Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 3 of 1939 - Michigan Public Service Commission (460.1 - 460.11)
Section 460.10y - Municipally Owned Utility; Requirements.

Sec. 10y.
(1) The governing body of a municipally owned utility shall determine whether it will permit retail customers receiving delivery service from the municipally owned utility to choose an alternative electric supplier, subject to the implementation of rates, charges, terms, and conditions referred to in subsection (5).
(2) Except with the written consent of the municipally owned utility, a person shall not provide delivery service or customer account service to a customer that is currently receiving or within the previous 3 years has received that service from a municipally owned utility. As used in this subsection, "customer" means only the building or facilities served rather than the individual, association, partnership, corporation, governmental body, or other entity taking service.
(3) With respect to any electric utility regarding delivery service to customers located outside of the municipal boundaries of the municipality that owns the utility, a governing body of a municipally owned utility may elect to operate in compliance with R 460.3411 of the Michigan Administrative Code, as in effect on June 5, 2000. However, compliance with R 460.3411(13) of the Michigan Administrative Code is not required for the municipally owned utility. Concurrent with the filing of an election under this subsection with the commission, the municipally owned utility shall serve a copy of the election on the electric utility. Beginning 30 days after service of the copy of the election, the electric utility shall, as to the electing municipally owned utility, be subject to the terms of R 460.3411 of the Michigan Administrative Code as in effect on June 5, 2000. The commission shall decide disputes arising under this subsection subject to judicial review and enforcement.
(4) A municipally owned utility and an electric utility that provides delivery service in the same municipality as the municipally owned utility may enter into a written agreement to define the territorial boundaries of each utility's delivery service area and any other terms and conditions as necessary to provide delivery service. The agreement is not effective unless approved by the governing body of the municipally owned utility and the commission. The governing body of the municipally owned utility and the commission shall annually review and supervise compliance with the terms of the agreement. At the request of a party to the agreement, disputes arising under the agreement shall be decided by the commission subject to judicial review and enforcement.
(5) If the governing body of a municipally owned utility establishes a program to permit any of its customers the opportunity to choose an alternative electric supplier, the governing body of the municipally owned utility has exclusive jurisdiction to do all of the following:
(a) Set delivery service rates applicable to services provided by the municipally owned utility that shall not be unduly discriminatory.
(b) Determine the amount and types of, and recovery mechanism for, stranded and transition costs that will be charged.
(c) Establish rules, terms of access, and conditions that it considers appropriate for the implementation of a program to allow customers to choose an alternative electric supplier.
(6) Complaints alleging unduly discriminatory rates or other noncompliance arising under subsection (5) must be filed in the circuit court for the county in which the municipally owned utility is located.
(7) This section does not prevent or limit a municipally owned utility from selling electricity at wholesale. A municipally owned utility selling at wholesale is not considered to be an alternative electric supplier and is not subject to regulation by the commission.
(8) This section does not impair the contractual rights of a municipally owned utility or customer under an existing contract.
(9) Contracts or other records pertaining to the sale of electricity by a municipally owned utility that are in the possession of a public body and that contain specific pricing or other confidential or proprietary information may be exempted from public disclosure requirements by the governing body of a municipally owned utility. Upon a showing of good cause, a court or the commission may order disclosure subject to appropriate confidentiality provisions.
(10) This section does not affect the validity of the order relating to the terms and conditions of service in the Traverse City area that was issued August 25, 1994, by the commission at the request of consumers power company and the light and power board of the city of Traverse City.
(11) As provided in section 6, the commission does not have jurisdiction over a municipally owned utility.
(12) If an entity purchases 1 or more divisions or business units, or generating stations or generating units, of a municipal electric utility, the acquiring entity's contract and agreements with the selling municipality shall require all of the following for a period of at least 30 months:
(a) That the acquiring entity or persons hires a sufficient number of employees to safely and reliably operate and maintain the station, division, or unit by first making offers of employment to the workforce of the municipal electric utility's division, business unit, or generating unit.
(b) That the acquiring entity or persons not employ employees from outside the municipal electric utility's workforce unless offers of employment have been made to all qualified employees of the acquired business unit or facility.
(c) That the acquiring entity or persons have a dispute resolution mechanism culminating in a final and binding decision by a neutral third party for resolving employee complaints or disputes over wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.
(d) That the acquiring entity or persons offer employment at no less than the wage rates and substantially equivalent fringe benefits and terms and conditions of employment that are in effect at the time of transfer of ownership of the division, business unit, generating station, or generating unit. The wage rates and substantially equivalent fringe benefits and terms and conditions of employment must continue for at least 30 months from the time of the transfer of ownership unless the employees, or where applicable collective bargaining representative, and the new employer mutually agree to different terms and conditions of the employment within that 30-month period.
(e) An acquiring entity is exempt from the obligations in this subsection if the selling municipality transfers all displaced municipal electric utility employees to positions of employment within the municipality at no less than the wage rates and substantially equivalent fringe benefits and terms and conditions of employment that are in effect at the time of transfer. The wage rates and substantially equivalent fringe benefits and terms and conditions of employment must continue for at least 30 months from the time of the transfer unless the employees, or where applicable collective bargaining representative, and the municipality mutually agree to different terms and conditions of the employment within that 30-month period.
(13) As used in this section:
(a) "Delivery service" means the providing of electric transmission or distribution to a retail customer.
(b) "Municipality" means any city, village, or township.
(c) "Customer account services" means billing and collection, provision of a meter, meter maintenance and testing, meter reading, and other administrative activity associated with maintaining a customer account.
History: Add. 2000, Act 141, Imd. Eff. June 5, 2000 ;-- Am. 2008, Act 286, Imd. Eff. Oct. 6, 2008 ;-- Am. 2018, Act 515, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018 Popular Name: Customer Choice and Electricity Reliability Act

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 460 - Public Utilities

Act 3 of 1939 - Michigan Public Service Commission (460.1 - 460.11)

Section 460.1 - Public Service Commission; Creation; Members, Appointment, Qualifications, Terms, Vacancies.

Section 460.2 - Public Service Commission; Oath, Chairman, Removal, Quorum, Seal, Offices.

Section 460.3 - Public Service Commission; Salary and Expenses of Members; Appointment of Secretary, Deputies, Clerks, Assistants, Inspectors, Heads of Divisions, and Employees; Payment of Salaries and Expenses; Employment and Compensation of Enginee...

Section 460.4 - Michigan Public Service Commission; Rights, Privileges, and Jurisdiction; Meaning of Certain References; Review of Order or Decree.

Section 460.4a - Effect of Executive Reorganization Orders; Funding; Commission as Autonomous Entity; Appointment of Chairperson; Transfers of Authority.

Section 460.5 - Public Service Commission; Books, Records, Files.

Section 460.5a - Annual Report.

Section 460.6 - Public Service Commission; Power and Jurisdiction; "Private, Investor-Owned Wastewater Utilities" Defined.

Section 460.6a - Gas, Electric, or Steam Utility; Commission Approval to Increase Rates and Charges or to Amend Rate or Rate Schedules; Petition or Application; Notice and Hearing; Partial and Immediate Relief; Issuance of Temporary Order; Refund; In...

Section 460.6b - Gas Utility Rates Based Upon Cost of Purchased Natural Gas; Authority of Commission; Acceptance of Employment With Utility by Member of Legislature.

Section 460.6c - Repealed. 2016, Act 341, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017.

Section 460.6d - Owner of Renewable Resource Power Production Facility; Exemption From Regulation and Control of Public Service Commission; Definition.

Section 460.6e - Repealed. 2016, Act 341, Eff. Apr. 20, 2017.

Section 460.6f - Repealed. 1984, Act 49, Imd. Eff. Apr. 12, 1984.

Section 460.6g - Definitions; Regulation of Rates, Terms, and Conditions of Attachments by Attaching Parties; Hearing; Authorization; Applicable Procedures.

Section 460.6h - Incorporation of Gas Cost Recovery Clause in Rate or Rate Schedule of Gas Utility; Definitions; Order and Hearing; Filing Gas Cost Recovery Plan and 5-Year Forecast; Gas Supply and Cost Review; Final or Temporary Order; Incorporating...

Section 460.6i - Initial Gas Cost Recovery Plan; Filing; Alteration of Rate Schedule in Accordance With Existing Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause; Charges in Excess of Base Rates; Revenues Subject to Existing Reconciliation Proceedings; Purchased Gas...

Section 460.6j - Definitions; Incorporation of Power Supply Cost Recovery Clause in Electric Rates or Rate Schedule of Electric Utility; Order and Hearing; Filing Power Supply Cost Recovery Plan and 5-Year Forecast; Power Supply and Cost Review; Fina...

Section 460.6k - Initial Power Supply Cost Recovery Plan; Filing; Alteration of Rate Schedule in Accordance With Adjustment Clause; Charges in Excess of Base Rate; Revenues Subject to Existing Reconciliation Proceedings; Revenues Resulting From Certa...

Section 460.6l - Insuring Equitable Representation of Interests of Energy Utility Customers; Definitions; Utility Consumer Participation Board; Creation; Powers and Duties; Number and Appointment of Members; “Utility” Defined; Member Requirements; Te...

Section 460.6m - Utility Consumer Representation Fund; Creation as Special Fund; Investment and Release of Money; Remittance by Energy Utility; Factor; Action for Recovery of Disputed Amount; Action on Application for Energy Cost Recovery Proceedings...

Section 460.6n - Restructuring of Residential Electric Rates; Hearings; Revenue Impact; Purpose and Basis of Restructured Rates; Penalizing Residential Customers Prohibited; Informing Public of Conservation Advantages; Contents of Customer's Bill; Co...

Section 460.6o - Definitions; Power Purchase Agreements for Purchase of Capacity and Energy From Resource Recovery Facilities; Rates, Charges, Terms, and Conditions of Service; Scrap Tire; Applicability of Section; Dispute Provisions; Filing Agreemen...

Section 460.6p - Rates Subject to Electric Transmission Line Certification Act.

Section 460.6q - Acquisition, Control, or Merger With Jurisdictional Regulated Utility; Approval of Commission; Notice and Hearing; Issuance of Order; Rules; Filing Comments; Access to Data and Information; Evaluation Factors; Terms and Conditions; C...

Section 460.6r - Definitions; Steam Supply Cost Recovery Clause; Filing Steam Supply Cost Recovery Plan and 3-Year Forecast; Requirements; Steam Supply and Cost Review; Temporary or Final Order; Filing Detailed Statement; Commencement of Steam Supply...

Section 460.6s - Electric Generation Facility; Application; Review Criteria and Approval Standards; Order Granting or Denying Certificate of Necessity; Hearing; Reports; Inclusion of Costs in Utility's Retail Rates; Refunds; Interest; Modifying or Ca...

Section 460.6t - Integrated Resource Plan.

Section 460.6u - Study; Review of Performance-Based Regulation Systems; Report; Authority of Commission.

Section 460.6v - Proceeding to Reevaluate Procedures and Rates Schedules; Report; Definitions.

Section 460.6w - Resource Adequacy Tariff That Provides for Capacity Forward Auction; Option for State to Implement Prevailing State Compensation Mechanism for Capacity; Order to Implement Prevailing State Compensation Mechanism; Contested Case Proce...

Section 460.6x - Shared Saving Mechanism.

Section 460.6z - Discontinuing Utility Service to Geographic Area; Abandonment Application; Proposal to Retire Electric Generating Plant; Proposal to Revise Existing Load Balancing Authority.

Section 460.7 - Railroad Labor Unions; Representatives; Right to Participate in Hearings.

Section 460.8 - Voluntary Associations; Hearings; Persons Entitled to Appear; Industrial Representative.

Section 460.9 - Definitions; Customer Switched to Alternative Gas Supplier or Natural Gas Utility; Prohibitions; Standards; Rules; Violation; Remedies and Penalties.

Section 460.9b - Alternative Gas Suppliers; Licensing Procedure; Maintenance of Office; Capabilities; Records; Tax Remittance.

Section 460.9c - Customer on Active Duty in Military; Shut-Off Protection.

Section 460.9d - Unauthorized Use of Electric or Natural Gas Service Causing Unsafe Connection; Action to Be Taken by Utility; Reestablishment of Service; Abandonment or Surrender of Property; Scope of Section; Definitions.

Section 460.9m - Service Shutoff Resulting in Death or Serious Injury; Notice to Commission; Investigation; Civil Action; "Provider" Defined.

Section 460.9o - Identification of Senior Citizen Customers; Methods; Compliance Within Certain Time Period; Extension; Definitions.

Section 460.9p - Failure of Utility to Meet Requirements of Act; Commencement of Civil Action; Notice; Compliance Agreement; Final Order; Costs of Litigation; Fines; Construction and Limitation of Act.

Section 460.9q - Shut Off or Termination of Service; Conditions; Reasons; Notice Requirements; Prohibitions; Attempts to Contact Customer; Documentation; Restoration of Service; Vulnerable Household Warmth Fund; Creation; Use of Funds; Payments; Dist...

Section 460.9r - Shut Off of Service by Municipally Owned Electric Utility; Prohibitions; Requirements; Definitions.

Section 460.9s - Postponement of Service Shutoff; Conditions; Definitions.

Section 460.9t - Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund.

Section 460.10 - MCL 460.10a to 460.10bb; Purpose.

Section 460.10a - Alternative Electric Suppliers; Orders Establishing Rates, Terms, and Conditions of Service; Licensing Procedure; Switching or Billing for Services Without Consent; Self-Service Power; Affiliate Wheeling; Rights of Parties to Existi...

Section 460.10b - Rates, Terms, and Conditions of New Technologies; Application to Unbundle Existing Rate Schedules; Providing Reliable and Lower Cost Competitive Rates; Standby Generation Service; Identification of Retail Market Prices.

Section 460.10c - Determination of Noncompliance; Order of Remedies and Penalties; Contested Case; Violation as Unintentional and Bona Fide Error; Finding of Frivolous Complaint.

Section 460.10d - Electric Utility Serving Less Than 1,000,000 Retail Customers; Utility Issuing Securitization Bonds; Compliance With Federal Rules, Regulations, and Standards; Security Recovery Factor; Protective Orders; Low-Income and Energy Effic...

Section 460.10e - Connection of Merchant Plants to Transmission and Distribution Systems; Finding of Prevention or Delay; Remedies; Merchant Plant; Standards; Exception.

Section 460.10f - Generation Capacity in Excess of Utility's Retail Sales Load; Determination of Total Generating Capacity; Market Power Mitigation Plan; Application; Approval; Requirements of Independent Brokering Trustee.

Section 460.10g - Definitions; School Properties.

Section 460.10h - Definitions.

Section 460.10i - Financing Order; Recovery of Qualified Costs; Conditions; Amount; Limitation on Period for Recovery of Securitization Charges; Financing Order as Effective and Irrevocable; Evidence of Indebtedness; Time Period to Issue or Reject; R...

Section 460.10j - Securitization Property; Rights and Interests.

Section 460.10k - Financing Order; Effect in Connection With Bankruptcy.

Section 460.10l - Agreement to Transfer Securitization Property as True Sale.

Section 460.10m - Lien and Security Interest; Creation; Changes in Order or Charges Attachment; Perfection; Priority; Sequestration and Payment of Revenues.

Section 460.10n - Securitization Bonds; State Pledge of Certain Conduct.

Section 460.10o - Securitization Bond; Direct Interest in Acquisition, Ownership, and Disposition Not Used in Determining Tax; Obligations of Electric Utility Successor; Assignee or Financing Party as Public Utility.

Section 460.10p - Establishment of Industry Worker Transition Program; Adoption of Service Quality and Reliability Standards; Compliance Report; Rules; Benchmarks; Method for Gathering Data; Incentives and Penalties; "Jurisdictional Utility" or "Juri...

Section 460.10q - Alternative Electric Supplier; License Requirements.

Section 460.10r - Dissemination of Disclosures, Explanations, or Sales Information; Standards; Establishment of Michigan Renewables Energy Program; Plan.

Section 460.10s - Low-Income and Energy Assistance Programs; Availability of Federal Funds.

Section 460.10t - Shut Off of Service; Conditions; Procedures; Definitions.

Section 460.10u - Report.

Section 460.10v - Joint Plan to Expand Available Transmission Capability.

Section 460.10w - Investor-Owned Electric Utility; Ferc Approval.

Section 460.10x - Cooperative Electric Utility; Requirements.

Section 460.10y - Municipally Owned Utility; Requirements.

Section 460.10z - Provisions of Act as Severable.

Section 460.10aa - Impairment of Contractual Rights Under Existing Contract.

Section 460.10bb - Aggregation; Use; Definition.

Section 460.10cc - Provisions as Severable; Certain Rate Reductions as Void.

Section 460.10dd - Appropriation; Hiring Full-Time Positions to Implement Act.

Section 460.10ee - Code of Conduct; Value-Added Programs and Services; Definitions.

Section 460.10ff - Energy Ombudsman.

Section 460.10gg - Long-Term Industrial Load Rate; Findings of Commission.

Section 460.10hh - Nuclear Energy Generation Feasibility Study.

Section 460.11 - Establishment of Electric Rates; Establishment of Eligible Low-Income Customer or Senior Citizen Customer Rates; Public and Private Schools, Universities, and Community Colleges Rate Schedules.