Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 203 of 1999 - The Convention Facility Authority Act (141.1401 - 141.1414)
Section 141.1405 - Board of Directors; Powers, Duties, and Functions; Membership; Terms; Oath of Office; Vacancy; Eligibility of Legislative Member or City Official.

Sec. 5.
(1) The powers, duties, and functions of an authority are vested in and shall be exercised by a board of directors. The board shall consist of 7 members as follows:
(a) Two members who are residents of the qualified county appointed by the county board of commissioners of the qualified county, not less than 1 of whom is from the private sector with experience in economic development.
(b) Two members who are residents of the qualified county appointed by the mayor of the qualified city with approval by the legislative body of the qualified city, not less than 1 of whom is from the private sector with experience in economic development.
(c) One member who is a resident of the qualified county appointed by the governor.
(d) Two members who are residents of the qualified county appointed by the 5 members described in subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) at the first meeting of the board as the first item of business, both of whom shall be selected from a list of not fewer than 3 individuals provided by the local convention and visitors bureau. Every 2 years after the first appointment under this subdivision, 1 member shall be appointed at the first meeting of the board following the expiration of the member's term as the first item of business. If the local convention and visitors bureau desires that an existing member be reappointed for another term, it shall notify the 5 members serving on the board described in subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) who shall have the option of reappointing or not reappointing the existing member. If the existing member is not reappointed, the local convention and visitors bureau shall provide the 5 members a list of not fewer than 3 individuals that are residents of the qualified county from which 1 shall be appointed to the board. If the local convention and visitors bureau has determined that an existing member whose term is expiring or has expired not be reappointed, it shall provide the 5 members a list of not fewer than 3 individuals that are residents of the qualified county from which 1 shall be appointed to the board.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, members of the board shall be appointed for a term of 4 years. One of the board members first appointed by the county board of commissioners of the qualified county and 1 of the board members first appointed by the mayor of the qualified city with the approval of the legislative body of the qualified city shall be appointed for a term of 2 years. The first member appointed under subsection 1(d) shall be appointed for a term of 2 years.
(3) Upon appointment to a board under subsection (1) and upon taking and the filing of the constitutional oath of office, a member of the board shall enter office and exercise the duties of the office to which he or she is appointed.
(4) A vacancy on a board of a member serving for a fixed term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the balance of the unexpired term. A member of the board holds office until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(5) Notwithstanding a charter provision of a qualified city to the contrary, a member of the legislative body or other city official of the qualified city is eligible to serve as a member of a board established under this act.
History: 1999, Act 203, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 1999 ;-- Am. 2013, Act 26, Imd. Eff. May 10, 2013 Compiler's Notes: In subsection (2), “subsection 1(d)” evidently should read “subsection (1)(d).