local Governmental Power Development Under Laws of 1936
§ 77-5-401. Short title - This article may be cited as "The Municipal Electric Plant...
§ 77-5-403. Definitions - The following terms when used in this article shall have...
§ 77-5-405. Powers of municipalities - Every municipality shall have power and is hereby authorized: To...
§ 77-5-407. Issuance of bonds; election resolution and election procedure - Before any bonds are issued under this article an election...
§ 77-5-409. Effect of election - If a majority of the qualified voters who vote in...
§ 77-5-413. Bond provisions - The bonds may be issued in one or more series,...
§ 77-5-415. Securing payment of bonds - In order to secure the payment of any of the...
§ 77-5-417. Rights and remedies of bondholders - Any holder or holders of bonds, including a trustee or...
§ 77-5-419. Additional rights and remedies of bondholders may be conferred by resolution - Any municipality shall have power by resolution of its governing...
§ 77-5-421. Debt limitations are inapplicable - Bonds may be issued under this article notwithstanding and without...
§ 77-5-423. Payment of preliminary expenses - All expenses actually incurred by the governing body of any...
§ 77-5-425. Board of public utilities; appointment and terms of members - Any municipality, excepting those which have a population of less...
§ 77-5-427. Board of public utilities; bond, oath, compensation and removal of members; meetings; election of officers - Each member of the board of public utilities shall give...
§ 77-5-429. Supervision and control of the electric plant; supervisory body and electric plant superintendent - The general supervision and control of the acquisition, improvement, operation...
§ 77-5-431. Electric plant fund - All moneys derived from the issuance of bonds under the...
§ 77-5-433. Disposition of moneys received from the issuance of bonds - All moneys received from the issuance of bonds shall be...
§ 77-5-435. Disposition of revenues - The supervisory body of a municipality proceeding under the terms...
§ 77-5-437. Payment for services rendered to municipalities and departments and works thereof - The supervisory body shall charge the municipality and all departments...
§ 77-5-439. Records and reports of the board of public utilities - The board of public utilities shall keep a complete and...
§ 77-5-441. Exercise of power of eminent domain by municipality - Any municipality proceeding under the provisions of this article is...
§ 77-5-443. Use of certain rights of way; payment of indebtedness - Any municipality may use any right of way, easement or...
§ 77-5-445. Election for disposition of electric plant - The governing body of the municipality may dispose of all...
§ 77-5-447. Construction of article; article supplemental and additional to existing law - This article is for the public purpose of promoting the...
Article 11 - Unfair Practices of Electricity Distributors
§ 77-5-503. Competition with proposed system barred for twelve months after filing of notice of federal loan agreement - In the event that the filing corporation within the six...
§ 77-5-505. Notice to be furnished private utilities - It shall be the duty of the authority to give...
§ 77-5-507. Promulgation of rules and regulations by authority; enforcement powers of authority - The authority is hereby authorized to make and promulgate reasonable...
§ 77-5-509. Injunctions; chancery court powers - Any filing corporation may institute proceedings to enjoin any violations...
§ 77-5-511. Certified copy of statement of willingness to take service from proposed system as prima facie evidence - In any proceeding for the enforcement of this article, a...
§ 77-5-513. Private utilities are not liable for service during six and twelve month periods - During the periods of six (6) and twelve (12) months,...
§ 77-5-515. Inapplicability of article - This article shall not apply to the furnishing of electric...
Article 13 - Contracts with the United States
§ 77-5-601. Contracts with United States for acquisition of electrical system and purchase or sale of electricity authorized - Any municipal corporation, county, city, town, or village, power district...
§ 77-5-603. Article cumulative and supplemental; construction of article - Nothing contained in this article shall be construed as a...
Article 15 - Joint municipal electric power
§ 77-5-701. Short title - This article may be cited as the "Joint Municipal Electric...
§ 77-5-703. Declaration of purpose - The legislature of the State of Mississippi hereby finds and...
§ 77-5-705. Definitions - The following terms, whenever used or referred to in this...
§ 77-5-707. Powers of municipality; determining power and energy needs; filing of determination - In addition and supplemental to the powers otherwise conferred on...
§ 77-5-709. Proportionate ownership of undivided interest in projects; liability of municipality; contracts; issuance of bonds - Each municipality shall own an undivided interest in any project...
§ 77-5-711. Sale or exchange by municipality of excess capacity or output - Capacity or output or related services derived by a municipality...
§ 77-5-713. Application for licenses, permits, certificates or approvals - Municipalities proposing to jointly plan, finance, develop, own and operate...
§ 77-5-715. Contracts for exchange, interchange, wheeling, pooling and transmission of electric power - Municipalities participating in a joint project or projects are hereby...
§ 77-5-717. Creation of joint agencies; application process; issuance of certificate of incorporation - The utility commissions of two (2) or more municipalities may,...
§ 77-5-719. Additional membership in joint agencies; withdrawal from membership - After the creation of a joint agency, any other municipality...
§ 77-5-721. Board of commissioners of joint agency; officers; quorum; voting; expenses - The joint agency shall consist of a board of commissioners...
§ 77-5-723. Board of commissioners of joint agency; executive committee - The board of commissioners of a joint agency may create...
§ 77-5-725. Rights and powers of joint agencies - Each joint agency shall have all of the rights and...
§ 77-5-727. Determining appropriateness of projects to be undertaken by joint agencies; objections; appeal process - No joint agency shall undertake any project required to be...
§ 77-5-729. Member municipalities may contract to buy power from joint agencies - Any municipality which is a member of the joint agency...
§ 77-5-731. Sale or exchange by joint agency of excess capacity or output - A joint agency may sell or exchange the excess capacity...
§ 77-5-733. Joint or several ownership and maintenance by municipalities and joint agencies with other public agencies - The definitions and all other terms and provisions of this...
§ 77-5-735. Exemption from laws relating to competitive bidding - A municipality's or joint agency's purchase of, contract for the...
§ 77-5-737. Joint agency pledge bonds - A joint agency may issue its bonds pledging to the...
§ 77-5-739. Issuance of bonds by municipalities and joint agencies - All bonds issued pursuant to this article shall be advertised...
§ 77-5-741. Bonds to be secured by resolution, trust indenture or other security instrument; contents - In the discretion of the governing board of the issuer,...
§ 77-5-743. Fixing, charging and collecting rents, fees, rates and charges; municipalities - A municipality is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect...
§ 77-5-745. Fixing, charging and collecting rents, fees, rates and charges; joint agencies - A joint agency is hereby authorized to fix, charge and...
§ 77-5-747. Pledges made by municipalities or joint agencies - Any pledge made by a municipality or joint agency pursuant...
§ 77-5-749. Temporary investment and reinvestment of money - All moneys received pursuant to the authority of this article,...
§ 77-5-751. Proceedings to enforce rights of holders of bonds - Any holder of bonds issued under the provisions of this...
§ 77-5-753. Bonds issued under this article as proper and legal investments - Bonds issued by a municipality or joint agency under the...
§ 77-5-755. Bonds issued as special obligations of municipality or joint agency issuing them - The bonds shall be special obligations of the municipality or...
§ 77-5-757. Refunding bonds - A municipality or joint agency is hereby authorized to provide...
§ 77-5-759. Tax exempt status; bonds - Bonds, their transfer and the income therefrom (including any profit...
§ 77-5-761. Tax exempt status; interest in project owned by municipality or joint agency - Any interest in a project owned by a municipality or...
§ 77-5-763. Rights, privileges and immunities of personnel - Personnel employed or appointed by a municipality to work on...
§ 77-5-765. Dissolution of joint agencies - Whenever the board of commissioners of a joint agency and...
§ 77-5-767. Annual reports; joint agencies; municipalities - Each joint agency shall, following the closing of each fiscal...
§ 77-5-769. Application of laws of other states and the United States - Legislative consent is hereby given (a) to the application of...
§ 77-5-771. Grants-in-aid and loans from federal and state governments - The governing authorities of any municipality or joint agency are...
§ 77-5-773. Eminent domain; crossing lines and rights-of-way of utilities - Municipalities participating in a joint project and joint agencies shall...
§ 77-5-775. Personal liability of certain personnel - No commissioner of any joint agency or officer of any...
§ 77-5-777. Exemption from requirements of separate actions under this article when governing authorities of utility commission and municipality are same - Whenever the governing authorities of the utility commission and of...
§ 77-5-779. Provisions supplemental and additional - The foregoing sections of this article shall be deemed to...
§ 77-5-781. Authority or right of other entities to engage in retail distribution of electric power not impaired - Nothing contained in this article shall affect in any manner...
§ 77-5-783. Construction of article - In order to effectuate the purposes and policies prescribed in...
Article 17 - Municipal and County Utility Safety Incentive Programs
§ 77-5-801. Definitions - For the purposes of this article, the following words shall...
§ 77-5-803. Authorization of safety incentive program; form of incentive; eligibility for incentives; sources of funding for payment of incentives - A municipal utility as defined in this article may adopt...