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§ 77-5-1. Short title - This article may be cited as the "State Rural Electrification...
§ 77-5-3. Definitions - The following terms, whenever used in this article, shall have...
§ 77-5-5. Mississippi Rural Electrification Authority created - A corporation, to be known as the "Mississippi Rural Electrification...
§ 77-5-7. Board of directors of authority - The authority shall have a board of directors. The powers...
§ 77-5-9. Number, appointment, removal and terms of board of directors - The board shall consist of three members who shall be...
§ 77-5-11. Organization of board; officers - Promptly after appointment the board shall meet to organize. At...
§ 77-5-13. Compensation of members of board - The members of the board shall not be entitled to...
§ 77-5-15. Members of board shall not hold full time state office - The members of the board shall not hold any full...
§ 77-5-17. Powers of board - The board shall have power to do all things necessary...
§ 77-5-19. Corporate purpose of the authority - The corporate purpose of the authority is to encourage and...
§ 77-5-21. General grant of powers to authority - The authority is hereby vested with all powers necessary or...
§ 77-5-23. Grant of specific powers to authority - The authority shall have power: To sue and be sued....
§ 77-5-25. Operations outside of state authorized - To the extent necessary in the judgment of the board...
§ 77-5-27. Issuance of bonds by authority - The authority shall have power and is hereby authorized from...
§ 77-5-29. Validity of bonds - Said bonds bearing the signature of officers in office on...
§ 77-5-31. Bonds of authority not debts of state - No holder or holders of any bonds issued under this...
§ 77-5-33. Rates, fees and charges; application thereof - The authority shall not be operated for gain or profit...
§ 77-5-35. Pledge of state to bondholders that it will not impair rate-making power of authority - The state does pledge to and agree with the holders...
§ 77-5-37. Security for bonds - In connection with the issuance of bonds or in order...
§ 77-5-39. Rights and remedies of bondholders - In addition to all other rights and all other remedies,...
§ 77-5-41. Moneys of the authority - All moneys of the authority, from whatever source derived, shall...
§ 77-5-43. Assets of authority shall pass to state upon cessation of authority's existence - In the event that the authority shall cease to exist,...
§ 77-5-45. Authority and its property subject to taxation - The authority and its property shall be liable for taxes...
§ 77-5-47. Right of way over certain state lands granted to associations and corporations operating under this article - All associations or corporations formed and operating under this article...
§ 77-5-49. Article complete in itself - This article is complete in itself and shall be controlling....