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Section 168.720 - Polls; Times of Opening and Closing. - Sec. 720. On the day of any election, the polls...
Section 168.721 - Polls; Opening and Closing Governed by Central Standard Time. - Sec. 721. Unless otherwise specified, the hours for the opening...
Section 168.722 - Polls; Announcement of Opening and Closing. - Sec. 722. The chairman or an inspector designated by him...
Section 168.723 - Ballot Boxes; Examination, Locking. - Sec. 723. Before opening the polls, each ballot box to...
Section 168.724 - Ballots; Opening Packages; Distribution of Pencils; Unused Absent Voters' Ballots. - Sec. 724. At the opening of the polls, after the...
Section 168.725 - Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section provided for manner of initialing...
Section 168.726 - Ballots; Delivery to Elector. - Sec. 726. No ballots shall be delivered to an elector...
Section 168.727 - Challenge; Duty of Election Inspector; Indiscriminate Challenge; Penalty. - Sec. 727. (1) An election inspector shall challenge an applicant...
Section 168.728 - Challenges; Disposition. - Sec. 728. If at the time a person proposing to...
Section 168.729 - Challenges; Oath, Questions as to Qualifications; False Statements, Penalty. - Sec. 729. If any person attempting to vote shall be...
Section 168.730 - Designation, Qualifications, and Number of Challengers. - Sec. 730. (1) At an election, a political party or...
Section 168.731 - Challengers; Statement of Appointment by Organization; Contents; Authorization; Appointment Without Authorization; Penalty. - Sec. 731. (1) Not less than 20 and not more...
Section 168.732 - Presence of Challenger in Room Containing Ballot Box; Evidence of Right to Be Present. - Sec. 732. Authority signed by the recognized chairman or presiding...
Section 168.733 - Challengers; Space in Polling Place; Rights; Space at Counting Board; Expulsion for Cause; Protection; Threat or Intimidation. - Sec. 733. (1) The board of election inspectors shall provide...
Section 168.734 - Challengers; Preventing Presence, Penalty. - Sec. 734. Any officer or election board who shall prevent...
Section 168.735 - Poll Book and Poll List; Contents. - Sec. 735. (1) At each primary and election, election inspectors...
Section 168.735a - Poll List and Poll Book; Exception for Program Participants in the Address Confidentiality Program Act. - Sec. 735a. For a program participant, as that term is...
Section 168.736 - Voting; Ballots, Delivery to Electors by Numbers; Assistance by Election Inspectors. - Sec. 736. When an elector applying to vote shall not...
Section 168.736a - Minor Child in Booth or Compartment. - Sec. 736a. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act to...
Section 168.736b - Secrecy Sleeve; Primary Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736b. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a primary...
Section 168.736c - Secrecy Sleeve; General Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736c. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a general...
Section 168.736d - Secrecy Sleeve; Nonpartisan Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736d. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a nonpartisan...
Section 168.736e - Secrecy Sleeve; Special Election; Instructions. - Sec. 736e. Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a special...
Section 168.736f - Ballot Marking Instructions; Limitation. - Sec. 736f. The ballot marking instructions as provided in sections...
Section 168.736g - Discontinued Use of Secrecy Sleeve Defaced, Marred, or Containing Other Mark. - Sec. 736g. If a ballot secrecy sleeve used at an...
Section 168.737 - Repealed. 2012, Act 128, Imd. Eff. May 14, 2012. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to manner of marking...
Section 168.737a - Write-in Vote; Declaration of Intent; Filing; Death or Disqualification of Candidate; Write-in Candidate for Precinct Delegate; Forms; Information. - Sec. 737a. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,...
Section 168.738 - Voting; Ballots; Folding; Deposit in Ballot Box; Rejection for Exposure. - Sec. 738. (1) Before leaving the booth or voting compartment,...
Section 168.739 - Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to deposit of ballots...
Section 168.740 - Voting; Ballots, Spoiling. - Sec. 740. If any elector inadvertently spoils a ballot, he...
Section 168.741 - Voting; Unused and Spoiled Ballots; Preservation. - Sec. 741. The board of inspectors of election shall preserve...
Section 168.742 - Voting; Time for Voting Ballot. - Sec. 742. The board of inspectors of election may make...
Section 168.743 - Voting; Ballots; Return by Elector; Failure; Arrest. - Sec. 743. An elector to whom an official ballot has...
Section 168.744 - Prohibited Acts; Violation as Misdemeanor. - Sec. 744. (1) An election inspector or any other person...
Section 168.744a - Appearance of Name of Elected or Appointed Official in Polling Place or Room Prohibited; Violation; Fine. - Sec. 744a. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the...
Section 168.745 - Ballot of Challenged Voter; Endorsement, Rejection. - Sec. 745. Whenever at any election the ballot of any...
Section 168.746 - Ballot of Challenged Voter; Endorsement Concealed, Identification Prohibited. - Sec. 746. To prevent the identification of said ballot, except...
Section 168.747 - Contested Election; Challenged Voters' Ballots, Identification in Court. - Sec. 747. In case of a contested election, on the...
Section 168.748 - Contested Election; Petition to Determine Qualifications of Electors. - Sec. 748. After issue joined in any case of contested...
Section 168.749 - Contested Elections; Challenged Voters' Ballots, Removal of Slips Concealing Endorsements, Replacement. - Sec. 749. On said trial, the judge presiding thereat and...
Section 168.750 - Electors; Exemption From Civil Process. - Sec. 750. During the day on which any election or...