Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 152 - Workers' Compensation
Section 8 - Termination or Modification of Payments

Section 8. (1) An insurer which makes timely payments pursuant to subsection one of section seven, may make such payments for a period of one hundred eighty calendar days from the commencement of disability without affecting its right to contest any issue arising under this chapter. An insurer may terminate or modify payments at any time within such one hundred eighty day period without penalty if such change is based on the actual income of the employee or if it gives the employee and the division of administration at least seven days written notice of its intent to stop or modify payments and contest any claim filed. The notice shall specify the grounds and factual basis for stopping or modifying payment of benefits and the insurer's intention to contest any issue and shall state that in order to secure additional benefits the employee shall file a claim with the department and insurer within any time limits provided by this chapter.
Any grounds and basis for noncompensability specified by the insurer shall be the sole basis of the insurer's defense on the basis of compensability, unless based on newly discovered evidence; provided, however, that an insurer's inability to defend on any issue shall not relieve an employee of the burden of proving each element of any case. Any failure of an insurer to make all payments due an employee under the terms of an order, decision, arbitrator's decision, approved lump sum or other agreement, or certified letter notifying said insurer that the employee has left work after an unsuccessful attempt to return within the time frame determined pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section within fourteen days of the insurer's receipt of such document, shall result in a penalty of two hundred dollars, payable to the employee to whom such payments were required to be paid by the said document; provided, however, that such penalty shall be one thousand dollars if all such payments have not been made within forty-five days, two thousand five hundred dollars if not made within sixty days, and ten thousand dollars if not made within ninety days. No penalty shall be assessed a self-administered public employer or the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund under this paragraph where delivery has been made to the employee or other recipient of a copy of an official request made by such employer or fund to the appropriate authority for the issuance of a check in the appropriate amount to said recipient, provided that delivery of such copy to said employee or recipient has been made within fourteen days of the employer or fund's receipt of the order, decision or agreement.
(2) An insurer paying weekly compensation benefits shall not modify or discontinue such payments except in the following situations:
(a) compensation has been modified or discontinued pursuant to an order or decision of an arbitrator, an administrative judge, the reviewing board or court of the commonwealth;
(b) the compensation recipient has assented thereto in writing on a form prescribed by the department and the original of such form has been filed with the department;
(c) the employee has returned to work; provided, however, that the insurer shall forthwith resume payments if, within twenty-eight calendar days of return to such employment, the employee leaves such employment and, within twenty-one calendar days thereafter, informs the employer and insurer by certified letter that the disability resulting from the injury renders him incapable of performing such work; provided, further, that if due, compensation shall be paid under section thirty-five;
(d) the insurer has possession of (i) a medical report from the treating physician, or, if an impartial medical examiner has made a report pursuant to section eleven A or subsection (4) of this section, the report of such examiner, and either of such reports indicates that the employee is capable of return to the job held at the time of injury, or other suitable job pursuant to section thirty-five D consistent with the employee's physical and mental condition as reported by said physician and (ii) a written report from the person employing said employee at the time of the injury indicating that such a suitable job is open and has been made available, and remains open to the employee; provided, however, that if due, compensation shall be paid under section thirty-five; provided, further, that if such employee accepts said employment subsequent to a modification or termination pursuant to this paragraph, compensation shall be reinstated at the prior rate if the employee should cease work in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section or should be terminated by the employer because of the employee's physical or mental incapacity to perform the duties required by the job;
(e) payments are terminated or modified pursuant to subsection (1);
(f) the insurer has received a communication from the office of education and vocational rehabilitation authorizing suspension or reduction of payment under section thirty G;
(g) the benefits payable to the employee have been exhausted pursuant to sections thirty-one, thirty-four, or thirty-five;
(h) payments are suspended or reduced pursuant to section eleven D for failure to respond to an insurer's written request to provide an earnings report, or for past overpayments;
(i) payments are suspended pursuant to section forty-five, provided that the department shall provide by rule for the manner of any such suspension, and subsequent reinstatement or forfeiture;
(j) the employee has been incarcerated pursuant to conviction for a felony or misdemeanor and has thereby forfeited any right to compensation during such period; or
(k) payments are suspended or reduced pursuant to section thirty-six B; or
(l) the employee has died.
For purposes of clause (d) of this section, any termination of an employee within one year of resumption of work with his prior employer will be presumed to be for the reason that the employee was physically or mentally incapable of performing the duties required by the job or that the job was unsuitable for the employee, unless the insurer demonstrates the contrary by a preponderance of evidence at a subsequent proceeding.
[There is no subsection (3).]
(4) An insurer who makes prompt payment of benefits pursuant to section seven and continues payment for one hundred eighty days or more, without contesting liability, may, no sooner than sixty days following the referral to the industrial accident board of a complaint for termination or reduction of benefits under section thirty-four, thirty-four A or thirty-five, if no conference order has been issued during such sixty day period, request the senior judge to appoint an impartial physician to examine the employee. The senior judge shall, within seven days of a request for an impartial examination, appoint a physician from the appropriate roster to conduct an examination of the employee and make a report within fourteen days. If such report contains evidence of increased capability to work, the insurer may reduce or terminate benefits in accordance with such report, pursuant to the provisions of section thirty-five D. In such instances, if the requirements of this subsection have been complied with, when an order is issued on the insurer's complaint, if such order requires that retroactive weekly benefits are due the employee, an additional payment equal to two times the average weekly wage in the commonwealth shall also be paid to the employee.
At any time subsequent to the filing of a claim or complaint solely regarding the reasonableness or necessity of a particular course of medical treatment, any party to such claim or complaint may request the senior judge to appoint a physician from the appropriate roster to conduct an examination of the employee and make a report within fourteen days. If the senior judge determines that said claim or complaint involves only the issue of reasonable and necessary medical treatment, he shall make such appointment within seven days. The impartial physician shall determine the appropriateness of any medical treatment claimed or denied by the parties, using any guidelines adopted by the health care services board or promulgated by the department. The determination by the impartial physician shall be binding upon the parties until any subsequent proceeding within the division of dispute resolution. The determination of the impartial physician shall be prima facie evidence of the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the course of medical treatment in question at any hearing at which such treatment is at issue.
(5) Except as specifically provided above, if the insurer terminates, reduces, or fails to make any payments required under this chapter, and additional compensation is later ordered, the employee shall be paid by the insurer a penalty payment equal to twenty per cent of the additional compensation due on the date of such finding. No amount paid as a penalty under this section shall be included in any formula utilized to establish premium rates for workers' compensation insurance. No termination or modification of benefits not based on actual earnings or an order of the board shall be allowed without seven days written notice to the employee and the department.
(6) Any one hundred eighty day payment without prejudice period herein provided may be extended to a period not to exceed one year by agreement of the parties provided that:
(a) the agreement sets out the last day of such extension; and
(b) a conciliator, administrative judge, or administrative law judge approves such agreement as not detrimental to the employee's case.
All the provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall apply to any period of payment without prejudice extended as provided in this subsection. Any payment without prejudice under this section shall toll the statute of limitations pursuant to section forty-one.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXI - Labor and Industries

Chapter 152 - Workers' Compensation

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Powers and Duties of Department; Investigation of Causes of Injuries

Section 2a - Application of Amendments of Statute

Section 5 - Rules and Regulations

Section 6 - Notice of Injuries; Forms; Additional Reports; Statistical Summaries

Section 6a - Informational Brochures; Monitoring of Benefits; Resolution of Disputes

Section 6b - Disposition of Fines

Section 7 - Commencement of Payments

Section 7a - Presumptions; Employee Unable to Testify

Section 7b - Admissibility Of, or Reference To, Statement Given Insurer or Self-Insurer by Claimant or in His Behalf

Section 7c - Representation of Claimants; Compensation; Denial or Suspension of Right to Practice or Appear

Section 7f - Record of Filing Fees, Penalties and Attorneys' Fees

Section 7g - Documentation Attached to Claims

Section 8 - Termination or Modification of Payments

Section 9a - Physicians Engaged to Testify or Depose for Employee; Fees Paid by Insurer

Section 10 - Claims for Benefits; Complaints Requesting Modification or Discontinuation of Benefits; Conciliation

Section 10a - Assignments of Cases; Conferences; Orders; Appeals

Section 10b - Arbitration; Agreements; Proceedings

Section 10c - Collective Bargaining Agreements; Binding Obligations and Procedures

Section 11 - Hearings; Evidence; Continuances

Section 11a - Impartial Medical Examiners

Section 11b - Procedure for Hearings; Depositions; Record of Proceedings

Section 11c - Appeals to Reviewing Board

Section 11d - Earnings Reports by Employees; Recovery of Overpayments

Section 12 - Enforcement of Orders; Appeals From Decisions of Reviewing Board; Costs; Reported Questions; Copies of Judgments

Section 12a - Award of Costs and Attorney's Fees

Section 13 - Rate of Payment by Insurers; Review of Clinical Health Care Providers; Health Care Services Board

Section 13a - Attorney's Fees for Employees

Section 14 - Actions Not Based on Reasonable Grounds; Illegal or Fraudulent Conduct; Costs and Penalties

Section 14a - Employee Leasing Companies

Section 15 - Liability of Person Other Than Insured

Section 15a - Controversy as to Which of Two or More Insurers Is Liable

Section 16 - Subsequent Findings Discontinuing Compensation; Finality

Section 17 - Enforcement of Orders or Decisions

Section 18 - Independent and Sub-Contractors; Liability of Insurer and Others

Section 19 - Agreements by Parties

Section 20 - Hospital Records as Evidence; Medical Records and Reports Open to Inspection

Section 20a - Copies of Reports of Medical Examinations Furnished Employees; Reports as Evidence

Section 20b - Medical Reports of Disabled or Deceased Physicians as Evidence

Section 21 - Notice by Insured to Employees

Section 22 - Notice by Insured to New Employees; Notice of Cessation of Insurance; Filing Copy

Section 23 - Release of Claims or Demands at Common Law

Section 24 - Waiver of Right of Action for Injuries

Section 25 - Insurer's Liability on Judgment for Employee

Section 25a - Purchase of Insurance; Self-Insurance; Reinsurance; Deductibles

Section 25b - Applicability of Statute Relating to Insurance and Self-Insurers; Employer Bringing Employees Within Statute

Section 25c - Failure to Provide for Payment of Compensation; Stop Work Orders; Penalties; Liens; Actions Brought by Losing Bidders; Civil Actions for Violations of Chapter

Section 25d - Service Companies; Investigation, Adjustment or Settlement of Claims for Self-Insurers

Section 25e - Self-Insurance Groups; Definitions

Section 25f - Certification to Act as Self-Insurance Group

Section 25g - Application for Certificate; Requirements; Issuance

Section 25h - Termination of Certificate

Section 25i - Examination of Affairs, Transactions, Accounts, Records and Assets of Each Group; Confidentiality and Privilege

Section 25j - Boards of Trustees

Section 25k - Applications for Membership; Cancellation of Members; Insolvency or Bankruptcy of Members

Section 25l - Solicitation of Membership by Licensed Agents

Section 25m - Misrepresentations or Omissions in Solicitations of Membership

Section 25n - Performance Reports; Statements of Financial Condition

Section 25o - Uniform Classification System; Premium Contributions; Application to Make Own Rates; Audits

Section 25p - Refunds

Section 25q - Premium Payment Plans; Loss Reserves; Bad Debt Reserves

Section 25r - Deficiencies; Assessments; Liquidation of Groups

Section 25s - Penalties

Section 25t - Cease and Desist Orders

Section 25u - Revocation of Certificates of Approval

Section 25v - Applicability of Chapter 176v to Groups Governed by Secs. 25e to 25u

Section 25w - Applicability of Chapter 176w to Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Groups Governed by Secs. 25e to 25u

Section 26 - Injuries Arising Out of and in Course of Employment

Section 26a - Suicide

Section 26b - Concurrent Service of Two or More Employers; Joint and Several Liability of Insurers

Section 27 - Willful Misconduct of Employee

Section 27a - False Representation of Physical Condition by Employee; Right to Benefits

Section 28 - Wilful Misconduct of Employer; Defense; Reimbursement of Insurer; Employment of Minor; Mentally Retarded Persons; Injuries at Sheltered Workshops

Section 29 - Required Period of Incapacitation; Personnel Actions

Section 30 - Adequate and Reasonable Health Care Services; Preferred Health Care Provider

Section 30a - Medical Reports

Section 30e - Development of Voluntary Agreements

Section 30f - Identification of Cases in Which Vocational Rehabilitation Services May Be Required

Section 30g - Meetings With Injured Employees Requiring Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Section 30h - Applications for Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Section 30i - Availability of New Jobs and Job Training Programs

Section 31 - Death; Compensation for Dependents; Hearings

Section 32 - Persons Presumed Dependent on Employee; Division of Benefits and Payments for Children of Former Marriage; Parent Surviving Dependent Parent; Dependency Determined by Facts; Division of Benefits

Section 33 - Burial Expenses

Section 34 - Total Incapacity; Compensation

Section 34a - Permanent and Total Incapacity; Compensation

Section 34b - Review Date; Supplemental Benefits to Secs. 31 or 34a

Section 35 - Partial Incapacity; Compensation

Section 35a - Added Compensation for Dependents; Payment; Presumed Dependents; Dependency Determined by Facts

Section 35b - Return to Work; Subsequent Injury; Rate of Compensation

Section 35c - Date of Eligibility; Benefits Applicable; Adjustments

Section 35d - Computation of Weekly Wage

Section 35e - Persons Eligible for Old Age Benefits or Pension; Entitlement to Benefits Under Secs. 34 or 35

Section 36 - Specific Injuries

Section 36a - Death Before Full Payment of Compensation for Specified Injuries; Brain Damage

Section 36b - Unemployment Compensation Benefits; Eligibility

Section 37 - Compensation for Disability Subsequent to Physical Impairment; Reimbursement

Section 37a - Compensation for Disabled War Veteran; Reimbursement

Section 38 - Consideration of Employee's Savings, Insurance and Other Benefits

Section 39 - Payment of Compensation Payable in Case of Death; Payment of Expenses and for Legal Services

Section 40 - Guardian or Next Friend Exercising Employee's Rights

Section 41 - Notice of Proceedings for Compensation; Limitation of Actions

Section 42 - Notice in General

Section 43 - Service of Notice

Section 44 - Inaccuracies In, and Want Of, Notice

Section 45 - Examination by Physician; Filing Copy of Report; Refusing or Obstructing Examination; Reimbursement of Travel Expenses and Wages

Section 46 - Waiver of Rights to Compensation; Arbitration

Section 46a - Reimbursement for Accident and Health Insurance Benefits Paid on Compensable Injuries; Lien of Insurers, Et al., Against Award; Child Support Claims

Section 47 - Assignments; Attachments; Liability for Debts

Section 48 - Lump Sum Agreements

Section 49 - Claim in General

Section 50 - Interest on Unpaid Claims

Section 51 - Natural Increase Considered in Determining Weekly Wages

Section 51a - Decision in Compensation Case; Law in Effect

Section 52b - Priority of Premiums and Interest Charges Over Other Claims

Section 52c - Rating Organizations in General; Subscribers; Co-Operative Activities; Rates; Freedom of Contract; Examination of Records; Confidentiality and Privilege

Section 52d - Appeal From Action or Decision of Rating Organization; Rating Information

Section 52e - Violation of Statutes; Failure to Comply With Commissioner's Orders; Suspension and Revocation of Licenses

Section 52f - Hearing on Order or Decision of Commissioner; Suspension or Postponement of Action; Review; Stay of Order or Decision

Section 52g - Partial Invalidity of Statute

Section 53 - Mutual Companies; Distribution of Risks Into Groups

Section 53a - Classification of Risks and Premiums; Distribution of Premiums Among Employers

Section 54a - Necessity of Insurance Contract Insuring Payment of Compensation

Section 55 - Approval of Policy by Commissioner; Review; Issuance of Policy in Violation of Statute

Section 55a - Mid-Term Notice of Cancellation

Section 56 - Joint and Several Policies

Section 57 - Deposits of Value of Outstanding Claims Under Contracts

Section 58 - Computation of Value of Claims

Section 59 - Holding Deposits in Trust; Payment of Claims; Transfer to Trustee; Accounts; Refunds; Return of Balance

Section 60 - Effect of Appointment of Receiver on Order, Deposit or Payments; Deposit by Receiver

Section 60a - Review, Suspension and Reduction of Order Requiring Deposit

Section 60b - Liability for Expenses for Custody and Disbursement of Deposit; Determination; Deduction From Deposit

Section 60c - Failure to Comply With Order Requiring Deposit; Certificate Authorizing Resumption of Issuance of Policies

Section 60d - Forfeiture for Failure to Comply With Order Requiring Deposit; Issuance of Policy While in Default; Enforcement of Order, Fine or Forfeiture

Section 61 - Bond for Foreign Company; Other Security

Section 62 - Deposits by Foreign Companies; Payment of Obligations

Section 63 - Insurance Company Information Requested by Department; Rating Organizations; Notices Furnished by Companies

Section 64 - Insurer's Regulations for Prevention of Injuries; Review; Inspector's Access to Premises

Section 65 - Special Fund; Trust Fund; Assessment Base; Assessment Rates; Payments; Reports; Audits

Section 65a - Designation of Insurer to Issue Policy; Equitable Distribution of Risks; Servicing Carriers; Service Fees

Section 65b - Cancellation or Termination of Policy; Review

Section 65c - Equitable Distribution of Losses; Reinsurance Pools; Necessity of Membership; Plan of Operation; Cost Containment Programs

Section 65d - Issuance of Policy to Employer Assigned to Another Insurer

Section 65g - ''losses Incurred'' Defined; Determination of Amounts to Be Paid

Section 65h - Adjustment of Payments

Section 65i - Primary Liability to Pay Benefits

Section 65j - Inspection of Risks; Rules

Section 65k - Appeal on Ground Premium Is Unreasonable or Discriminatory; Effect of Determined Rates

Section 65l - Failure of Insurer to Comply With Statutes, Order or Rule; Revocation or Suspension of Licenses; Injunction

Section 65m - Review of Orders or Rulings; Time; Suspension and Stay of Order or Rulings

Section 65o - Employer's Choice of Insurance Agent or Broker; Commission Fees; Service Fees

Section 66 - Actions for Injuries Sustained by Employees; Limitations; Defenses

Section 67 - Application to Insureds and Employers Having Right of Election, of Statutes Relating to Defenses to Actions

Section 68 - Applicability of Statutes Relating to Employers' Liabilities

Section 69 - Commonwealth, Counties, Cities, Towns and Districts in General; Members of a Police or Fire Force in Work Under a Contract

Section 69b - Vouchers; Examinations and Investigations; Reports

Section 70 - Procedure and Jurisdiction; Compensation Paid by Commonwealth and Its Subdivisions

Section 71 - Liability of County, City, Town or District for Employee's Injuries

Section 72 - Employee Claiming or Waiving Rights Against County, City, Town or District

Section 73 - Election to Receive Compensation or Pension; Retirement Boards; Prosecuting Claims; Attorney; Notice to Boards; Special Pensions

Section 73a - Employment of Partially Disabled Employee; Temporary Employment to Fill Vacancy

Section 74 - Application of Statutes to All Public Employees; Inmates of Institutions; Employees of Boards or Commissions and Welfare Districts

Section 74a - Employee of One Governmental Unit or Electric Company Aiding Another Unit or Company; Reimbursement of Compensation

Section 75 - Agents Designated to Furnish Benefits and Carry Out Statutes

Section 75a - Preferences for Hiring

Section 75b - Qualified Handicapped Persons; Discrimination Against Employees Exercising Rights Under This Chapter; Disclosure of Data

Section 86 - Public Employees; Certified Copy of Order, Decision, or Agreement Mailed to Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission, Etc.