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Section 460.1 - Public Service Commission; Creation; Members, Appointment, Qualifications, Terms, Vacancies. - Sec. 1. A commission to be known and designated as...
Section 460.2 - Public Service Commission; Oath, Chairman, Removal, Quorum, Seal, Offices. - Sec. 2. Members of said commission shall qualify by taking...
Section 460.3 - Public Service Commission; Salary and Expenses of Members; Appointment of Secretary, Deputies, Clerks, Assistants, Inspectors, Heads of Divisions, and Employees; Payment of Salaries and Expenses; Employment and Compensation of Enginee... - Sec. 3. The salary of the chairman of the commission...
Section 460.4 - Michigan Public Service Commission; Rights, Privileges, and Jurisdiction; Meaning of Certain References; Review of Order or Decree. - Sec. 4. The Michigan public service commission shall have and...
Section 460.4a - Effect of Executive Reorganization Orders; Funding; Commission as Autonomous Entity; Appointment of Chairperson; Transfers of Authority. - Sec. 4a. (1) Except as otherwise provided under this act,...
Section 460.5 - Public Service Commission; Books, Records, Files. - Sec. 5. All books, records, files, papers, documents, and other...
Section 460.5a - Annual Report. - Sec. 5a. The Michigan public service commission shall make an...
Section 460.6 - Public Service Commission; Power and Jurisdiction; "Private, Investor-Owned Wastewater Utilities" Defined. - Sec. 6. (1) The public service commission is vested with...
Section 460.6a - Gas, Electric, or Steam Utility; Commission Approval to Increase Rates and Charges or to Amend Rate or Rate Schedules; Petition or Application; Notice and Hearing; Partial and Immediate Relief; Issuance of Temporary Order; Refund; In... - Sec. 6a. (1) A gas utility, electric utility, or steam...
Section 460.6b - Gas Utility Rates Based Upon Cost of Purchased Natural Gas; Authority of Commission; Acceptance of Employment With Utility by Member of Legislature. - Sec. 6b. If the rates of any gas utility shall...
Section 460.6c - Repealed. 2016, Act 341, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to energy conservation program,...
Section 460.6d - Owner of Renewable Resource Power Production Facility; Exemption From Regulation and Control of Public Service Commission; Definition. - Sec. 6d. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act,...
Section 460.6e - Repealed. 2016, Act 341, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to review and impact...
Section 460.6f - Repealed. 1984, Act 49, Imd. Eff. Apr. 12, 1984. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to electric utility rates.
Section 460.6g - Definitions; Regulation of Rates, Terms, and Conditions of Attachments by Attaching Parties; Hearing; Authorization; Applicable Procedures. - Sec. 6g. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Attaching...
Section 460.6h - Incorporation of Gas Cost Recovery Clause in Rate or Rate Schedule of Gas Utility; Definitions; Order and Hearing; Filing Gas Cost Recovery Plan and 5-Year Forecast; Gas Supply and Cost Review; Final or Temporary Order; Incorporating... - Sec. 6h. (1) As used in this act: (a) "Commission"...
Section 460.6i - Initial Gas Cost Recovery Plan; Filing; Alteration of Rate Schedule in Accordance With Existing Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause; Charges in Excess of Base Rates; Revenues Subject to Existing Reconciliation Proceedings; Purchased Gas... - Sec. 6i. (1) This section shall govern the initial filing...
Section 460.6j - Definitions; Incorporation of Power Supply Cost Recovery Clause in Electric Rates or Rate Schedule of Electric Utility; Order and Hearing; Filing Power Supply Cost Recovery Plan and 5-Year Forecast; Power Supply and Cost Review; Fina... - Sec. 6j. (1) As used in this act: (a) "Long-term...
Section 460.6k - Initial Power Supply Cost Recovery Plan; Filing; Alteration of Rate Schedule in Accordance With Adjustment Clause; Charges in Excess of Base Rate; Revenues Subject to Existing Reconciliation Proceedings; Revenues Resulting From Certa... - Sec. 6k. (1) This section governs the initial filing and...
Section 460.6l - Insuring Equitable Representation of Interests of Energy Utility Customers; Definitions; Utility Consumer Participation Board; Creation; Powers and Duties; Number and Appointment of Members; “Utility” Defined; Member Requirements; Te... - Sec. 6l. (1) For purposes of implementing sections 6a, 6h,...
Section 460.6m - Utility Consumer Representation Fund; Creation as Special Fund; Investment and Release of Money; Remittance by Energy Utility; Factor; Action for Recovery of Disputed Amount; Action on Application for Energy Cost Recovery Proceedings... - Sec. 6m. (1) The utility consumer representation fund is created...
Section 460.6n - Restructuring of Residential Electric Rates; Hearings; Revenue Impact; Purpose and Basis of Restructured Rates; Penalizing Residential Customers Prohibited; Informing Public of Conservation Advantages; Contents of Customer's Bill; Co... - Sec. 6n. (1) Not later than 4 months after the...
Section 460.6o - Definitions; Power Purchase Agreements for Purchase of Capacity and Energy From Resource Recovery Facilities; Rates, Charges, Terms, and Conditions of Service; Scrap Tire; Applicability of Section; Dispute Provisions; Filing Agreemen... - Sec. 6o. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Resource...
Section 460.6p - Rates Subject to Electric Transmission Line Certification Act. - Sec. 6p. The rates of an electric utility are subject...
Section 460.6q - Acquisition, Control, or Merger With Jurisdictional Regulated Utility; Approval of Commission; Notice and Hearing; Issuance of Order; Rules; Filing Comments; Access to Data and Information; Evaluation Factors; Terms and Conditions; C... - Sec. 6q. (1) A person shall not acquire, control, or...
Section 460.6r - Definitions; Steam Supply Cost Recovery Clause; Filing Steam Supply Cost Recovery Plan and 3-Year Forecast; Requirements; Steam Supply and Cost Review; Temporary or Final Order; Filing Detailed Statement; Commencement of Steam Supply... - Sec. 6r. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Booked...
Section 460.6s - Electric Generation Facility; Application; Review Criteria and Approval Standards; Order Granting or Denying Certificate of Necessity; Hearing; Reports; Inclusion of Costs in Utility's Retail Rates; Refunds; Interest; Modifying or Ca... - Sec. 6s. (1) An electric utility that proposes to construct...
Section 460.6t - Integrated Resource Plan. - Sec. 6t. (1) The commission shall, within 120 days of...
Section 460.6u - Study; Review of Performance-Based Regulation Systems; Report; Authority of Commission. - Sec. 6u. (1) Not later than 90 days after the...
Section 460.6v - Proceeding to Reevaluate Procedures and Rates Schedules; Report; Definitions. - Sec. 6v. (1) Notwithstanding any existing power purchase agreement, the...
Section 460.6w - Resource Adequacy Tariff That Provides for Capacity Forward Auction; Option for State to Implement Prevailing State Compensation Mechanism for Capacity; Order to Implement Prevailing State Compensation Mechanism; Contested Case Proce... - Sec. 6w. (1) If the appropriate independent system operator receives...
Section 460.6x - Shared Saving Mechanism. - Sec. 6x. (1) Subject to section 6a(13), in order to...
Section 460.6z - Discontinuing Utility Service to Geographic Area; Abandonment Application; Proposal to Retire Electric Generating Plant; Proposal to Revise Existing Load Balancing Authority. - Sec. 6z. (1) A covered utility shall not discontinue utility...
Section 460.7 - Railroad Labor Unions; Representatives; Right to Participate in Hearings. - Sec. 7. Any elected or designated representatives of a recognized...
Section 460.8 - Voluntary Associations; Hearings; Persons Entitled to Appear; Industrial Representative. - Sec. 8. Any elected or designated representative of a voluntary...
Section 460.9 - Definitions; Customer Switched to Alternative Gas Supplier or Natural Gas Utility; Prohibitions; Standards; Rules; Violation; Remedies and Penalties. - Sec. 9. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Alternative...
Section 460.9b - Alternative Gas Suppliers; Licensing Procedure; Maintenance of Office; Capabilities; Records; Tax Remittance. - Sec. 9b. (1) The commission shall issue orders establishing a...
Section 460.9c - Customer on Active Duty in Military; Shut-Off Protection. - Sec. 9c. (1) Except as otherwise provided by this section,...
Section 460.9d - Unauthorized Use of Electric or Natural Gas Service Causing Unsafe Connection; Action to Be Taken by Utility; Reestablishment of Service; Abandonment or Surrender of Property; Scope of Section; Definitions. - Sec. 9d. (1) If a utility observes an unsafe electric...
Section 460.9m - Service Shutoff Resulting in Death or Serious Injury; Notice to Commission; Investigation; Civil Action; "Provider" Defined. - Sec. 9m. (1) A provider shall notify the commission of...
Section 460.9o - Identification of Senior Citizen Customers; Methods; Compliance Within Certain Time Period; Extension; Definitions. - Sec. 9o. (1) A provider shall, in the ordinary course...
Section 460.9p - Failure of Utility to Meet Requirements of Act; Commencement of Civil Action; Notice; Compliance Agreement; Final Order; Costs of Litigation; Fines; Construction and Limitation of Act. - Sec. 9p. (1) The attorney general, on his or her...
Section 460.9q - Shut Off or Termination of Service; Conditions; Reasons; Notice Requirements; Prohibitions; Attempts to Contact Customer; Documentation; Restoration of Service; Vulnerable Household Warmth Fund; Creation; Use of Funds; Payments; Dist... - Sec. 9q. (1) A provider may shut off service temporarily...
Section 460.9r - Shut Off of Service by Municipally Owned Electric Utility; Prohibitions; Requirements; Definitions. - Sec. 9r. (1) A municipally owned electric utility shall not...
Section 460.9s - Postponement of Service Shutoff; Conditions; Definitions. - Sec. 9s. (1) A provider shall postpone a shutoff of...
Section 460.9t - Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund. - Sec. 9t. (1) The low-income energy assistance fund is created...
Section 460.10 - MCL 460.10a to 460.10bb; Purpose. - Sec. 10. The purpose of sections 10a through 10bb is...
Section 460.10a - Alternative Electric Suppliers; Orders Establishing Rates, Terms, and Conditions of Service; Licensing Procedure; Switching or Billing for Services Without Consent; Self-Service Power; Affiliate Wheeling; Rights of Parties to Existi... - Sec. 10a. (1) The commission shall issue orders establishing the...
Section 460.10b - Rates, Terms, and Conditions of New Technologies; Application to Unbundle Existing Rate Schedules; Providing Reliable and Lower Cost Competitive Rates; Standby Generation Service; Identification of Retail Market Prices. - Sec. 10b. (1) The commission shall establish rates, terms, and...
Section 460.10c - Determination of Noncompliance; Order of Remedies and Penalties; Contested Case; Violation as Unintentional and Bona Fide Error; Finding of Frivolous Complaint. - Sec. 10c. (1) Except for a violation under section 10a(3)...
Section 460.10d - Electric Utility Serving Less Than 1,000,000 Retail Customers; Utility Issuing Securitization Bonds; Compliance With Federal Rules, Regulations, and Standards; Security Recovery Factor; Protective Orders; Low-Income and Energy Effic... - Sec. 10d. (1) If an electric utility serving less than...
Section 460.10e - Connection of Merchant Plants to Transmission and Distribution Systems; Finding of Prevention or Delay; Remedies; Merchant Plant; Standards; Exception. - Sec. 10e. (1) An electric utility shall take all necessary...
Section 460.10f - Generation Capacity in Excess of Utility's Retail Sales Load; Determination of Total Generating Capacity; Market Power Mitigation Plan; Application; Approval; Requirements of Independent Brokering Trustee. - Sec. 10f. (1) If, after subtracting the average demand for...
Section 460.10g - Definitions; School Properties. - Sec. 10g. (1) As used in sections 10 through 10bb:...
Section 460.10h - Definitions. - Sec. 10h. As used in this act: (a) "Assignee" means...
Section 460.10i - Financing Order; Recovery of Qualified Costs; Conditions; Amount; Limitation on Period for Recovery of Securitization Charges; Financing Order as Effective and Irrevocable; Evidence of Indebtedness; Time Period to Issue or Reject; R... - Sec. 10i. (1) Upon the application of an electric utility,...
Section 460.10j - Securitization Property; Rights and Interests. - Sec. 10j. (1) Securitization property shall consist of the rights...
Section 460.10k - Financing Order; Effect in Connection With Bankruptcy. - Sec. 10k. (1) The interest of an assignee or pledgee...
Section 460.10l - Agreement to Transfer Securitization Property as True Sale. - Sec. 10l. (1) An agreement by an electric utility or...
Section 460.10m - Lien and Security Interest; Creation; Changes in Order or Charges Attachment; Perfection; Priority; Sequestration and Payment of Revenues. - Sec. 10m. (1) A valid and enforceable lien and security...
Section 460.10n - Securitization Bonds; State Pledge of Certain Conduct. - Sec. 10n. (1) Securitization bonds are not a debt or...
Section 460.10o - Securitization Bond; Direct Interest in Acquisition, Ownership, and Disposition Not Used in Determining Tax; Obligations of Electric Utility Successor; Assignee or Financing Party as Public Utility. - Sec. 10o. (1) The acquisition, ownership, and disposition of any...
Section 460.10p - Establishment of Industry Worker Transition Program; Adoption of Service Quality and Reliability Standards; Compliance Report; Rules; Benchmarks; Method for Gathering Data; Incentives and Penalties; "Jurisdictional Utility" or "Juri... - Sec. 10p. (1) Each electric utility operating in this state...
Section 460.10q - Alternative Electric Supplier; License Requirements. - Sec. 10q. (1) A person shall not engage in the...
Section 460.10r - Dissemination of Disclosures, Explanations, or Sales Information; Standards; Establishment of Michigan Renewables Energy Program; Plan. - Sec. 10r. (1) The commission shall establish minimum standards for...
Section 460.10s - Low-Income and Energy Assistance Programs; Availability of Federal Funds. - Sec. 10s. The commission shall monitor the extent to which...
Section 460.10t - Shut Off of Service; Conditions; Procedures; Definitions. - Sec. 10t. (1) An electric utility or alternative electric supplier...
Section 460.10u - Report. - Sec. 10u. The commission shall compile a report by February...
Section 460.10v - Joint Plan to Expand Available Transmission Capability. - Sec. 10v. (1) Electric utilities serving more than 100,000 retail...
Section 460.10w - Investor-Owned Electric Utility; Ferc Approval. - Sec. 10w. (1) Each investor-owned electric utility in this state...
Section 460.10x - Cooperative Electric Utility; Requirements. - Sec. 10x. (1) Any retail customer of a cooperative with...
Section 460.10y - Municipally Owned Utility; Requirements. - Sec. 10y. (1) The governing body of a municipally owned...
Section 460.10z - Provisions of Act as Severable. - Sec. 10z. Effective on the date the first securitization bonds...
Section 460.10aa - Impairment of Contractual Rights Under Existing Contract. - Sec. 10aa. Nothing in this act impairs the contractual rights...
Section 460.10bb - Aggregation; Use; Definition. - Sec. 10bb. (1) Aggregation may be used for the purchasing...
Section 460.10cc - Provisions as Severable; Certain Rate Reductions as Void. - Sec. 10cc. (1) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (2),...
Section 460.10dd - Appropriation; Hiring Full-Time Positions to Implement Act. - Sec. 10dd. (1) For the fiscal year ending September 30,...
Section 460.10ee - Code of Conduct; Value-Added Programs and Services; Definitions. - Sec. 10ee. (1) The commission shall establish a code of...
Section 460.10ff - Energy Ombudsman. - Sec. 10ff. (1) Effective January 1, 2017, the energy ombudsman...
Section 460.10gg - Long-Term Industrial Load Rate; Findings of Commission. - Sec. 10gg. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act,...
Section 460.10hh - Nuclear Energy Generation Feasibility Study. - Sec. 10hh. (1) The commission shall engage an outside consulting...
Section 460.11 - Establishment of Electric Rates; Establishment of Eligible Low-Income Customer or Senior Citizen Customer Rates; Public and Private Schools, Universities, and Community Colleges Rate Schedules. - Sec. 11. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,...