Michigan Compiled Laws
34-2001-III - Part III General (141.2301...141.2323)
Section 141.2309 - Sale of Municipal Security at Competitive or Negotiated Sale; Requirements.

Sec. 309.
(1) A municipality may sell an authorized municipal security at a competitive sale or a negotiated sale as determined in the authorizing resolution. If a municipality determines to sell a municipal security at a negotiated sale, the governing body shall expressly state the method and reasons for choosing a negotiated sale instead of a competitive sale in the resolution or ordinance authorizing the issuance or sale of the municipal security.
(2) If a municipality determines to sell a municipal security at a competitive sale, the municipality shall publish a notice of sale at least 7 days before the date set for the sale, in a publication printed in the English language and circulated in this state that carries as a part of its regular service the notices of the sale of municipal securities.
(3) A municipality shall award a municipal security sold at a competitive sale to the bidder whose bid meets all specifications and requirements and results in the lowest interest cost to the municipality, unless all bids are rejected.
(4) A municipality may accept bids for the purchase of a municipal security made in person, by mail, by facsimile, by electronic means, or by any other means authorized by the municipality.
History: 2001, Act 34, Eff. Mar. 1, 2002

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 141 - Municipal Financing

Act 34 of 2001 - Revised Municipal Finance Act (141.2101 - 141.2821)

34-2001-III - Part III General (141.2301...141.2323)

Section 141.2301 - Issuance of Municipal Security.

Section 141.2303 - Annual Audit Report and Qualifying Statement; Filing by Municipality; Compliance Requirements; Determination; Correction of Noncompliant Requirements; Reconsideration; Order Granting Exception From Prior Approval.

Section 141.2304 - Issuance of Municipal Security; Provisions Applicable to Contracting Municipalities.

Section 141.2305 - Issuance of Municipal Security; Interest Rate; Sale at Discount; Rating; Maturity; Principal as Interest.

Section 141.2307 - Proposed Bulletin; Public Comment Period.

Section 141.2308 - Limited Tax Full Faith and Credit Pledge; Notice.

Section 141.2309 - Sale of Municipal Security at Competitive or Negotiated Sale; Requirements.

Section 141.2311 - Municipal Security; Registration; Facsimile Signatures; Transfer of Ownership; Delivery; Validity of Signature of Former Officer.

Section 141.2313 - Mutilated Security; Substitution.

Section 141.2315 - Issuance of Municipal Security; Determination; Payment on Demand; Contrary Ordinance or Charter Provision.

Section 141.2317 - Interest Rate Exchange or Swap, Hedge, or Similar Agreement; Definitions.

Section 141.2319 - Document to Be Filed by Municipality; Failure to Comply With Subsection (1) or (2).

Section 141.2321 - Filing in Electronic Format.

Section 141.2323 - Municipal Security Issued Without Department Approval; Rating.