Sec. 1230b.
(1) Before hiring an applicant for employment, a school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school shall request the applicant for employment to sign a statement that does both of the following:
(a) Authorizes the applicant's current or former employer or employers to disclose to the school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school any unprofessional conduct by the applicant and to make available to the school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school copies of all documents in the employee's personnel record maintained by the current or former employer relating to that unprofessional conduct.
(b) Releases the current or former employer, and employees acting on behalf of the current or former employer, from any liability for providing information described in subdivision (a), as provided in subsection (3), and waives any written notice required under section 6 of the Bullard-Plawecki employee right to know act, Act No. 397 of the Public Acts of 1978, being section 423.506 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(2) Before hiring an applicant for employment, a school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school shall request at least the applicant's current employer or, if the applicant is not currently employed, the applicant's immediately previous employer to provide the information described in subsection (1)(a), if any. The request shall include a copy of the statement signed by the applicant under subsection (1).
(3) Not later than 20 business days after receiving a request under subsection (2), an employer shall provide the information requested and make available to the requesting school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school copies of all documents in the employee's personnel record relating to the unprofessional conduct. An employer, or an employee acting on behalf of the employer, that discloses information under this section in good faith is immune from civil liability for the disclosure. An employer, or an employee acting on behalf of the employer, is presumed to be acting in good faith at the time of a disclosure under this section unless a preponderance of the evidence establishes 1 or more of the following:
(a) That the employer, or employee, knew the information disclosed was false or misleading.
(b) That the employer, or employee, disclosed the information with a reckless disregard for the truth.
(c) That the disclosure was specifically prohibited by a state or federal statute.
(4) The board or governing body of a school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school shall not hire an applicant who does not sign the statement described in subsection (1).
(5) Information received under this section shall be used by a school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school only for the purpose of evaluating an applicant's qualifications for employment in the position for which he or she has applied. Except as otherwise provided by law, a board member or employee of a school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school shall not disclose the information to any person, other than the applicant, who is not directly involved in the process of evaluating the applicant's qualifications for employment. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000.00, but is not subject to the penalties under section 1804.
(6) The board or an official of a school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school shall not enter into a collective bargaining agreement, individual employment contract, resignation agreement, severance agreement, or any other contract or agreement that has the effect of suppressing information about unprofessional conduct of an employee or former employee or of expunging information about that unprofessional conduct from personnel records. Any provision of a contract or agreement that is contrary to this subsection is void and unenforceable. This subsection does not restrict the expungement from a personnel file of information about alleged unprofessional conduct that has not been substantiated.
(7) This section does not prevent a school district, local act school district, public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school from requesting or requiring an applicant for employment to provide information other than that described in this section.
(8) As used in this section:
(a) "Personnel record" means that term as defined in section 1 of Act No. 397 of the Public Acts of 1978, being section 423.501 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(b) "Unprofessional conduct" means 1 or more acts of misconduct; 1 or more acts of immorality, moral turpitude, or inappropriate behavior involving a minor; or commission of a crime involving a minor. A criminal conviction is not an essential element of determining whether or not a particular act constitutes unprofessional conduct.
History: Add. 1996, Act 189, Imd. Eff. May 8, 1996 Popular Name: Act 451
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 380 - The Revised School Code
Act 451 of 1976 - The Revised School Code (380.1 - 380.1853)
Article 2 - (380.805...380.1644)
451-1976-2-16 - Part 16 Boards of Education; Powers and Duties Generally (380.1201... 380.1349)
Section 380.1202 - Record of Proceedings, Accounts, and Business; Public Records; Inspection.
Section 380.1202a-380.1204 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1203 - Conflict of Interest.
Section 380.1204a - Annual Educational Report.
Section 380.1204b - Repealed. 1990, Act 25, Eff. Apr. 13, 1990.
Section 380.1205 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1206 - Conduct of Elections Under MCL 168.301 to 168.315.
Section 380.1210 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1211b - Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Imd. Eff. July 5, 1994.
Section 380.1211d - Repealed. 2003, Act 126, Eff. Jan. 1, 2004.
Section 380.1211e - Affidavit Claiming Exemption on Qualified Agricultural Property; Filing.
Section 380.1213 - Filing Certified Copy of Resolution Certifying Taxes to Be Levied; Time.
Section 380.1215 - Accounting for Moneys; Fund Designations.
Section 380.1216 - Use of Money Raised by Tax.
Section 380.1222 - Deposit of District Funds; Limitation.
Section 380.1226 - Statement of Assessed Valuation of School District.
Section 380.1230b - Applicant for Employment; Information Regarding Unprofessional Conduct to Be Provided by Previous Employer; Signed Statement Authorizing Disclosure; Request; Immunity From Civil Liability; Prohibition; Use of Information; Violatio...
Section 380.1230e - List of Registered Educational Personnel; Definitions.
Section 380.1230h - Disclosure.
Section 380.1230i - Dropout Recovery Program.
Section 380.1232 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1234 - Exchange Teachers; Compensation, Rights, and Privileges.
Section 380.1235 - Sabbatical Leave.
Section 380.1236a - Person or Entity Furnishing Substitute Teachers; Contract; “Entity” Defined.
Section 380.1240 - Law Enforcement Agency; Creation.
Section 380.1241 - Liaison for School Safety Commission; Requirements; Duties.
Section 380.1247, 380.1248 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1249a - Assignment of Pupil to Teacher Rated as Ineffective; Notification.
Section 380.1251 - School Psychological Service; Rules; Reports and Information.
Section 380.1253 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1255 - School District; Compliance With Public Employees Health Benefit Act.
Section 380.1260 - Repealed. 2018, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Jan. 26, 2018.
Section 380.1261-380.1262a - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1263a - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1264a - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1265, 380.1266 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1268 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1269 - Insuring School District or Public School Academy Property.
Section 380.1270 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1272 - Meal Program for Pupils.
Section 380.1272a - Lunch Program; Breakfast Program.
Section 380.1272c - Applicability of MCL 380.1272a.
Section 380.1272d - Duties of Department of Education.
Section 380.1273 - Meal Program.
Section 380.1275 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1277 - School Improvement Plan.
Section 380.1277a - Accreditation of Schools in School District; Requirements.
Section 380.1277b - Workgroup.
Section 380.1278 - Core Academic Curriculum.
Section 380.1278a - Requirements for High School Diploma.
Section 380.1278a.amended - Requirements for High School Diploma.
Section 380.1278d - Stem Endorsement; Requirements.
Section 380.1279 - Repealed. 2016, Act 532, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.
Section 380.1279a - Report of Irregularities; Notice to School District or Public School Academy.
Section 380.1279b - Credit Awarded to Pupil Not Enrolled in Course.
Section 380.1279c - Use of Tests to Measure Pupils' Values or Attitudes Prohibited.
Section 380.1279e - High School Credit in Foreign Language.
Section 380.1279f - Repealed. 1997, Act 177, Eff. June 30, 2001.
Section 380.1279g - Michigan Merit Examination; Definitions.
Section 380.1279h - Academic Credit for Internship; Requirements; Reflection Project; Appeal.
Section 380.1280 - Accreditation.
Section 380.1280a - Specialized or Alternative School or Program.
Section 380.1280b - Grades 1 to 5; Yearly Test or Assessment.
Section 380.1280c - Repealed. 2018, Act 601, Eff. June 30, 2019.
Section 380.1280e - Notice of Adequate Yearly Status; Notice of Accreditation Status.
Section 380.1281b - Reports Required to Be Submitted Under Act.
Section 380.1282a - Repealed. 2001, Act 121, Imd. Eff. Sept. 28, 2001.
Section 380.1283 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1284 - Length of School Year; Certification; Strikes or Teachers' Conferences; Rules.
Section 380.1284a - Common School Calendar; Exceptions; Definitions.
Section 380.1285 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1286, 380.1287 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1288 - Course Requiring Wearing of Industrial Quality Personal Protective Devices.
Section 380.1289 - Participation of Female Pupils in Interscholastic Athletic Activities.
Section 380.1291 - Local School Security Task Force.
Section 380.1291[1] - Michigan Information Network.
Section 380.1294 - Parent Involvement Plan; Adoption; Distribution; Review.
Section 380.1295 - Parental Involvement Contracts.
Section 380.1299 - Limited Open Forum; Equal Access and Opportunity; Definitions.
Section 380.1300 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1300a - Sexual Harassment Policy.
Section 380.1302 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1305 - Bomb Threat; Search by School Employee.
Section 380.1307b - Statement of Prohibited Practices.
Section 380.1307c - Emergency Seclusion and Emergency Physical Restraint; State Policy; Provisions.
Section 380.1307f - Data Collection; State Policy; Provisions.
Section 380.1307g - Training; State Policy; Provisions.
Section 380.1307h - Definitions.
Section 380.1308 - Statewide School Safety Information Policy.
Section 380.1311 - Suspension or Expulsion of Pupil.
Section 380.1311b - Strict Discipline Academy; Powers; Definitions.
Section 380.1311c - Repealed. 2014, Act 256, Imd. Eff. June 30, 2014.
Section 380.1311f - Levy of Taxes or Issuance of Bonds by School District.
Section 380.1311h - Strict Discipline Academy; Additional Powers.
Section 380.1311i - School District Subject to Court Desegregation Order.
Section 380.1311k - Personnel.
Section 380.1311l - Authorizing Body as Fiscal Agent; Revocation of Contract.
Section 380.1311m - Strict Discipline Academy; Compliance With Public Employees Health Benefit Act.
Section 380.1316 - Public School Fraternity, Sorority, or Secret Society Prohibited; Definition.
Section 380.1321 - Transportation for Pupils; Requirements; Payment.
Section 380.1322 - Transportation for Pupils; Routes; Rules; Construction of Section; Vehicles.
Section 380.1324 - Transportation for Pupils; Contracts; Price.
Section 380.1331 - Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 380.1333 - Repealed. 2016, Act 532, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.
Section 380.1334 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1335 - Boarding Schools; Licensing and Regulation.
Section 380.1336 - Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 380.1341 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1341a, 380.1341b - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1342 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1343, 380.1344 - Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 380.1346 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1347 - United States Flag; Purchase or Possession; Size; Appliances; Display.
Section 380.1347a - Pledge of Allegiance; Recitation; Definition.
Section 380.1348, 380.1349 - Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.