Sec. 9s.
(1) A provider shall postpone a shutoff of service for not more than 21 days if the customer or a member of the customer's household is a critical care customer or has a certified medical emergency. The customer's certification shall identify the medical condition, any medical or life-supporting equipment being used, and the specific time period during which the shutoff of service will aggravate the medical emergency. The provider shall extend the postponement for further periods of not more than 21 days, not to exceed a total postponement of shutoff of service of 63 days, only if the customer provides additional certification that the customer or a member of the customer's household is a critical care customer or has a certified medical emergency. If shutoff of service has occurred without any postponement being obtained, the provider shall restore service for not more than 21 days, and shall continue the restoration for further periods of not more than 21 days, not to exceed a total restoration of service of 63 days in any 12-month period per household member. Annually, a provider is not required to grant shutoff extensions totaling more than 126 days per household.
(2) As used in this section:
(a) "Critical care customer" means a customer who requires, or has a household member who requires, home medical equipment or a life-support system, and who has provided appropriate documentation from a physician or medical facility to the provider identifying the medical equipment or life-support system and certifying that an interruption of service would be immediately life-threatening.
(b) "Medical emergency" means an existing medical condition of the customer or a member of the customer's household, as defined and certified by a physician or public health official on official stationery or company-provided form, that will be aggravated by the lack of utility service.
(c) "Provider" means a municipally owned electric or natural gas utility.
History: Add. 2009, Act 152, Imd. Eff. Nov. 23, 2009
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 460 - Public Utilities
Act 3 of 1939 - Michigan Public Service Commission (460.1 - 460.11)
Section 460.2 - Public Service Commission; Oath, Chairman, Removal, Quorum, Seal, Offices.
Section 460.5 - Public Service Commission; Books, Records, Files.
Section 460.5a - Annual Report.
Section 460.6c - Repealed. 2016, Act 341, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017.
Section 460.6e - Repealed. 2016, Act 341, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017.
Section 460.6f - Repealed. 1984, Act 49, Imd. Eff. Apr. 12, 1984.
Section 460.6p - Rates Subject to Electric Transmission Line Certification Act.
Section 460.6t - Integrated Resource Plan.
Section 460.6v - Proceeding to Reevaluate Procedures and Rates Schedules; Report; Definitions.
Section 460.6x - Shared Saving Mechanism.
Section 460.7 - Railroad Labor Unions; Representatives; Right to Participate in Hearings.
Section 460.9c - Customer on Active Duty in Military; Shut-Off Protection.
Section 460.9s - Postponement of Service Shutoff; Conditions; Definitions.
Section 460.9t - Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund.
Section 460.10 - MCL 460.10a to 460.10bb; Purpose.
Section 460.10g - Definitions; School Properties.
Section 460.10h - Definitions.
Section 460.10j - Securitization Property; Rights and Interests.
Section 460.10k - Financing Order; Effect in Connection With Bankruptcy.
Section 460.10l - Agreement to Transfer Securitization Property as True Sale.
Section 460.10n - Securitization Bonds; State Pledge of Certain Conduct.
Section 460.10q - Alternative Electric Supplier; License Requirements.
Section 460.10s - Low-Income and Energy Assistance Programs; Availability of Federal Funds.
Section 460.10t - Shut Off of Service; Conditions; Procedures; Definitions.
Section 460.10v - Joint Plan to Expand Available Transmission Capability.
Section 460.10w - Investor-Owned Electric Utility; Ferc Approval.
Section 460.10x - Cooperative Electric Utility; Requirements.
Section 460.10y - Municipally Owned Utility; Requirements.
Section 460.10z - Provisions of Act as Severable.
Section 460.10aa - Impairment of Contractual Rights Under Existing Contract.
Section 460.10bb - Aggregation; Use; Definition.
Section 460.10cc - Provisions as Severable; Certain Rate Reductions as Void.
Section 460.10dd - Appropriation; Hiring Full-Time Positions to Implement Act.
Section 460.10ee - Code of Conduct; Value-Added Programs and Services; Definitions.
Section 460.10ff - Energy Ombudsman.
Section 460.10gg - Long-Term Industrial Load Rate; Findings of Commission.
Section 460.10hh - Nuclear Energy Generation Feasibility Study.