Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 121b - Housing and Urban Renewal
Section 43 - Contracts to Rent, Lease or Provide Financial Assistance to Housing Units by Housing Authorities

Section 43. In addition to its other powers and for the purpose of implementing a program of rental assistance a housing authority may enter into contracts to rent, lease or otherwise provide financial assistance to dwelling units or such other housing units subject to regulations promulgated by the department of community affairs not inconsistent with the standards required for dwelling units for periods of not more that ten years. Any such contract or lease shall contain a provision conditioning the obligations of the housing authority thereunder upon the certification by the housing authority that such dwelling unit or said other housing units are in compliance with the provisions of the minimum standards of fitness for human habitation set forth in the state sanitary code. No housing authority shall enter into any such contract or lease until (a) the housing authority has adopted a scale of maximum rents, including specified utility charges, payable by the authority for housing units of various types under such contracts or leases and the department has approved such scale as being consistent with the purposes of the rental assistance program, (b) the housing authority has determined that an adequate supply of the type of housing to be contracted for or leased is not presently available in the low rent housing projects located within the city or town, and (c) the housing authority has determined that the rent payable under the contract or lease is not in excess of rents payable for similar types of housing units within the city or town. A housing authority shall, in order to encourage the construction and remodeling of dwelling units or such other housing units subject to regulations promulgated by the department of community affairs not inconsistent with the standards required for dwelling units, endeavor to contract for or lease units recently constructed, reconstructed or remodeled but may enter into contracts or leases for other units.
A housing authority which, as a lessee or tenant, enters into a lease or rental agreement with a cooperative corporation or other legal entity which is the owner of a cooperative project may require that any tenant occupying the leased premises with the consent of the authority shall have all the rights of a member of the corporation.
If a resident of a city or town is eligible for rental assistance and locates or occupies a standard dwelling unit or said other housing unit other than the one receiving financial assistance or leased by the local housing authority and if said dwelling unit or said other housing unit and the rental thereof is reasonable and acceptable to said housing authority in accordance with this section, and if the owner of said unit is willing to enter into a contract or lease agreement with said authority, said authority shall within thirty days of application to it by said resident execute a contract or lease for occupancy of said unit for not more than five years by said resident under the guidelines of the rental assistance program as established by the department. All housing authorities shall make application to the department of community affairs for funds with which to participate in the rental assistance program. The department may directly enter into contracts to rent, lease or otherwise provide financial assistance and exercise all other rights and duties of housing authorities under the rental assistance program in cities or towns where no local housing authority exists or where the department finds that the local housing authority has not carried out the provisions of the rental assistance program.
The number of units leased by any housing authority in any one building or development shall not exceed the following limits: In a building or development containing one to twelve units, no limit, in a building or development containing thirteen to thirty units, twelve units or fifty percent of the units, whichever is higher, in a building or development containing thirty-one or more units, forty percent of the total units, rounded up to the next highest whole number; provided, however, that the department may, in its discretion, permit a housing authority to lease additional units in a building or development containing more than twenty but less than one hundred units if the department determines that the owner of said buildings or development needs and will use the proceeds from said lease for the sole purpose of improving said building or development; and, provided further, that there shall be no limits in any building or development containing less than one hundred units where the department determines that such units are necessary to provide affordable housing for persons and families of low income; and, provided further, that there shall be no limits in any building where the department determines that all such units are for single room occupancy.
The department of community affairs is hereby authorized and directed to allocate funds appropriated for the state rental assistance program to eligible units within developments financed by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, hereinafter known as MHFA, pursuant to the provisions of sections twenty-five to twenty-seven, inclusive, of chapter twenty-three B.
The department is hereby authorized to provide funds appropriated for the state rental assistance program to a limited equity cooperative housing corporation, as defined in section four of chapter one hundred and fifty-seven B, on behalf of an owner who, but for such ownership, is eligible to participate as a tenant in a program of rental assistance.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 121b - Housing and Urban Renewal

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Severability

Section 3 - Housing Authorities; Creation; Dissolution

Section 3a - Regional Housing Authorities; Creation; Dissolution

Section 4 - Redevelopment Authorities; Creation; Dissolution

Section 5 - Housing and Redevelopment Authorities; Membership; Appointment; Election; Term of Office

Section 5a - Waiver of Requirement to Appoint Tenant Member to Housing Authority Board

Section 5b - Comprehensive Training Program for Members of a Housing or Redevelopment Authority; Technical Assistance Training for Tenant Members

Section 6 - Housing and Redevelopment Authorities; Charges Against Members; Hearing; Removal; Resignation; Suspension

Section 7 - Officers and Executive Director of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities; Compensation of Members

Section 7a - Guidelines for Contracts to Be Executed by Housing Authority and Executive Director

Section 8 - Operating Agencies; Housing Authorities

Section 9 - Urban Renewal Agencies

Section 10 - Operating Agencies; Designation of Authorities

Section 11 - Powers of Operating Agencies

Section 12 - Operating Agencies; Wages; Labor Requirements; Social Security

Section 13 - Operating Agencies; Contract and Tort Liability; Member's Personal Liability; Relocation of Utility Facilities

Section 14 - Operating Agencies; Federal Loans; Conveyance Upon Default

Section 15 - Operating Agencies; Bonds, Notes, Certificates; Negotiable Instruments

Section 16 - Exemption From Taxation for Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property of Operating Agency; Revaluation or Reassessment of Real Property; Payments in Lieu of Taxes

Section 17 - Liability of Commonwealth or Political Subdivisions for Debts of Housing Authority

Section 18 - Preparation of Master Plans, Etc. by City or Town; Appropriation and Payment

Section 19 - Initial Costs and Annual Operating Expenses of Operating Agencies; Appropriations and Payment by City

Section 20 - Development, Acquisition and Operating Costs; Relocation Payments; Losses; Appropriation and Payment by City

Section 21 - Indebtedness Limitation

Section 23 - Municipal Powers

Section 24 - Agreement to Bear Acquisition Loss

Section 25 - Housing Programs; Statement of Emergency

Section 26 - Powers of a Housing Authority

Section 26a - Powers of Department in City Without Housing Authority; Financing of Projects; Bonds and Notes; Issuance and Sale; Approval of City or Town

Section 26b - Performance-Based Monitoring Program; Assessment Standards

Section 26c - Best Practices Program for Allowing Authorities to Work Collaboratively; Provisions of Program; Capital Assistance Team; Director; Members

Section 26d - Names and Contact Information of All Members and Senior Staff to Be Posted on Wall of Community Center and on Website

Section 27 - Rural Housing Authority; Additional Powers

Section 28 - Application of Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations of Cities or Towns Relating to Buildings, Planning, Zoning and Public Health

Section 28a - Annual Plan; Availability to Public for Review and Comment

Section 29 - Accounts and Reports of Housing Authorities; Review of Financial Records; Availability to Public; Audit; Investigations by Department; Rules and Regulations of Department

Section 30 - Contract With Federal Government; Acquiring Federally Owned Project

Section 31 - Submission of Plans for Low-Rent Housing Project to Department; Application; Hearing; Disposition

Section 32 - Maintenance and Operation of Project; Rentals; Tenant Selection; Eligibility for Continued Occupancy; Hearings; Waiver

Section 32a - Parking Areas; Rules and Regulations; Towing

Section 32b - Definitions

Section 32c - Unlawful Conduct by Tenant, Members or Non-Members of Tenant Household; Civil Action by Landlord for Injunctive or Other Equitable Relief

Section 32d - Actions by Tenants or Tenants' Organizations

Section 32e - Jurisdiction Over Civil Actions; Appellate Review

Section 32f - Restraining Orders and Injunctions; Form; Service; Enforcement; Violations; Effect; Modification and Vacation

Section 32g - Temporary Absences From Commonwealth; Presumption of Abandonment of Residency and Eligibility for Assistance

Section 33 - Equivalent Elimination of Substandard Dwelling Units

Section 34 - State and Federal Financial Assistance; General Provisions

Section 34a - Contracts for State Financial Assistance on Leased Mhfa Projects to Provide Replacement or Relocation Housing; Annual Contributions; Limitations

Section 34b - Commonwealth Guaranteed Temporary Notes; Authorization and Execution; Sale and Refunding Limitations; Terms

Section 35 - Contracts for Supplementary State Financial Assistance

Section 36 - Receipt of Loans and Grants From Federal Sources or From Other Sources

Section 37 - Commonwealth Grants; Guarantee of Temporary Notes; Sale, Maintenance, and Operation of Relocation Projects; Limitations on Eminent Domain

Section 38 - Housing for the Elderly and the Handicapped; Declaration of Policy

Section 38a - Bureau of Housing for the Handicapped; Director; Functions

Section 38b - Housing for the Elderly and the Handicapped; Service Coordinator Program

Section 38c - Program to Conduct Annual Surveys of Public Housing Residents

Section 38d - Regional Public Housing Innovation Program; Goals; Application for Participation in Program; Funds; Powers and Projects

Section 39 - Power to Provide Housing for Elderly and Handicapped Persons of Low Income; Priorities in Placement

Section 40 - Provisions Applicable to Housing for Elderly and Handicapped Persons of Low Income

Section 41 - State Financial Assistance; Housing for Elderly Persons of Low Income

Section 41a - State Financial Assistance; Housing for Handicapped Persons of Low Income

Section 42 - Rental Assistance Program; Declaration of Necessity

Section 43 - Contracts to Rent, Lease or Provide Financial Assistance to Housing Units by Housing Authorities

Section 43a - Rental Assistance Program; Relocation of Residents; Leased Housing Units

Section 44 - Rental Assistance Program; Rentals and Tenant Selection

Section 44a - Leasing of Housing Units in Mhfa Projects for Replacement or Relocation Housing Authorized

Section 45 - Urban Renewal Programs Declaration of Necessity

Section 46 - Powers of Urban Renewal Agency

Section 47 - Urban Renewal Programs; Acquisition by Eminent Domain; Notice; Petition

Section 48 - Public Hearing; Notice; Urban Renewal Plans; Approval; Acquisition of Property

Section 49 - Sale or Lease of Property Acquired for Urban Renewal Project

Section 50 - Delegation of Power to Municipality to Plan and Undertake Urban Renewal Project

Section 51 - Redevelopment Authority Taking Over Project Initiated by Housing Authority

Section 52 - Accounts and Reports of Urban Renewal Agencies; Civil Service Rules

Section 53 - Application for Urban Renewal Assistance Grant or Urban Revitalization and Development Grant

Section 54 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Determination of Compliance and Final Approved Cost; Notice

Section 55 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Certification and Payment of Grants

Section 56 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Contract to Provide Financial Assistance

Section 57 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Advance of Funds; Amount; Payments

Section 58 - Other Urban Renewal Programs; Declaration of Necessity

Section 59 - Contracts for State Financial Assistance; Rehabilitation Projects

Section 60 - Housing Preservation and Stabilization Trust Fund