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R-S-1846-45-318-14-FILING-OATHS-AND-BONDS-BY-COUNTY-OFFICERS. - Filing Oaths and Bonds by County Officers. (45.318...45.324)
Section 45.318 - County Officers; Oaths of Office, Deposit, Filing. - Sec. 118. Each of the officers named in this chapter,...
Section 45.319 - County Officers; Deposit, Filing, and Preservation of Bond. - Sec. 119. Each officer required by the county board of...
Section 45.320 - County Officers; Neglect to Deposit Oath or Bond, Penalty. - Sec. 120. If either of the said officers shall neglect...
Section 45.321 - Neglect to Deposit Oath or Bond; Notice, Effect. - Sec. 121. No penalty shall attach on account of any...
Section 45.322 - Prosecuting Attorney; Appointment, Transmittal of Commission, Notice. - Sec. 122. Whenever the governor shall appoint a prosecuting attorney,...
Section 45.323 - Prosecuting Attorney; Oath of Office, Filing; Delivery of Commission. - Sec. 123. The person so appointed shall, before entering upon...
Section 45.324 - County Officers; Commencement of Terms. - Sec. 124. The regular terms of office of the several...