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Section 141.1321a - Legislative Findings. - Sec. 1a. (1) The legislature finds all of the following:...
Section 141.1322 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Assessment" means...
Section 141.1323 - Marketing Program Notice; Filing; Contents; Assessment; Limitation; Mailing; Form; Effectiveness; Referendum; Effective Date of Assessment. - Sec. 3. (1) A bureau that has its principal place...
Section 141.1324 - Marketing Program; Provisions. - Sec. 4. A marketing program may include all or any...
Section 141.1325 - Payment by Owner of Transient Facility in Assessment District; Copies of Use Tax Returns; Forwarding to Certified Public Accountants; Interest; Liability for Payment; Notice Required. - Sec. 5. (1) Upon the effective date of an assessment,...
Section 141.1326 - State Funds Prohibited; Disposition of Money; Disbursement; Financial Statements; Audit; Mailing. - Sec. 6. (1) The assessment revenues collected pursuant to this...
Section 141.1327 - Advisory Committee. - Sec. 7. (1) Upon the effective date of the establishment...
Section 141.1327a - Board Meeting; Annual Marketing Plan. - Sec. 7a. The board at regular intervals, but not less...
Section 141.1327b - Master Plan; Travel Bureau; Disapproval of Annual Marketing Plan. - Sec. 7b. (1) The vice-president of the travel bureau and...
Section 141.1328 - Discontinuance of Assessment; Referendum; Resolution; Further Referendum. - Sec. 8. (1) At any time 2 years or more...
Act 554 of 2008 - Regional Convention Facility Authority Act (141.1351 - 141.1379)
Section 141.1351 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1353 - Legislative Findings. - Sec. 3. The legislature finds and declares all of the...
Section 141.1355 - Definitions. - ***** 141.1355 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 141.1355.amended - Definitions. - ***** 141.1355.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 141.1357 - Qualified Metropolitan Area; Creation of Authority; Authority as Municipal Public Body Corporate and Politic; Powers, Duties, and Jurisdictions; Name; Transfer of Qualified Convention Facility From Qualified City to Authority; Exem... - Sec. 7. (1) For an area of this state that...
Section 141.1359 - Board of Directors; Membership; Qualifications; "Local Government" Defined; Terms; Vacancy; Filing of Appointment; Oath; Compensation; Individuals Prohibited From Appointment. - Sec. 9. (1) An authority created under this act shall...
Section 141.1361 - Board; Meeting; Election of Chairperson and Officers; Actions Requiring Unanimous Consent; Business Conducted at Public Meeting; Availability of Records and Documents to Public; System of Accounts; Annual Audit; Budget; Contracts;... - Sec. 11. (1) Within not more than 30 days following...
Section 141.1363 - Chief Executive Officer; Appointment; Compensation; Duties; Responsibilities; Service; Powers; Bond; Certain Conduct Prohibited. - Sec. 13. (1) A board may appoint and fix the...
Section 141.1365 - Board Member or Officer, Appointee, or Employee of Authority; Discharge of Duties; Nonpartisan; Reliance on Certain Opinions, Reports, or Statements; Adoption of Bylaws; Personal Liability; Insurance; Conflicts of Interest; Ethics... - Sec. 15. (1) A board member or an officer, employee,...
Section 141.1367 - Authority; Powers and Duties; Levy of Tax. - ***** 141.1367 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 141.1367.amended - Authority; Powers and Duties; Levy of Tax. - ***** 141.1367.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 141.1369 - Transfer of Qualified Convention Facility to Authority; Resolution Disapproving Transfer; Leasing of Qualified Convention Facility to Authority; Lease Requirements; Actions to Occur on Transfer Date; Duties and Obligations of Auth... - Sec. 19. (1) Within 45 days of January 20, 2009...
Section 141.1371 - Transfer of Employees to Authority; Reassignment of Employees Within Local Government; Representation; Rights and Benefits; Effect of Transfer on Pension Benefits or Credits. - Sec. 21. (1) The authority, as of the transfer date,...
Section 141.1373 - Revenue Sources; Establishment of Regional Convention Facility Operating Trust Fund; Expenditures; Limitation; Financial Obligation. - ***** 141.1373 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 141.1373.amended - Revenue Sources; Establishment of Regional Convention Facility Operating Trust Fund; Expenditures; Financial Obligation. - ***** 141.1373.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 141.1375 - Bonds or Municipal Securities; Issuance; Interest Rate Exchange or Swap, Hedge, or Similar Agreements; Creation of Reserve Fund; Pledge; Filing; Issuance and Delivery of Notes; Maturity; Use of Proceeds; Exemptions. - Sec. 25. (1) For the purpose of acquiring, purchasing, constructing,...
Section 141.1377 - Evidences of Indebtedness or Liability as Contract; Assumption and Performance of Obligations. - Sec. 27. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act...
Section 141.1379 - Applicability of Restrictions Standards or Prerequisites of Local Government; Additional Powers; Construction of Act. - Sec. 29. (1) Unless permitted by this act or approved...
Act 203 of 1999 - The Convention Facility Authority Act (141.1401 - 141.1414)
Section 141.1401 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1402 - Legislative Findings. - Sec. 2. The legislature of this state finds that there...
Section 141.1403 - Definitions. - Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Authority" means...
Section 141.1404 - Establishment of Authority by County and City; Resolution; Organization. - Sec. 4. (1) A qualified county and a qualified city...
Section 141.1405 - Board of Directors; Powers, Duties, and Functions; Membership; Terms; Oath of Office; Vacancy; Eligibility of Legislative Member or City Official. - Sec. 5. (1) The powers, duties, and functions of an...
Section 141.1406 - Board of Directors; Discharge of Duties; Actions; Meetings; Compensation. - Sec. 6. (1) Members of a board and officers and...
Section 141.1407 - Conduct of Business at Public Meetings; Disclosure Requirements. - Sec. 7. (1) A board shall conduct all business at...
Section 141.1408 - Powers of Authority; Tax Levy Prohibited. - Sec. 8. (1) An authority may do all things necessary...
Section 141.1409 - Employment of Staff; Audits; Budget. - Sec. 9. (1) An authority may employ staff, including legal...
Section 141.1410 - Convention Facility Authority Fund; Creation; Disposition of Money. - Sec. 10. A convention facility authority fund is created for...
Section 141.1411 - Payment of Costs From Certain Revenues. - Sec. 11. The payment of principal, interest, and other costs...
Section 141.1412 - Issuance of Negotiable Revenue Bonds; Limitations. - Sec. 12. (1) An authority may only issue negotiable revenue...
Section 141.1413 - Property of Authority. - Sec. 13. (1) Property of an authority is public property...
Section 141.1414 - Use of Funds Received Pursuant to Section 301 of 1999 Pa 137. - Sec. 14. Funds received by the authority pursuant to section...
Act 254 of 2010 - Regional Convention and Tourism Promotion Act (141.1431 - 141.1437)
Section 141.1431 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1431a - Legislative Findings. - Sec. 1a. (1) The legislature finds all of the following:...
Section 141.1432 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Assessment" means...
Section 141.1433 - Marketing Program Notice; Filing; Contents; Mailing to Owners of Transient Facility Owners; Right of Referendum; Assessment Contained in Notice; Effectiveness; Written Referendum; Effect of Approval or Disapproval of Assessment. - Sec. 3. (1) A bureau that has its principal place...
Section 141.1434 - Marketing Program; Provisions. - Sec. 4. A marketing program may include all or any...
Section 141.1435 - Assessment Payments; Computation; Statement of Room Charges; Forwarding Copies of Use Tax Returns; Use by Certified Public Accountants; Interest; Delinquency Charge; Attorney Fees and Court Costs; Liability for Payment After Mailin... - Sec. 5. (1) Upon the effective date of an assessment,...
Section 141.1436 - Assessment Revenues; Deposit; Disbursement; Mailing Audited Financial Statements and Report; Failure of Bureau to Provide Copies Within Certain Time Limit; Penalty. - Sec. 6. (1) The assessment revenues collected pursuant to this...
Section 141.1436a - Board Meeting; Annual Marketing Plan. - Sec. 6a. The board at regular intervals, but not less...
Section 141.1436b - Master Plan; Travel Bureau; Disapproval of Annual Marketing Plan. - Sec. 6b. (1) The vice-president of the travel bureau and...
Section 141.1437 - Referendum to Discontinue Assessment. - Sec. 7. (1) At any time 3 years or more...
Act 340 of 2020 - Regional Event Center Financing Act (141.1441 - 141.1445)
Section 141.1441 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1442 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Assessment" means...
Section 141.1443 - Event Center Financing Program; Assessment; Ordinance; Form; Written Referendum. - Sec. 3. (1) A municipality may, by ordinance, establish an...
Section 141.1444 - Payment of Assessment; Reimbursement; Audit; Interest; Notice Required. - Sec. 4. (1) Upon the effective date of an assessment,...
Section 141.1445 - Disposition of Revenue. - Sec. 5. The revenues derived from the assessment imposed under...
Act 147 of 2000 - Safe Drinking Water Financial Assistance Act (141.1451 - 141.1455)
Section 141.1451 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1452 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Assistance" means...
Section 141.1453 - Notes or Bonds; Issuance; Use; Limitation; Sale to Michigan Municipal Bond Authority. - Sec. 3. Subject to this act, a governmental unit may...
Section 141.1454 - Notes or Bonds; Issuance; Authorization by Resolution; Provisions. - Sec. 4. Notes or bonds issued under this act shall...
Section 141.1455 - Construction of Act; Purpose; Restriction. - Sec. 5. This act shall be construed as cumulative authority...
Act 4 of 2011 - Local Government and School District Fiscal Accountability Act (141.1501 - 141.1531)
Section 141.1501-141.1531 - Act 4 of 2011 Was Rejected by a Majority of the Electors at the November 2012 General Election. - Compiler's Notes: Act 4 of 2011, which was approved by...
Act 436 of 2012 - Local Financial Stability and Choice Act (141.1541 - 141.1575)
Section 141.1541 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1542 - Definitions. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Chapter 9"...
Section 141.1543 - Findings; Declarations. - Sec. 3. The legislature finds and declares all of the...
Section 141.1544 - Determination of Probable Financial Stress; Preliminary Review; Conditions; School District; Notification to Local Government; Interim Report of Findings; Final Report; Finding of Probable Financial Stress; Appointment of Review Te... - Sec. 4. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the state financial...
Section 141.1545 - Review Team; Powers; Meeting With Local Government; Report; Posting on Department of Treasury's Website; Contents; Appointment of Individual or Firm to Carry Out Review and Submit Report. - Sec. 5. (1) In conducting its review, the review team...
Section 141.1546 - Determination by Governor; Opportunity for Local Government to Submit Statement; Determination of Financial Emergency; Notification; Hearing; Findings of Fact by Governor; Report; Resolution by Local Government to Appeal Determinat... - Sec. 6. (1) Within 10 days after receipt of the...
Section 141.1547 - Local Government Options; Approval of Resolution by Mayor or School Board; Failure of Local Governing Body to Pass Resolution; Limitation. - Sec. 7. (1) Notwithstanding section 6(3), upon the confirmation of...
Section 141.1547a - School District Subject to Enhanced Deficit Elimination Plan; Determination by State Treasurer; Declaration of Financial Emergency; Appointment of Emergency Manager; Recommendation. - Sec. 7a. Notwithstanding section 7, if a school district is...
Section 141.1548 - Consent Agreement; Negotiation and Signature; Provisions; Continuing Operations Plan; Form; Amendment of Budget Adopted by Municipal Government or School District; Recovery Plan; Terms and Provisions; Powers Granted to Chief Admini... - Sec. 8. (1) The chief administrative officer of a local...
Section 141.1549 - Emergency Manager; Appointment by Governor; Powers; Qualifications; Compensation; Private Funds; Additional Staff and Assistance; Quarterly Reports; Service; Removal of Local Government From Receivership; Delegation of Duties From... - Sec. 9. (1) The governor may appoint an emergency manager...
Section 141.1550 - Orders. - Sec. 10. (1) An emergency manager shall issue to the...
Section 141.1551 - Financial and Operating Plan for Local Government; Development and Amendment by Emergency Manager; Objectives; Submission; Modification; Form; Conduct of Public Informational Meeting; Effect of Plan Adopted Under Former Law. - Sec. 11. (1) An emergency manager shall develop and may...
Section 141.1552 - Additional Actions by Emergency Manager; Suspension of Power of Administrative Officer and Governing Body; Contracts Subject to Competitive Bidding; Sale or Transfer of Public Utility; Limitation. - Sec. 12. (1) An emergency manager may take 1 or...
Section 141.1553 - Pendency of Receivership; Compensation of Chief Administrative Officer and Members of Local Governing Body. - Sec. 13. Upon appointment of an emergency manager and during...
Section 141.1554 - School District in Receivership; Additional Actions. - Sec. 14. In addition to the actions otherwise authorized in...
Section 141.1555 - Sale of Asset Worth More Than $50,000.00; Payment of Benefit Upon Death of Police Officer or Firefighter. - Sec. 15. (1) Unless the potential sale and value of...
Section 141.1556 - Criminal Conduct Contributing to Receivership Status. - Sec. 16. An emergency manager shall, on his or her...
Section 141.1557 - Report. - Sec. 17. Beginning 6 months after an emergency manager's appointment,...
Section 141.1558 - Recommendation to Proceed Under Chapter 9. - Sec. 18. (1) If, in the judgment of the emergency...
Section 141.1559 - Proposed Action; Submission to Local Governing Body; Approval or Disapproval; Alternative Proposal. - Sec. 19. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,...
Section 141.1560 - Emergency Manager; Immunity From Liability; Responsibilities of Attorney General; Costs; Insurance; Litigation Expenses After Conclusion of Date of Service; Failure of Municipal Government or School District to Honor and Remit Lega... - Sec. 20. (1) An emergency manager is immune from liability...
Section 141.1561 - Adoption and Implementation of 2-Year Budget. - Sec. 21. (1) Before the termination of receivership and the...
Section 141.1562 - Determination That Financial Emergency Rectified; Actions by Governor. - Sec. 22. (1) If an emergency manager determines that the...
Section 141.1563 - Receivership Transition Advisory Board. - Sec. 23. (1) Before removing a local government from receivership,...
Section 141.1564 - Determination That Financial Conditions Not Corrected; Appointment of New Emergency Manager. - Sec. 24. The governor may, upon his or her own...
Section 141.1565 - Neutral Evaluation Process. - Sec. 25. (1) A neutral evaluation process may be utilized...
Section 141.1566 - Chapter 9 Proceeding. - Sec. 26. (1) With the written approval of the governor,...
Section 141.1567 - Duty of Local Officials and Employees to Provide Assistance and Information; Failure to Abide by Act. - Sec. 27. (1) The local elected and appointed officials and...
Section 141.1568 - Imposition of Taxes; Prohibition. - Sec. 28. This act does not give the emergency manager...
Section 141.1569 - Issuance of Bulletins; Rules. - Sec. 29. The state financial authority shall issue bulletins or...
Section 141.1570 - Actions Under Former Law. - Sec. 30. (1) All of the following actions that occurred...
Section 141.1571 - Emergency Manager Serving Prior to Effective Date of Act. - Sec. 31. An emergency manager or emergency financial manager appointed...
Section 141.1572 - Liability or Cause of Action. - Sec. 32. This act does not impose any liability or...
Section 141.1573 - Severability. - Sec. 33. If any portion of this act or the...
Section 141.1574 - Appropriation. - Sec. 34. For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013,...
Section 141.1575 - Appropriation. - Sec. 35. (1) For the fiscal year ending September 30,...
Act 187 of 2014 - Michigan Settlement Administration Authority Act (141.1601 - 141.1611)
Section 141.1601 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1602 - Legislative Findings and Declarations. - Sec. 2. The legislature finds and declares the following: (a)...
Section 141.1603 - Definitions. - Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Authority" means...
Section 141.1604 - Michigan Settlement Administration Authority; Creation; Authority as State Institution; Appropriation. - Sec. 4. (1) The Michigan settlement administration authority is created...
Section 141.1605 - Authority; Exercise of Duties; Performance of Administrative Functions. - Sec. 5. The authority shall exercise its duties independently of...
Section 141.1606 - Board of Directors; Membership; Compensation; Travel and Expenses; Quorum; Vote; Members Subject to MCL 15.321 to 15.330 and MCL 15.301 to 15.310; Discharge of Duties. - Sec. 6. (1) The authority shall exercise its duties through...
Section 141.1607 - Settlement Administration Fund; Creation; Deposit of Money or Other Assets; Investment; Interest and Earnings; Money Remaining at Close of Fiscal Year; Expenditure. - Sec. 7. (1) The settlement administration fund is created within...
Section 141.1608 - Disbursement to Retirement Systems; Conditions; Return of Money to Countercyclical Budget and Economic Stabilization Fund; Dissolution of Authority. - Sec. 8. (1) The authority shall either disburse the money...
Section 141.1609 - Public and Governmental Purpose. - Sec. 9. It is determined that the creation of the...
Section 141.1610 - State Contribution; Obligation. - Sec. 10. The obligation to make this state's contribution described...
Section 141.1611 - Liability. - Sec. 11. This state, a state official or state-related entity,...
Act 181 of 2014 - Michigan Financial Review Commission Act (141.1631 - 141.1643)
Section 141.1631 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.1632 - Legislative Findings and Declarations. - Sec. 2. The legislature finds and declares the following: (a)...
Section 141.1633 - Definitions. - Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Applicable contract"...
Section 141.1634 - Financial Review Commission; Creation; Powers, Duties, Functions, and Responsibilities; Budgeting, Procurement, Personnel, and Related Management Functions; Qualified School District. - Sec. 4. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a...
Section 141.1635 - Financial Review Commission; Membership; Financial Review Commission for Both Qualified City and Qualified School District; Exception; Terms; Compensation; Travel and Expenses; Chairperson; Quorum; Conducting Business at Public Mee... - Sec. 5. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),...
Section 141.1636 - Duties of Commission; Review and Approval of Applicable Contracts; Reports; Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreements; Supplementary Information; Certification and Report of Debt Service. - Sec. 6. (1) The commission shall provide oversight for a...
Section 141.1637 - Commission; Powers. - Sec. 7. A commission may do 1 or more of...
Section 141.1638 - Waiver; Resolution; Conditions; Rescission; Reversal. - Sec. 8. (1) Notwithstanding section 6, for its qualified city...
Section 141.1640 - Commission as Public and Governmental Purpose. - Sec. 10. Each commission, and the carrying out of its...
Section 141.1641 - Appropriation. - Sec. 11. For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014,...
Section 141.1642 - Dissolution; Release of Qualified City or Qualified School District From Oversight; Qualified School District Subject to Emergency Manager. - Sec. 12. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), if...
Section 141.1643 - Court of Claims; Jurisdiction. - Sec. 13. Each commission is a state commission, and the...
Act 34 of 2001 - Revised Municipal Finance Act (141.2101 - 141.2821)
34-2001-I - Part I Definitions (141.2101...141.2105)
Section 141.2101 - Short Title. - Sec. 101. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.2103 - Definitions. - Sec. 103. As used in this act: (a) "Assessed value",...
Section 141.2105 - Municipal Security; Limitations. - Sec. 105. A municipal security does not include any of...
34-2001-II - Part II Powers (141.2201...141.2203)
Section 141.2201 - Powers and Duties of Department. - Sec. 201. The department is authorized and directed to protect...
Section 141.2203 - Appeal of Department Determination. - Sec. 203. If a municipality feels aggrieved by a determination...
34-2001-III - Part III General (141.2301...141.2323)
Section 141.2301 - Issuance of Municipal Security. - Sec. 301. A municipality shall not issue a municipal security...
Section 141.2303 - Annual Audit Report and Qualifying Statement; Filing by Municipality; Compliance Requirements; Determination; Correction of Noncompliant Requirements; Reconsideration; Order Granting Exception From Prior Approval. - Sec. 303. (1) Each municipality shall file an audit report...
Section 141.2304 - Issuance of Municipal Security; Provisions Applicable to Contracting Municipalities. - Sec. 304. If a municipality issues a municipal security subject...
Section 141.2305 - Issuance of Municipal Security; Interest Rate; Sale at Discount; Rating; Maturity; Principal as Interest. - Sec. 305. (1) A municipal security authorized by law to...
Section 141.2307 - Proposed Bulletin; Public Comment Period. - Sec. 307. Before any bulletin issued by the department can...
Section 141.2308 - Limited Tax Full Faith and Credit Pledge; Notice. - Sec. 308. If a municipality issues a municipal security that...
Section 141.2309 - Sale of Municipal Security at Competitive or Negotiated Sale; Requirements. - Sec. 309. (1) A municipality may sell an authorized municipal...
Section 141.2311 - Municipal Security; Registration; Facsimile Signatures; Transfer of Ownership; Delivery; Validity of Signature of Former Officer. - Sec. 311. (1) A municipal security may be registrable as...
Section 141.2313 - Mutilated Security; Substitution. - Sec. 313. If a municipal security has become mutilated, then...
Section 141.2315 - Issuance of Municipal Security; Determination; Payment on Demand; Contrary Ordinance or Charter Provision. - Sec. 315. (1) In determining to issue a municipal security,...
Section 141.2317 - Interest Rate Exchange or Swap, Hedge, or Similar Agreement; Definitions. - Sec. 317. (1) For the purpose of more effectively managing...
Section 141.2319 - Document to Be Filed by Municipality; Failure to Comply With Subsection (1) or (2). - Sec. 319. (1) Within 15 business days of completing the...
Section 141.2321 - Filing in Electronic Format. - Sec. 321. The department may require that the filings to...
Section 141.2323 - Municipal Security Issued Without Department Approval; Rating. - Sec. 323. The department may require a rating for a...
34-2001-IV - Part IV Short-Term Municipal Securities (141.2401...141.2415)
Section 141.2401 - Short-Term Municipal Securities; Issuance; Conditions; Public Airport Authority. - Sec. 401. (1) A municipality may, by resolution of its...
Section 141.2403 - Resolution Authorizing Municipal Security; Tax Levy Provision; Operating Expenditures; Limitation; Set Aside of Taxes Collected; Tax Installments; Capital Improvements; Debt Service Charges. - Sec. 403. (1) If a municipality issues a municipal security...
Section 141.2405 - Issuance of Short-Term Municipal Securities; Payments Allowed; Operating Expenditures or Debt Service Charges; Limitation; Authorizing Resolution; Set Aside of Taxes Collected; Capital Improvements; Deduction of Outstanding Princip... - Sec. 405. (1) A municipality may issue short-term municipal securities...
Section 141.2407 - Anticipation of Revenue Sharing Payments; Issuance of Short-Term Municipal Securities; Payment of Operating Expenditures; Authorizing Resolution; Set Aside of Amounts for Payment of Principal and Interest. - Sec. 407. (1) A municipality may, by resolution of its...
Section 141.2409 - Interest Rate; Limitation; Payment. - Sec. 409. A municipal security issued pursuant to this part...
Section 141.2411 - Money Deposited in Special Fund; Use. - Sec. 411. The money in each special fund required by...
Section 141.2413 - Anticipation of Long-Term Municipal Security Proceeds; Issuance of Short-Term Municipal Security; Authorization of Principal, Interest, and Redemption Premiums; Limitation on Principal Amount; Use of Proceeds. - Sec. 413. (1) A municipality may by resolution of its...
Section 141.2415 - Anticipation of State or Federal Grants; Issuance of Short-Term Municipal Security; Pledge of Grant Proceeds as Payment of Principal, Interest, and Redemption Premiums; Limitation on Principal Amount; Use of Municipal Security Proc... - Sec. 415. (1) A municipality may by resolution of its...
34-2001-V - Part V Long-Term Municipal Securities (141.2501...141.2518)
Section 141.2501 - Maturity Time Periods. - Sec. 501. (1) Except as otherwise provided for by law,...
Section 141.2503 - Municipal Securities of a Single Issue; Maturity or Redemption Date; Purchase at Open Market; Redemption Requirements; Municipal Securities of School District; Municipal Security Issued by County, City, Village, or Township Pursuan... - Sec. 503. (1) Municipal securities of a single issue may...
Section 141.2505 - Municipal Securities Secured by Special Assessments. - Sec. 505. The total amount of municipal securities secured by...
Section 141.2507 - Interest Rate Charge on Special Assessments. - Sec. 507. A municipality issuing a municipal security in anticipation...
Section 141.2509 - Reserve Fund; Establishment. - Sec. 509. A municipality may pay interest that accrues on...
Section 141.2511 - Issuance of Municipal Securities to Fund County Drain Special Assessment. - Sec. 511. Any county, township, city, or village, by resolution...
Section 141.2513 - Debt Incurred; Issuance of Municipal Securities Secured by Limited Tax Full Faith and Credit Pledge. - Sec. 513. (1) A municipality by resolution of its governing...
Section 141.2515 - Water Supply or Sewage Disposal, Public Building, or Other Public Improvement; Delivery of Municipal Security to Defray Cost. - Sec. 515. (1) A municipality may deliver a municipal security...
Section 141.2517 - Capital Improvement Items; Issuance of Municipal Security to Pay Cost; Notice of Intent; Petition; Referendum; Special Election; Limitation on Amount. - Sec. 517. (1) A county, city, village, or township may...
Section 141.2518 - Payment of Unfunded Pension Liability or Unfunded Accrued Health Care Liability; Issuance of Municipal Security; Comprehensive Financial Plan; Requirements. - Sec. 518. (1) Through December 31, 2023, in connection with...
34-2001-VI - Part VI Refunding (141.2601...141.2613)
Section 141.2601 - Issuance of Refunding Securities. - Sec. 601. (1) Subject to this act, a municipality may,...
Section 141.2603 - Assumption of Outstanding Security by Another Municipality; Refunding. - Sec. 603. (1) Any outstanding security of a municipality that...
Section 141.2605 - Debt as Additional to Statutory or Charter Limitation of Tax Rate or Outstanding Debt Limit. - Sec. 605. The debt evidenced by a refunding security and...
Section 141.2607 - Application of Refunding Security Proceeds and Available Money. - Sec. 607. (1) Money on hand applicable to the retirement...
Section 141.2609 - Conditions for Securing Certain Outstanding Municipal Securities. - Sec. 609. A refunding security issued to refund municipal securities...
Section 141.2611 - Refund of Outstanding Securities by Issuance of Refunding Security; Prohibition; Exception; Procedures; Reasonable Basis. - Sec. 611. (1) Except as provided in section 515 or...
Section 141.2613 - Refunding Securities; Effect of 141.2503. - Sec. 613. Refunding securities are not subject to section 503(1),...
34-2001-VII - Part VII Tax Levies, Debt Retirement, and Sinking Fund (141.2701...141.2821)
Section 141.2701 - Annual Tax Levy; Determination; Limitation Not Applicable; Adjustment in Event of Surplus Funds; Use of Money Remaining in Debt Retirement Fund; Priority; Set Aside of Tax Collections Allocable to Principal and Interest Payment; Fa... - Sec. 701. (1) Subject to subsection (3), if a municipality...
Section 141.2705 - Debt Retirement Funds; Accounting; Use; Pooled or Combined for Deposit or Investment; Certification of Debt Retirement. - Sec. 705. (1) Debt retirement funds, except in the case...
Section 141.2707 - Sinking Fund; Use; Deposit; Accounting. - Sec. 707. Any municipality issuing a mandatory redemption refunding security...
34-2001-VII-VIII - Chapter VIII (141.2801...141.2821)
Section 141.2801 - Effective Date. - Sec. 801. This act takes effect March 1, 2002. History:...
Section 141.2802 - Outstanding Municipal Security; Default; Powers of Department; Plan; Implementation. - Sec. 802. (1) If a municipality fails to pay any...
Section 141.2803 - Repeal of MCL 131.1 to 132.4, 133.1 to 133.9, 133.12 to 133.15, and 134.1 to 139.3; Effective Date of Repeal of MCL 133.10 to 133.11. - Sec. 803. (1) The following are repealed effective March 1,...
Section 141.2805 - Repeal of Administrative Rules of Municipal Finance Division; Effective Date. - Sec. 805. The administrative rules of the municipal finance division...
Section 141.2807 - Exceptions From Prior Approval of Debts or Securities; Effect of Orders; Applicability of Terms. - Sec. 807. All orders granting exceptions from prior approval of...
Section 141.2809 - Effect of Orders Approving Issuance of Securities. - Sec. 809. All orders approving the issuance of securities issued...
Section 141.2811 - Effect of MCL 141.2303. - Sec. 811. Except as provided by sections 807 and 809,...
Section 141.2813 - Effect of MCL 141.2317. - Sec. 813. Except as provided by sections 807 and 809,...
Section 141.2815 - Repealed. 2002, Act 541, Imd. Eff. July 26, 2002. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to exemption of certain...
Section 141.2817 - Effect of MCL 141.2305. - Sec. 817. Except as provided by sections 807 and 809,...
Section 141.2819 - Validation of Previously Issued Securities. - Sec. 819. Any securities previously issued under or in accordance...
Section 141.2821 - Issuance of Municipal Security Beginning March 1, 2002 and Ending April 30, 2002; Qualified Status. - Sec. 821. (1) Beginning March 1, 2002 and ending April...