Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 161 — Trunk Highways
Section 161.321 — Small Business Contracts.

Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section the following terms have the meanings given them, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning is intended.
(a) "Award" means the granting of a contract in accordance with all applicable laws and rules governing competitive bidding except as otherwise provided in this section.
(b) "Contract" means an agreement entered into between a business entity and the state of Minnesota for the construction of transportation improvements.
(c) "Subcontractor" means a business entity which enters into a legally binding agreement with another business entity which is a party to a contract as defined in paragraph (b).
(d) "Targeted group business" means a business designated under section 16C.16, subdivision 5.
(e) "Veteran-owned small business" means a business designated under section 16C.16, subdivision 6a.
Subd. 2. Small targeted group business, small business; contract preferences. (a) The commissioner may award up to a six percent preference in the amount bid for specified construction work to small targeted group businesses.
(b) The commissioner may designate a contract for construction work for award only to small targeted group businesses if the commissioner determines that at least three small targeted group businesses are likely to bid.
(c) The commissioner may award up to a four percent preference in the amount bid for specified construction work to small businesses located in an economically disadvantaged area as defined in section 16C.16, subdivision 7.
Subd. 2a. Small targeted group business; subcontracting goals. (a) The commissioner may set goals for targeted group business participation in contracts. As a condition of award, the prime contractor is required to either meet the goal or demonstrate good faith efforts to meet the goal. The commissioner must establish a procedure for evaluating the good faith efforts of contractors that do not meet the goal. The commissioner may establish (1) financial incentives for prime contractors who exceed the goals set for the use of subcontractors under this subdivision; and (2) sanctions for prime contractors who fail to make good faith efforts to meet the goals set under this subdivision.
(b) The small targeted group business subcontracting requirements of this subdivision do not apply to prime contractors who are small targeted group businesses.
Subd. 2b. Veteran-owned small business; contract preferences. (a) The commissioner may award up to a six percent preference in the amount bid for specified construction work to veteran-owned small businesses, except when prohibited by the federal government as a condition of receiving federal funds. When a bid preference is provided under this section, the percentage of preference in bid amount under this subdivision may not be less than the percentage of bid preference provided to any small targeted group business under subdivision 2.
(b) When a bid preference is provided under this subdivision, the commissioner must be as inclusive as possible in specifying contracts for construction work, as well as for construction-related professional and technical services, available under this bid preference program for veteran-owned small businesses. The term "construction" must be given broad meaning for purposes of specifying and letting contracts for veteran-owned small businesses and must include, but is not limited to, preplanning, planning, and all other construction-related professional and technical services.
(c) When a bid preference is provided under this subdivision, the commissioner must strive to ensure that contracts will be awarded on a proportional basis with contracts awarded under subdivision 2.
(d) The commissioner may designate a contract for construction work for award only to veteran-owned small businesses, if the commissioner determines that at least three veteran-owned small businesses are likely to bid.
Subd. 2c. Veteran-owned small business; subcontracting goals. (a) The commissioner may set goals for veteran-owned small business participation in contracts, except when prohibited by federal law or rule as a condition of receiving federal funds. As a condition of award, the prime contractor must either meet the goal or demonstrate good faith efforts to meet the goals. The commissioner must establish a procedure for evaluating the good faith efforts of contractors that do not meet the goal. The commissioner may establish (1) financial incentives for prime contractors who exceed the goals set for the use of subcontractors under this subdivision; and (2) sanctions for prime contractors who fail to make good faith efforts to meet goals set under this subdivision.
(b) The subcontracting requirements of this subdivision do not apply to prime contractors who are veteran-owned small businesses.
Subd. 3. Small targeted group business; subcontract awards. At least 75 percent of subcontracts awarded to small targeted group businesses must be performed by the business to which the subcontract is awarded or another small targeted group business.
Subd. 3a. Veteran-owned small business; subcontract awards. At least 75 percent of subcontracts awarded to veteran-owned small businesses must be performed by the business to which the subcontract is awarded or another veteran-owned small business.
Subd. 4. Contract awards, limitations. The commissioner may elect to subject contracts awarded under this section to limitations contained in rules adopted by the commissioner of administration.
Subd. 4a. Small targeted group business; limited duration and reevaluation. The commissioner shall cooperate with the commissioner of administration to periodically reevaluate the targeted group businesses to determine whether there is a statistical disparity between the percentage of construction contracts awarded to businesses owned by targeted group members and the representation of businesses owned by targeted group members among all businesses in the state in the construction category. The commissioner of administration shall designate targeted groups pursuant to section 16C.16, subdivision 5.
Subd. 5. Recourse to other businesses. If the commissioner is unable to award a contract pursuant to the provisions of subdivisions 2 to 4a, the award may be placed pursuant to the normal solicitation and award provisions set forth in this chapter and chapter 16C.
Subd. 6. Rules; eligibility. The rules adopted by the commissioner of administration to define small businesses and to set time and other eligibility requirements for participation in programs under sections 16C.16 to 16C.19 apply to this section. The commissioner may promulgate other rules necessary to carry out this section.
Subd. 7. Noncompetitive bids. The commissioner is encouraged to purchase from small targeted group businesses and veteran-owned small businesses designated under section 16C.16 when making purchases that are not subject to competitive bidding procedures.
Subd. 8. Reporting. (a) The commissioner shall report to the commissioner of administration on compliance with this section. The information must be reported at the time and in the manner requested by the commissioner of administration.
(b) By February 1 of each even-numbered year, the commissioner of transportation shall submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance and veterans policy and finance concerning contract awards during the preceding biennium under this section. At a minimum, the report must include:
(1) a summary of the program;
(2) a review of the use of preferences for contracting during the preceding biennium, including frequency of establishment of a preference and frequency and amount of contract awards to:
(i) small targeted group businesses; and
(ii) veteran-owned small businesses;
(3) a review of goals and good faith efforts to use small targeted group businesses and veteran-owned small businesses in subcontracts, including analysis of methods used for, and effectiveness of, good faith efforts;
(4) a summary of any financial incentives used or sanctions imposed;
(5) agency commentary on any perceived impediments, whether statutory, administrative, or otherwise, that may be limiting the participation of small targeted group businesses and veteran-owned small businesses in the agency's contract preference program;
(6) information on each reevaluation under subdivision 4a, including details on the methodology for reevaluation; and
(7) any recommendations for legislative or programmatic changes.
Subd. 9. Veteran-owned small business; purpose. The purpose of the state contracting bid preference program for veteran-owned small businesses is to facilitate the healthy transition of veterans from military to civilian life, and to help compensate veterans for their sacrifices including, but not limited to, their sacrifice of health and time to the state and nation during their military service, as well as to enhance economic development within Minnesota.
1977 c 222 s 1,2; 1978 c 506 s 1; 1979 c 246 s 1; 1980 c 361 s 1,2; 1984 c 544 s 89; 1989 c 352 s 14-17,25; 1990 c 541 s 17-24,29; 1998 c 386 art 2 s 59-63; 2009 c 94 art 3 s 8; 2009 c 101 art 2 s 69, 110; 2012 c 254 art 1 s 1; 2015 c 75 art 2 s 9-11; 1Sp2017 c 3 art 3 s 26

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 160 - 174A — Transportation

Chapter 161 — Trunk Highways

Section 161.01 — Definitions.

Section 161.04 — Trunk Highway Fund.

Section 161.045 — Highway User Tax Distribution Fund Appropriations; Trunk Highway Fund Appropriations.

Section 161.081 — Highway User Tax, Distribution, Investment.

Section 161.082 — County Turnback Account, Expenditures.

Section 161.083 — Municipal Turnback Account, Expenditure.

Section 161.084 — Surplus Funds In Turnback Accounts.

Section 161.085 — Appropriation From Turnback Accounts.

Section 161.088 — Corridors Of Commerce Program.

Section 161.089 — Report On Dedicated Fund Expenditures.

Section 161.09 — Department Orders, Files, And Records.

Section 161.095 — Travel Expense For Job Applicants.

Section 161.10 — Investigations, Recommendations, Reports.

Section 161.11 — Compensation Insurance.

Section 161.114 — Constitutional Trunk Highways.

Section 161.115 — Additional Trunk Highways.

Section 161.117 — Trunk Highways; Additional Routes.

Section 161.12 — Additional Routes Added; Federal Aid.

Section 161.122 — Restrictions On Marked Trunk Highway 51.

Section 161.1231 — Parking Facilities For I-394.

Section 161.1245 — Highway Construction; Authorizations And Restrictions.

Section 161.125 — Sound Abatement Along Highways.

Section 161.139 — Highway Designation Costs.

Section 161.14 — Names And Designations Of Certain Highways.

Section 161.141 — Northwest Angle, Connecting Highway; Federal Approval.

Section 161.1419 — Mississippi River Parkway Commission.

Section 161.142 — Great River Road.

Section 161.148 — Great River Road, Location Of Route.

Section 161.15 — Specific Location; Limitation On Deviations.

Section 161.16 — Highway Designation, Vacation, Reversion, Survey.

Section 161.162 — Definitions.

Section 161.163 — Highway Project Review.

Section 161.164 — Final Layout Approval Process.

Section 161.165 — Commissioner Action; Interstate Highways.

Section 161.166 — Commissioner Action; Other Highways.

Section 161.167 — Reimbursement Of Expenses.

Section 161.18 — Prior Easements Vest In State.

Section 161.19 — Certain Records Obtained And Filed.

Section 161.20 — General Powers Of Commissioner.

Section 161.202 — Replacement Of Public Lands.

Section 161.21 — Studies.

Section 161.23 — Excess Acquisition.

Section 161.231 — Appropriation; Proceeds From State Property.

Section 161.24 — Changes Required By Construction Of Trunk Highway.

Section 161.241 — Relocation Of Railroad Tracks, Acquisition Of Land.

Section 161.242 — Junk Yard Act.

Section 161.25 — Temporary Trunk Highway Detour; Haul Road.

Section 161.26 — Highway Maintained Across Portion Of Adjoining State.

Section 161.261 — Connector Segments With Other States.

Section 161.27 — Trunk Highways Across Bodies Of Water.

Section 161.28 — Altering Public Drainage Ditch By Trunk Highway.

Section 161.29 — Acquiring Toll Bridge For Trunk Highway System.

Section 161.30 — Marking Design.

Section 161.31 — Maps And Pamphlets.

Section 161.315 — Protection Of Public Contracts.

Section 161.32 — Contracting For Work On Trunk Highway.

Section 161.3203 — Contracts For Work For Trunk Highway.

Section 161.3206 — Best-value Contracting Authority.

Section 161.3207 — Construction Manager/general Contractor Contracts; Definitions.

Section 161.3208 — Construction Manager/general Contractor; Authority.

Section 161.3209 — Construction Manager/general Contractor; Procedures.

Section 161.321 — Small Business Contracts.

Section 161.3212 — Working Capital Fund.

Section 161.322 — Payment Of Interest To Contractors.

Section 161.33 — Employee Interest In Contract, Unlawful.

Section 161.34 — Contract Claims Against State.

Section 161.3410 — Design-build Contracts; Definitions.

Section 161.3412 — Design-build Authority.

Section 161.3414 — Determination To Use Design-build Selection Method.

Section 161.3416 — Design-build Notice; Report.

Section 161.3418 — Licensing Requirements.

Section 161.3420 — Design-build Rfq; Selection Team; Evaluation.

Section 161.3422 — Rfp For Design-build.

Section 161.3424 — Replacing Team Members.

Section 161.3426 — Design-build Award.

Section 161.36 — Federal Aid.

Section 161.361 — Advance Funding For Trunk Highway Projects.

Section 161.365 — Highway Contract Specifications; Minimum Wage.

Section 161.366 — Construction Contract; Taconite Relief Area.

Section 161.368 — Highway Contracts With Tribal Authorities.

Section 161.37 — Surplus Government Materials.

Section 161.38 — Special Agreements For Highways In Municipalities.

Section 161.39 — Aid To Other Road Authorities And State Departments.

Section 161.391 — Pavement Striping.

Section 161.40 — Joint Facilities With Division Of Emergency Management.

Section 161.41 — Surplus Property Not Needed For Highway Purposes.

Section 161.411 — Sale Of Surplus Earth Material.

Section 161.42 — Leasing Or Sale Of Sounding And Testing Equipment.

Section 161.43 — Relinquishment Of Highway Easement.

Section 161.431 — Leasing Of Highway Easement.

Section 161.433 — Use Of Highway Airspace And Subsurface.

Section 161.434 — Interstate And Trunk Highway Rights-of-way; Limited Use.

Section 161.44 — Relinquishment Of Land No Longer Needed.

Section 161.441 — Land Acquisition Agreement With Others.

Section 161.442 — Reconveyance To Former Owner.

Section 161.45 — Utility On Highway Right-of-way; Relocation.

Section 161.46 — Reimbursement Of Utility.

Section 161.462 — Fiber Collaboration Database.

Section 161.465 — Reimbursement For Fire Services.

Section 161.475 — Snow And Ice Control Materials.

Section 161.53 — Research Activities.