Mississippi Code
Article 3 - Power Districts
§ 77-5-163. Rights and remedies of bondholders

In addition to all other remedies, any holder of a bond of any district incorporated under this article, including a trustee for bondholders, shall have the right, subject to any contractual limitations binding upon such bondholders or trustee, and subject to the prior or superior rights of others:
By mandamus or other suit, action or proceeding, at law or in equity, to enforce his rights against such district and the board of such district, including the right to require such district and such board to fix and collect rates and charges adequate to carry out any agreement as to, or pledge of, the revenues produced by such rates or charges, and to require such district and such board to carry out any other covenants and agreements with such bondholder and to perform its and their duties under this article.
By action or suit in equity to enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful or a violation of the rights of such bondholder.
By action or suit in equity to require such board to account as if it were the trustee of an express trust for such bondholder.
By suit, action or proceeding in court exercising equitable jurisdiction to obtain the appointment of a receiver of the utility or utilities owned or operated by the district, or any part or parts thereof, who may enter and take possession of such utility or any part or parts thereof, including all property, land, property rights, easements and other adjuncts of the utility. Such receiver may operate and maintain the same, and collect and receive all revenues thereafter arising therefrom in the same manner as such district itself might do, and shall deposit all such moneys in a separate account or accounts and apply the same in accordance with the obligations of such district as the court shall direct.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 77 - Public Utilities and Carriers

Chapter 5 - Electric Power

Article 3 - Power Districts

§ 77-5-101. Short title

§ 77-5-103. Definitions

§ 77-5-105. Boundaries of power districts

§ 77-5-107. Resolution seeking election authorizing creation of power district

§ 77-5-109. Petition seeking election authorizing creation of power district

§ 77-5-111. Calling of election

§ 77-5-113. Conduct of election

§ 77-5-115. Canvassing results of election; declaration of creation of district

§ 77-5-117. Filing of order declaring creation of district

§ 77-5-119. Payment of costs incurred in creation of district

§ 77-5-121. Proceedings contesting creation of district

§ 77-5-123. Subdistricts

§ 77-5-125. Alteration of districts

§ 77-5-127. Consolidation of districts

§ 77-5-129. Dissolution of districts

§ 77-5-133. Term and oath of directors

§ 77-5-135. Vacancies in director's office

§ 77-5-137. Compensation and expenses of directors

§ 77-5-139. Board of directors to function as legislative body of district

§ 77-5-141. Powers of the district board

§ 77-5-143. Appointment of officers

§ 77-5-147. Duties of secretary

§ 77-5-149. Duties of treasurer

§ 77-5-151. Corporate purpose of district

§ 77-5-153. General powers of district

§ 77-5-155. Specific powers of district

§ 77-5-157. Exercise of eminent domain by district

§ 77-5-159. Operations outside of state authorized

§ 77-5-161. Issuance of bonds by district

§ 77-5-163. Rights and remedies of bondholders

§ 77-5-165. Reduction of rates

§ 77-5-167. Moneys of districts

§ 77-5-169. Municipal and county aid to districts

§ 77-5-171. Districts and their property subject to taxation

§ 77-5-173. Declaration of purpose; construction; article complete in itself