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Section 168.641 - Regular Election Date; Primary Election; Special Election; Direction and Supervision of Election Consolidation; Short Title of Section. - Sec. 641. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,...
Section 168.642 - Regular Election or Regular Primary Election Held by City or Village. - Sec. 642. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section...
Section 168.642a - Change of Regular Election Schedule. - Sec. 642a. (1) After December 31, 2004, a city council...
Section 168.642c - Regular Election for Office of School Board Member. - Sec. 642c. A school district shall hold its regular election...
Section 168.643 - General Election; Officers to Be Elected. - Sec. 643. At the general election, the following officers shall...
Section 168.643a - Referendums; Questions Submitted to Electors; Form. - Sec. 643a. A question submitted to the electors of this...
Section 168.644 - Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. sess., Act 56, Eff. Mar. 24, 1964. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section specified officers to be elected...
Section 168.644a-168.644c - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to odd year general...
Section 168.644e - Odd Year General Election; Nomination at Odd Year Primary Election; Candidate Filing Deadline or Certification Deadline. - Sec. 644e. Except as provided in section 642, an officer...
Section 168.644f - Nominating Petitions; Filing; Signatures; Omission of Nonpartisan Petition Requirement in Law or Charter; Filing Deadline; Adjustment; City Subject to Subsections (4) and (5); City Subject to Subsection (7); Civil Fine; Payment. - Sec. 644f. (1) Except as provided in this section and...
Section 168.644g - Terms of Office; Extension. - Sec. 644g. (1) A term of office shall not be...
Section 168.644h - Time of Taking Office. - Sec. 644h. All persons elected at the odd year general...
Section 168.644i - Manner of Conducting Elections. - Sec. 644i. All odd year primary and general elections shall...
Section 168.644j-168.644l - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to election in home...
Section 168.645 - Repealed. 1958, Act 192, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for biennial township elections.Popular...
Section 168.646 - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to provisions governing city...
Section 168.646a - Election of Local Officer; Nomination; Certification of Ballot Wording; Applicability of Provisions. - Sec. 646a. (1) If a local officer is to be...
Section 168.646b - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to nomination and election...
Section 168.646c - Repealed. 1990, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 12, 1990. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to election of judges...
Section 168.646d - Repealed. 1980, Act 188, Imd. Eff. July 3, 1980. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to effective dates of...
116-1954-XXVIII-NOTICES-OF-ELECTION - Notices of Election (168.647...168.653a)
Section 168.647 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to notice of election.Popular...
Section 168.648 - Notice of Elections to County Clerk; Time, Contents. - Sec. 648. The secretary of state, at least 60 days...
Section 168.649 - Repealed. 2012, Act 276, Eff. Aug. 16, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to certification of proposed...
Section 168.649a - Airport Authority Referendum; Petitions, Filing; Submission. - Sec. 649a. Regardless of any other provisions of this act,...
Section 168.650 - Subsequent Vacancy; Additional Notice to County Clerks. - Sec. 650. If, after such notices have been sent, a...
Section 168.651 - Special Election; Notice to County Clerks, Contents. - Sec. 651. Whenever a special election shall be ordered by...
Section 168.652 - Special Elections; Notice to City and Township Clerks, Contents. - Sec. 652. On receipt of any such notice from the...
Section 168.653 - Repealed. 1982, Act 2, Imd. Eff. Jan. 27, 1982. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to public notice of...
Section 168.653a - Election Notice; Publication; Form; Agreement to Jointly Publish Notice. - Sec. 653a. (1) On receipt of the notice from the...
116-1954-XXVIII-ELECTION-PRECINCTS - Election Precincts (168.654...168.661)
Section 168.654 - Election Precincts; Definition. - Sec. 654. The words "election precinct" as used in this...
Section 168.654a - Election Precinct; Composition; "Clearly Observable Boundaries" Defined. - Sec. 654a. (1) An election precinct under this act must...
Section 168.655 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to outer boundaries of...
Section 168.656 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to division of precincts.Popular...
Section 168.657 - Election Precincts; Division, Rearrangement. - Sec. 657. If a city, ward, or township is divided...
Section 168.658 - Election Precincts; Consolidation. - Sec. 658. When a city, ward, township, or village is...
Section 168.659 - Consolidation of Election Precincts. - Sec. 659. (1) If a county, city, ward, township, village,...
Section 168.660 - Subdivision, Alteration, or Rearrangement of Precincts; Record; Numbers of Precincts; Description of Boundaries; Notice; Abolition of Division Into Precincts. - Sec. 660. When a city, ward, township, or village is...
Section 168.661 - Precincts Using Voting Machines; Number of Machines; Division or Rearrangement of Precincts; Notices; Expenses; Use of Paper Ballots; Time Limitations on Division of Precincts; Division of Precincts Following Federal Census; Determi... - Sec. 661. (1) When the voter registration in a precinct...
116-1954-XXVIII-POLLING-PLACES-EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES - Polling Places, Equipment, Supplies (168.662...168.683)
Section 168.662 - Designating Place of Holding Election in City or Township; Polling Places; Use of Publicly Owned or Controlled Buildings; Facilities; Central Polling Places; Abolishment; Compliance With Voting Accessibility. - Sec. 662. (1) The legislative body in each city and...
Section 168.663 - Polling Places; Erection of Barriers. - Sec. 663. The legislative body of each city, village and...
Section 168.664 - Polling Places; Booths or Temporary Rooms, Specifications. - Sec. 664. On the inside of said railing, the said...
Section 168.665 - Polling Places; Forms, Stationery and Supplies; Provision, Delivery, Approval by State Bureau of Elections. - Sec. 665. All forms, stationery and supplies required by the...
Section 168.666 - Metal Seals; Paper Seals; Blank Forms for Returns. - Sec. 666. At each federal, state, district, or county primary...
Section 168.666a - Sealing Devices for Ballot Boxes or Containers. - Sec. 666a. In addition to the supplies furnished under section...
Section 168.667 - Election Supplies to Be Furnished at County Expense. - Sec. 667. At any federal, state, district or county primary...
Section 168.668 - Delivery of Voter Registration List, Forms, and Other Supplies. - Sec. 668. Before the polls open, the city, township, or...
Section 168.668a - Voter Information Displays. - Sec. 668a. (1) The secretary of state shall furnish to...
Section 168.668b - Electronic Poll Book Software; Timeline for Processing Voters and Generating Election Precinct Reports. - Sec. 668b. (1) Each city or township shall use the...
Section 168.669 - Items to Be Provided by City or Township Board of Election Commissioners. - Sec. 669. For a federal, state, district, or county primary...
Section 168.669a - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to use of ballot...
Section 168.670 - Local Primaries and Elections; Ballots, Forms, Stationery and Supplies. - Sec. 670. For all local primaries and elections, the election...
Section 168.671 - Blank Forms for Returns; Seals. - Sec. 671. At the time of delivering the official ballots...
Section 168.672 - Board of Inspectors of Elections; Presence in Precinct Polling Places. - Sec. 672. At every election, there shall be a board...
Section 168.673 - Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for chairman of board...
Section 168.673a - Election Inspector; Submission of List of Interested Individuals. - Sec. 673a. Not later than May 15 of each year,...
Section 168.674 - Precinct Election Inspector; Appointment; Chairperson; Political Party Membership; Challenge; Vacancies. - Sec. 674. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to...
Section 168.675 - Precinct Election Inspectors; Vacancies During Election. - Sec. 675. In case 3 inspectors shall not attend at...
Section 168.676 - Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for city or village...
Section 168.677 - Precinct Election Inspector; Qualifications; Application; Contents; Candidates Ineligible; Appointment. - Sec. 677. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4),...
Section 168.678 - Board of Election Inspectors; Authority. - Sec. 678. Each board of election inspectors shall possess full...
Section 168.679 - Counting Board; Membership; Appointment; Duties; Applicability of MCL 168.662 to Place of Performance. - Sec. 679. (1) The legislative body of a city or...
Section 168.679a - Receiving Board; Appointment and Duties of Inspectors; Review of Poll Book and Statement of Returns; Corrective Action; Delivery. - Sec. 679a. (1) The election commission of a city or...
Section 168.680 - Precinct Election Inspectors; Oath of Office. - Sec. 680. Each precinct election inspector shall, before entering upon...
Section 168.681 - Repealed. 1980, Act 188, Imd. Eff. July 3, 1980. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to right of precinct...
Section 168.682 - Election Officials; Compensation. - Sec. 682. Any person employed as an inspector of election,...
Section 168.683 - Election Inspectors; Instruction, Compensation, Vacancy. - Sec. 683. Each county clerk before each primary and election...
116-1954-XXVIII-PREPARATION-PRINTING-AND-DELIVERY-OF-OFFICIAL-BA - Preparation, Printing and Delivery of Official Ballots (168.684...168.719)
Section 168.684 - Repealed. 2017, Act 113, Eff. Oct. 25, 2017. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to preparation and adoption...
Section 168.685 - Candidate of New Political Party; Printing Name on Ballot; Certificate; Petitions; Form; Circulation; Disqualification and Requalification of Party; "Principal Candidate of a Political Party" Defined; Party Subject to MCL 168.686a;... - Sec. 685. (1) The name of a candidate of a...
Section 168.686 - State Convention; Canvass of Returns; Certification of Nominees; Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates. - Sec. 686. Within 24 hours after the conclusion of the...
Section 168.686a - Nomination by Caucus or Convention Where No Candidate Polls 5% of Vote Cast for Candidates for Secretary of State. - Sec. 686a. (1) If a political party entitled to a...
Section 168.686b - Nonmajor Political Party; Notice of County Caucus or State Convention. - Sec. 686b. A political party that is not a major...
Section 168.687 - Certification of Nominations by Board of Canvassers. - Sec. 687. The board of canvassers, whose duty it is...
Section 168.688 - Certificates of Nomination; Delivery. - Sec. 688. All certificates of nomination required to be made...
Section 168.689 - Official Ballots; Preparation, Printing. - Sec. 689. The board of election commissioners of each county...
Section 168.690 - Official Ballots; Delivery to Township or City Clerks; Duties. - Sec. 690. The township or city board of election commissioners...
Section 168.691 - Official Ballots; Names of Candidates; Identification Numeral; Compliance. - Sec. 691. (1) Each board of election commissioners shall have...
Section 168.692 - Nomination by More Than 1 Party; Choice; Nomination for More Than 1 Office. - Sec. 692. Any person nominated at a primary election by...
Section 168.692a - Qualifying Petition Not to Be Filed by Certain Persons. - Sec. 692a. A person who files a partisan nominating petition...
Section 168.693 - Nomination by More Than 1 Party or for More Than 1 Office; Failure to Make Choice; Procedure. - Sec. 693. Any person nominated at a primary or certified...
Section 168.694 - Applicability of Certain Sections. - Sec. 694. Sections 691, 692, 693, and 695 apply to...
Section 168.695 - Ineligibility of Candidate at Subsequent Election. - Sec. 695. No person whose name was printed or placed...
Section 168.696 - Printing Name of Candidate for Federal, State, District, County, and Township Offices on 1 Ballot; Placement; Filing Request for Clarifying Designation of Same or Similar Surnames; Notice of Determination; Appeal; Printing Occupatio... - Sec. 696. (1) The board of election commissioners in each...
Section 168.697 - General November Election; Order of Placing Offices on Ballot. - Sec. 697. At the general November election, the names of...
Section 168.698 - Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for a separate presidential...
Section 168.699 - Nonpartisan Offices; Placement on Separate Portion of Ballot; Order of Listing Offices. - Sec. 699. At any regular election, the names of the...
Section 168.700 - Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. sess., Act 56, Eff. Mar. 24, 1964. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to placement of names...
Section 168.701 - Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. sess., Act 56, Eff. Mar. 24, 1964. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to placement of names...
Section 168.702 - Official Ballots; Placing of Name to Fill Vacancy. - Sec. 702. The name of a candidate to fill a...
Section 168.703 - Official Ballots; Position of Parties. - Sec. 703. The ticket of the party having the greatest...
Section 168.703a - Repealed. 1988, Act 116, Imd. Eff. May 2, 1988. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to listing of candidates...
Section 168.704 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to size of voting...
Section 168.705 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to printing, numbering, and...
Section 168.706 - Official Ballot; Arrangement; Basis. - Sec. 706. The arrangement of the ballot containing the names...
Section 168.707 - Repealed. 2012, Act 276, Eff. Aug. 16, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to certification of ballot...
Section 168.708 - Proposed Constitutional Amendment or Question; Statement of Purpose, Publication. - Sec. 708. The secretary of state shall duly prepare a...
Section 168.709 - Proposed Constitutional Amendment or Question; Statement of Purpose, Copies to Voting Precincts, Posting. - Sec. 709. The secretary of state shall also furnish the...
Section 168.710 - Proposed Constitutional Amendment or Question; Proof Copies of Ballots, Filing, Public Inspection. - Sec. 710. The county board of election commissioners shall place...
Section 168.711 - Filing and Mailing Proof Copies of Ballots; Affidavit; Certification; Correction and Printing of Ballots; Forwarding Copy to Secretary of State. - Sec. 711. (1) At the time of filing the proof...
Section 168.712 - Ballots; Omissions or Mistakes; Reprinting. - Sec. 712. If the name of any candidate regularly certified...
Section 168.713 - Delivery of Ballots and Supplies to County Clerk. - Sec. 713. The county board of election commissioners shall cause...
Section 168.714 - Delivery of Ballots and Supplies to Township and City Clerks; Receipt of Delivery; Deadlines. - Sec. 714. (1) The county clerk of each county, at...
Section 168.715 - Absent Voters' and Other Ballots; Duties of Township and City Clerks, Delivery to Voting Precinct Boards of Election Inspectors. - Sec. 715. It shall be the duty of county, city...
Section 168.716 - Absent Voters' and Other Ballots; Wrapping, Sealing. - Sec. 716. The ballots of each kind for each election...
Section 168.717 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Numbering, Packaging, Marking. - Sec. 717. At least 3% of the total number of...
Section 168.717a - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to absent voters' ballots.Popular...
Section 168.718 - Official Ballots; Printer, Acts Prohibited; Instruction Ballots, Printing. - Sec. 718. It shall not be lawful for the printer...
Section 168.719 - City and Township Election Commissions; Party Committees; Duties; Proof of Ballot; Public Inspection. - Sec. 719. The election commission of each city and township...
116-1954-XXVIII-CONDUCT-OF-ELECTIONS-AND-MANNER-OF-VOTING - Conduct of Elections and Manner of Voting (168.720...168.750)
Section 168.720 - Polls; Times of Opening and Closing. - Sec. 720. On the day of any election, the polls...
Section 168.721 - Polls; Opening and Closing Governed by Central Standard Time. - Sec. 721. Unless otherwise specified, the hours for the opening...
Section 168.722 - Polls; Announcement of Opening and Closing. - Sec. 722. The chairman or an inspector designated by him...
Section 168.723 - Ballot Boxes; Examination, Locking. - Sec. 723. Before opening the polls, each ballot box to...
Section 168.724 - Ballots; Opening Packages; Distribution of Pencils; Unused Absent Voters' Ballots. - Sec. 724. At the opening of the polls, after the...
Section 168.725 - Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for manner of initialing...
Section 168.726 - Ballots; Delivery to Elector. - Sec. 726. No ballots shall be delivered to an elector...
Section 168.727 - Challenge; Duty of Election Inspector; Indiscriminate Challenge; Penalty. - Sec. 727. (1) An election inspector shall challenge an applicant...
Section 168.728 - Challenges; Disposition. - Sec. 728. If at the time a person proposing to...
Section 168.729 - Challenges; Oath, Questions as to Qualifications; False Statements, Penalty. - Sec. 729. If any person attempting to vote shall be...
Section 168.730 - Designation, Qualifications, and Number of Challengers. - Sec. 730. (1) At an election, a political party or...
Section 168.731 - Challengers; Statement of Appointment by Organization; Contents; Authorization; Appointment Without Authorization; Penalty. - Sec. 731. (1) Not less than 20 and not more...
Section 168.732 - Presence of Challenger in Room Containing Ballot Box; Evidence of Right to Be Present. - Sec. 732. Authority signed by the recognized chairman or presiding...
Section 168.733 - Challengers; Space in Polling Place; Rights; Space at Counting Board; Expulsion for Cause; Protection; Threat or Intimidation. - Sec. 733. (1) The board of election inspectors shall provide...
Section 168.734 - Challengers; Preventing Presence, Penalty. - Sec. 734. Any officer or election board who shall prevent...
Section 168.735 - Poll Book and Poll List; Contents. - Sec. 735. (1) At each primary and election, election inspectors...
Section 168.735a - Poll List and Poll Book; Exception for Program Participants in the Address Confidentiality Program Act. - Sec. 735a. For a program participant, as that term is...
Section 168.736 - Voting; Ballots, Delivery to Electors by Numbers; Assistance by Election Inspectors. - Sec. 736. When an elector applying to vote shall not...
Section 168.736a - Minor Child in Booth or Compartment. - Sec. 736a. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act to...
Section 168.736b - Secrecy Sleeve; Primary Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736b. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a primary...
Section 168.736c - Secrecy Sleeve; General Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736c. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a general...
Section 168.736d - Secrecy Sleeve; Nonpartisan Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736d. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a nonpartisan...
Section 168.736e - Secrecy Sleeve; Special Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736e. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a special...
Section 168.736f - Ballot Marking Instructions; Limitation. - Sec. 736f. The ballot marking instructions as provided in sections...
Section 168.736g - Discontinued Use of Secrecy Sleeve Defaced, Marred, or Containing Other Mark. - Sec. 736g. If a ballot secrecy sleeve used at an...
Section 168.737 - Repealed. 2012, Act 128, Imd. Eff. May 14, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to manner of marking...
Section 168.737a - Write-in Vote; Declaration of Intent; Filing; Death or Disqualification of Candidate; Write-in Candidate for Precinct Delegate; Forms; Information. - Sec. 737a. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,...
Section 168.738 - Voting; Ballots; Folding; Deposit in Ballot Box; Rejection for Exposure. - Sec. 738. (1) Before leaving the booth or voting compartment,...
Section 168.739 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to deposit of ballots...
Section 168.740 - Voting; Ballots, Spoiling. - Sec. 740. If any elector inadvertently spoils a ballot, he...
Section 168.741 - Voting; Unused and Spoiled Ballots; Preservation. - Sec. 741. The board of inspectors of election shall preserve...
Section 168.742 - Voting; Time for Voting Ballot. - Sec. 742. The board of inspectors of election may make...
Section 168.743 - Voting; Ballots; Return by Elector; Failure; Arrest. - Sec. 743. An elector to whom an official ballot has...
Section 168.744 - Prohibited Acts; Violation as Misdemeanor. - Sec. 744. (1) An election inspector or any other person...
Section 168.744a - Appearance of Name of Elected or Appointed Official in Polling Place or Room Prohibited; Violation; Fine. - Sec. 744a. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the...
Section 168.745 - Ballot of Challenged Voter; Endorsement, Rejection. - Sec. 745. Whenever at any election the ballot of any...
Section 168.746 - Ballot of Challenged Voter; Endorsement Concealed, Identification Prohibited. - Sec. 746. To prevent the identification of said ballot, except...
Section 168.747 - Contested Election; Challenged Voters' Ballots, Identification in Court. - Sec. 747. In case of a contested election, on the...
Section 168.748 - Contested Election; Petition to Determine Qualifications of Electors. - Sec. 748. After issue joined in any case of contested...
Section 168.749 - Contested Elections; Challenged Voters' Ballots, Removal of Slips Concealing Endorsements, Replacement. - Sec. 749. On said trial, the judge presiding thereat and...
Section 168.750 - Electors; Exemption From Civil Process. - Sec. 750. During the day on which any election or...
116-1954-XXVIII-ASSISTED-VOTERS - Assisted Voters (168.751...168.757)
Section 168.751 - Assisting Elector in Marking Ballot. - Sec. 751. When at an election an elector shall state...
Section 168.752, 168.753 - Repealed. 1979, Act 151, Imd. Eff. Nov. 27, 1979. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to oath of election...
Section 168.754 - Assistance of Electors; Duties and Restrictions. - Sec. 754. The inspectors upon whom shall fall the duty...
Section 168.755 - Repealed. 1979, Act 151, Imd. Eff. Nov. 27, 1979. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to entering on list...
Section 168.755a - Elector Unable to Write or Sign Name; Execution of Election Document by Making Mark or Using Signature Stamp; "Election Document" Defined. - Sec. 755a. (1) If an elector is unable to write,...
Section 168.756 - False Statement as Perjury. - Sec. 756. An elector who shall falsely state that he...
Section 168.757 - Unlawful Conduct; Felony. - Sec. 757. Any inspector who shall wilfully assist any elector...
116-1954-XXVIII-ABSENT-VOTERS - Absent Voters (168.758...168.769a)
Section 168.758 - Repealed. 2018, Act 603, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: This repealed section pertained to valid reasons for...
Section 168.758a - Absent Voter Ballot for President and Vice-President; Qualifications. - Sec. 758a. (1) A citizen of the United States above...
Section 168.758b - Voting by Persons Confined in Jail or Prison Prohibited. - Sec. 758b. A person who, in a court of this...
Section 168.758c - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to certain electors considered...
Section 168.759 - Application to Vote Absentee; Time; Manner; Form; Availability; Signature of Applicant; False Statement as Misdemeanor; Application Confidentiality of Program Participant. - Sec. 759. (1) Subject to section 761(3), at any time...
Section 168.759a - Absent Uniformed Services Voter or Overseas Voter; Electronic Transmission of Voter Registration or Ballot Application; Requirements; Spouse or Dependent; Electronic Transmission of Ballot to Voter; Establishment and Implementation... - Sec. 759a. (1) An absent uniformed services voter or an...
Section 168.759b - Emergency Absent Voters' Ballot; Application. - Sec. 759b. Any registered elector may apply for absent voter...
Section 168.759c - Absent Voter Ballot; Political Party Ballot Selection. - Sec. 759c. For a presidential primary election, the secretary of...
Section 168.760 - Absent Voters; Records, Public Inspection. - Sec. 760. Upon receipt of such properly executed application, as...
Section 168.761 - Absent Voter Ballots; Mailing or Delivering to Applicant; Rejection of Application; Order of Issuance; Numbering; Return Envelope; Form; Statement; False Statement as Misdemeanor or Felony; Presenting of Identification for Election... - Sec. 761. (1) If the clerk of a city or...
Section 168.761a - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to forwarding absent voter...
Section 168.761b - Clerk of City or Township; Office Hours Immediately Before Election for Receiving Absent Voter Ballots; Public Notice; Additional Locations by Resolution. - Sec. 761b. (1) Beginning January 1, 2019, the clerk of...
Section 168.761d - Absent Voter Ballot Drop Box; Requirements; Collection of Ballots From the Drop Box; Inspections; Transportation of Absent Voter Ballot Return Envelopes. - Sec. 761d. (1) By October 20, 2022, an absent voter...
Section 168.762 - Absent Voter Ballots; Failure to Receive Application. - Sec. 762. If from any precinct the township or city...
Section 168.763 - Repealed. 1956, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28, 1956. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section imposed duty upon clerk to...
Section 168.764 - Absent Voter Ballot; Instructions. - Sec. 764. In addition to the instructions provided to an...
Section 168.764a - Instructions for Absent Voters. - Sec. 764a. The following instructions for an absent voter must...
Section 168.764b - Delivery and Acceptance of Absent Voter Ballots; Appointment, Oath, Credentials, and Duties of Assistants; Collection of Absent Voter Ballots; Prohibition; Noncompliance. - Sec. 764b. (1) An absent voter ballot must be delivered...
Section 168.764c - Ballot Tracker Program; Tracking Absent Voter Ballots Online. - Sec. 764c. If a city or township has access to...
Section 168.764d - Combined Absent Voter Counting Board; Establishment and Agreement; Requirements; Duties of the Bureau of Elections. - Sec. 764d. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the...
Section 168.765 - Absent Voter Ballots; Safekeeping by Clerk; Public Inspection of Applications and Lists; Delivery to Board of Election Inspectors; Voter Ballot Received After Polls Closed; Written Notice Provided by Clerk; Requirements for Pre-Proc... - Sec. 765. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (6),...
Section 168.765a - Absent Voter Counting Board. - Sec. 765a. (1) Subject to section 764d, if a city...
Section 168.765b - Procedure to Spoil Absent Voter Ballot. - Sec. 765b. (1) Not later than 5 p.m. on the...
Section 168.766 - Marked Ballot or Absent Voter Ballot; Verification. - Sec. 766. (1) Upon receipt from the city or township...
Section 168.767 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Illegal Vote; Rejection of Ballot; Marking; Preservation. - Sec. 767. If upon an examination of the envelope containing...
Section 168.768 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Legal Vote; Deposit of Ballot in Box, Record. - Sec. 768. If upon such examination of the envelope containing...
Section 168.769 - Absent Voter Ballots; Voting in Person; Return of Ballot; Voting in Person and Absent Voter Ballot as Felony; Report. - Sec. 769. (1) An absent voter may vote in person...
Section 168.769a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to use of voting...
116-1954-XXVIII-VOTING-MACHINES - Voting Machines (168.770...168.799a)
Section 168.770 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to contracts between governing...
Section 168.770a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to petition for use...
Section 168.771 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to purchase of voting...
Section 168.771a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to criteria for selection...
Section 168.772 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to construction and operation...
Section 168.773 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to maintenance and custody...
Section 168.774 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to contract for purchase...
Section 168.775 - Repealed. 2017, Act 113, Eff. Oct. 25, 2017. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to requirements relating to...
Section 168.776 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to supplies and equipment.Popular...
Section 168.777 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to delivery of voting...
Section 168.778 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to control of voting...
Section 168.779 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to qualifications of election...
Section 168.780 - Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section dispensed with all clerks and...
Section 168.781 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to duties of election...
Section 168.782 - Repealed. 1966, Act 62, Imd. Eff. June 9, 1966. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to irregular and emergency...
Section 168.782a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to voting for more...
Section 168.782b - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to emergency ballots.Popular Name:...
Section 168.783 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to challenge of voter...
Section 168.784 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to casting of irregular...
Section 168.785 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to location of voting...
Section 168.786 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to secrecy during voting...
Section 168.787 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to concealment of keyboard.Popular...
Section 168.788 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to locking and unlocking...
Section 168.789 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to instructions by inspector.Popular...
Section 168.790 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to defacing or altering...
Section 168.791 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to reading and announcing...
Section 168.791a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to printer type voting...
Section 168.792 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to discrepancy in returns.Popular...
Section 168.792a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to absent voters counting...
Section 168.792b - Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to inapplicability of MCL...
Section 168.793 - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to inspectors' statement forms.Popular...
Section 168.794 - Definitions Used in MCL 168.794 to 168.799a. - Sec. 794. As used in sections 794 to 799a: (a)...
Section 168.794a - Electronic Voting System; Authorization; Acquisition; Abandonment; Use; Accuracy Test; Applicability of Subsections (1) and (2). - Sec. 794a. (1) Subject to this section, the board of...
Section 168.794b - Electronic Voting System; Manner of Payment. - Sec. 794b. If federal funding or state funding is not...
Section 168.794c - Applicability and Construction of Provisions; Rules. - Sec. 794c. The provisions of sections 794 to 799a control...
Section 168.795 - Electronic Voting System; Requirements; Method for Rendering Electronic Tabulating Equipment Inoperable; Equipping Each Polling Place With Accessible Voting Device. - Sec. 795. (1) An electronic voting system acquired or used...
Section 168.795a - Electronic Voting System; Approval by Board of State Canvassers; Conditions; Approval of Improvement or Change; Inapplicability of Subsection (1); Intent to Purchase Statement; Instruction in Operation and Use; Disapproval. - Sec. 795a. (1) An electronic voting system shall not be...
Section 168.795b - Printing or Displaying Ballot Labels, Questions, Office Titles, and Names of Candidates; Columns, Pages, and Directional Signs; Ballot Stub. - Sec. 795b. (1) Ballot labels shall be printed or displayed...
Section 168.795c - Indicating Different Parts of Ballot on Ballot Label; Placement of Parts; 2 or More Elections on Same Day; Partisan Elections; Straight Party Ticket Vote Prohibited; Appropriation. - Sec. 795c. (1) The different parts of the ballot, such...
Section 168.796 - Sample Ballots. - Sec. 796. Sample ballots, which shall be facsimile copies of...
Section 168.796a - Electronic Voting System; Preparation for Election; Equipment and Supplies; Voting Stations. - Sec. 796a. (1) Before an election at which an electronic...
Section 168.796b - Repealed. 1990, Act 109, Imd. Eff. June 18, 1990. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to instruction of election...
Section 168.797 - Inspectors of Election; Duties; Certification of Equipment Operation. - Sec. 797. Not less than 30 minutes before the opening...
Section 168.797a - Instruction in Method of Voting on Electronic Voting System; Use of Ballot Processed Through Electronic Tabulating Equipment; Procedure; Detached Stub; Spoiled Ballot; Processing of Challenged Voter Ballot; Removal of Ballot. - Sec. 797a. (1) Before entering the voting station, each elector...
Section 168.797b - Rules. - Sec. 797b. The secretary of state shall promulgate rules pursuant...
Section 168.797c - Computer Program; Disposition and Use of Source Code. - Sec. 797c. A person or company providing a computer program...
Section 168.798 - Testing of Electronic Tabulating Equipment; Notice; Method; Sealing Programs, Test Materials, and Ballots; Rules; Sealing Memory Device. - Sec. 798. (1) Before beginning the count of ballots, the...
Section 168.798a - Separate Counting Center; Direction and Conduct of Proceedings; Method. - Sec. 798a. If a separate counting center is used, all...
Section 168.798b - Electronic Tabulating Equipment; Unofficial and Official Returns; Manual Count. - Sec. 798b. Before the conduct of the official count, the...
Section 168.798c - Casting Absentee Votes on Paper Ballots or Ballot Cards; Count; Recording; Voting and Processing Absent Voters' Ballots; Inspection of Rejected Ballot. - Sec. 798c. (1) Absentee votes may be cast on paper...
Section 168.799 - Injuring, Altering, or Defacing Voting Device, Ballot, or Other Equipment; Interference With Correct Operation of Equipment; Enforcement; Examination. - Sec. 799. A person shall not willfully injure any voting...
Section 168.799a - Recounting Punched, Marked, or Stamped Ballot; Procedure; Stray Marks; Releasing Sealed Materials. - Sec. 799a. (1) This section governs the recounting of a...