Michigan Compiled Laws
116-1954-XXVIII-ABSENT-VOTERS - Absent Voters (168.758...168.769a)
Section 168.769 - Absent Voter Ballots; Voting in Person; Return of Ballot; Voting in Person and Absent Voter Ballot as Felony; Report.

Sec. 769.
(1) An absent voter may vote in person within his or her precinct at an election, notwithstanding that he or she applies for an absent voter ballot and the ballot is mailed or otherwise delivered to the absent voter by the clerk. This subsection only applies if the absent voter does not vote the absent voter ballot mailed or otherwise delivered by the clerk.
(2) Before voting in person, except as otherwise provided in this section, the absent voter shall return the absent voter ballot to the board of election inspectors in his or her precinct. If an absent voter ballot is returned under this subsection, the board of election inspectors shall mark it "CANCELED" and place it in the regular box with other canceled ballots.
(3) An absent voter who did not receive an absent voter ballot that he or she applied for or lost or destroyed an absent voter ballot he or she received, and who desires to vote in person in his or her precinct on election day, shall sign an affidavit to that effect before an election inspector and be allowed to vote as otherwise provided in this act. However, a voter being allowed to vote under this subsection is subject to challenge as provided in section 727.
(4) A person who votes at an election both in person and by means of an absent voter ballot or a person who attempts to vote both in person and by means of an absent voter ballot is guilty of a felony.
(5) An election official who becomes aware of a person who votes or attempts to vote both in person and by means of an absent voter ballot shall report that information to the prosecuting attorney for that county and to the secretary of state.
History: 1954, Act 116, Eff. June 1, 1955 ;-- Am. 1995, Act 261, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996 Compiler's Notes: Act 269 of 2001, which was approved by the Governor and filed with the Secretary of State on January 11, 2002, provided for the amendment of MCL 168.31, 168.73, 168.283, 168.393, 168.509y, 168.509aa, 168.561a, 168.624, 168.624a, 168.686, 168.706, 168.727, 168.737, 168.745, 168.769, 168.782b, 168.795, 168.795c, 168.797a, 168.798c, 168.799a, 168.803, 168.804, 168.842, and 168.931 of, the addition of Sec. 701 to, and the repeal of Sec. 509 of, Act 116 of 1954, known as the Michigan Election Law. A petition seeking a referendum on Act 269 of 2001 was filed with the Secretary of State. The Board of State Canvassers officially declared the sufficiency of the referendum petition on May 14, 2002. Const 1963, art 2, sec 9, provides that no law as to which the power of referendum properly has been invoked shall be effective thereafter unless approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon at the next general election. A referendum on Act 269 of 2001 was presented to the electors at the November 5, 2002, general election as Proposal 02-1, which read as follows:“A REFERENDUM ON PUBLIC ACT 269 OF 2001—AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF MICHIGAN ELECTION LAWPublic Act 269 of 2001 would:—Eliminate “straight party” vote option on partisan general election ballots.—Require Secretary of State to obtain training reports from local election officials.—Require registered voters who do not appear on registration list to show picture identification before voting a challenged ballot.—Require expedited canvass if presidential vote differential is under 25,000.—Require ballot counting equipment to screen ballots for voting errors to ensure the accurate tabulation of absentee ballots. Permit voters in polls to correct errors.—Provide penalties for stealing campaign signs or accepting payment for campaign work while being paid as a public employee to perform election duties.Should this law be approved?Yes __________No __________”Act 269 of 2001 was not approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon at the November 5, 2002, general election.Popular Name: Election Code

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 168 - Michigan Election Law

Act 116 of 1954 - Michigan Election Law (168.1 - 168.992)

116-1954-XXVIII - Chapter XXVIII Holding of Elections (168.641...168.799a)

116-1954-XXVIII-ABSENT-VOTERS - Absent Voters (168.758...168.769a)

Section 168.758 - Repealed. 2018, Act 603, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018.

Section 168.758a - Absent Voter Ballot for President and Vice-President; Qualifications.

Section 168.758b - Voting by Persons Confined in Jail or Prison Prohibited.

Section 168.758c - Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.

Section 168.759 - Application to Vote Absentee; Time; Manner; Form; Availability; Signature of Applicant; False Statement as Misdemeanor; Application Confidentiality of Program Participant.

Section 168.759a - Absent Uniformed Services Voter or Overseas Voter; Electronic Transmission of Voter Registration or Ballot Application; Requirements; Spouse or Dependent; Electronic Transmission of Ballot to Voter; Establishment and Implementation...

Section 168.759b - Emergency Absent Voters' Ballot; Application.

Section 168.759c - Absent Voter Ballot; Political Party Ballot Selection.

Section 168.760 - Absent Voters; Records, Public Inspection.

Section 168.761 - Absent Voter Ballots; Mailing or Delivering to Applicant; Rejection of Application; Order of Issuance; Numbering; Return Envelope; Form; Statement; False Statement as Misdemeanor or Felony; Presenting of Identification for Election...

Section 168.761a - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018.

Section 168.761b - Clerk of City or Township; Office Hours Immediately Before Election for Receiving Absent Voter Ballots; Public Notice; Additional Locations by Resolution.

Section 168.761d - Absent Voter Ballot Drop Box; Requirements; Collection of Ballots From the Drop Box; Inspections; Transportation of Absent Voter Ballot Return Envelopes.

Section 168.762 - Absent Voter Ballots; Failure to Receive Application.

Section 168.763 - Repealed. 1956, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28, 1956.

Section 168.764 - Absent Voter Ballot; Instructions.

Section 168.764a - Instructions for Absent Voters.

Section 168.764b - Delivery and Acceptance of Absent Voter Ballots; Appointment, Oath, Credentials, and Duties of Assistants; Collection of Absent Voter Ballots; Prohibition; Noncompliance.

Section 168.764c - Ballot Tracker Program; Tracking Absent Voter Ballots Online.

Section 168.764d - Combined Absent Voter Counting Board; Establishment and Agreement; Requirements; Duties of the Bureau of Elections.

Section 168.765 - Absent Voter Ballots; Safekeeping by Clerk; Public Inspection of Applications and Lists; Delivery to Board of Election Inspectors; Voter Ballot Received After Polls Closed; Written Notice Provided by Clerk; Requirements for Pre-Proc...

Section 168.765a - Absent Voter Counting Board.

Section 168.765b - Procedure to Spoil Absent Voter Ballot.

Section 168.766 - Marked Ballot or Absent Voter Ballot; Verification.

Section 168.767 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Illegal Vote; Rejection of Ballot; Marking; Preservation.

Section 168.768 - Absent Voters' Ballots; Legal Vote; Deposit of Ballot in Box, Record.

Section 168.769 - Absent Voter Ballots; Voting in Person; Return of Ballot; Voting in Person and Absent Voter Ballot as Felony; Report.

Section 168.769a - Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018.