Sec. 5.
(1) In conducting its review, the review team may do either or both of the following:
(a) Examine the books and records of the local government.
(b) Utilize the services of other state agencies and employees.
(2) The review team shall meet with the local government as part of its review. At this meeting, the review team shall receive, discuss, and consider information provided by the local government concerning the financial condition of the local government. In addition, the review team shall hold at least 1 public information meeting in the jurisdiction of the local government at which the public may provide comment.
(3) The review team shall submit a written report of its findings to the governor within 60 days following its appointment or earlier if required by the governor. Upon request, the governor may grant one 30-day extension of this 60-day time limit. A copy of the report shall be forwarded by the state treasurer to the chief administrative officer and the governing body of the local government, the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate majority leader, the superintendent of public instruction if the local government is a school district, and each state senator and state representative who represents that local government. The report shall be posted on the department of treasury's website within 7 days after the report is submitted to the governor. The report shall include the existence, or an indication of the likely occurrence, of any of the following:
(a) A default in the payment of principal or interest upon bonded obligations, notes, or other municipal securities for which no funds or insufficient funds are on hand and, if required, segregated in a special trust fund.
(b) Failure for a period of 30 days or more beyond the due date to transfer 1 or more of the following to the appropriate agency:
(i) Taxes withheld on the income of employees.
(ii) For a municipal government, taxes collected by the municipal government as agent for another governmental unit, school district, or other entity or taxing authority.
(iii) Any contribution required by a pension, retirement, or benefit plan.
(c) Failure for a period of 7 days or more after the scheduled date of payment to pay wages and salaries or other compensation owed to employees or benefits owed to retirees.
(d) The total amount of accounts payable for the current fiscal year, as determined by the state financial authority's uniform chart of accounts, is in excess of 10% of the total expenditures of the local government in that fiscal year.
(e) Failure to eliminate an existing deficit in any fund of the local government within the 2-year period preceding the end of the local government's fiscal year during which the review team report is received.
(f) Projection of a deficit in the general fund of the local government for the current fiscal year in excess of 5% of the budgeted revenues for the general fund.
(g) Failure to comply in all material respects with the terms of an approved deficit elimination plan or an agreement entered into pursuant to a deficit elimination plan.
(h) Existence of material loans to the general fund from other local government funds that are not regularly settled between the funds or that are increasing in scope.
(i) Existence after the close of the fiscal year of material recurring unbudgeted subsidies from the general fund to other major funds as defined under government accounting standards board principles.
(j) Existence of a structural operating deficit.
(k) Use of restricted revenues for purposes not authorized by law.
(l) The likelihood that the local government is or will be unable to pay its obligations within 60 days after the date of the review team's reporting its findings to the governor.
(m) Any other facts and circumstances indicative of local government financial emergency.
(4) The review team shall include 1 of the following conclusions in its report:
(a) A financial emergency does not exist within the local government.
(b) A financial emergency exists within the local government.
(5) The review team may, with the approval of the state financial authority, appoint an individual or firm to carry out the review and submit a report to the review team for approval. The department of treasury may enter into a contract with the individual or firm respecting the terms and conditions of the appointment.
(6) For purposes of this section:
(a) A financial emergency does not exist within a local government if the report under subsection (3) concludes that none of the factors in subsection (3) exist or are likely to occur within the current or next succeeding fiscal year or, if they occur, do not threaten the local government's capability to provide necessary governmental services essential to public health, safety, and welfare.
(b) A financial emergency exists within a local government if any of the following occur:
(i) The report under subsection (3) concludes that 1 or more of the factors in subsection (3) exist or are likely to occur within the current or next succeeding fiscal year and threaten the local government's current and future capability to provide necessary governmental services essential to the public health, safety, and welfare.
(ii) The local government has failed to provide timely and accurate information enabling the review team to complete its report under subsection (3).
(iii) The local government has failed to comply in all material respects with the terms of an approved deficit elimination plan or an agreement entered into pursuant to a deficit elimination plan.
(iv) The chief administrative officer of the local government concludes that 1 or more of the factors in subsection (3) exist or are likely to occur within the current or next succeeding fiscal year and threaten the local government's current and future capability to provide necessary governmental services essential to the public health, safety, and welfare, and the chief administrative officer recommends that a financial emergency be declared and the state treasurer concurs with the recommendation.
History: 2012, Act 436, Eff. Mar. 28, 2013 Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 2 of Act 436 of 2012 provides:"Enacting section 2. It is the intent of the legislature that this act function and be interpreted as a successor statute to former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, and former 2011 PA 4, and that whenever possible a reference to former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, or former 2011 PA 4, under other laws of this state or to a function or responsibility of an emergency financial manager or emergency manager under former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, or former 2011 PA 4, under other laws of this state shall function and be interpreted to reference to this act, with the other laws of this state referencing former 1988 PA 101, former 1990 PA 72, or former 2011 PA 4, including, but not limited to, all of the following: (a) The charter township act, 1947 PA 359, MCL 42.1 to 42.34. (b) 1966 PA 293, MCL 45.501 to 45.521. (c) 1851 PA 156, MCL 46.1 to 46.32. (d) The general law village act, 1895 PA 3, MCL 61.1 to 74.25. (e) The home rule village act, 1909 PA 278, MCL 78.1 to 78.28. (f) The fourth class city act, 1895 PA 215, MCL 81.1 to 113.20. (g) The home rule city act, 1909 PA 279, MCL 117.1 to 117.38. (h) The metropolitan transportation authorities act of 1967, 1967 PA 204, MCL 124.401 to 124.426. (i) 1947 PA 336, MCL 423.201 to 423.217."
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 141 - Municipal Financing
Act 436 of 2012 - Local Financial Stability and Choice Act (141.1541 - 141.1575)
Section 141.1541 - Short Title.
Section 141.1542 - Definitions.
Section 141.1543 - Findings; Declarations.
Section 141.1554 - School District in Receivership; Additional Actions.
Section 141.1556 - Criminal Conduct Contributing to Receivership Status.
Section 141.1558 - Recommendation to Proceed Under Chapter 9.
Section 141.1561 - Adoption and Implementation of 2-Year Budget.
Section 141.1562 - Determination That Financial Emergency Rectified; Actions by Governor.
Section 141.1563 - Receivership Transition Advisory Board.
Section 141.1565 - Neutral Evaluation Process.
Section 141.1566 - Chapter 9 Proceeding.
Section 141.1568 - Imposition of Taxes; Prohibition.
Section 141.1569 - Issuance of Bulletins; Rules.
Section 141.1570 - Actions Under Former Law.
Section 141.1571 - Emergency Manager Serving Prior to Effective Date of Act.
Section 141.1572 - Liability or Cause of Action.
Section 141.1573 - Severability.