Michigan Compiled Laws
Article 10 - (32.1077...32.1134)
Section 32.1083 - Procuring Enlistment or Appointment by Means of Knowingly False Representations or Deliberate Concealment as to Qualifications; Receiving Pay or Allowances; Procuring Separation by Means of Knowingly False Representations or Deliber...

Sec. 83.
A person shall be punished as a court-martial directs if the person commits 1 of the following acts:
(a) Procures his or her own enlistment or appointment in the state military forces by means of knowingly false representations or deliberate concealment as to his or her qualifications for that enlistment or appointment and receives pay or allowances under the enlistment.
(b) Procures his or her own separation from the state military forces by means of knowingly false representations or deliberate concealment as to his or her eligibility for the separation.
History: 1980, Act 523, Eff. Mar. 31, 1981

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 32 - Military Establishment

Act 523 of 1980 - Michigan Code of Military Justice of 1980 (32.1001 - 32.1148)

Article 10 - (32.1077...32.1134)

Section 32.1077 - Person Subject to Code as Principal.

Section 32.1078 - Receiving, Comforting, or Assisting Offender; Punishment.

Section 32.1079 - Finding Accused Guilty of Offense Necessarily Included in Offense Charged or of Attempt to Commit Offense Charged or Offense Necessarily Included in Offense Charged.

Section 32.1080 - Attempt to Commit Offense; Punishment; Conviction of Attempt Where Offense Completed.

Section 32.1081 - Conspiracy; Punishment.

Section 32.1082 - Soliciting or Advising Another to Desert, Mutiny, or Commit Act of Misbehavior Before Enemy or Sedition; Punishment.

Section 32.1083 - Procuring Enlistment or Appointment by Means of Knowingly False Representations or Deliberate Concealment as to Qualifications; Receiving Pay or Allowances; Procuring Separation by Means of Knowingly False Representations or Deliber...

Section 32.1084 - Effecting Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation of Person Known to Be Ineligible; Punishment.

Section 32.1085 - Desertion; Member of State Military Forces Not Prohibited From Accepting Employment in Another State or Leaving State in Pursuance of Vocation, Education, or Profession; Informing Commanding Officer of Absence; Waiver; Punishment.

Section 32.1086 - Failure to Go To, or Going or Remaining Absent From, Place of Duty; Punishment.

Section 32.1087 - Missing Movement of Ship, Train, Bus, Motor Convoy, Vehicle, Airplane, or Unit; Punishment.

Section 32.1088 - Use of Contemptuous Words; Prohibition; Violation.

Section 32.1089 - Disrespect Toward Superior Commissioned Officer; Punishment.

Section 32.1090 - Striking, Drawing or Lifting Up Weapon, or Offering Violence Against Superior Commissioned Officer; Wilful Disobedience of Lawful Command; Punishment.

Section 32.1091 - Prohibited Acts by Warrant Officer or Enlisted Person; Punishment.

Section 32.1092 - Violating or Failing to Obey Lawful Order, Rule, or Regulation; Dereliction in Performance of Duties; Punishment.

Section 32.1093 - Cruelty Toward or Oppression or Maltreatment of Person Subject to Person's Orders; Punishment.

Section 32.1094 - Mutiny, Sedition, or Failure to Suppress or Report Mutiny or Sedition; Punishment.

Section 32.1095 - Resisting Apprehension, Breaking Arrest, or Escaping From Custody or Confinement; Punishment.

Section 32.1096 - Releasing Prisoner or Permitting Prisoner to Escape; Punishment.

Section 32.1097 - Wrongful Apprehension, Arrest, or Confinement of Person; Punishment.

Section 32.1098 - Unnecessary Delay in Disposition of Accused Person's Case; Failure to Enforce or Comply With Code Provision Regulating Proceedings Before, During, or After Trial; Punishment.

Section 32.1099 - Prohibited Acts Committed Before or in Presence of Enemy, in Peacetime Emergency, or Civil Disturbance; Punishment.

Section 32.1100 - Compelling or Attempting to Compel Commander to Abandon or Give Up to Enemy Place, Vessel, Aircraft, or Property; Striking Colors or Flag to Enemy Without Authority; Punishment.

Section 32.1101 - Disclosure of Countersign or Giving Different Countersign During Declared State of Emergency; Punishment.

Section 32.1102 - Forcing a Safeguard; Punishment.

Section 32.1103 - Securing Public Property Taken in Performance of Duty; Giving Notice and Turning Over to Proper Authority Captured or Abandoned Property; Prohibited Acts; Punishment.

Section 32.1104 - Aiding or Attempting to Aid Enemy; Harboring, Protecting, or Giving Intelligence To, or Communicating, Corresponding, or Holding Intercourse With, Enemy; Punishment.

Section 32.1105 - Prohibited Acts Committed While in Hands of Captor During Declared State of Emergency or Civil Disturbance; Punishment.

Section 32.1107 - Signing or Making False Document or False Official Statement; Punishment.

Section 32.1108 - Loss, Damage, Destruction, or Unauthorized Sale or Disposal of Military Property; Punishment.

Section 32.1109 - Wasting, Spoiling, or Destroying Property; Punishment.

Section 32.1111 - Operation of Military Vehicle or Aircraft While Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor in Reckless or Wanton Manner or Without Authority; Punishment.

Section 32.1112 - Person Found Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Controlled Substance While in Uniform or on State Military Property; Punishment.

Section 32.1113 - Sentinel or Guard Found Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Controlled Substance or Sleeping Upon Post; Leaving Post Before Being Relieved; Punishment.

Section 32.1114 - Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016.

Section 32.1115 - Feigning Illness, Physical Disablement, Mental Lapse, or Derangement, or Intentionally Inflicting Self-Injury to Avoid Work, Duty, or Service; Punishment.

Section 32.1116 - Causing or Participating in Riot or Breach of Peace; Punishment.

Section 32.1117 - Using Provoking or Reproachful Words or Gestures While in Duty Status; Punishment.

Section 32.1121 - Depriving Owner of Property or Money; Larceny; Punishment.

Section 32.1131 - Giving False Testimony in a Proceeding as Perjury; Punishment.

Section 32.1132 - Making False Claims; Prohibited Acts; Punishment.

Section 32.1133 - Conduct Unbecoming an Officer; Conviction; Punishment.

Section 32.1134 - Cognizance by Court-Martial of a Disorder or Neglect to Prejudice of Good Order and Discipline; Punishment.