Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 161 — Trunk Highways
Section 161.315 — Protection Of Public Contracts.

Subdivision 1. Legislative intent. Recognizing that the preservation of the integrity of the public contracting process of the Department of Transportation is vital to the development of a balanced and efficient transportation system and a matter of interest to the people of the state, the legislature hereby determines and declares that:
(1) the procedures of the department for bidding and awarding department contracts exist to secure the public benefits of free and open competition and to secure the quality of public works;
(2) the opportunity to be awarded department contracts or to supply goods or services to the department is a privilege, not a right; and
(3) the privilege of transacting business with the department or local road authority should be denied to persons convicted of a contract crime in order to preserve the integrity of the public contracting process.
Subd. 2. Definitions. The terms used in this section have the meanings given them in this subdivision.
(a) "Affiliate" means a predecessor or successor of a person by merger, reorganization, or otherwise, who is, or that has as an officer or director an individual who is, a relative of the person or an individual over whose actions the person exercises substantial influence or control, or a group of entities so connected or associated that one entity controls or has the power to control each of the other entities. "Affiliate" includes the affiliate's principals. One person's ownership of a controlling interest in another entity or a pooling of equipment or income among entities is prima facie evidence that one entity is an affiliate of another.
(b) "Contract crime" means a violation of state or federal antitrust law, fraud, theft, embezzlement, bribery, forgery, misrepresentation, making false statements, falsification or destruction of records, or other criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public or private contract or subcontract.
(c) "Conviction" has the meaning given it in section 609.02, subdivision 5.
(d) "Debar" means to disqualify from receiving a contract or from serving as a subcontractor or material supplier as provided by Laws 1984, chapter 654, article 2, section 8.
(e) "Person" means a natural person or a business, corporation, association, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity formed to do business as a contractor, subcontractor, or material supplier and includes an affiliate of a person.
(f) "Pooling" means a combination of persons engaged in the same business or combined for the purpose of engaging in a particular business or commercial venture and who all contribute to a common fund or place their holdings of a given stock or other security in the hand and control of a managing member or committee of the combination.
(g) "Suspend" means to temporarily disqualify from receiving a contract or from serving as a subcontractor or material supplier as provided by Laws 1984, chapter 654, article 2, section 8.
(h) "Relative" means an individual related by consanguinity within the second degree as determined by the common law, a spouse, or an individual related to a spouse within the second degree as determined by the common law, and includes an individual in an adoptive relationship within the second degree as determined by the common law.
Subd. 3. Prohibitions. Except as provided in subdivision 4:
(1) neither the commissioner nor a county, town, or home rule or statutory city may award or approve the award of a contract for goods or services to a person who is suspended or debarred;
(2) neither the commissioner nor a county, town, or home rule or statutory city may award or approve the award of a contract for goods or services under which a debarred or suspended person will serve as a subcontractor or material supplier;
(3) a person to whom a contract for goods or services has been awarded may not subcontract with or purchase materials or services from a debarred or suspended person for performance of that contract; and
(4) when a debarred person sells or otherwise transfers to a relative or to any other party over whose actions the debarred person exercises substantial influence or control, a business, corporation, association, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity, or an affiliate of the entity, that is ineligible by virtue of the debarment to contract with a governmental entity, the sold or transferred entity remains ineligible for these contracts for the duration of the seller's or transferor's debarment.
Subd. 4. Exceptions. The commissioner may terminate a debarment by order, or the commissioner or a county, town, or home rule or statutory city may award a contract to a debarred or suspended person when:
(1) that person is the sole supplier of a material or service required by the commissioner or a county, town, or home rule or statutory city;
(2) the commissioner determines that an emergency exists as defined in section 161.32, subdivision 3;
(3) the commissioner of administration determines that an emergency exists as defined in section 16C.10, subdivision 2;
(4) in the case of a contract to be awarded by a county, town, or home rule or statutory city, the governing body thereof determines by resolution that an emergency exists that will result in a road, street, or bridge being closed to travel; or
(5) the contract is for purchasing materials or renting equipment for routine road maintenance.
Subd. 5. Duration of debarment. A person who has been convicted of a contract crime must be debarred for a period of not less than one year. This subdivision applies to contract crime violations which occur after June 30, 1985.
Subd. 6. Preexisting contracts. The disqualification of a contractor or its affiliate does not affect the contractor's or its affiliate's obligations under any preexisting contract.
1985 c 299 s 3; 1990 c 462 s 1,2; 1998 c 386 art 2 s 58

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 160 - 174A — Transportation

Chapter 161 — Trunk Highways

Section 161.01 — Definitions.

Section 161.04 — Trunk Highway Fund.

Section 161.045 — Highway User Tax Distribution Fund Appropriations; Trunk Highway Fund Appropriations.

Section 161.081 — Highway User Tax, Distribution, Investment.

Section 161.082 — County Turnback Account, Expenditures.

Section 161.083 — Municipal Turnback Account, Expenditure.

Section 161.084 — Surplus Funds In Turnback Accounts.

Section 161.085 — Appropriation From Turnback Accounts.

Section 161.088 — Corridors Of Commerce Program.

Section 161.089 — Report On Dedicated Fund Expenditures.

Section 161.09 — Department Orders, Files, And Records.

Section 161.095 — Travel Expense For Job Applicants.

Section 161.10 — Investigations, Recommendations, Reports.

Section 161.11 — Compensation Insurance.

Section 161.114 — Constitutional Trunk Highways.

Section 161.115 — Additional Trunk Highways.

Section 161.117 — Trunk Highways; Additional Routes.

Section 161.12 — Additional Routes Added; Federal Aid.

Section 161.122 — Restrictions On Marked Trunk Highway 51.

Section 161.1231 — Parking Facilities For I-394.

Section 161.1245 — Highway Construction; Authorizations And Restrictions.

Section 161.125 — Sound Abatement Along Highways.

Section 161.139 — Highway Designation Costs.

Section 161.14 — Names And Designations Of Certain Highways.

Section 161.141 — Northwest Angle, Connecting Highway; Federal Approval.

Section 161.1419 — Mississippi River Parkway Commission.

Section 161.142 — Great River Road.

Section 161.148 — Great River Road, Location Of Route.

Section 161.15 — Specific Location; Limitation On Deviations.

Section 161.16 — Highway Designation, Vacation, Reversion, Survey.

Section 161.162 — Definitions.

Section 161.163 — Highway Project Review.

Section 161.164 — Final Layout Approval Process.

Section 161.165 — Commissioner Action; Interstate Highways.

Section 161.166 — Commissioner Action; Other Highways.

Section 161.167 — Reimbursement Of Expenses.

Section 161.18 — Prior Easements Vest In State.

Section 161.19 — Certain Records Obtained And Filed.

Section 161.20 — General Powers Of Commissioner.

Section 161.202 — Replacement Of Public Lands.

Section 161.21 — Studies.

Section 161.23 — Excess Acquisition.

Section 161.231 — Appropriation; Proceeds From State Property.

Section 161.24 — Changes Required By Construction Of Trunk Highway.

Section 161.241 — Relocation Of Railroad Tracks, Acquisition Of Land.

Section 161.242 — Junk Yard Act.

Section 161.25 — Temporary Trunk Highway Detour; Haul Road.

Section 161.26 — Highway Maintained Across Portion Of Adjoining State.

Section 161.261 — Connector Segments With Other States.

Section 161.27 — Trunk Highways Across Bodies Of Water.

Section 161.28 — Altering Public Drainage Ditch By Trunk Highway.

Section 161.29 — Acquiring Toll Bridge For Trunk Highway System.

Section 161.30 — Marking Design.

Section 161.31 — Maps And Pamphlets.

Section 161.315 — Protection Of Public Contracts.

Section 161.32 — Contracting For Work On Trunk Highway.

Section 161.3203 — Contracts For Work For Trunk Highway.

Section 161.3206 — Best-value Contracting Authority.

Section 161.3207 — Construction Manager/general Contractor Contracts; Definitions.

Section 161.3208 — Construction Manager/general Contractor; Authority.

Section 161.3209 — Construction Manager/general Contractor; Procedures.

Section 161.321 — Small Business Contracts.

Section 161.3212 — Working Capital Fund.

Section 161.322 — Payment Of Interest To Contractors.

Section 161.33 — Employee Interest In Contract, Unlawful.

Section 161.34 — Contract Claims Against State.

Section 161.3410 — Design-build Contracts; Definitions.

Section 161.3412 — Design-build Authority.

Section 161.3414 — Determination To Use Design-build Selection Method.

Section 161.3416 — Design-build Notice; Report.

Section 161.3418 — Licensing Requirements.

Section 161.3420 — Design-build Rfq; Selection Team; Evaluation.

Section 161.3422 — Rfp For Design-build.

Section 161.3424 — Replacing Team Members.

Section 161.3426 — Design-build Award.

Section 161.36 — Federal Aid.

Section 161.361 — Advance Funding For Trunk Highway Projects.

Section 161.365 — Highway Contract Specifications; Minimum Wage.

Section 161.366 — Construction Contract; Taconite Relief Area.

Section 161.368 — Highway Contracts With Tribal Authorities.

Section 161.37 — Surplus Government Materials.

Section 161.38 — Special Agreements For Highways In Municipalities.

Section 161.39 — Aid To Other Road Authorities And State Departments.

Section 161.391 — Pavement Striping.

Section 161.40 — Joint Facilities With Division Of Emergency Management.

Section 161.41 — Surplus Property Not Needed For Highway Purposes.

Section 161.411 — Sale Of Surplus Earth Material.

Section 161.42 — Leasing Or Sale Of Sounding And Testing Equipment.

Section 161.43 — Relinquishment Of Highway Easement.

Section 161.431 — Leasing Of Highway Easement.

Section 161.433 — Use Of Highway Airspace And Subsurface.

Section 161.434 — Interstate And Trunk Highway Rights-of-way; Limited Use.

Section 161.44 — Relinquishment Of Land No Longer Needed.

Section 161.441 — Land Acquisition Agreement With Others.

Section 161.442 — Reconveyance To Former Owner.

Section 161.45 — Utility On Highway Right-of-way; Relocation.

Section 161.46 — Reimbursement Of Utility.

Section 161.462 — Fiber Collaboration Database.

Section 161.465 — Reimbursement For Fire Services.

Section 161.475 — Snow And Ice Control Materials.

Section 161.53 — Research Activities.