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Section 168.758 - Repealed. 2018, Act 603, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: This repealed section pertained to valid reasons for...
Section 168.758a - Absent Voter Ballot for President and Vice-President; Qualifications. - Sec. 758a. (1) A citizen of the United States above...
Section 168.758b - Voting by Persons Confined in Jail or Prison Prohibited. - Sec. 758b. A person who, in a court of this...
Section 168.758c - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to certain electors considered...
Section 168.759 - Application to Vote Absentee; Time; Manner; Form; Availability; Signature of Applicant; False Statement as Misdemeanor; Application Confidentiality of Program Participant. - Sec. 759. (1) Subject to section 761(3), at any time...
Section 168.759a - Absent Uniformed Services Voter or Overseas Voter; Electronic Transmission of Voter Registration or Ballot Application; Requirements; Spouse or Dependent; Electronic Transmission of Ballot to Voter; Establishment and Implementation... - Sec. 759a. (1) An absent uniformed services voter or an...
Section 168.759b - Emergency Absent Voters' Ballot; Application. - Sec. 759b. Any registered elector may apply for absent voter...
Section 168.759c - Absent Voter Ballot; Political Party Ballot Selection. - Sec. 759c. For a presidential primary election, the secretary of...
Section 168.760 - Absent Voters; Records, Public Inspection. - Sec. 760. Upon receipt of such properly executed application, as...
Section 168.761 - Absent Voter Ballots; Mailing or Delivering to Applicant; Rejection of Application; Order of Issuance; Numbering; Return Envelope; Form; Statement; False Statement as Misdemeanor or Felony; Presenting of Identification for Election... - Sec. 761. (1) If the clerk of a city or...
Section 168.761a - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to forwarding absent voter...
Section 168.761b - Clerk of City or Township; Office Hours Immediately Before Election for Receiving Absent Voter Ballots; Public Notice; Additional Locations by Resolution. - Sec. 761b. (1) Beginning January 1, 2019, the clerk of...
Section 168.761d - Absent Voter Ballot Drop Box; Requirements; Collection of Ballots From the Drop Box; Inspections; Transportation of Absent Voter Ballot Return Envelopes. - Sec. 761d. (1) By October 20, 2022, an absent voter...
Section 168.762 - Absent Voter Ballots; Failure to Receive Application. - Sec. 762. If from any precinct the township or city...
Section 168.763 - Repealed. 1956, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28, 1956. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section imposed duty upon clerk to...
Section 168.764 - Absent Voter Ballot; Instructions. - Sec. 764. In addition to the instructions provided to an...
Section 168.764a - Instructions for Absent Voters. - Sec. 764a. The following instructions for an absent voter must...
Section 168.764b - Delivery and Acceptance of Absent Voter Ballots; Appointment, Oath, Credentials, and Duties of Assistants; Collection of Absent Voter Ballots; Prohibition; Noncompliance. - Sec. 764b. (1) An absent voter ballot must be delivered...
Section 168.764c - Ballot Tracker Program; Tracking Absent Voter Ballots Online. - Sec. 764c. If a city or township has access to...
Section 168.764d - Combined Absent Voter Counting Board; Establishment and Agreement; Requirements; Duties of the Bureau of Elections. - Sec. 764d. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the...
Section 168.765 - Absent Voter Ballots; Safekeeping by Clerk; Public Inspection of Applications and Lists; Delivery to Board of Election Inspectors; Voter Ballot Received After Polls Closed; Written Notice Provided by Clerk; Requirements for Pre-Proc... - Sec. 765. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (6),...
Section 168.765a - Absent Voter Counting Board. - Sec. 765a. (1) Subject to section 764d, if a city...
Section 168.765b - Procedure to Spoil Absent Voter Ballot. - Sec. 765b. (1) Not later than 5 p.m. on the...
Section 168.766 - Marked Ballot or Absent Voter Ballot; Verification. - Sec. 766. (1) Upon receipt from the city or township...
Section 168.767 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Illegal Vote; Rejection of Ballot; Marking; Preservation. - Sec. 767. If upon an examination of the envelope containing...
Section 168.768 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Legal Vote; Deposit of Ballot in Box, Record. - Sec. 768. If upon such examination of the envelope containing...
Section 168.769 - Absent Voter Ballots; Voting in Person; Return of Ballot; Voting in Person and Absent Voter Ballot as Felony; Report. - Sec. 769. (1) An absent voter may vote in person...
Section 168.769a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to use of voting...