Michigan Compiled Laws
116-1954-XXVIII-ABSENT-VOTERS - Absent Voters (168.758...168.769a)
Section 168.764a - Instructions for Absent Voters.

Sec. 764a.
The following instructions for an absent voter must be included with each ballot or set of ballots furnished an absent voter:

Step 2. After voting a ballot, place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve, if any. If a secrecy sleeve is not provided, refold the ballot to conceal your votes.
Step 3. Place the ballot or ballots in the return envelope and securely seal the envelope.
Step 4. Sign and date the return envelope in the place designated. Your signature must appear on the return envelope or the ballot will not be counted. If you are disabled or otherwise unable to mark the ballot and required assistance in voting your absent voter ballot, have the individual who assisted you complete the section on the return envelope entitled "TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF VOTER IS ASSISTED IN VOTING BY ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL".
Step 5. Deliver the return envelope by 1 of the following methods:
(a) Place the necessary postage upon the return envelope and deposit it in the United States mail or with another public postal service, express mail service, parcel post service, or common carrier.
(b) Deliver the envelope personally to the office of the clerk, to the clerk, or to an authorized assistant of the clerk, or to a secure drop box located in the city or township.
(c) In either (a) or (b), a member of the immediate family of the voter including a father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, or grandchild or an individual residing in the voter's household may mail or deliver a ballot to the clerk for the voter.
(d) You may request by telephone that the clerk who issued the ballot provide assistance in returning the ballot. The clerk is required to provide assistance if you are unable to return your absent voter ballot as specified in (a), (b), or (c) above, if it is before 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately preceding the election, and if you are asking the clerk to pick up the absent voter ballot within the jurisdictional limits of the city, township, or village in which you are registered. Your absent voter ballot will then be picked up by the clerk or an election assistant sent by the clerk. All individuals authorized to pick up absent voter ballots are required to carry credentials issued by the clerk. If using this absent voter ballot return method, do not give your ballot to anyone until you have checked their credentials.
Step 6. The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted.

(1) To vote an absent voter ballot at a meeting or gathering at which other individuals are voting absent voter ballots.
(2) For an individual who is assisting an absent voter in marking the ballot to suggest or in any manner attempt to influence the absent voter on how he or she should vote.
(3) For an individual who is present and knows that an individual is voting an absent voter ballot to suggest or in any manner attempt to influence the absent voter on how he or she should vote.
(4) For an individual other than those listed in these instructions to return, offer to return, agree to return, or solicit to return an absent voter ballot to the clerk.
(5) For an individual other than the absent voter; an individual listed in these instructions; or an individual whose job it is to handle mail before, during, or after being transported by a public postal service, express mail service, parcel post service, or common carrier, but only during the normal course of his or her employment to be in possession of a voted or unvoted absent voter ballot.
History: Add. 1982, Act 201, Imd. Eff. July 1, 1982 ;-- Am. 1995, Act 261, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 207, Imd. Eff. May 21, 1996 ;-- Am. 2012, Act 128, Imd. Eff. May 14, 2012 ;-- Am. 2020, Act 177, Imd. Eff. Oct. 6, 2020 Popular Name: Election Code

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 168 - Michigan Election Law

Act 116 of 1954 - Michigan Election Law (168.1 - 168.992)

116-1954-XXVIII - Chapter XXVIII Holding of Elections (168.641...168.799a)

116-1954-XXVIII-ABSENT-VOTERS - Absent Voters (168.758...168.769a)

Section 168.758 - Repealed. 2018, Act 603, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018.

Section 168.758a - Absent Voter Ballot for President and Vice-President; Qualifications.

Section 168.758b - Voting by Persons Confined in Jail or Prison Prohibited.

Section 168.758c - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.

Section 168.759 - Application to Vote Absentee; Time; Manner; Form; Availability; Signature of Applicant; False Statement as Misdemeanor; Application Confidentiality of Program Participant.

Section 168.759a - Absent Uniformed Services Voter or Overseas Voter; Electronic Transmission of Voter Registration or Ballot Application; Requirements; Spouse or Dependent; Electronic Transmission of Ballot to Voter; Establishment and Implementation...

Section 168.759b - Emergency Absent Voters' Ballot; Application.

Section 168.759c - Absent Voter Ballot; Political Party Ballot Selection.

Section 168.760 - Absent Voters; Records, Public Inspection.

Section 168.761 - Absent Voter Ballots; Mailing or Delivering to Applicant; Rejection of Application; Order of Issuance; Numbering; Return Envelope; Form; Statement; False Statement as Misdemeanor or Felony; Presenting of Identification for Election...

Section 168.761a - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018.

Section 168.761b - Clerk of City or Township; Office Hours Immediately Before Election for Receiving Absent Voter Ballots; Public Notice; Additional Locations by Resolution.

Section 168.761d - Absent Voter Ballot Drop Box; Requirements; Collection of Ballots From the Drop Box; Inspections; Transportation of Absent Voter Ballot Return Envelopes.

Section 168.762 - Absent Voter Ballots; Failure to Receive Application.

Section 168.763 - Repealed. 1956, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28, 1956.

Section 168.764 - Absent Voter Ballot; Instructions.

Section 168.764a - Instructions for Absent Voters.

Section 168.764b - Delivery and Acceptance of Absent Voter Ballots; Appointment, Oath, Credentials, and Duties of Assistants; Collection of Absent Voter Ballots; Prohibition; Noncompliance.

Section 168.764c - Ballot Tracker Program; Tracking Absent Voter Ballots Online.

Section 168.764d - Combined Absent Voter Counting Board; Establishment and Agreement; Requirements; Duties of the Bureau of Elections.

Section 168.765 - Absent Voter Ballots; Safekeeping by Clerk; Public Inspection of Applications and Lists; Delivery to Board of Election Inspectors; Voter Ballot Received After Polls Closed; Written Notice Provided by Clerk; Requirements for Pre-Proc...

Section 168.765a - Absent Voter Counting Board.

Section 168.765b - Procedure to Spoil Absent Voter Ballot.

Section 168.766 - Marked Ballot or Absent Voter Ballot; Verification.

Section 168.767 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Illegal Vote; Rejection of Ballot; Marking; Preservation.

Section 168.768 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Legal Vote; Deposit of Ballot in Box, Record.

Section 168.769 - Absent Voter Ballots; Voting in Person; Return of Ballot; Voting in Person and Absent Voter Ballot as Felony; Report.

Section 168.769a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018.