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Section 32.1055 - Cruel or Unusual Punishment Prohibited; Use of Irons Prohibited; Exception. - Sec. 55. Punishment by flogging, branding, marking, or tattooing the...
Section 32.1056 - Punishment and Sentence; Limits. - Sec. 56. The punishment which a court-martial may direct for...
Section 32.1057 - Sentence; Forfeiture of Pay or Allowances; Confinement; Effective Date; Deferring Service of Sentence to Confinement by Governor; Termination and Rescission of Deferment. - Sec. 57. (1) If a sentence of a court-martial as...
Section 32.1058 - Sentence of Confinement; Execution; Discipline and Treatment to Which Imprisoned Person Subject; Omission of Words “Hard Labor” From Sentence; Duty of Keeper or Officer in Charge of County Jail to Receive or Confine Prisoner; Form o... - Sec. 58. (1) A sentence of confinement issued by a...