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Title 1 - Laws and Statutes
Title 3 - State sovereignty, jurisdiction and holidays
Title 5 - Legislative Department
Title 7 - Executive Department
Title 9 - Courts
Title 11 - Civil Practice and Procedure
Title 13 - Evidence, Process and Juries
Title 15 - Limitations of Actions and Prevention of Frauds
Title 17 - Local Government; Provisions Common to Counties and Municipalities
Title 19 - Counties and County Officers
Title 21 - Municipalities
Title 23 - Elections
Title 25 - Public Officers and Employees; Public Records
Title 27 - Taxation and Finance
Title 29 - Public Lands, Buildings and Property
Title 31 - Public Business, Bonds and Obligations
Title 33 - Military Affairs
Title 35 - War Veterans and Pensions
Title 37 - Education
Title 39 - Libraries, Arts, Archives and History
Title 41 - Public Health
Title 43 - Public Welfare
Title 45 - Public Safety and Good Order
Title 47 - Prisons and Prisoners; Probation and Parole
Title 49 - Conservation and Ecology
Title 51 - Waters, Water Resources, Water Districts, Drainage, and Flood Control
Title 53 - Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals
Title 55 - Parks and Recreation
Title 57 - Planning, Research and Development
Title 59 - Ports, Harbors, Landings and Watercraft
Title 61 - Aviation
Title 63 - Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations
Title 65 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Title 67 - Alcoholic Beverages
Title 69 - Agriculture, Horticulture, and Animals
Title 71 - Labor and Industry
Title 73 - Professions and Vocations
Title 75 - Regulation of Trade, Commerce and Investments
Title 77 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Title 79 - Corporations, Associations, and Partnerships
Title 81 - Banks and Financial Institutions
Title 83 - Insurance
Title 85 - Debtor-Creditor Relationship
Title 87 - Contracts and Contractual Relations
Title 89 - Real and Personal Property
Title 91 - Trusts and Estates
Title 93 - Domestic Relations
Title 95 - Torts
Title 97 - Crimes
Title 99 - Criminal Procedure