Michigan Compiled Laws
451-1976-2-16 - Part 16 Boards of Education; Powers and Duties Generally (380.1201... 380.1349)
Section 380.1267 - School Buildings; Construction, Addition, Repair, or Renovation; Bids; Exception; Advertising; Security; Opening and Reading of Bids; Rejection of Bids; Readvertising; Local Policy Giving Preference to Michigan-Based Business; Appl...

Sec. 1267.
(1) Before commencing construction of a new school building, or addition to or repair or renovation of an existing school building, except repair in emergency situations, the board of a school district or intermediate school district or board of directors of a public school academy, shall obtain competitive bids on all the material and labor required for the complete construction of a proposed new building or addition to or repair or renovation of an existing school building.
(2) The board, intermediate school board, or board of directors shall advertise for the bids required under subsection (1) by placing an advertisement for bids at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the building or addition is to be constructed or where the repair or renovation of an existing building is to take place and by posting an advertisement for bids for at least 2 weeks on the department of management and budget website on a page on the website maintained for this purpose or on a website maintained by a school organization and designated by the department of management and budget for this purpose. If the department of management and budget designates a school organization website for this purpose, the department of management and budget shall indicate this fact on its website and include a link on its website to the school organization website.
(3) The advertisement for bids shall do all of the following:
(a) Specify the date and time by which all bids must be received by the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors.
(b) State that the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors will not consider or accept a bid received by the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors after the date and time specified for bid submission.
(c) Identify the time, date, and place of a public meeting at which the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors or its designee will open and read aloud each bid received by the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors by the date and time specified in subdivision (a).
(d) State that the bid shall be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the owner or any employee of the bidder and any member of the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors or the superintendent of the school district, intermediate superintendent of the intermediate school district, or chief executive officer of the public school academy. A board, intermediate school board, or board of directors shall not accept a bid that does not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement.
(4) The board, intermediate school board, or board of directors shall require each bidder for a contract under this section to file with the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors security in an amount not less than 1/20 of the amount of the bid conditioned to secure the school district from loss or damage by reason of the withdrawal of the bid or by the failure of the bidder to enter a contract for performance, if the bid is accepted by the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors.
(5) The board, intermediate school board, or board of directors shall not open, consider, or accept a bid that the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors receives after the date and time specified for bid submission in the advertisement for bids described in subsection (3).
(6) At a public meeting identified in the advertisement for bids described in subsection (3), the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors or its designee shall open and read aloud each bid that the board, intermediate school board, or board of directors received at or before the time and date for bid submission specified in the advertisement for bids. The board, intermediate school board, or board of directors may reject any or all bids, and if all bids are rejected, shall readvertise in the manner required by this section.
(7) The board of a school district or intermediate school district or board of directors of a public school academy may adopt and implement a local policy that gives a preference to a Michigan-based business in awarding a contract under this section. The policy may provide for a preference based on the status of the primary contractor as a Michigan-based business or based on the status of 1 or more subcontractors of the primary contractor as Michigan-based businesses, or both. A policy adopted under this subsection shall be consistent with federal statutes and regulations and shall not be applied to a contract that is to be paid with federal funds. Upon request by a school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy that has adopted and implemented a policy described in this subsection, the department of treasury shall disclose to that school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy verifying information as described in section 268(3) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1268. The adoption, implementation, or application of a policy described in this subsection, or a decision not to adopt, implement, or apply such a policy, does not create a cause of action.
(8) This section does not apply to buildings, renovations, or repairs costing less than $20,959.00 or to repair work normally performed by school district, intermediate school board, or public school academy employees. The maximum amount specified in this subsection shall be adjusted each year by multiplying the amount for the immediately preceding year by the percentage by which the average consumer price index for all items for the 12 months ending August 31 of the year in which the adjustment is made differs from that index's average for the 12 months ending on August 31 of the immediately preceding year and adding that product to the maximum amount that applied in the immediately preceding year, rounding to the nearest whole dollar.
(9) As used in this section, "Michigan-based business" means a business that would qualify for a preference in a procurement contract with this state under section 268 of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1268.
History: 1976, Act 451, Imd. Eff. Jan. 13, 1977 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 431, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1982 ;-- Am. 1990, Act 159, Imd. Eff. July 2, 1990 ;-- Am. 1994, Act 278, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1994 ;-- Am. 1994, Act 416, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995 ;-- Am. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 232, Imd. Eff. July 21, 2004 ;-- Am. 2008, Act 540, Imd. Eff. Jan. 13, 2009 Popular Name: Act 451

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 380 - The Revised School Code

Act 451 of 1976 - The Revised School Code (380.1 - 380.1853)

Article 2 - (380.805...380.1644)

451-1976-2-16 - Part 16 Boards of Education; Powers and Duties Generally (380.1201... 380.1349)

Section 380.1201 - Board; Business to Be Conducted at Public Meetings; Validity of Board Actions; Closed Sessions; Legal Meetings; Notice of Meetings; Signing of Minutes; Vice-President to Act in Absence of President.

Section 380.1202 - Record of Proceedings, Accounts, and Business; Public Records; Inspection.

Section 380.1202a-380.1204 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1203 - Conflict of Interest.

Section 380.1204a - Annual Educational Report.

Section 380.1204b - Repealed. 1990, Act 25, Eff. Apr. 13, 1990.

Section 380.1205 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1206 - Conduct of Elections Under MCL 168.301 to 168.315.

Section 380.1210 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1211 - Mills Levied for School Operating Purposes; Limitation; Reduction of Mills From Which Homestead, Qualified Agricultural Property, Qualified Forest Property, Supportive Housing Property, Property Occupied by Public School Academy, a...

Section 380.1211a - Certifications by Department of Treasury; Appeal of Determinations; Appeal Conference; Final Decision.

Section 380.1211b - Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Imd. Eff. July 5, 1994.

Section 380.1211c - Additional Mills; Limitation; Presentation to School Electors as Separate Questions; School District Not Described in MCL 388.1620.

Section 380.1211d - Repealed. 2003, Act 126, Eff. Jan. 1, 2004.

Section 380.1211e - Affidavit Claiming Exemption on Qualified Agricultural Property; Filing.

Section 380.1212 - Sinking Fund; Creation; Purpose; Tax Levy; Audit; Submission of Proposition to School Electors; Election; Ballot; Approval; Definitions.

Section 380.1213 - Filing Certified Copy of Resolution Certifying Taxes to Be Levied; Time.

Section 380.1214 - Additional Millage; Authorization by Resolution; Levy, Collection, and Enforcement Procedure; Proceedings as to First Debt Retirement Fund Tax; Proceedings as to Separate Tax Rate Limitations.

Section 380.1215 - Accounting for Moneys; Fund Designations.

Section 380.1216 - Use of Money Raised by Tax.

Section 380.1217 - Support and Maintenance of Sectarian Schools Prohibited; Transportation of Nonpublic School Pupils.

Section 380.1217a - Purchase, Rental, or Lease of Cars for Board Members or for Chauffeurs for Board Members Prohibited.

Section 380.1218 - Assessment, Levy, and Collection of School Taxes; Budgets; Provisions Governing School Districts.

Section 380.1219 - Annual Budget; Adoption; Budgetary Assumptions; Transmission to Cepi; Submission to Department of Treasury; Information; Potential for Existence of Fiscal Stress Within School District, Intermediate School District, or Public Schoo...

Section 380.1220 - Adoption of or Operation Under Deficit Budget; Prohibition; Requirements; Reports; Deficit Elimination Plan; Approval; Likelihood of Recurring Operating Deficits or Recurring Financial Stress; Failure to Eliminate Deficit; Enhanced...

Section 380.1221 - Deposit of District or Academy Funds; Designation of Financial Institution; Limitation on Deposit or Investment of Additional Funds; “Deposit” and “Financial Institution” Defined.

Section 380.1222 - Deposit of District Funds; Limitation.

Section 380.1223 - Investment of Funds; Authorization; Restrictions; Deposit of Obligations; Commingling Prohibited; Exceptions; Earnings; Deposit of Funds Accumulated Under Deferred Compensation Program; Security; Limitation on Deposit or Investment...

Section 380.1224 - Tax-Deferred Investments for Employees; Purchase; Payroll Allocations; Ownership; Rights Nonforfeitable; Liability for Purchase; Nondiscriminatory Application of Section; “Tax-Deferred Investment” Defined.

Section 380.1225 - Power of Board to Borrow Money and Issue Notes; Purpose; Pledging Money to Be Received From State School Aid; Notes as Full Faith and Credit Obligations; Agreement With Michigan Finance Authority; Due Date; Limitation; School Distr...

Section 380.1226 - Statement of Assessed Valuation of School District.

Section 380.1227 - Estimates of Necessary Taxes; Insurance Reserve Funds; Adoption of Budget; Apportionment of School Taxes.

Section 380.1228 - Contract Between School or Intermediate District and Public School Academy to Provide Services.

Section 380.1229 - Employment of Superintendent and Administrators; Notification of Contract Nonrenewal; Meeting With Board; Contract With Intermediate School District or Another Person to Serve as Superintendent of Schools.

Section 380.1229a - Removal of Person as Superintendent of Public Instruction; Settlement Prohibited; Limitations.

Section 380.1230 - Offer of Full-Time, Part-Time, or Contract Employment; Criminal History Check; Employment as Conditional Employee; Conditions; Voiding Contract and Terminating Employment; Position as Substitute Teacher or Substitute Bus Drivers; R...

Section 380.1230a - Criminal Records Check Through Federal Bureau of Investigation; Employment as Conditional Employee; Voiding Contract and Terminating Employment; Application as Substitute Teacher or Substitute Bus Drivers; Obtaining Copy of Result...

Section 380.1230b - Applicant for Employment; Information Regarding Unprofessional Conduct to Be Provided by Previous Employer; Signed Statement Authorizing Disclosure; Request; Immunity From Civil Liability; Prohibition; Use of Information; Violatio...

Section 380.1230c - Notice of Conviction of Listed Offense; Report to Department; Employment Prohibited; Definitions.

Section 380.1230d - Employee or Applicant for Employment of School District, Intermediate School District, Public School Academy, or Nonpublic School Charged With Crime; Requirements; Violation of Subsection (1) or (2); Person Not Convicted of Crime;...

Section 380.1230e - List of Registered Educational Personnel; Definitions.

Section 380.1230f - Fingerprints Submitted Under MCL 380.1230a and 380.1230g; Maintenance in Afis Database.

Section 380.1230g - Individual Employed or Working Under Contract; Criminal History Check or Records Check; Use of Results Received by Another District; Consent; Request; Use of Results for Limited Purpose; "Misdemeanor Conviction Involving Sexual or...

Section 380.1230h - Disclosure.

Section 380.1230i - Dropout Recovery Program.

Section 380.1231 - Hiring of Teachers; Teachers' Contracts Generally; Teacher of Record; Dropout Recovery Program.

Section 380.1232 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1233 - Teaching or Counseling by Noncertificated Teacher; Prohibition; Exceptions; Notice to Superintendent of Public Instruction; Waiving Student Teaching as Requirement for Vocational Certification; Employment as Substitute Teacher; Ren...

Section 380.1233a - Employment Counseling and Placement Services; Agreement to Establish Joint or Cooperative Service; Assistance; MCL 338.2006 Inapplicable.

Section 380.1233b - Teaching of Certain Courses by Noncertificated, Nonendorsed Teacher; Requirements; Effect of Ability to Engage Certificated, Endorsed Teacher; Waiving Student Teaching.

Section 380.1233c - Engagement of Noncertificated, Nonendorsed Teacher to Teach in Community District Schools; Conditions; Waiving of Student Teaching.

Section 380.1234 - Exchange Teachers; Compensation, Rights, and Privileges.

Section 380.1235 - Sabbatical Leave.

Section 380.1236 - Substitute Teachers; Leave Time, Salary, and Privileges; Applicability of Subsections (1) and (2); Contract; “Day” Defined.

Section 380.1236a - Person or Entity Furnishing Substitute Teachers; Contract; “Entity” Defined.

Section 380.1237 - Employment of Individual Who Does Not Hold Teaching Certificate to Provide Speech and Language Services.

Section 380.1240 - Law Enforcement Agency; Creation.

Section 380.1241 - Liaison for School Safety Commission; Requirements; Duties.

Section 380.1246 - Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, Administrator of Instructional Programs, or Chief Business Official; Conditions for Employment; Continuing Education; Rules; Time Period to Meet Certification Requirements.

Section 380.1247, 380.1248 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1248 - Personnel Decisions Resulting in Elimination of Position; Policies; Collective Bargaining Agreement; Expiration; Action Brought by Teacher; Remedy.

Section 380.1249 - Performance Evaluation System for Teachers and School Administrators; Requirements; Posting Information About Evaluation Tools on Public Website; Effect of Collective Bargaining Agreement; Establishment and Maintenance of List of T...

Section 380.1249a - Assignment of Pupil to Teacher Rated as Ineffective; Notification.

Section 380.1249b - Performance Evaluation System for School Administrators; Requirements; Posting Information About Measures Used for Performance Evaluation; Establishment and Maintenance of List of School Administrator Evaluation Tools; Rules; Trai...

Section 380.1250 - Compensation Including Job Performance and Accomplishments as Factors; Effect of Collective Bargaining Agreement; Length of Service or Achievement of Advanced Degree as Factor.

Section 380.1251 - School Psychological Service; Rules; Reports and Information.

Section 380.1252 - Professional Nursing Services; Rules; Reports; Section Inapplicable to Certain Nursing Services.

Section 380.1253 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1254 - Expenses of Board Members and Employees; Expenditures and Policies as Public Record; Payment; Credit or Debit Card.

Section 380.1255 - School District; Compliance With Public Employees Health Benefit Act.

Section 380.1255a - Medical Benefit Plan for 100 or More Public Employees; Contract Provisions; Medical Benefit Plan for Fewer Than 100 Employees; Effect of Subsection (1); "Medical Benefit Plan" Defined.

Section 380.1256 - Inspecting, Monitoring, Removing, or Treating Asbestos or Material Containing Asbestos; Contractual Agreement to Provide Legal Representation Against Civil Liability.

Section 380.1260 - Repealed. 2018, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Jan. 26, 2018.

Section 380.1261-380.1262a - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1263 - Building Schools; Requirements; Compliance; Review and Approval; Submission of Site Plan to Local Zoning Authority; "High School Building" and "Local Zoning Authority" Defined.

Section 380.1263a - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1264 - Construction of New School Building or Renovation of Existing School Building; Consultation With Law Enforcement Agency Required; "School Building" Defined.

Section 380.1264a - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1265, 380.1266 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1267 - School Buildings; Construction, Addition, Repair, or Renovation; Bids; Exception; Advertising; Security; Opening and Reading of Bids; Rejection of Bids; Readvertising; Local Policy Giving Preference to Michigan-Based Business; Appl...

Section 380.1268 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1269 - Insuring School District or Public School Academy Property.

Section 380.1270 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1272 - Meal Program for Pupils.

Section 380.1272a - Lunch Program; Breakfast Program.

Section 380.1272b - School Meal Programs; Nutritional Standards; Fees; Free and Reduced Price Meals; Free Milk; Confidentiality; Discrimination; Planning and Evaluation of Meals and Other Foods; Fund-Raising Activities During School Hours; Sale of Fo...

Section 380.1272c - Applicability of MCL 380.1272a.

Section 380.1272d - Duties of Department of Education.

Section 380.1273 - Meal Program.

Section 380.1274 - Procurement of Supplies, Materials, and Equipment; Written Policies; Competitive Bids; Approval of Purchase; Adjustment of Maximum Amount; Local Policy Giving Preference to Michigan-Based Business; Items Purchased Through Cooperati...

Section 380.1274a - Energy Conservation Improvements and Operational Improvements; Payment; Contract; Bond; Terms; Removal or Treatment of Asbestos or Other Material Injurious to Health; Issuance of Bonds; Competitive Bidding Requirements; Reports; F...

Section 380.1274b - Purchase, Storage, or Use of Free Flowing Elemental Mercury or Instrument That Contains Mercury; Restrictions; Absence of Mercury-Free Alternative for Instrument; Disposal of Mercury and Instruments Containing Mercury.

Section 380.1275 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1276 - Pedestrian Overpasses; Acquisition or Construction; Payment of Costs; Contracts; Approval.

Section 380.1277 - School Improvement Plan.

Section 380.1277a - Accreditation of Schools in School District; Requirements.

Section 380.1277b - Workgroup.

Section 380.1278 - Core Academic Curriculum.

Section 380.1278a - Requirements for High School Diploma.

Section 380.1278a.amended - Requirements for High School Diploma.

Section 380.1278b - Award of High School Diploma; Credit Requirements; Personal Curriculum; Annual Report.

Section 380.1278b.amended - Award of High School Diploma; Credit Requirements; Personal Curriculum; Annual Report.

Section 380.1278c - Information on Career and Technical Education Programs; Availability; Posting on Website; Providing Information to Pupils; In-Demand Occupations; Credit for Completion of Program; "State Licensed Proprietary School" Defined.

Section 380.1278d - Stem Endorsement; Requirements.

Section 380.1279 - Repealed. 2016, Act 532, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.

Section 380.1279a - Report of Irregularities; Notice to School District or Public School Academy.

Section 380.1279b - Credit Awarded to Pupil Not Enrolled in Course.

Section 380.1279c - Use of Tests to Measure Pupils' Values or Attitudes Prohibited.

Section 380.1279d - Report of Irregularities to Any Person or Entity Involved in Scoring or Administration.

Section 380.1279e - High School Credit in Foreign Language.

Section 380.1279f - Repealed. 1997, Act 177, Eff. June 30, 2001.

Section 380.1279g - Michigan Merit Examination; Definitions.

Section 380.1279h - Academic Credit for Internship; Requirements; Reflection Project; Appeal.

Section 380.1280 - Accreditation.

Section 380.1280a - Specialized or Alternative School or Program.

Section 380.1280b - Grades 1 to 5; Yearly Test or Assessment.

Section 380.1280c - Repealed. 2018, Act 601, Eff. June 30, 2019.

Section 380.1280e - Notice of Adequate Yearly Status; Notice of Accreditation Status.

Section 380.1280f - Grade 3; English Language Arts Proficiency; Assessment; Duties of School District or Public School Academy Board; Pupils Exhibiting Reading Deficiency; Reading Intervention Programs; Summer Reading Camps; Pupils Enrolled in Grade...

Section 380.1280g - Statewide System of Accountability Measurements; Implementation and Administration; Listing of Schools; Alternative Education Campus Summary Status; Letter Grades and Rankings; Peer Review Panel; Status Report.

Section 380.1281 - State Board; Duties Generally; Examination and Audit of Official Records and Accounts; Action to Compel Accounting; Waiver From Compliance With Rules.

Section 380.1281a - Legislative Declarations; Cost Study to Determine per Pupil Resources to Provide Public Education; Contract; Report; Completion.

Section 380.1281b - Reports Required to Be Submitted Under Act.

Section 380.1282 - Grades, Schools, and Departments; Courses of Study; Opportunity to Achieve State Endorsement; Special Assistance.

Section 380.1282a - Repealed. 2001, Act 121, Imd. Eff. Sept. 28, 2001.

Section 380.1283 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1284 - Length of School Year; Certification; Strikes or Teachers' Conferences; Rules.

Section 380.1284a - Common School Calendar; Exceptions; Definitions.

Section 380.1284b - School in Session Before Labor Day; Prohibition; Effect of Collective Bargaining Agreement; Year-Round School or Program; Waiver; Exception; "Labor Day" Defined.

Section 380.1285 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1285a - Child Care Center Subject to Fire Prevention or Fire Safety Requirements; Requirements for Operation of Before- or After-School Program.

Section 380.1286, 380.1287 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1288 - Course Requiring Wearing of Industrial Quality Personal Protective Devices.

Section 380.1289 - Participation of Female Pupils in Interscholastic Athletic Activities.

Section 380.1291 - Local School Security Task Force.

Section 380.1291[1] - Michigan Information Network.

Section 380.1293.added - Post-Graduation Opportunities Informational Packets; Contents; Availability.

Section 380.1294 - Parent Involvement Plan; Adoption; Distribution; Review.

Section 380.1295 - Parental Involvement Contracts.

Section 380.1296 - Auxiliary Services for Pupils in Nonpublic Schools; Use of State School Aid; Scope of Auxiliary Services; Rules.

Section 380.1297 - Educational Program for Certain Children; Board as Agent for Federal Government; Payment of per Capita Operation and Capital Outlay Costs; Deduction of Allotments; Approval; Section Inapplicable to Land Attached Under MCL 380.1298.

Section 380.1298 - Attachment of Land Under Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction; Hearing; Rights and Privileges of Pupils.

Section 380.1299 - Limited Open Forum; Equal Access and Opportunity; Definitions.

Section 380.1300 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1300a - Sexual Harassment Policy.

Section 380.1301 - Pregnant Persons; Expulsion or Exclusion From Public School Prohibited; Withdrawal; Alternative Educational Program or Program of Special Services; Rules.

Section 380.1302 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1303 - Pocket Pager, Electronic Communication Device, or Other Personal Communication Device; Applicability of Subsection (1).

Section 380.1305 - Bomb Threat; Search by School Employee.

Section 380.1306 - School Lockers; No Presumption of Privacy; Search Policy; Assistance of Law Enforcement Agency; Model Policy; Admissibility of Evidence.

Section 380.1307 - Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Public Schools; Uniform Policy; Objectives; Right or Remedy Under State or Federal Law.

Section 380.1307a - Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Public Schools; Adoption and Implementation of Local Policy; Noncompliance as Violation of Act.

Section 380.1307b - Statement of Prohibited Practices.

Section 380.1307c - Emergency Seclusion and Emergency Physical Restraint; State Policy; Provisions.

Section 380.1307d - Documentation and Reporting of Seclusion and Restraint; State Policy; Provisions.

Section 380.1307e - Development and Implementation of Emergency Intervention Plan; State Policy; Provisions.

Section 380.1307f - Data Collection; State Policy; Provisions.

Section 380.1307g - Training; State Policy; Provisions.

Section 380.1307h - Definitions.

Section 380.1308 - Statewide School Safety Information Policy.

Section 380.1308.amended - Statewide School Safety Information Policy; Critical Incident Mapping Data.

Section 380.1308a - Report to Department of State Police on Certain Crimes Occurring at School; Exemption From Freedom of Information Act; Noncompliance.

Section 380.1308b - Emergency Operations Plan; Requirements; Notice; Exemption of Certain Information From Freedom of Information Act; "School Building" Defined.

Section 380.1309 - Conduct Constituting Suspension; Action by Teacher; Report; Supervision; Conference; Return by Student; Adoption of Local Policy by School Board; Definitions.

Section 380.1310 - Physical Assault at School Against Another Pupil; Suspension or Expulsion; Alternative Education Program; Definitions.

Section 380.1310a - Report.

Section 380.1310b - Policy Prohibiting Bullying; Adoption and Implementation; Public Hearing; Submission of Policy to Department; Contents of Policy; Annual Report of Incidents of Bullying; Form and Procedure; School Employee, School Volunteer, Pupil...

Section 380.1310c - Restorative Practices as Alternative or in Addition to Suspension or Expulsion; Definitions.

Section 380.1310d - Suspension or Expulsion of Pupil; Factors; Exercise of Discretion; Rebuttable Presumption; Section Inapplicable for Possession of Firearm in Weapon Free School Zone; Consideration of Factors Mandatory; Definitions.

Section 380.1311 - Suspension or Expulsion of Pupil.

Section 380.1311a - Physical Assault by Pupil Against Employee, Volunteer, or Contractor; Expulsion; Verbal Assault or Bomb Threat; Suspension or Expulsion; Alternative Services; Referral; Reinstatement; Immunity From Liability; Petition for Reinstat...

Section 380.1311b - Strict Discipline Academy; Powers; Definitions.

Section 380.1311c - Repealed. 2014, Act 256, Imd. Eff. June 30, 2014.

Section 380.1311d - Strict Discipline Academy; Organization of Corporation; Authorizing Body; Application; Oversight; Suspension of Power; Fees; Presumption of Legal Organization.

Section 380.1311e - Strict Discipline Academy; Issuance of Contract by Authorizing Body; Placement of Question on Ballot; Submission of Contract and Application to State Board; Selection, Term, and Number of Members of Board of Directors; Contract Re...

Section 380.1311f - Levy of Taxes or Issuance of Bonds by School District.

Section 380.1311g - Strict Discipline Academy; Location; Tuition; Admission Policies or Practices; Enrollment; Types of Pupils; Special Education Pupil; Pupils Committed to High-Security or Medium-Security Juvenile Facility, Mental Health Facility, o...

Section 380.1311h - Strict Discipline Academy; Additional Powers.

Section 380.1311i - School District Subject to Court Desegregation Order.

Section 380.1311j - Use of Certificated and Noncertificated Teachers; Teaching Techniques or Methods.

Section 380.1311k - Personnel.

Section 380.1311l - Authorizing Body as Fiscal Agent; Revocation of Contract.

Section 380.1311m - Strict Discipline Academy; Compliance With Public Employees Health Benefit Act.

Section 380.1312 - “Corporal Punishment” Defined; Infliction of Corporal Punishment by Employee, Volunteer, or Contractor; Exercise of Necessary Reasonable Physical Force; Liability; Violation; Deference Given to Reasonable Good-Faith Judgments; Deve...

Section 380.1313 - Dangerous Weapon Found in Possession of Pupil; Report; Confiscation by School Official; Determination of Legal Owner; “Dangerous Weapon” Defined.

Section 380.1316 - Public School Fraternity, Sorority, or Secret Society Prohibited; Definition.

Section 380.1317 - Public School Employee or Volunteer; Prohibited Conduct; Exceptions; Penalties; Definitions.

Section 380.1318 - Use of Performance-Enhancing Substances in Interscholastic Athletics; Eligibility Policy; List of Drugs to Be Provided by Department of Community Health.

Section 380.1321 - Transportation for Pupils; Requirements; Payment.

Section 380.1322 - Transportation for Pupils; Routes; Rules; Construction of Section; Vehicles.

Section 380.1323 - Transportation of Nonpublic School Pupils to and From Auxiliary Service Sites; Payment of Costs; Applicability of Subsection (1).

Section 380.1324 - Transportation for Pupils; Contracts; Price.

Section 380.1325 - School District, Intermediate School District, or Consortium of Districts Contracting With Other Districts to Provide Transportation for Pupils.

Section 380.1331 - Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.

Section 380.1332 - Transportation for Pupils; Nonmandatory and Noncredit Events; Fees; Rules; Additional School Buses; Insurance.

Section 380.1333 - Repealed. 2016, Act 532, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.

Section 380.1334 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1335 - Boarding Schools; Licensing and Regulation.

Section 380.1336 - Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.

Section 380.1341 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1341a, 380.1341b - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1342 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1343, 380.1344 - Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.

Section 380.1346 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.

Section 380.1347 - United States Flag; Purchase or Possession; Size; Appliances; Display.

Section 380.1347a - Pledge of Allegiance; Recitation; Definition.

Section 380.1348, 380.1349 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.