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R.S. of 1846 - Revised Statutes of 1846 (45.1 - 45.25)
R-S-1846-45-1-13 - Chapter 13 Chapter 13. of Counties. (45.1...45.25)
R-S-1846-45-1-13-COUNTIES. - Counties. (45.1...45.5)
Section 45.1 - Counties; Boundaries. - Sec. 1. The boundaries of the several counties in this...
Section 45.2 - Counties; Powers, Duties, Privileges and Immunities. - Sec. 2. All the rights, powers, duties, privileges and immunities...
Section 45.3 - County; Body Corporate, Purposes. - Sec. 3. Each organized county shall be a body politic...
Section 45.4 - County Property. - Sec. 4. All real and personal estate, heretofore conveyed by...
Section 45.5 - County Lands; Sale and Conveyance. - Sec. 5. The board of supervisors of each county, or...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-COMMON-JURISDICTION-OF-CERTAIN-COUNTIES. - Common Jurisdiction of Certain Counties. (45.6...45.14)
Section 45.6 - Wayne and Monroe Counties; Common Jurisdiction as to Lake Erie. - Sec. 6. The counties of Wayne and Monroe shall have...
Section 45.8 - Wayne, Macomb and St. Clair Counties; Common Jurisdiction as to Lake St. Clair. - Sec. 8. The counties of Wayne, Macomb and St. Clair,...
Section 45.10 - Counties Bordering on Lake Michigan; Common Jurisdiction. - Sec. 10. The counties now existing, or which may be...
Section 45.12 - Counties Bordering on Lake Huron; Common Jurisdiction. - Sec. 12. The counties now existing, or which may be...
Section 45.14 - Counties Bordering on Lake Superior; Common Jurisdiction. - Sec. 14. The county of Chippewa, and such other counties...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-COUNTY-BUILDINGS. - County Buildings. (45.16...45.18)
Section 45.16 - County Courthouse, Jail, Offices, and Other Buildings; Location, Construction, Maintenance, and Expense Thereof; Examination of Plan for Jail. - Sec. 16. Each organized county shall, at its own cost...
Section 45.16a - County Jails; Contracts for Use; Lockup Required. - Sec. 16a. In lieu of providing a jail, as required...
Section 45.17 - County Prison Limits. - Sec. 17. The prison limits of each county, shall extend...
Section 45.18 - Escape Due to Insufficiency of County Jail; Liability of Sheriff. - Sec. 18. In case of the escape of any prisoner,...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-UNORGANIZED-COUNTIES. - Unorganized Counties. (45.19...45.19)
Section 45.19 - Unorganized Counties; Annexation, Effect. - Sec. 19. Unorganized counties and other districts, annexed, or hereafter...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-DIVISIONS-OF-COUNTIES-ETC. - Divisions of Counties, Etc. (45.20...45.25)
Section 45.20 - Division or Alteration of County; Lands Within County Limits. - Sec. 20. When a county seized of lands shall be...
Section 45.21 - Division or Alteration; Apportionment of Personalty. - Sec. 21. When a county possessed of, or entitled to...
Section 45.22 - Division or Alteration; Settlement by Meeting of County Supervisors. - Sec. 22. The supervisors aforesaid shall meet for the purpose...
Section 45.23 - Division or Alteration; Apportionment of Debts. - Sec. 23. Debts owing by a county so divided or...
Section 45.24 - Disagreement Over Settlement; Arbitration Commissioners, Appointment. - Sec. 24. In case of the division or alteration of...
Section 45.25 - Arbitration Commissioners; Meeting; Determination, Finality. - Sec. 25. Such commissioners shall meet at such time as...
Act 74 of 1911 - Appointment of Deputies (45.41 - 45.41)
Section 45.41 - Deputies of County Officers in Counties Over 50,000; Appointment, Duties. - Sec. 1. In all counties of this state having a...
Act 123 of 1933 - Deputies and Employees (45.51 - 45.52)
Section 45.51 - Deputies and Employees of County Officers in Counties Over 500,000; Appointment, Compensation. - Sec. 1. In counties having a population of more than...
Section 45.52 - Repeal; Effect on Veterans' Preference Act. - Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts, whether general,...
Act 307 of 1917 - Purchase of Supplies (45.81 - 45.97)
Section 45.81 - County Offices; Departments or Institutions; Purchase of Supplies. - Sec. 1. In any county adopting this act, all supplies,...
Section 45.82 - County Purchasing Agent; Appointment, Term, Compensation; Interest in Contracts or Bids Prohibited, Penalty. - Sec. 2. A county purchasing agent shall be appointed by...
Section 45.83 - County Purchasing Agent; Oath; Bond; Conditions; Payment of Premium; Sales Prohibited; Accepting or Receiving Rebate, Commission, or Other Thing of Value. - Sec. 3. The agent, before entering upon the duties of...
Section 45.84 - Purchasing Agent; Advice of County Officers. - Sec. 4. All county officers and heads of county departments...
Section 45.85 - Purchasing Agent; Duties; Estimates of County Officers; Advertisement for Bids; Manner of Purchase, Criteria. - Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the purchasing...
Section 45.86 - Bids; Bond or Certified Check Required; Acceptance. - Sec. 6. Any and all bids or proposals under this...
Section 45.87 - Bids; Inspection by Purchasing Agent; Quality of Supplies, Rejection; Estimates, Content, Filing, Public Inspection. - Sec. 7. All bids shall be opened on the date...
Section 45.88 - Invoices; Transmittal, Approval, Payment; Rejection of Supplies, Replacement. - Sec. 8. Invoices of all supplies of whatever kind shall...
Section 45.89 - Bond of Successful Bidder; Terms, Filing, Recoveries. - Sec. 9. When any bid shall have been accepted, the...
Section 45.90 - Emergency Order; Approval, Purchase, Report, Payment; Limitation. - Sec. 10. In case any temporary or unforeseen exigency should...
Section 45.91 - Purchases to Be in Accordance With Appropriations. - Sec. 11. All purchases by contract, or otherwise, as herein...
Section 45.92 - Purchase of Perishable Supplies; Rules and Regulations. - Sec. 12. The purchasing agent shall frame and transmit to...
Section 45.93 - Clerks; Appointment, Compensation; Annual Report by Purchasing Agent to County Supervisors. - Sec. 13. The purchasing agent shall have the authority, with...
Section 45.94 - Purchasing Agent and Clerks; Appropriation for Compensation; Personal Use of County Supplies, Penalty. - Sec. 14. Such sum of money as may be necessary...
Section 45.95 - Accounts; Condition of Payment; Purchasing Agent, Offices, Supplies and Equipment. - Sec. 15. No account for goods, wares or merchandise purchased...
Section 45.96 - Repeals; Construction of Act. - Sec. 16. All acts or parts of acts in any...
Section 45.97 - Adoption of Act by Counties; Scope. - Sec. 17. The provisions of this act shall not apply...
Act 160 of 1974 - Adjustment of County Boundaries (45.101 - 45.102)
Section 45.101 - Adjustment of County Boundaries; Resolution or Petition; Placing Question on Ballot. - Sec. 1. A city situated in 2 or more counties...
Section 45.101a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 1a. A petition under section 1, including the circulation...
Section 45.102 - Effective Date of Question; Notice of Submission; Form; Certifying Result of Vote and Adjustment. - Sec. 2. The question shall not become effective unless it...
Act 174 of 1943 - Fiscal Year for Counties (45.201 - 45.203)
Section 45.201 - Fiscal Year for Certain Counties; Annual Reports; Filing; Report of County Road Commission. - Sec. 1. (1) Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the...
Section 45.202 - Inconsistent Provisions of Law Superseded. - Sec. 2. This act shall be construed as superseding any...
Section 45.203 - “County” Defined. - Sec. 3. As used in this act, "county" means a...
R.S. of 1846 - Revised Statutes of 1846 (45.318 - 45.324)
R-S-1846-45-318-14 - Chapter 14 Chapter 14. of County Officers. (45.318...45.324)
R-S-1846-45-318-14-FILING-OATHS-AND-BONDS-BY-COUNTY-OFFICERS. - Filing Oaths and Bonds by County Officers. (45.318...45.324)
Section 45.318 - County Officers; Oaths of Office, Deposit, Filing. - Sec. 118. Each of the officers named in this chapter,...
Section 45.319 - County Officers; Deposit, Filing, and Preservation of Bond. - Sec. 119. Each officer required by the county board of...
Section 45.320 - County Officers; Neglect to Deposit Oath or Bond, Penalty. - Sec. 120. If either of the said officers shall neglect...
Section 45.321 - Neglect to Deposit Oath or Bond; Notice, Effect. - Sec. 121. No penalty shall attach on account of any...
Section 45.322 - Prosecuting Attorney; Appointment, Transmittal of Commission, Notice. - Sec. 122. Whenever the governor shall appoint a prosecuting attorney,...
Section 45.323 - Prosecuting Attorney; Oath of Office, Filing; Delivery of Commission. - Sec. 123. The person so appointed shall, before entering upon...
Section 45.324 - County Officers; Commencement of Terms. - Sec. 124. The regular terms of office of the several...
Act 588 of 1978 - Bond Coverage for Officers and Employees of Counties (45.381 - 45.385)
Section 45.381 - Bond Coverage for Officers or Employees of County; Determination by County Board of Commissioners. - Sec. 1. (1) Each officer or employee of a county...
Section 45.382 - Notification of Surety Companies; Contract. - Sec. 2. In obtaining bond coverage under this act, the...
Section 45.383 - Completion of Bonding Requirement; Termination of Honesty and Faithful Discharge of Duty Bonds. - Sec. 3. Within 1 year after the effective date of...
Section 45.384 - Repeal of MCL 45.351 and 45.371. - Sec. 4. Act No. 27 of the Public Acts of...
Section 45.385 - Conditional Effective Date. - Sec. 5. This act shall not take effect unless Senate...
Act 237 of 1919 - Salaries in Lieu of Fees (45.401 - 45.408)
Section 45.401 - Salaries of County Officers; Determination; Exception; Change in Compensation. - Sec. 1. (1) The county board of commissioners of each...
Section 45.402 - County Officers; Statement of Fees Collected, Disposition, Receipts. - Sec. 2. The sheriff, under-sheriff and deputy sheriffs and the...
Section 45.403 - Salaries of County Officers; Payment, Condition. - Sec. 3. The salaries aforesaid shall be paid monthly by...
Section 45.404 - Accounting of Money Received by County Treasurer. - Sec. 4. All money received by the county treasurer by...
Section 45.405 - Sheriffs; Appointment of Under-Sheriff and Deputies; Contracts for Board of Prisoners; Office Supplies, Claims of Salaried Officers for Expenses, Hearing. - Sec. 5. The sheriff shall appoint an under-sheriff and may,...
Section 45.406 - Sheriff; Emergency Appointment of Additional Deputies, Compensation; Report of Expenses, Official Acts and Fees; Appointment of Deputies to Protect Private Interests. - Sec. 6. In times of emergency the sheriff, upon order...
Section 45.407 - Sheriff, Under-Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff; Duties. - Sec. 7. It is hereby provided that this act shall...
Section 45.408 - Violation of Act; Penalty. - Sec. 8. If any sheriff, under-sheriff or deputy sheriffs or...
Act 351 of 1968 - Salaries of County Officers (45.411 - 45.411)
Section 45.411 - Members of County Boards, Departments, Authorities, and Commissions; Compensation. - Sec. 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, members of...
Act 154 of 1879 - Salaries of County Officers (45.421 - 45.421)
Section 45.421 - Salaries of County Officers; Determination; Change in Compensation. - Sec. 1. (1) The annual salary of each salaried county...
Act 261 of 1947 - Salaries; Wayne County (45.451 - 45.457)
Section 45.451 - Salaries of County Officers of County Having Population of 1,000,000 or More; Determination; Fees or Commissions Payable to County; Change in Compensation. - Sec. 1. (1) The salary of the treasurer, prosecuting attorney,...
Section 45.452 - County Officers; Additional Compensation for New Duties Prohibited. - Sec. 2. No officer whose salary is fixed by this...
Section 45.453 - County Officers; Fees Collected, Payment to County Treasurer, Statement. - Sec. 3. The said county clerk, circuit court commissioners, county...
Section 45.454 - County Officers; Record Books and Accounting Forms for Uniform System of Accounts; Audit of Accounts; Rules and Regulations of Board of County Auditors for Deposit and Disbursement of Funds; Duties of County Treasurer. - Sec. 4. The board of auditors of said county shall...
Section 45.455 - Incumbent County Officers; Salaries and Fees. - Sec. 5. The present county treasurer, county clerk, register of...
Section 45.456 - Violation of Act; Penalty. - Sec. 6. Any officer who shall fail to comply with...
Section 45.457 - Repeals. - Sec. 7. All acts or parts of acts, so far...
Act 485 of 1978 - County Officers Compensation Commission (45.471 - 45.477)
Section 45.471 - County Officers Compensation Commission; Establishment; Purpose; Resolution. - Sec. 1. A county board of commissioners may establish a...
Section 45.472 - County Officers Compensation Commission; Appointment, Qualifications and Terms of Members. - Sec. 2. (1) The county officers compensation commission shall consist...
Section 45.473 - Compensation of Elected Officials; Determination; Expenses. - Sec. 3. The county officers compensation commission shall determine the...
Section 45.474 - County Officers Compensation Commission; Meetings; Determination; Quorum; Concurrence of Majority; Chairperson; Expenses. - Sec. 4. (1) The county officers compensation commission shall meet...
Section 45.475 - Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice. - Sec. 5. The business which the commission may perform shall...
Section 45.476 - Resolution Subject to Referendum; Petition; Placing Proposition on Ballot; Effect of Defeat of Proposition; Effect of Determination. - Sec. 6. If a resolution is adopted establishing a county...
Section 45.476a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 6a. A petition under section 6, including the circulation...
Section 45.477 - Conditional Effective Date. - Sec. 7. This act shall not take effect unless House...
Act 34 of 1960 - Money for Flood Control (45.491 - 45.491)
Section 45.491 - Leased United States Lands; Appropriation of Moneys Received for Flood Control, Navigation and Allied Purposes; Payment to County Treasurer. - Sec. 1. All sums of money heretofore or hereafter received...
Act 293 of 1966 - Charter Counties (45.501 - 45.521)
Section 45.501 - Charter County; Body Corporate. - Sec. 1. Every county adopting a charter under the provisions...
Section 45.501a - Authority of Emergency Financial Manager; Authority and Responsibilities of Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board. - Sec. 1a. Notwithstanding any provision of this act, if an...
Section 45.502 - Resolution for Submission of Question on Election of Charter Commission; Adoption by County Board of Supervisors. - Sec. 2. The board of supervisors of any county, by...
Section 45.502a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 2a. A petition under section 2, 5(1), or 19,...
Section 45.503 - Submission of Question to Qualified Electors. - Sec. 3. The resolution shall provide that the question shall...
Section 45.504 - Number of Charter Commissioners to Be Elected; Qualifications of Candidate for Election to Office of Charter Commissioner; Member of County Board of Commissioners as Chief Administrative Officer. - Sec. 4. (1) The county apportionment commission shall set forth...
Section 45.505 - Partisan Election of Charter Commission; Nomination of Candidates; Petition or Filing Fee; Primary Election; Composition and Convening of County Apportionment Commission; Rules of Procedure; Quorum; Majority Vote; Establishment of Ch... - Sec. 5. (1) The resolution shall provide for a partisan...
Section 45.506 - Compensation for Charter Commissioner; Appropriations to Defray Certain Costs. - Sec. 6. Compensation for each charter commissioner shall not exceed...
Section 45.507 - Passage of Resolution; Transmittal of Copies to City, Village and Township Clerks; Notice of Election, Publication, Posting. - Sec. 7. Upon the passage of the resolution, the county...
Section 45.508 - Ballots; Form, Content, Preparation. - Sec. 8. The ballot to be used for the submission...
Section 45.509 - Charter Commission Members; Oath of Office; First Meeting, Notice; Presiding Officer. - Sec. 9. The members of the charter commission shall file...
Section 45.510 - Charter Commission; Organization; Quorum; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice of Meeting; Record of Meetings; Journal of Proceedings; Availability of Writings to Public; Prohibited Action; Duration of Charter Commission; Ba... - Sec. 10. (1) The charter commission shall complete its organization...
Section 45.511 - Charter Commission; Draft of Proposed Charter, Approval; Dissolution Upon Failure to Agree. - Sec. 11. The commission shall draft a proposed charter within...
Section 45.511a - Submission of 2 Alternative Charter Proposals; Dissolution of Charter Commission; Approval of Proposed Charters; Differences Between Charter Proposals; Election of County Executive; Selection, Term, and Removal of Chief Administrati... - Sec. 11a. (1) In a county with a population of...
Section 45.512 - Charter Commission; Vacancies. - Sec. 12. A vacancy in the office of any commissioner...
Section 45.513 - Charter Commission; Employees and Assistants, Appointment, Compensation; Use of County Departmental Personnel; Powers and Duties; Expenses. - Sec. 13. The commission may appoint employees and assistants as...
Section 45.514 - County Charter; Mandatory Provisions; Subsection(1)(d) Inapplicable to Certain Counties; Staggered Terms of Office. - Sec. 14. (1) A county charter adopted under this act...
Section 45.514a - Satisfaction of Condition With Respect to Transportation Employees; Certification by County Road Agency; Failure of County Road Agency to Make Certification; Maintenance of Website; Posting Information; Definitions. - Sec. 14a. (1) Beginning September 30, 2014, each county road...
Section 45.515 - County Charter; Permissible Provisions. - Sec. 15. A county charter adopted under this act may...
Section 45.515a - Ordinance; Designation of Violation as Civil Infraction; Civil Fine; Act or Omission Constituting Crime. - Sec. 15a. (1) Consistent with Act No. 58 of the...
Section 45.515b - Minimum Staffing Requirement; Adoption of County Charter or Ordinance Prohibited. - Sec. 15b. Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory...
Section 45.515c - Retirement System Subject to Protecting Local Government Retirement and Benefits Act. - Sec. 15c. If a county provides a system of retirement...
Section 45.515d - Licensing Requirements Subject to the Local Government Occupational Licensing Act. - Sec. 15d. Any occupational licensing requirements imposed under this act...
Section 45.516 - Proposed Charter; Submission to Governor; Rejection, Revision, Resubmission; Approval; Referendum on Adoption and Election of Officers; Incumbent County Officers, Continuation. - Sec. 16. The charter shall be submitted to the governor...
Section 45.517 - Proposed Charter; Publication; Notice of Election. - Sec. 17. Upon the passage of the resolution by the...
Section 45.518 - Proposed Charter; Rejection, Revision, Resubmission to Electorate; Dissolution of Charter Commission. - Sec. 18. If the proposed county charter be rejected, the...
Section 45.519 - Second Charter Commission; Election Procedures; Provisions Governing; Rejection; Dissolution of Commission. - Sec. 19. Whenever a charter commission has been dissolved, the...
Section 45.520 - Home Rule County Status; When Change Occurs; Incumbent Officers. - Sec. 20. A county is not deemed to have changed...
Section 45.521 - Home Rule County; Succession to and Vesting of Property; Continuation of Rights, Liabilities, Suits, or Prosecutions; Debts, Liabilities, Tax Rates, and Uncollected Taxes and Assessments. - Sec. 21. A home rule county created under this act...
Act 139 of 1973 - Optional Unified Form of County Government (45.551 - 45.573)
Section 45.551 - Optional Unified Form of County Government; Authorization; Effect of Adoption. - Sec. 1. A county which has not adopted a charter,...
Section 45.552 - Optional Unified Form of County Government; Alternate A; Alternate B. - Sec. 2. (1) An optional unified form of county government...
Section 45.553 - Optional Unified Form of County Government; Procedure for Adoption; Effective Date. - Sec. 3. (1) An optional unified form of county government...
Section 45.553a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 3a. A petition under section 3 or 23, including...
Section 45.554 - Abolition of Certain Offices, Boards, Commissions, Authorities, or Departments; Termination of Tenure; Former Powers as General County Government Powers; Powers and Duties of Excepted Boards or Commissions; Certain Powers Neither Min... - Sec. 4. (1) On the date the optional unified form...
Section 45.554a - Annual Certification That Certain Employee-Related Conditions Satisfied; Failure to Make Certification; Withholding Distributions to County Road Agency; Website; Definitions. - Sec. 4a. (1) Beginning September 30, 2014, each county road...
Section 45.555 - Board of County Commissioners as Governing Body of County; Election, Organization, and Procedures. - Sec. 5. Upon the date an optional unified form of...
Section 45.556 - Board of County Commissioners; Powers. - Sec. 6. The board may: (a) Establish policies to be...
Section 45.556a - Ordinance; Designation of Violation as Certain Civil Infraction; Civil Fine; Act or Omission Constituting Crime. - Sec. 6a. (1) Consistent with Act No. 58 of the...
Section 45.556b - Minimum Staffing Requirement; Adoption of Ordinance Prohibited. - Sec. 6b. Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory...
Section 45.556c - Licensing Requirements Subject to the Local Government Occupational Licensing Act. - Sec. 6c. Any occupational licensing requirements imposed under this act...
Section 45.557 - County Manager; Appointment, Qualifications, Compensation, Term, and Removal. - Sec. 7. Within 60 days after an optional unified form...
Section 45.558 - County Manager or County Executive; Powers and Duties. - Sec. 8. (1) A county manager or county executive shall:...
Section 45.559 - County Executive; Nomination, Election, and Term; Vacancy; Salary. - Sec. 9. (1) A county executive who is a qualified...
Section 45.559a - Death or Resignation of Elected County Executive; Successor. - Sec. 9a. (1) For counties with a population of more...
Section 45.560 - County Executive; Responsibility. - Sec. 10. The county executive shall be responsible for the...
Section 45.561 - County Executive; Veto of Ordinance or Resolution; Certification; Overriding Veto; Certain Resolutions or Motions Not to Be Approved or Disapproved; Effective Date of Ordinance or Resolution. - Sec. 11. (1) Except as provided in this section, the...
Section 45.562 - Officials; Powers; Functions; Manner of Election or Appointment; Term. - Sec. 12. (1) Upon the date an optional unified form...
Section 45.563 - Departments; Establishment; Directors; Functions. - Sec. 13. An optional unified form of county government shall...
Section 45.564 - Departments; Consolidation; Transfer of Functions; Creation of Additional Departments; County Manager or County Executive as Director. - Sec. 14. Except as to a department headed by elected...
Section 45.565 - Deputy; Appointment; Department Head and Deputy Exempt From Civil Service. - Sec. 15. (1) Each department head may appoint 1 deputy....
Section 45.566 - Civil Service Commission; Appeals; Secretarial and Clerical Assistance; Personnel and Employee Relations. - Sec. 16. The civil service commission, if existing, shall hear...
Section 45.567 - Employee Retirement and Pension Programs; Retirement Board. - Sec. 17. Subject to the protecting local government retirement and...
Section 45.568 - Title to Property to Be Held in Name of County. - Sec. 18. Upon the date an optional unified form of...
Section 45.569 - Ordinances Previously Enacted. - Sec. 19. When an optional unified form of county government...
Section 45.570 - Provisions of Act Controlling. - Sec. 20. When an optional unified form of county government...
Section 45.571 - Rights Under Civil Service and Merit System Continued. - Sec. 21. Under an optional unified form of county government...
Section 45.572 - Retirement and Pension Rights. - Sec. 22. Subject to the protecting local government retirement and...
Section 45.572a - Retirement System Subject to Protecting Local Government Retirement and Benefits Act; "Retirement System" Defined. - Sec. 22a. For a county that has adopted an optional...
Section 45.573 - Procedures for Abolishing Optional Unified Form of County Government. - Sec. 23. An optional unified form of county government may...
Act 186 of 1989 - County Department of Solid Waste Management Act (45.581 - 45.596)
Section 45.581 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 45.582 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Acquire" means...
Section 45.583 - Department of Solid Waste Management; Establishment; Function; Control; Annual Budget; Appointment of Director. - Sec. 3. (1) The county board of commissioners of a...
Section 45.584 - Solid Waste System; Acquisition, Construction, Improvement, Enlargement, or Extension; Operation and Maintenance; Acquisitions Outside Corporate Boundaries; Consent; Contract. - Sec. 4. (1) A county that establishes a department of...
Section 45.585 - Solid Waste Service; Consent of Public Corporation. - Sec. 5. A county shall not furnish solid waste service...
Section 45.586 - Financing and Contracts; Resolution; Merger. - Sec. 6. For a public corporation that is a county,...
Section 45.587 - Methods of Financing. - Sec. 7. The acquisition, improvement, enlargement, or extension of a...
Section 45.588 - Bonds Generally. - Sec. 8. Bonds issued under this act shall be authorized...
Section 45.589 - Contract Between County and Public Corporation; Purpose; Payment of Obligations; Tax Levy; Methods of Raising Money; Pledge; Powers. - Sec. 9. (1) A county may contract with 1 or...
Section 45.590 - Special Assessment Roll; Objection to Special Assessment District. - Sec. 10. If a public corporation other than a county...
Section 45.591 - Validity of Bonds or Notes. - Sec. 11. A county or a public corporation, including the...
Section 45.592 - Acquisition of Tangible or Intangible Property, Rights, or Processes. - Sec. 12. (1) A county may acquire tangible or intangible...
Section 45.593 - Contract for Furnishing Solid Waste Services to Public Corporation; Charges Subject to Increase; Contract for Purchase or Sale of Solid Waste Services or Acquisition, Operation, Management, or Use of Solid Waste Systems; Term of Cont... - Sec. 13. A county and 1 or more public corporations,...
Section 45.594 - Cost of System. - Sec. 14. The following may be included as part of...
Section 45.595 - Failure to Pay County; Notice; Deduction or Transfer of Money; Legal Remedies for Reimbursement. - Sec. 15. (1) A contract made under this act may...
Section 45.596 - Proceedings to Take Private Property. - Sec. 16. (1) A county may take private property within...
Act 518 of 1998 - County Juvenile Agency Act (45.621 - 45.631)
Section 45.621 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 45.622 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "County juvenile...
Section 45.623 - County Juvenile Agency; Resolution; Approval; Adoption; Powers and Duties of County. - Sec. 3. (1) A majority of the board of commissioners...
Section 45.624 - Resolution of Approval; Revocation by Subsequent Resolution. - Sec. 4. (1) A majority of the board of commissioners...
Section 45.625 - Request by County Executive, Chief Executive Officer, or Manager Required. - Sec. 5. (1) The board of commissioners of a county...
Section 45.626 - Applicability of Act; Eligibility Requirements. - Sec. 6. This act does not apply to a county...
Section 45.627 - County Juvenile Agency; Powers and Duties. - Sec. 7. (1) A county juvenile agency shall provide or...
Section 45.628 - Maintenance of Block Grant Account. - Sec. 8. A county shall maintain the account for the...
Section 45.629 - Annual State Audit. - Sec. 9. An annual state audit shall be conducted of...
Section 45.630 - Placement of Public Wards and Juveniles. - Sec. 10. When a county becomes a county juvenile agency...
Section 45.630a - County as Successor Employer; Conditions of Employment. - Sec. 10a. If the county assumes the operation of any...
Section 45.630b - Plan to Aid Displaced Employees. - Sec. 10b. The family independence agency shall adopt a plan...
Section 45.631 - Existing Agreements Between Family Independence Agency and Private Providers. - Sec. 11. A county becoming a county juvenile agency in...