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Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Michigan code of military justice of 1980". History: 1980, Act 523, Eff. Mar. 31, 1981
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 32 - Military Establishment
Act 523 of 1980 - Michigan Code of Military Justice of 1980 (32.1001 - 32.1148)
Article 1 - (32.1001...32.1006)
Section 32.1001 - Short Title.
Section 32.1002 - Definitions.
Section 32.1003 - Applicability; Convening and Holding Courts-Martial and Courts of Inquiry Out of State; Offenses Committed Out of State; Trial and Punishment.
Section 32.1004 - Relieving Person From Trial by Court-Martial; Limitation; Trial by Court-Martial of Person Charged With Fraudulently Obtaining Discharge; Effect of Conviction.
Section 32.1005 - Application by Dismissed Officer for Trial by Court-Martial; Convening General Court-Martial; Jurisdiction; Waiver of Right to Plead Statute of Limitations; Affirming Dismissal; Substituting Discharge Authorized for Administrative I...
Section 32.1006 - State Judge Advocate General and Assistants or Legal Officers; Appointment; Eligibility; Inspections; Communications; Person Acting in Court-Martial Case Prohibited From Acting as Staff Judge Advocate or Legal Officer To, or as a Me...