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Section 32.1030 - Preferring Charges and Specifications; Signature; Oath; Disposition; Informing Accused of Charges. - Sec. 30. (1) Any person subject to this code may...
Section 32.1031 - Self-Incrimination; Interrogation of Accused or Suspect; Compelling Statement or Evidence Not Material to Issue and Tending to Degrade Person; Statements Obtained From Person Not to Be Received in Evidence; Persons Bound by Requirem... - Sec. 31. (1) A person subject to this code shall...
Section 32.1032 - Investigation of Matters Set Forth in Charge or Specification; Conduct; Formal Report; Contents; Informing Accused of Rights and Other Matters; Opportunity for Cross-Examination and for Presentation; Demand for Further Investigation... - Sec. 32. (1) A charge or specification shall not be...
Section 32.1033 - Officer Exercising Special Court-Martial Jurisdiction Over Accused to Forward Charges to Governor; Report. - Sec. 33. If a person is held for trial by...
Section 32.1034 - Convening Authority to Refer Charge to State Judge Advocate for Consideration and Advice Before Trial; Referring Charge to General Court-Martial for Trial; Formal Corrections and Changes in Charges and Specifications. - Sec. 34. (1) Before directing the trial of a charge...
Section 32.1035 - Service of Charges Upon Accused; Person Not to Be Brought to Trial Within Specified Time Period. - Sec. 35. The trial counsel to whom court-martial charges are...