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R-S-1846-45-1-13 - Chapter 13 Chapter 13. of Counties. (45.1...45.25)
R-S-1846-45-1-13-COUNTIES. - Counties. (45.1...45.5)
Section 45.1 - Counties; Boundaries. - Sec. 1. The boundaries of the several counties in this...
Section 45.2 - Counties; Powers, Duties, Privileges and Immunities. - Sec. 2. All the rights, powers, duties, privileges and immunities...
Section 45.3 - County; Body Corporate, Purposes. - Sec. 3. Each organized county shall be a body politic...
Section 45.4 - County Property. - Sec. 4. All real and personal estate, heretofore conveyed by...
Section 45.5 - County Lands; Sale and Conveyance. - Sec. 5. The board of supervisors of each county, or...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-COMMON-JURISDICTION-OF-CERTAIN-COUNTIES. - Common Jurisdiction of Certain Counties. (45.6...45.14)
Section 45.6 - Wayne and Monroe Counties; Common Jurisdiction as to Lake Erie. - Sec. 6. The counties of Wayne and Monroe shall have...
Section 45.8 - Wayne, Macomb and St. Clair Counties; Common Jurisdiction as to Lake St. Clair. - Sec. 8. The counties of Wayne, Macomb and St. Clair,...
Section 45.10 - Counties Bordering on Lake Michigan; Common Jurisdiction. - Sec. 10. The counties now existing, or which may be...
Section 45.12 - Counties Bordering on Lake Huron; Common Jurisdiction. - Sec. 12. The counties now existing, or which may be...
Section 45.14 - Counties Bordering on Lake Superior; Common Jurisdiction. - Sec. 14. The county of Chippewa, and such other counties...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-COUNTY-BUILDINGS. - County Buildings. (45.16...45.18)
Section 45.16 - County Courthouse, Jail, Offices, and Other Buildings; Location, Construction, Maintenance, and Expense Thereof; Examination of Plan for Jail. - Sec. 16. Each organized county shall, at its own cost...
Section 45.16a - County Jails; Contracts for Use; Lockup Required. - Sec. 16a. In lieu of providing a jail, as required...
Section 45.17 - County Prison Limits. - Sec. 17. The prison limits of each county, shall extend...
Section 45.18 - Escape Due to Insufficiency of County Jail; Liability of Sheriff. - Sec. 18. In case of the escape of any prisoner,...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-UNORGANIZED-COUNTIES. - Unorganized Counties. (45.19...45.19)
Section 45.19 - Unorganized Counties; Annexation, Effect. - Sec. 19. Unorganized counties and other districts, annexed, or hereafter...
R-S-1846-45-1-13-DIVISIONS-OF-COUNTIES-ETC. - Divisions of Counties, Etc. (45.20...45.25)
Section 45.20 - Division or Alteration of County; Lands Within County Limits. - Sec. 20. When a county seized of lands shall be...
Section 45.21 - Division or Alteration; Apportionment of Personalty. - Sec. 21. When a county possessed of, or entitled to...
Section 45.22 - Division or Alteration; Settlement by Meeting of County Supervisors. - Sec. 22. The supervisors aforesaid shall meet for the purpose...
Section 45.23 - Division or Alteration; Apportionment of Debts. - Sec. 23. Debts owing by a county so divided or...
Section 45.24 - Disagreement Over Settlement; Arbitration Commissioners, Appointment. - Sec. 24. In case of the division or alteration of...
Section 45.25 - Arbitration Commissioners; Meeting; Determination, Finality. - Sec. 25. Such commissioners shall meet at such time as...