Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 140d - Consumer Credit Cost Disclosure
Section 15a - Application Form or Pre-Approved Written Solicitation for Open-End Credit Plan; Contents

Section 15A. Any application form or pre-approved written solicitation for an open-end credit plan and any printed advertisement which contains such application form or pre-approved written solicitation which is mailed or distributed on or after July first, nineteen hundred and eighty-eight, to a consumer residing in the commonwealth by or on behalf of a card issuer, whether such issuer is located within or without the commonwealth, and which is intended to aid, promote or assist directly or indirectly in the issuance of a credit card by any issuer, shall prominently disclose in easily understood language: the current annual percentage rate for finance charges and, if the rate may vary, a statement to that effect and of the circumstances under which the rate may increase and whether there are any limitations on any such increase, as well as the effects of any such increase; the conditions under which a finance charge may be imposed, including the time period within which any credit extended may be repaid without incurring a finance charge; whether any annual fee is charged and the amount of any such fee; and whether any other charges or fees may be assessed, the purposes for which they are assessed, and the amounts of any such charges or fees.
The card issuer may submit examples of application forms, pre-approved written solicitations, and printed advertisements containing such application forms and pre-approved written solicitations to the commissioner for a determination as to whether they satisfy the requirements of this section. Approval by the commissioner shall constitute prima facie evidence of compliance with this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order

Chapter 140d - Consumer Credit Cost Disclosure

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Exempt Transactions

Section 3 - Rules and Regulations

Section 4 - Finance Charge; Determination

Section 5 - Annual Percentage Rate; Determination

Section 6 - Inaccurate Disclosure of Finance Charge or Annual Percentage Rate; Adjustment

Section 7 - Disclosure of Information; Multiple Creditors or Obligors; Estimates

Section 8 - Disclosure of Information; Clear and Conspicuous Statements

Section 9 - Information Rendered Inaccurate

Section 10 - Security Interest in Property Used as Dwelling; Rescission; Liability; Application

Section 11 - Disclosure; Open End Credit Plans; Statement; Contents

Section 12 - Disclosure; Other Than Open-End-Credit Plans; Statement; Contents

Section 14 - Multiple-Page Advertisements; Contents; Open-End-Credit Plan

Section 15 - Advertisements; Other Than Open-End-Credit Plans; Contents

Section 15a - Application Form or Pre-Approved Written Solicitation for Open-End Credit Plan; Contents

Section 16 - Liability of Owner or Personnel of Advertising Medium

Section 17 - Oral Response to Cost of Credit Inquiry

Section 18 - Model Disclosure Forms and Clauses

Section 19 - Time for Sending Statement; Noncompliance; Finance Charge

Section 20 - Sale of Goods or Services at Retail; Finance Charge Under Open-End-Credit Plan; Computation

Section 21 - Application of Credit Cardholder's Funds Held by Issuer; Authorization; Agreement Statement

Section 22 - Credit Balance Exceeding One Dollar; Periodic Statement Disclosure; Contents

Section 23 - Transfer of Funds Following Default of Debt; Written Notice; Applicability

Section 24 - Guaranty of Obligations of Other Persons; Notice of Additional Obligations

Section 25 - Issuance of Credit Cards

Section 26 - Cardholder Liability for Unauthorized Use

Section 27 - Unauthorized Use of Credit Cards

Section 28 - Liability of Business for Unauthorized Use of Credit Cards

Section 28a - Cardholder Discounts; Surcharges; Finance Charge

Section 28b - Participation in Credit Card Plans; Conditions

Section 29 - Rules and Regulations; Consistency With Federal Fair Credit Billing Act

Section 30 - Inspection of Records

Section 31 - Prohibited Acts; Penalty

Section 32 - Creditor's Failure to Comply With Law; Damages

Section 33 - Civil Actions Against Subsequent Assignees of Creditor; Written Acknowledgement; Rescission

Section 34 - Unfair Trade Practices; Violations

Section 35 - Limitations on Creditors' Liability and Consumer Rescission Rights

Section 36 - Exemption From Requirements of Federal Law; Action for Determination by Bureau That Commonwealth Requirements Substantially Similar to Federal Requirements