Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 121b - Housing and Urban Renewal
Section 35 - Contracts for Supplementary State Financial Assistance

Section 35. The commonwealth, acting by and through the department, may enter into a contract or contracts with a housing authority for supplementary state financial assistance in the form of grants and guarantees as provided in and subject to the limitations of sections thirty-four and thirty-four B with respect to that portion of the development cost of a federally assisted housing project or projects which is not financed by such federal assistance.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 121b - Housing and Urban Renewal

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Severability

Section 3 - Housing Authorities; Creation; Dissolution

Section 3a - Regional Housing Authorities; Creation; Dissolution

Section 4 - Redevelopment Authorities; Creation; Dissolution

Section 5 - Housing and Redevelopment Authorities; Membership; Appointment; Election; Term of Office

Section 5a - Waiver of Requirement to Appoint Tenant Member to Housing Authority Board

Section 5b - Comprehensive Training Program for Members of a Housing or Redevelopment Authority; Technical Assistance Training for Tenant Members

Section 6 - Housing and Redevelopment Authorities; Charges Against Members; Hearing; Removal; Resignation; Suspension

Section 7 - Officers and Executive Director of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities; Compensation of Members

Section 7a - Guidelines for Contracts to Be Executed by Housing Authority and Executive Director

Section 8 - Operating Agencies; Housing Authorities

Section 9 - Urban Renewal Agencies

Section 10 - Operating Agencies; Designation of Authorities

Section 11 - Powers of Operating Agencies

Section 12 - Operating Agencies; Wages; Labor Requirements; Social Security

Section 13 - Operating Agencies; Contract and Tort Liability; Member's Personal Liability; Relocation of Utility Facilities

Section 14 - Operating Agencies; Federal Loans; Conveyance Upon Default

Section 15 - Operating Agencies; Bonds, Notes, Certificates; Negotiable Instruments

Section 16 - Exemption From Taxation for Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property of Operating Agency; Revaluation or Reassessment of Real Property; Payments in Lieu of Taxes

Section 17 - Liability of Commonwealth or Political Subdivisions for Debts of Housing Authority

Section 18 - Preparation of Master Plans, Etc. by City or Town; Appropriation and Payment

Section 19 - Initial Costs and Annual Operating Expenses of Operating Agencies; Appropriations and Payment by City

Section 20 - Development, Acquisition and Operating Costs; Relocation Payments; Losses; Appropriation and Payment by City

Section 21 - Indebtedness Limitation

Section 23 - Municipal Powers

Section 24 - Agreement to Bear Acquisition Loss

Section 25 - Housing Programs; Statement of Emergency

Section 26 - Powers of a Housing Authority

Section 26a - Powers of Department in City Without Housing Authority; Financing of Projects; Bonds and Notes; Issuance and Sale; Approval of City or Town

Section 26b - Performance-Based Monitoring Program; Assessment Standards

Section 26c - Best Practices Program for Allowing Authorities to Work Collaboratively; Provisions of Program; Capital Assistance Team; Director; Members

Section 26d - Names and Contact Information of All Members and Senior Staff to Be Posted on Wall of Community Center and on Website

Section 27 - Rural Housing Authority; Additional Powers

Section 28 - Application of Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations of Cities or Towns Relating to Buildings, Planning, Zoning and Public Health

Section 28a - Annual Plan; Availability to Public for Review and Comment

Section 29 - Accounts and Reports of Housing Authorities; Review of Financial Records; Availability to Public; Audit; Investigations by Department; Rules and Regulations of Department

Section 30 - Contract With Federal Government; Acquiring Federally Owned Project

Section 31 - Submission of Plans for Low-Rent Housing Project to Department; Application; Hearing; Disposition

Section 32 - Maintenance and Operation of Project; Rentals; Tenant Selection; Eligibility for Continued Occupancy; Hearings; Waiver

Section 32a - Parking Areas; Rules and Regulations; Towing

Section 32b - Definitions

Section 32c - Unlawful Conduct by Tenant, Members or Non-Members of Tenant Household; Civil Action by Landlord for Injunctive or Other Equitable Relief

Section 32d - Actions by Tenants or Tenants' Organizations

Section 32e - Jurisdiction Over Civil Actions; Appellate Review

Section 32f - Restraining Orders and Injunctions; Form; Service; Enforcement; Violations; Effect; Modification and Vacation

Section 32g - Temporary Absences From Commonwealth; Presumption of Abandonment of Residency and Eligibility for Assistance

Section 33 - Equivalent Elimination of Substandard Dwelling Units

Section 34 - State and Federal Financial Assistance; General Provisions

Section 34a - Contracts for State Financial Assistance on Leased Mhfa Projects to Provide Replacement or Relocation Housing; Annual Contributions; Limitations

Section 34b - Commonwealth Guaranteed Temporary Notes; Authorization and Execution; Sale and Refunding Limitations; Terms

Section 35 - Contracts for Supplementary State Financial Assistance

Section 36 - Receipt of Loans and Grants From Federal Sources or From Other Sources

Section 37 - Commonwealth Grants; Guarantee of Temporary Notes; Sale, Maintenance, and Operation of Relocation Projects; Limitations on Eminent Domain

Section 38 - Housing for the Elderly and the Handicapped; Declaration of Policy

Section 38a - Bureau of Housing for the Handicapped; Director; Functions

Section 38b - Housing for the Elderly and the Handicapped; Service Coordinator Program

Section 38c - Program to Conduct Annual Surveys of Public Housing Residents

Section 38d - Regional Public Housing Innovation Program; Goals; Application for Participation in Program; Funds; Powers and Projects

Section 39 - Power to Provide Housing for Elderly and Handicapped Persons of Low Income; Priorities in Placement

Section 40 - Provisions Applicable to Housing for Elderly and Handicapped Persons of Low Income

Section 41 - State Financial Assistance; Housing for Elderly Persons of Low Income

Section 41a - State Financial Assistance; Housing for Handicapped Persons of Low Income

Section 42 - Rental Assistance Program; Declaration of Necessity

Section 43 - Contracts to Rent, Lease or Provide Financial Assistance to Housing Units by Housing Authorities

Section 43a - Rental Assistance Program; Relocation of Residents; Leased Housing Units

Section 44 - Rental Assistance Program; Rentals and Tenant Selection

Section 44a - Leasing of Housing Units in Mhfa Projects for Replacement or Relocation Housing Authorized

Section 45 - Urban Renewal Programs Declaration of Necessity

Section 46 - Powers of Urban Renewal Agency

Section 47 - Urban Renewal Programs; Acquisition by Eminent Domain; Notice; Petition

Section 48 - Public Hearing; Notice; Urban Renewal Plans; Approval; Acquisition of Property

Section 49 - Sale or Lease of Property Acquired for Urban Renewal Project

Section 50 - Delegation of Power to Municipality to Plan and Undertake Urban Renewal Project

Section 51 - Redevelopment Authority Taking Over Project Initiated by Housing Authority

Section 52 - Accounts and Reports of Urban Renewal Agencies; Civil Service Rules

Section 53 - Application for Urban Renewal Assistance Grant or Urban Revitalization and Development Grant

Section 54 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Determination of Compliance and Final Approved Cost; Notice

Section 55 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Certification and Payment of Grants

Section 56 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Contract to Provide Financial Assistance

Section 57 - State Aid for Urban Renewal; Advance of Funds; Amount; Payments

Section 58 - Other Urban Renewal Programs; Declaration of Necessity

Section 59 - Contracts for State Financial Assistance; Rehabilitation Projects

Section 60 - Housing Preservation and Stabilization Trust Fund