Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 436 of 2012 - Local Financial Stability and Choice Act (141.1541 - 141.1575)
Section 141.1546 - Determination by Governor; Opportunity for Local Government to Submit Statement; Determination of Financial Emergency; Notification; Hearing; Findings of Fact by Governor; Report; Resolution by Local Government to Appeal Determinat...

Sec. 6.
(1) Within 10 days after receipt of the report under section 5, the governor shall make 1 of the following determinations:
(a) A financial emergency does not exist within the local government.
(b) A financial emergency exists within the local government.
(2) Before making a determination under subsection (1), the governor, in his or her sole discretion, may provide officials of the local government an opportunity to submit a written statement concerning their agreement or disagreement with the findings and conclusion of the review team report under section 5. If the governor determines pursuant to subsection (1) that a financial emergency exists, the governor shall provide the governing body and chief administrative officer of the local government with a written notification of the determination, findings of fact utilized as the basis upon which this determination was made, a concise and explicit statement of the underlying facts supporting the factual findings, and notice that the chief administrative officer or the governing body of the local government has 7 days after the date of the notification to request a hearing conducted by the state financial authority or the state financial authority's designee. Following the hearing, or if no hearing is requested following the expiration of the deadline by which a hearing may be requested, the governor, in his or her sole discretion based upon the record, shall either confirm or revoke, in writing, the determination of the existence of a financial emergency. If confirmed, the governor shall provide a written report to the governing body and chief administrative officer of the local government of the findings of fact of the continuing or newly developed conditions or events providing a basis for the confirmation of a financial emergency and a concise and explicit statement of the underlying facts supporting these factual findings. In addition, a copy of the report shall be provided to each state senator and state representative who represents that local government. The report shall be posted on the department of treasury's website within 7 days after the report is provided to the governing body and chief executive officer of the local government.
(3) A local government for which a financial emergency determination under this section has been confirmed to exist may, by resolution adopted by a vote of 2/3 of the members of its governing body elected and serving, appeal this determination within 10 business days to the Michigan court of claims. A local government may, by resolution adopted by a vote of 2/3 of the members of its governing body elected and serving, waive its right to appeal as provided in this subsection. The court shall not set aside a determination of financial emergency by the governor unless it finds that the determination is either of the following:
(a) Not supported by competent, material, and substantial evidence on the whole record.
(b) Arbitrary, capricious, or clearly an abuse or unwarranted exercise of discretion.
History: 2012, Act 436, Eff. Mar. 28, 2013 Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 2 of Act 436 of 2012 provides:"Enacting section 2. It is the intent of the legislature that this act function and be interpreted as a successor statute to former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, and former 2011 PA 4, and that whenever possible a reference to former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, or former 2011 PA 4, under other laws of this state or to a function or responsibility of an emergency financial manager or emergency manager under former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, or former 2011 PA 4, under other laws of this state shall function and be interpreted to reference to this act, with the other laws of this state referencing former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, or former 2011 PA 4, including, but not limited to, all of the following: (a) The charter township act, 1947 PA 359, MCL 42.1 to 42.34. (b) 1966 PA 293, MCL 45.501 to 45.521. (c) 1851 PA 156, MCL 46.1 to 46.32. (d) The general law village act, 1895 PA 3, MCL 61.1 to 74.25. (e) The home rule village act, 1909 PA 278, MCL 78.1 to 78.28. (f) The fourth class city act, 1895 PA 215, MCL 81.1 to 113.20. (g) The home rule city act, 1909 PA 279, MCL 117.1 to 117.38. (h) The metropolitan transportation authorities act of 1967, 1967 PA 204, MCL 124.401 to 124.426. (i) 1947 PA 336, MCL 423.201 to 423.217."

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 141 - Municipal Financing

Act 436 of 2012 - Local Financial Stability and Choice Act (141.1541 - 141.1575)

Section 141.1541 - Short Title.

Section 141.1542 - Definitions.

Section 141.1543 - Findings; Declarations.

Section 141.1544 - Determination of Probable Financial Stress; Preliminary Review; Conditions; School District; Notification to Local Government; Interim Report of Findings; Final Report; Finding of Probable Financial Stress; Appointment of Review Te...

Section 141.1545 - Review Team; Powers; Meeting With Local Government; Report; Posting on Department of Treasury's Website; Contents; Appointment of Individual or Firm to Carry Out Review and Submit Report.

Section 141.1546 - Determination by Governor; Opportunity for Local Government to Submit Statement; Determination of Financial Emergency; Notification; Hearing; Findings of Fact by Governor; Report; Resolution by Local Government to Appeal Determinat...

Section 141.1547 - Local Government Options; Approval of Resolution by Mayor or School Board; Failure of Local Governing Body to Pass Resolution; Limitation.

Section 141.1547a - School District Subject to Enhanced Deficit Elimination Plan; Determination by State Treasurer; Declaration of Financial Emergency; Appointment of Emergency Manager; Recommendation.

Section 141.1548 - Consent Agreement; Negotiation and Signature; Provisions; Continuing Operations Plan; Form; Amendment of Budget Adopted by Municipal Government or School District; Recovery Plan; Terms and Provisions; Powers Granted to Chief Admini...

Section 141.1549 - Emergency Manager; Appointment by Governor; Powers; Qualifications; Compensation; Private Funds; Additional Staff and Assistance; Quarterly Reports; Service; Removal of Local Government From Receivership; Delegation of Duties From...

Section 141.1550 - Orders.

Section 141.1551 - Financial and Operating Plan for Local Government; Development and Amendment by Emergency Manager; Objectives; Submission; Modification; Form; Conduct of Public Informational Meeting; Effect of Plan Adopted Under Former Law.

Section 141.1552 - Additional Actions by Emergency Manager; Suspension of Power of Administrative Officer and Governing Body; Contracts Subject to Competitive Bidding; Sale or Transfer of Public Utility; Limitation.

Section 141.1553 - Pendency of Receivership; Compensation of Chief Administrative Officer and Members of Local Governing Body.

Section 141.1554 - School District in Receivership; Additional Actions.

Section 141.1555 - Sale of Asset Worth More Than $50,000.00; Payment of Benefit Upon Death of Police Officer or Firefighter.

Section 141.1556 - Criminal Conduct Contributing to Receivership Status.

Section 141.1557 - Report.

Section 141.1558 - Recommendation to Proceed Under Chapter 9.

Section 141.1559 - Proposed Action; Submission to Local Governing Body; Approval or Disapproval; Alternative Proposal.

Section 141.1560 - Emergency Manager; Immunity From Liability; Responsibilities of Attorney General; Costs; Insurance; Litigation Expenses After Conclusion of Date of Service; Failure of Municipal Government or School District to Honor and Remit Lega...

Section 141.1561 - Adoption and Implementation of 2-Year Budget.

Section 141.1562 - Determination That Financial Emergency Rectified; Actions by Governor.

Section 141.1563 - Receivership Transition Advisory Board.

Section 141.1564 - Determination That Financial Conditions Not Corrected; Appointment of New Emergency Manager.

Section 141.1565 - Neutral Evaluation Process.

Section 141.1566 - Chapter 9 Proceeding.

Section 141.1567 - Duty of Local Officials and Employees to Provide Assistance and Information; Failure to Abide by Act.

Section 141.1568 - Imposition of Taxes; Prohibition.

Section 141.1569 - Issuance of Bulletins; Rules.

Section 141.1570 - Actions Under Former Law.

Section 141.1571 - Emergency Manager Serving Prior to Effective Date of Act.

Section 141.1572 - Liability or Cause of Action.

Section 141.1573 - Severability.

Section 141.1574 - Appropriation.

Section 141.1575 - Appropriation.