Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 140d - Consumer Credit Cost Disclosure
Section 5 - Annual Percentage Rate; Determination

Section 5. (a) The annual percentage rate applicable to any extension of consumer credit shall be determined in accordance with the regulations of the commissioner.
(1) In the case of any extension of credit other than an open-end-credit plan, as
(A) that nominal annual percentage rate which will yield a sum equal to the amount of the finance charge when it is applied to the unpaid balances of the amount financed, calculated according to the actuarial method of allocating payments made on a debt between the amount financed and the amount of the finance charge, pursuant to which a payment is applied first to the accumulated finance charge and the balance is applied to the unpaid amount financed; or
(B) the rate determined by any method prescribed by the commissioner as a method which materially simplifies computation while retaining reasonable accuracy as compared with the rate determined under subclause (A).
(2) In the case of an extension of credit under an open-end-credit plan, as the quotient, expressed as a percentage, of the total finance charge for the period to which it relates divided by the amount upon which the finance charge for that period is based, multiplied by the number of such periods in a year.
(b) Where a creditor imposes the same finance charge for balances within a specified range, the annual percentage rate shall be computed on the median balance within the range, except that if the commissioner determines that a rate so computed would not be meaningful, or would be materially misleading, the annual percentage rate shall be computed on such other basis as the commissioner may by regulation require.
(c) The disclosure of an annual percentage rate is accurate for the purpose of this chapter if the rate disclosed is within a tolerance not greater than one-eighth of one per centum more or less than the actual rate or rounded to the nearest one-fourth of one per centum. The commissioner may allow a greater tolerance to simplify compliance where irregular payments are involved.
(d) The commissioner may authorize the use of rate tables or charts which may provide for the disclosure of annual percentage rates which vary from the rate determined in accordance with subclause (A) of clause (1) of subsection (a) by not more than such tolerances as the commissioner may allow. The commissioner may not allow a tolerance greater then eight percentum of that rate except to simplify compliance where irregular payments are involved.
(e) In the case of creditors determining the annual percentage rate in a manner other than as described in subsection (d), the commissioner may authorize other reasonable tolerances.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order

Chapter 140d - Consumer Credit Cost Disclosure

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Exempt Transactions

Section 3 - Rules and Regulations

Section 4 - Finance Charge; Determination

Section 5 - Annual Percentage Rate; Determination

Section 6 - Inaccurate Disclosure of Finance Charge or Annual Percentage Rate; Adjustment

Section 7 - Disclosure of Information; Multiple Creditors or Obligors; Estimates

Section 8 - Disclosure of Information; Clear and Conspicuous Statements

Section 9 - Information Rendered Inaccurate

Section 10 - Security Interest in Property Used as Dwelling; Rescission; Liability; Application

Section 11 - Disclosure; Open End Credit Plans; Statement; Contents

Section 12 - Disclosure; Other Than Open-End-Credit Plans; Statement; Contents

Section 14 - Multiple-Page Advertisements; Contents; Open-End-Credit Plan

Section 15 - Advertisements; Other Than Open-End-Credit Plans; Contents

Section 15a - Application Form or Pre-Approved Written Solicitation for Open-End Credit Plan; Contents

Section 16 - Liability of Owner or Personnel of Advertising Medium

Section 17 - Oral Response to Cost of Credit Inquiry

Section 18 - Model Disclosure Forms and Clauses

Section 19 - Time for Sending Statement; Noncompliance; Finance Charge

Section 20 - Sale of Goods or Services at Retail; Finance Charge Under Open-End-Credit Plan; Computation

Section 21 - Application of Credit Cardholder's Funds Held by Issuer; Authorization; Agreement Statement

Section 22 - Credit Balance Exceeding One Dollar; Periodic Statement Disclosure; Contents

Section 23 - Transfer of Funds Following Default of Debt; Written Notice; Applicability

Section 24 - Guaranty of Obligations of Other Persons; Notice of Additional Obligations

Section 25 - Issuance of Credit Cards

Section 26 - Cardholder Liability for Unauthorized Use

Section 27 - Unauthorized Use of Credit Cards

Section 28 - Liability of Business for Unauthorized Use of Credit Cards

Section 28a - Cardholder Discounts; Surcharges; Finance Charge

Section 28b - Participation in Credit Card Plans; Conditions

Section 29 - Rules and Regulations; Consistency With Federal Fair Credit Billing Act

Section 30 - Inspection of Records

Section 31 - Prohibited Acts; Penalty

Section 32 - Creditor's Failure to Comply With Law; Damages

Section 33 - Civil Actions Against Subsequent Assignees of Creditor; Written Acknowledgement; Rescission

Section 34 - Unfair Trade Practices; Violations

Section 35 - Limitations on Creditors' Liability and Consumer Rescission Rights

Section 36 - Exemption From Requirements of Federal Law; Action for Determination by Bureau That Commonwealth Requirements Substantially Similar to Federal Requirements