Michigan Compiled Laws
Article 11 - (32.1135...32.1148)
Section 32.1143 - Jurisdiction of Military Courts and Board; Presumption; Burden of Proof.

Sec. 143.
The jurisdiction of the military courts and board established by this code shall be presumed and the burden of proof shall rest on a person seeking to remove a court or board of jurisdiction in an action or proceeding.
History: 1980, Act 523, Eff. Mar. 31, 1981

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 32 - Military Establishment

Act 523 of 1980 - Michigan Code of Military Justice of 1980 (32.1001 - 32.1148)

Article 11 - (32.1135...32.1148)

Section 32.1135 - Court of Inquiry; Convening Authority; Membership; Appointment of Counsel; Rights of Person Having Direct Interest in Subject of Inquiry; Challenges for Cause; Oath or Affirmation; Witnesses; Findings of Fact; Record of Proceedings;...

Section 32.1136 - Officers Having Power to Administer Oaths; Affidavits; Signature and Title of Office as Prima Facie Evidence of Officer's Authority.

Section 32.1137 - Sections to Be Explained to Enlisted Person; Availability of Code and Rules.

Section 32.1138 - Complaint to Superior Officer Concerning Commanding Officer; Forwarding Complaint to Officer Exercising General Court-Martial Jurisdiction; Examination; Redress; Transmitting True Statement of Complaint With Proceedings, to Adjutant...

Section 32.1139 - Complaint to Commanding Officer Concerning Wilful Damage To, or Wrongful Taking Of, Property of Person; Convening Board to Investigate Complaint; Membership and Powers of Board; Assessment, Approval, and Payment of Damages.

Section 32.1140 - Delegation and Subdelegation of Authority Vested in Governor.

Section 32.1141 - Determining Moral Character, Capacity, and General Fitness of Officer or Warrant Officer; Efficiency Board; Unfavorable Findings; Demanding Court of Inquiry; Adverse Finding; Discharge; Procedural and Other Rules; Right to Counsel.

Section 32.1142 - Action or Proceeding Not to Be Prosecuted or Maintained Against Convening Authority, Member of Military Court, or Officer or Person Acting Under Convening Authority or Reviewing Proceedings.

Section 32.1143 - Jurisdiction of Military Courts and Board; Presumption; Burden of Proof.

Section 32.1144 - Appointing and Removing Person or Persons to Execute or Serve Process, Mandate, or Order.

Section 32.1145 - Issuance of Process, Mandates, and Subpoenas Duces Tecum; Form; Enforcement; Person to Whom Directed; Execution or Service and Return; Demanding or Requiring Payment of Fee or Charge Prohibited.

Section 32.1146 - Fine; Payment; Delivery; Deduction From Pay or Allowance Due Delinquent Offender; Payment of Fine or Penalty to State Treasurer.

Section 32.1147 - Rules.

Section 32.1148 - Repeal of MCL 32.301 to 32.427.