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Article 1 - (32.1001...32.1006)
Section 32.1001 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 32.1002 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Accuser" means...
Section 32.1003 - Applicability; Convening and Holding Courts-Martial and Courts of Inquiry Out of State; Offenses Committed Out of State; Trial and Punishment. - Sec. 3. (1) This code applies to all members of...
Section 32.1004 - Relieving Person From Trial by Court-Martial; Limitation; Trial by Court-Martial of Person Charged With Fraudulently Obtaining Discharge; Effect of Conviction. - Sec. 4. (1) Subject to the limitation of actions under...
Section 32.1005 - Application by Dismissed Officer for Trial by Court-Martial; Convening General Court-Martial; Jurisdiction; Waiver of Right to Plead Statute of Limitations; Affirming Dismissal; Substituting Discharge Authorized for Administrative I... - Sec. 5. (1) If an officer, dismissed by order of...
Section 32.1006 - State Judge Advocate General and Assistants or Legal Officers; Appointment; Eligibility; Inspections; Communications; Person Acting in Court-Martial Case Prohibited From Acting as Staff Judge Advocate or Legal Officer To, or as a Me... - Sec. 6. (1) The governor, on the recommendation of the...
Article 2 - (32.1007...32.1014)
Section 32.1007 - Persons Authorized to Apprehend Persons Subject to Code; Fees or Charges. - Sec. 7. (1) A person authorized under the rules issued...
Section 32.1008 - Apprehension of Person Charged With Violation by Civil Law Enforcement Officer. - Sec. 8. A civil law enforcement officer of this state...
Section 32.1009 - "Arrest" Defined; Arrest by Military Superior; Probable Cause; Authority to Secure Custody of Alleged Offender Not Limited. - Sec. 9. (1) As used in this section, "arrest" means...
Section 32.1010 - Arrest or Confinement; Warrant of Arrest; Service; Place of Confinement. - Sec. 10. (1) A person subject to this code and...
Section 32.1011 - Refusal to Receive or Keep Prisoner Committed; Statement; Report to Commanding Officer of Prisoner; Taking Prisoner From Pretrial Custody of Person Other Than State Military Forces; Informing Prisoner of Charges and Right to Counsel... - Sec. 11. (1) A provost marshal, commander of a guard,...
Section 32.1013 - Bail. - Sec. 13. (1) Except as provided in section 15 of...
Section 32.1014 - Trial by Court-Martial Limited to Certain Violations; Delivery of Person Subject to Code to Civil Authority for Trial; Conviction in Civil Tribunal; Return to Military Custody for Completion of Sentence of Court-Martial. - Sec. 14. (1) It is the intent of the legislature...
Article 3 - (32.1015...32.1015)
Section 32.1015 - Disciplinary Punishment for Minor Offense; Combination; Serving Correctional Custody; Imposition of Punishment Upon Enlisted Member by Officer in Charge; Suspension, Remission, or Mitigation of Punishment; Appeal; Disciplinary Punis... - Sec. 15. (1) Under regulations issued pursuant to this act,...
Article 4 - (32.1016...32.1021)
Section 32.1016 - Kinds of Courts-Martial. - Sec. 16. The 3 kinds of courts-martial in the state...
Section 32.1017 - Attachment of Court-Martial Jurisdiction and Trial of Accused During Period of Active State Duty. - Sec. 17. (1) Court-martial jurisdiction over a person accused of...
Section 32.1018 - General Court-Martial; Jurisdiction; Powers of Punishment. - Sec. 18. A general court-martial has jurisdiction to try persons...
Section 32.1019 - Special Court-Martial; Jurisdiction; Powers of Punishment. - Sec. 19. A special court-martial has jurisdiction to try a...
Section 32.1020 - Summary Court-Martial; Jurisdiction; Objection by Accused; Sentences. - Sec. 20. (1) A summary court-martial has jurisdiction to try...
Section 32.1021 - Court-Martial; Sentencing Person to Confinement Instead of Imposing Fine. - Sec. 21. A court-martial, instead of imposing fine, may sentence...
Article 5 - (32.1022...32.1029)
Section 32.1022 - General Court-Martial; Convening by Order of Governor or State Adjutant General. - Sec. 22. A general court-martial may be convened by order...
Section 32.1023 - Special Court-Martial; Convening Authority. - Sec. 23. The commanding officer of a garrison, fort, post,...
Section 32.1024 - Summary Court-Martial; Convening Authority. - Sec. 24. The commanding officer of a garrison, fort, post,...
Section 32.1025 - Members for Courts-Martial; Selection; Eligibility; Qualifications. - Sec. 25. (1) Members for all courts-martial shall be selected...
Section 32.1026 - General or Special Court-Martial; Military Judge. - Sec. 26. (1) The person convening a general or special...
Section 32.1027 - General and Special Court-Martial; Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel; Assistants. - Sec. 27. (1) For each general and special court-martial, the...
Section 32.1028 - General or Special Court-Martial; Court Reporters; Interpreters. - Sec. 28. (1) The convening authority of a general or...
Section 32.1029 - General or Special Court-Martial; Members Not to Be Absent or Excused After Arraignment; Exceptions; Reduction of Membership Below Specified Number; Procedure. - Sec. 29. (1) A member of a general or special...
Article 6 - (32.1030...32.1035)
Section 32.1030 - Preferring Charges and Specifications; Signature; Oath; Disposition; Informing Accused of Charges. - Sec. 30. (1) Any person subject to this code may...
Section 32.1031 - Self-Incrimination; Interrogation of Accused or Suspect; Compelling Statement or Evidence Not Material to Issue and Tending to Degrade Person; Statements Obtained From Person Not to Be Received in Evidence; Persons Bound by Requirem... - Sec. 31. (1) A person subject to this code shall...
Section 32.1032 - Investigation of Matters Set Forth in Charge or Specification; Conduct; Formal Report; Contents; Informing Accused of Rights and Other Matters; Opportunity for Cross-Examination and for Presentation; Demand for Further Investigation... - Sec. 32. (1) A charge or specification shall not be...
Section 32.1033 - Officer Exercising Special Court-Martial Jurisdiction Over Accused to Forward Charges to Governor; Report. - Sec. 33. If a person is held for trial by...
Section 32.1034 - Convening Authority to Refer Charge to State Judge Advocate for Consideration and Advice Before Trial; Referring Charge to General Court-Martial for Trial; Formal Corrections and Changes in Charges and Specifications. - Sec. 34. (1) Before directing the trial of a charge...
Section 32.1035 - Service of Charges Upon Accused; Person Not to Be Brought to Trial Within Specified Time Period. - Sec. 35. The trial counsel to whom court-martial charges are...
Article 7 - (32.1036...32.1054)
Section 32.1036 - Procedure to Conform With Code, Rules, and Manual for Courts-Martial United States, 1969; Rules of Evidence. - Sec. 36. (1) All procedure shall be in conformity with...
Section 32.1037 - Convening Authority or Commanding Officer; Censuring, Reprimanding, or Admonishing Court; Coercing or Influencing by Unauthorized Means; Action of Court-Martial or Member of Court-Martial; Applicability; Preparing Report or Making D... - Sec. 37. (1) An authority convening a general, special, or...
Section 32.1038 - Duties of Trial Counsel; Right of Accused to Representation by Civilian Counsel, Military Counsel, or Defense Counsel; Associate Counsel; Conviction; Brief; Assistant Trial Counsel and Assistant Defense Counsel; Performance of Dutie... - Sec. 38. (1) The trial counsel of a general or...
Section 32.1039 - Military Judge; Calling Court Into Session Without Presence of Members; Purposes; Proceedings to Be Made Part of Record and Conducted in Presence of Certain Persons. - Sec. 39. (1) At any time after the service of...
Section 32.1040 - Continuances. - Sec. 40. The military judge or a court-martial without a...
Section 32.1041 - Challenges for Cause and Peremptory Challenges. - Sec. 41. (1) The military judge and members of a...
Section 32.1042 - Persons Required to Take Oath or Affirmation in Presence of Accused; Examination of Witnesses on Oath or Affirmation. - Sec. 42. (1) Before performing their respective duties, interpreters and,...
Section 32.1043 - Trial and Punishment; Limitations; Computation of Time Period. - Sec. 43. (1) A person charged with desertion or absence...
Section 32.1044 - Trial of Accused Twice for Same Offense Prohibited. - Sec. 44. (1) A person subject to this code shall...
Section 32.1045 - Entering Plea of Not Guilty in Record; Entering Finding of Guilty Where Plea of Guilty Made and Accepted; Withdrawal of Guilty Plea. - Sec. 45. (1) If an accused, after arraignment, makes an...
Section 32.1046 - Obtaining Witnesses and Other Evidence; Equal Opportunity; Powers of Military Judge or Summary Court Officer; Process Issued in Court-Martial to Run to Any Part of State. - Sec. 46. (1) The trial counsel, the defense counsel, and...
Section 32.1047 - Offenses Against State; Compliance With Subpoena; Attendance, Qualification, and Testifying as Witness; Production of Evidence; Trial; Jurisdiction; Punishment. - Sec. 47. (1) A person is guilty of an offense...
Section 32.1048 - Military Court; Contempt Power; Punishment. - Sec. 48. A military court may punish for contempt a...
Section 32.1049 - Depositions. - Sec. 49. (1) At any time after charges have been...
Section 32.1050 - Reading in Evidence Sworn Testimony of Person Whose Oral Testimony Not Obtainable; Conditions. - Sec. 50. (1) If not extending to the dismissal of...
Section 32.1050a - Lack of Mental Responsibility as Affirmative Defense. - Sec. 50a. (1) It is an affirmative defense in a...
Section 32.1051 - Voting by Members of Court-Martial on Findings and on Sentence; Rulings by Military Judge Upon Questions of Law or Interlocutory Questions; Finality; Instructing Court as to Elements of Offense and Charge; Court-Martial Composed of... - Sec. 51. (1) Voting by members of a general or...
Section 32.1052 - Conviction and Sentence; Concurrence of 2/3 of Members Present Required; Determination of Questions by Majority Vote or Lesser Vote; Tie Vote. - Sec. 52. (1) A person shall not be convicted of...
Section 32.1053 - Announcement by Court-Martial of Findings and Sentence. - Sec. 53. A court-martial shall announce its findings and sentence...
Section 32.1054 - Record of Proceedings; Authentication; Contents; Filing Original and Copies of Trial Record. - Sec. 54. (1) Each general and special court-martial shall keep...
Article 8 - (32.1055...32.1058)
Section 32.1055 - Cruel or Unusual Punishment Prohibited; Use of Irons Prohibited; Exception. - Sec. 55. Punishment by flogging, branding, marking, or tattooing the...
Section 32.1056 - Punishment and Sentence; Limits. - Sec. 56. The punishment which a court-martial may direct for...
Section 32.1057 - Sentence; Forfeiture of Pay or Allowances; Confinement; Effective Date; Deferring Service of Sentence to Confinement by Governor; Termination and Rescission of Deferment. - Sec. 57. (1) If a sentence of a court-martial as...
Section 32.1058 - Sentence of Confinement; Execution; Discipline and Treatment to Which Imprisoned Person Subject; Omission of Words “Hard Labor” From Sentence; Duty of Keeper or Officer in Charge of County Jail to Receive or Confine Prisoner; Form o... - Sec. 58. (1) A sentence of confinement issued by a...
Article 9 - (32.1060...32.1075)
Section 32.1060 - Forwarding Record to Convening Authority as Reviewing Authority; Exception; Action on Record. - Sec. 60. Except as provided in section 71, after a...
Section 32.1061 - Referring Record to State Judge Advocate; Review and Opinion. - Sec. 61. Except as provided in section 71 and before...
Section 32.1062 - Returning Record to Court for Action; Reasons. - Sec. 62. (1) If a specification before a court-martial has...
Section 32.1063 - Disapproval by Convening Authority of Findings and Sentence; Reasons; Rehearing; Dismissal of Charges; Sentence. - Sec. 63. (1) If the convening authority disapproves the findings...
Section 32.1064 - Approval by Convening Authority of Findings of Guilty and Sentence; Approval of Sentence as Approval of Findings. - Sec. 64. In acting on the findings and sentence of...
Section 32.1065 - Finality of Action on Review of Trial Record Where Governor Is Convening Authority; Review of Trial Record by State Judge Advocate General; Opinion; Final Action; Authority of Governor or State Judge Advocate General in Reviewable C... - Sec. 65. (1) If the convening authority is the governor,...
Section 32.1066 - Final Military Review of Sentence of General Court-Martial or of Sentence to Dishonorable Discharge by Special Court-Martial; Right to Counsel; Appointment by Convening Authority; Representation by Civilian Counsel. - Sec. 66. (1) Upon the final military review of a...
Section 32.1067 - Military Appeals Tribunal; Establishment; Location; Appointment, Reappointment, and Terms of Members; Eligibility; Appointment and Duties of Chairperson; Quorum; Concurrence Necessary for Decision; Removal of Member; Legal, Technica... - Sec. 67. (1) A military appeals tribunal is established and...
Section 32.1068 - Appeal From Final Decision of Military Appeals Tribunal. - Sec. 68. An appeal may be taken to the state...
Section 32.1070 - Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel to Serve as Appellate Counsel; Right to Civilian Counsel; Disability of Defense or Trial Counsel. - Sec. 70. The trial counsel and defense counsel of a...
Section 32.1071 - Execution of Sentence; Approval; Suspension. - Sec. 71. (1) A court-martial sentence involving a general officer...
Section 32.1072 - Violation of Probation; Hearing; Representation by Counsel; Sending Record of Hearing and Recommendation for Action to Governor or Commanding Officer of Force; Vacating Suspension of Sentence. - Sec. 72. (1) Before the vacation of the suspension of...
Section 32.1073 - Petition for New Trial; Grounds; Time Limitation. - Sec. 73. Not later than 1 year after approval of...
Section 32.1074 - Remitting or Suspending Part or Amount of Unexecuted Sentence; Substituting Administrative Form of Discharge for Dishonorable Discharge or Dismissal. - Sec. 74. (1) A convening authority may remit or suspend...
Section 32.1075 - Restoration of Rights, Privileges, and Property Affected by Executed Part of Court-Martial Sentence That Is Set Aside or Disapproved; Exception; Substituting Administrative Form of Discharge Where Previously Executed Sentence of Dis... - Sec. 75. (1) Each right, privilege, and property affected by...
Article 10 - (32.1077...32.1134)
Section 32.1077 - Person Subject to Code as Principal. - Sec. 77. A person subject to this code is a...
Section 32.1078 - Receiving, Comforting, or Assisting Offender; Punishment. - Sec. 78. A person subject to this code who, knowing...
Section 32.1079 - Finding Accused Guilty of Offense Necessarily Included in Offense Charged or of Attempt to Commit Offense Charged or Offense Necessarily Included in Offense Charged. - Sec. 79. An accused may be found guilty of an...
Section 32.1080 - Attempt to Commit Offense; Punishment; Conviction of Attempt Where Offense Completed. - Sec. 80. (1) An act, done with the specific intent...
Section 32.1081 - Conspiracy; Punishment. - Sec. 81. A person subject to this code who conspires...
Section 32.1082 - Soliciting or Advising Another to Desert, Mutiny, or Commit Act of Misbehavior Before Enemy or Sedition; Punishment. - Sec. 82. (1) A person subject to this code who...
Section 32.1083 - Procuring Enlistment or Appointment by Means of Knowingly False Representations or Deliberate Concealment as to Qualifications; Receiving Pay or Allowances; Procuring Separation by Means of Knowingly False Representations or Deliber... - Sec. 83. A person shall be punished as a court-martial...
Section 32.1084 - Effecting Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation of Person Known to Be Ineligible; Punishment. - Sec. 84. A person subject to this code who effects...
Section 32.1085 - Desertion; Member of State Military Forces Not Prohibited From Accepting Employment in Another State or Leaving State in Pursuance of Vocation, Education, or Profession; Informing Commanding Officer of Absence; Waiver; Punishment. - Sec. 85. (1) A member of the state military forces...
Section 32.1086 - Failure to Go To, or Going or Remaining Absent From, Place of Duty; Punishment. - Sec. 86. A person subject to this code who, without...
Section 32.1087 - Missing Movement of Ship, Train, Bus, Motor Convoy, Vehicle, Airplane, or Unit; Punishment. - Sec. 87. A person subject to this code who through...
Section 32.1088 - Use of Contemptuous Words; Prohibition; Violation. - Sec. 88. (1) A person subject to this act shall...
Section 32.1089 - Disrespect Toward Superior Commissioned Officer; Punishment. - Sec. 89. A person subject to this code who behaves...
Section 32.1090 - Striking, Drawing or Lifting Up Weapon, or Offering Violence Against Superior Commissioned Officer; Wilful Disobedience of Lawful Command; Punishment. - Sec. 90. A person subject to this code shall be...
Section 32.1091 - Prohibited Acts by Warrant Officer or Enlisted Person; Punishment. - Sec. 91. A warrant officer or enlisted person who commits...
Section 32.1092 - Violating or Failing to Obey Lawful Order, Rule, or Regulation; Dereliction in Performance of Duties; Punishment. - Sec. 92. A person subject to this code shall be...
Section 32.1093 - Cruelty Toward or Oppression or Maltreatment of Person Subject to Person's Orders; Punishment. - Sec. 93. A person subject to this code who is...
Section 32.1094 - Mutiny, Sedition, or Failure to Suppress or Report Mutiny or Sedition; Punishment. - Sec. 94. (1) A person subject to this code: (a)...
Section 32.1095 - Resisting Apprehension, Breaking Arrest, or Escaping From Custody or Confinement; Punishment. - Sec. 95. A person subject to this code who resists...
Section 32.1096 - Releasing Prisoner or Permitting Prisoner to Escape; Punishment. - Sec. 96. A person subject to this code who, without...
Section 32.1097 - Wrongful Apprehension, Arrest, or Confinement of Person; Punishment. - Sec. 97. Except as provided by law, a person subject...
Section 32.1098 - Unnecessary Delay in Disposition of Accused Person's Case; Failure to Enforce or Comply With Code Provision Regulating Proceedings Before, During, or After Trial; Punishment. - Sec. 98. A person subject to this code shall be...
Section 32.1099 - Prohibited Acts Committed Before or in Presence of Enemy, in Peacetime Emergency, or Civil Disturbance; Punishment. - Sec. 99. A person subject to this code who before...
Section 32.1100 - Compelling or Attempting to Compel Commander to Abandon or Give Up to Enemy Place, Vessel, Aircraft, or Property; Striking Colors or Flag to Enemy Without Authority; Punishment. - Sec. 100. A person subject to this code who compels...
Section 32.1101 - Disclosure of Countersign or Giving Different Countersign During Declared State of Emergency; Punishment. - Sec. 101. A person subject to this code who in...
Section 32.1102 - Forcing a Safeguard; Punishment. - Sec. 102. A person subject to this code who forces...
Section 32.1103 - Securing Public Property Taken in Performance of Duty; Giving Notice and Turning Over to Proper Authority Captured or Abandoned Property; Prohibited Acts; Punishment. - Sec. 103. (1) A person subject to this code shall...
Section 32.1104 - Aiding or Attempting to Aid Enemy; Harboring, Protecting, or Giving Intelligence To, or Communicating, Corresponding, or Holding Intercourse With, Enemy; Punishment. - Sec. 104. A person subject to this code shall be...
Section 32.1105 - Prohibited Acts Committed While in Hands of Captor During Declared State of Emergency or Civil Disturbance; Punishment. - Sec. 105. (1) A person subject to this code who,...
Section 32.1107 - Signing or Making False Document or False Official Statement; Punishment. - Sec. 107. A person subject to this code who, with...
Section 32.1108 - Loss, Damage, Destruction, or Unauthorized Sale or Disposal of Military Property; Punishment. - Sec. 108. (1) A person subject to this code shall...
Section 32.1109 - Wasting, Spoiling, or Destroying Property; Punishment. - Sec. 109. (1) A person subject to this code, while...
Section 32.1111 - Operation of Military Vehicle or Aircraft While Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor in Reckless or Wanton Manner or Without Authority; Punishment. - Sec. 111. A person subject to this code who operates...
Section 32.1112 - Person Found Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Controlled Substance While in Uniform or on State Military Property; Punishment. - Sec. 112. (1) A person subject to this code who...
Section 32.1113 - Sentinel or Guard Found Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Controlled Substance or Sleeping Upon Post; Leaving Post Before Being Relieved; Punishment. - Sec. 113. A sentinel or guard subject to this code...
Section 32.1114 - Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to person who fights,...
Section 32.1115 - Feigning Illness, Physical Disablement, Mental Lapse, or Derangement, or Intentionally Inflicting Self-Injury to Avoid Work, Duty, or Service; Punishment. - Sec. 115. A person subject to this code who for...
Section 32.1116 - Causing or Participating in Riot or Breach of Peace; Punishment. - Sec. 116. A person subject to this code who causes...
Section 32.1117 - Using Provoking or Reproachful Words or Gestures While in Duty Status; Punishment. - Sec. 117. A person subject to this code who while...
Section 32.1121 - Depriving Owner of Property or Money; Larceny; Punishment. - Sec. 121. (1) A person subject to this code who...
Section 32.1131 - Giving False Testimony in a Proceeding as Perjury; Punishment. - Sec. 131. A person subject to this code who in...
Section 32.1132 - Making False Claims; Prohibited Acts; Punishment. - Sec. 132. (1) A person subject to this code shall...
Section 32.1133 - Conduct Unbecoming an Officer; Conviction; Punishment. - Sec. 133. A commissioned officer or warrant officer who is...
Section 32.1134 - Cognizance by Court-Martial of a Disorder or Neglect to Prejudice of Good Order and Discipline; Punishment. - Sec. 134. (1) A person subject to this code shall...
Article 11 - (32.1135...32.1148)
Section 32.1135 - Court of Inquiry; Convening Authority; Membership; Appointment of Counsel; Rights of Person Having Direct Interest in Subject of Inquiry; Challenges for Cause; Oath or Affirmation; Witnesses; Findings of Fact; Record of Proceedings;... - Sec. 135. (1) A court of inquiry to investigate any...
Section 32.1136 - Officers Having Power to Administer Oaths; Affidavits; Signature and Title of Office as Prima Facie Evidence of Officer's Authority. - Sec. 136. (1) The following officers of the state military...
Section 32.1137 - Sections to Be Explained to Enlisted Person; Availability of Code and Rules. - Sec. 137. Sections 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,...
Section 32.1138 - Complaint to Superior Officer Concerning Commanding Officer; Forwarding Complaint to Officer Exercising General Court-Martial Jurisdiction; Examination; Redress; Transmitting True Statement of Complaint With Proceedings, to Adjutant... - Sec. 138. A member of the state military forces who...
Section 32.1139 - Complaint to Commanding Officer Concerning Wilful Damage To, or Wrongful Taking Of, Property of Person; Convening Board to Investigate Complaint; Membership and Powers of Board; Assessment, Approval, and Payment of Damages. - Sec. 139. (1) If a complaint is made to a...
Section 32.1140 - Delegation and Subdelegation of Authority Vested in Governor. - Sec. 140. The governor is authorized to delegate the authority...
Section 32.1141 - Determining Moral Character, Capacity, and General Fitness of Officer or Warrant Officer; Efficiency Board; Unfavorable Findings; Demanding Court of Inquiry; Adverse Finding; Discharge; Procedural and Other Rules; Right to Counsel. - Sec. 141. (1) The moral character, capacity, and general fitness...
Section 32.1142 - Action or Proceeding Not to Be Prosecuted or Maintained Against Convening Authority, Member of Military Court, or Officer or Person Acting Under Convening Authority or Reviewing Proceedings. - Sec. 142. An action or proceeding shall not be prosecuted...
Section 32.1143 - Jurisdiction of Military Courts and Board; Presumption; Burden of Proof. - Sec. 143. The jurisdiction of the military courts and board...
Section 32.1144 - Appointing and Removing Person or Persons to Execute or Serve Process, Mandate, or Order. - Sec. 144. Each summary court-martial and the president of any...
Section 32.1145 - Issuance of Process, Mandates, and Subpoenas Duces Tecum; Form; Enforcement; Person to Whom Directed; Execution or Service and Return; Demanding or Requiring Payment of Fee or Charge Prohibited. - Sec. 145. (1) A military court is empowered to issue...
Section 32.1146 - Fine; Payment; Delivery; Deduction From Pay or Allowance Due Delinquent Offender; Payment of Fine or Penalty to State Treasurer. - Sec. 146. A fine ordered under this act shall be...
Section 32.1147 - Rules. - Sec. 147. The adjutant general or the state judge advocate...
Section 32.1148 - Repeal of MCL 32.301 to 32.427. - Sec. 148. Act No. 297 of the Public Acts of...