Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 62c - Administrative Provisions Relative to State Taxation
Section 26 - Assessment of Taxes

Section 26. (a) Taxes shall be deemed to be assessed at the amount shown as the tax due upon any return filed under the provisions of this chapter and on any amendment, correction or supplement thereof, or at the amount properly due, whichever is less, and at the time when the return is filed or required to be filed, whichever occurs later.
(b)(1) If the commissioner determines, from the verification of a return or otherwise, that the full amount of any tax has not been assessed or is not considered to be assessed, the commissioner may, at any time within 3 years after the date the return was filed or the date it was required to be filed, whichever occurs later, assess the same with interest as provided in section 32 to the date when the deficiency assessment is required to be paid, first giving notice of the commissioner's intention to the person to be assessed; provided, however, that said 3-year period for making an assessment shall be suspended during the period of time that the taxpayer has a bankruptcy case pending under the appropriate chapters of Title 11 of the United States Code. The taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative may confer with the commissioner or the commissioner's duly authorized representative as to the proposed assessment within 30 days after the date of such notification. After the expiration of 30 days from the date of such notification, the commissioner shall assess the amount of tax remaining due to the commonwealth, or any portion thereof, which the commissioner believes has not been assessed.
(2) In the case of 1 or more corporations that participated or were required to participate in a filing through the means of a combined report under section 32B of chapter 63, the commissioner may effect the issuance of a notice of the intention to assess or a notice of assessment to each corporation that participated or was required to participate in the combined report with respect to any tax liability due from such corporation under said chapter 63, whether relating to the income measure or non-income measure of the corporate excise or minimum excise tax liability, by issuing a single notice to the principal reporting corporation on its own behalf and as the agent for each corporation that is being assessed. The single notice shall state the net cumulative liability of all such assessed corporations. In such cases, the commissioner shall provide detail as to the assessment that is being issued to each corporation included in the cumulative assessment in the form of work papers made available to the principal reporting corporation in connection with the notice of the cumulative assessment that is directed to such principal reporting corporation. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the commissioner from separately and directly assessing any individual corporation subject to tax under said chapter 63, rather than assessing such corporation through the means of a cumulative assessment as referenced in this paragraph, even when such corporation participated in or was required to participate in the filing of a combined report.
(3) If the commissioner audits or verifies the returns of the same tax for 2 or more tax periods and determines, as a result thereof, that the amounts assessed result in overpayments for some tax periods and underpayments for others, the commissioner shall offset the overpayments against the underpayments and refund any net overpayment as required by section 36. An application for abatement under section 37 shall not be required for overpayments resulting from assessments made pursuant to this section.
(4) Failure to receive the notice provided for by this section shall not affect the validity of the tax.
(c) In the case of an arithmetic or clerical error or other obvious error, including any exclusion of taxable unemployment compensation or Massachusetts state lottery winnings, apparent either upon the face of the return or from a comparison of the return with any records pertaining to the taxpayer's liability or payment thereof, which are maintained by the commissioner or furnished to the commissioner from any third party source, the commissioner may assess a deficiency attributable to such error without giving notice to the person being assessed. The commissioner may make such corrections to errors found upon a taxpayer's return and to the amount shown as the tax assessed thereon, including an increase in tax due or a reduction in a refund claimed, as will cause the return to conform with any records pertaining to the taxpayer's liability or payment thereof, which are maintained by the commissioner or furnished to the commissioner by any third-party. Concurrently with the making of such corrections, the commissioner shall notify the taxpayer in writing of the changes made to the return. If within 30 days after the date of such notice, or within any extended period permitted by the commissioner, the taxpayer fails to challenge the corrections, the return as corrected shall constitute the taxpayer's amended self-assessed return and the commissioner shall not be required to assess the corrected tax, nor to provide the taxpayer with a notice of intention to assess, nor otherwise to send any notice of the corrected tax liability to the taxpayer. Any taxpayer that disagrees with corrections made by the commissioner's corrections under this subsection shall challenge them in writing within 30 days after the date of the commissioner's notice, or within any extended period permitted by the commissioner. Once so challenged, the commissioner shall be required to assess any additional tax not shown on the original return in accordance with subsection (b) and shall comply with subsection (e) of section 32 if the commissioner's initial corrections to the return resulted in the reduction or elimination of a refund claimed on the return by the taxpayer.
(d) In the case of a false or fraudulent return filed with intent to evade a tax or of a failure to file a return, the commissioner may make an assessment at any time, without giving notice of his intention to assess, determining the tax due according to his best information and belief.
(e) If a nonresident fails to file a return of income derived by him from sources within the commonwealth, as required by section six, the tax imposed by section five A of chapter sixty-two shall be assessed on the basis of his gross income from such sources. The commissioner shall determine such income according to his best information and belief and may assess the tax, with penalties and interest, and without allowance for deductions or exemptions.
(f) If an executor, as defined in chapter sixty-five C, omits from the gross estate items includable in such gross estate as exceed in amount twenty-five per cent of the gross estate stated in the return filed pursuant to section seventeen, the estate tax may be assessed at any time within six years after the return was filed. In determining the items omitted from the gross estate, there shall not be taken into account any item which is omitted from the gross estate in the return if such item is disclosed in the return, or in a statement attached to the return, in a manner adequate to apprise the commissioner of the nature and amount of such item.
(g) The provisions of this section shall not apply to assessments of taxes imposed by chapters sixty-five or sixty-five A.
(h) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), in the case of a return filed pursuant to section six or eleven, if the taxpayer omits from gross income an amount properly includible therein which is in excess of twenty-five per cent of the amount of gross income stated in the return, the tax may be assessed at any time within six years after the return was filed. For purposes of this subsection, in the case of a trade or business, the term ''gross income'' shall mean the total of the amounts received or accrued from the sale of goods or services, if such amounts are required to be shown on the return, prior to diminution by the cost of such sales or services. In determining the amount omitted from gross income, there shall not be taken into account any amount which is omitted from gross income stated in the return if such amount is disclosed on the return, or in a statement attached to the return, in a manner adequate to apprise the commissioner of the nature and amount of such item.
(i) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), in the case of a return filed pursuant to the provisions of sections twelve, fourteen or sixteen, if the return omits an amount of such tax properly includible thereon which exceeds twenty-five per cent of the amount of such tax reported thereon, the tax may be assessed at any time within six years after the return is filed. In determining the amount of tax omitted on a return, there shall not be taken into account any amount of tax which is omitted from the return if the transaction giving rise to such tax is disclosed in the return, or in a statement attached to the return, in a manner adequate to apprise the commissioner of the existence and nature of such item.
(j)(1) The commissioner shall not make any assessment under this chapter if that assessment is based on a change in policy unless such change in policy first is announced to taxpayers pursuant to the promulgation of a validly adopted regulation or the issuance of a technical information release, directive, administrative procedure or other similar public statement of equivalent formality that explains the change in policy. Further, no assessment based on a change in policy shall be made with respect to taxable years or periods that began prior to the issuance of a public written statement as provided in this paragraph.
(2) For purposes of this section, an assessment is based on a change in policy if it is contrary to a rule of law or the interpretation of a rule of law set forth in a regulation, technical information release, directive, administrative procedure, letter ruling, tax form, including instructions, or any other written guidance issued by the commissioner; provided, however, that the facts and circumstances on which the letter ruling was based are not materially different. A change in policy shall not occur when the commissioner merely applies a previously announced or established rule of law to the facts and circumstances of a particular taxpayer or transaction.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title IX - Taxation

Chapter 62c - Administrative Provisions Relative to State Taxation

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Application of Chapter

Section 3 - Administration by Commissioner; Forms; Regulations and Rulings; Issuance of Technical Information Releases and Letter Rulings; Public Notice; Missing Children Inserts

Section 3a - Disallowance of Sham Transactions and Related Doctrines; Burden on Taxpayer to Show Business Purpose and Economic Substance Commensurate With Claimed Tax Benefit

Section 4 - Forms; Provisions Respecting Fractional Parts of a Dollar; Credit, Refund, or Abatement

Section 5 - Returns; Filing; Declaration Covering Perjury; Improper Filings

Section 5a - Non-Custodial Parents; Indication of Status on Income Tax Return

Section 6 - Persons Required to Make Returns; Fiduciaries; Time for Making

Section 7 - Partnerships Required to File Returns

Section 8 - Annual Reports by Entities Doing Business in the State; Trustee and Fiduciary Reports

Section 8a - Show Promoters; Reports; Records

Section 8b - Employment-Sponsored Health Plans; Annual Statements for Covered Individuals; Penalties

Section 9 - Failure to File Returns Required by Sec. 6 or Sec. 7; Petition for Mandamus; Hearings; Costs

Section 10 - Withholding Tax Returns; Payment

Section 11 - Corporate Returns

Section 11a - Filing by Means of Combined Report; Principal Reporting Corporation Treated as Agent for All Participating Corporations With Respect to Required Notices and Actions

Section 12 - Banks, Insurance Companies and Certain Other Corporations; Additional Returns; Contents

Section 13 - Tangible Personal Property; Reports by Organizations Filing Return Under Sec. 11 or Sec. 12

Section 14 - Report of Gross Receipts by Taxpayers Subject to Chapter 63a; Computation of Tax

Section 15 - Signing of Returns Required by Secs. 11 to 14

Section 16 - Filing of Returns by Taxpayers Subject to Chapters 64a and 64c, 64e to 64j, 64l to 64m and 138

Section 16b - Payment of Taxes; Penalty for Underpayment; Issuance of Regulations

Section 17 - Return by Executor

Section 18 - Beano, Raffle, or Bazaar; Organizations Required to File Returns

Section 19 - Extension of Time for Filing Return

Section 20 - Inspection of Returns, Books, Accounts and Other Records in Possession of Commissioner

Section 21 - Disclosure of Tax Information

Section 21b - Unauthorized Willful Inspection of Information Contained in Return or Document Filed With the Commission; Penalties

Section 22 - Inspection or Use of Returns or Other Information by Governmental Agencies

Section 23 - Participation of Commissioner With Governmental Officers or Agencies to Determine Tax Liability; Certificate by Commissioner

Section 24 - Verification of Returns; Inspection of Stampers

Section 24a - Income Reporting by Member or Indirect Owner of Pass-Through Entity; Unified Audit Procedure; Statute of Limitations for Tax Assessment; Opting Out of Unified Audit Procedure

Section 25 - Records to Be Kept by Taxpayers Subject to Chapters 64a and 64c, 64e to 64j, 64m and 138; Inspection

Section 26 - Assessment of Taxes

Section 27 - Extension of Time for Assessment

Section 28 - Failure to File or Filing of Incorrect Return; Determination and Assessment of Tax

Section 29 - Collection of Tax Jeopardized by Delay; Immediate Assessment

Section 30 - Federal Income Tax Changes; Assessment; Abatement; Penalty

Section 30a - Adjustments Based on Final Determination of Tax Due in Certain Other Jurisdictions; Report to Commissioner; Additional Tax Due or Credit Allowed in the Commonwealth

Section 30b - Partnership-Level Audit

Section 31 - Notice of Assessment in Excess of Amount on Return

Section 31a - Notice of Unpaid Corporate or Partnership Assessment; Liability of Individuals; Abatement

Section 32 - Payment Date; Interest; Notice; Contested Taxes Not Collected Involuntarily During Time Taxpayers Contest Taxes

Section 32a - Outstanding Obligations on Installment Transactions; Method for Determining Interest

Section 33 - Late Returns; Penalty; Abatement

Section 33a - United States Postmark; Alternative Private Delivery Service; Date of Payment; Application of Section

Section 34 - Penalty for Failure to File Returns; Payment

Section 35 - Payment by Check or Electronic Funds Transfer; Penalty for Nonpayment of Check or Electronic Funds Transfer

Section 35a - Penalty for Underpayment of Tax Required to Be Shown on Return

Section 35b - Good Faith Defense for Underpayment Penalty; List of Abusive Transactions or Tax Strategies

Section 35c - Understatement of Liability With Respect to Any Return or Claim for Abatement or Refund; Penalty

Section 35d - Inconsistent Position in Reporting of Income; Disclosure

Section 35e - False or Deliberately Misleading Statements Respecting Allowability of Deduction or Credit, Excludability of Income or Securing Other Tax Benefits; Penalty

Section 35f - Penalties for Sale or Offers for Sale of an Automated Sales Suppression Device or Phantom-Ware

Section 36 - Overpayment of Tax, Interest, or Penalty; Refund or Credit; Persons Against Whom a Default or Arrest Warrant Has Been Issued

Section 36a - Correction of Error Without Application of Taxpayer; Demand for Repayment of Erroneous Payments Made by Commissioner

Section 36b - Erroneous Written Advice From Department of Revenue; Waiver of Penalty

Section 37 - Application for Abatement; Hearing; Notice of Decision

Section 37a - Settlement of Tax Liability

Section 37b - Installment Payment Agreements; Modification or Termination

Section 37c - Acceptance of Amount Less Than Proposed or Assessed Tax Liability in Full and Final Settlement

Section 38 - Prerequisites for Abatement

Section 39 - Appeal From Refusal for Abatement

Section 40 - Refund of Overpaid Taxes; Interest

Section 41 - Remedies; Restrictions

Section 42 - Abatement of Taxes by Appellate Tax Board

Section 43 - Unpaid Taxes Not Warranting Collection; Abatement

Section 44 - Sale of Business; Withholdings to Cover Tax; Liability of Purchaser; Certificate From Commissioner

Section 45 - Designation of Banks as Depository for Receiving Taxes

Section 45a - Quarterly Returns; Regulations; Underpayment

Section 45b - Declarations of Estimated Tax and Estimated Tax Payments; Filing or Payment Made to Bank Designated as Depositary and Fiscal Agent

Section 46 - Powers and Remedies of Commissioner for Collection of Taxes; Warrant for Collection; Fees

Section 47 - Action of Contract for Unpaid Taxes

Section 47a - Licenses and Certificates of Authority Issued by Governmental Entities; Persons Furnishing Goods, Services or Real Estate Space to Governmental Entities; Lists; Determination of Unpaid Taxes; Appeal and Hearing

Section 47b - Driver's License, Permit, Right to Operate or Certificate of Motor Vehicle Registration; Revocation, Suspension or Nonrenewal for Failure to File Return or Pay Tax; Appeal and Hearing

Section 48 - Liability of Lessee for Tax Due From Lessor

Section 49 - Information for Collection of Taxes; Injunction

Section 49a - Certification of Compliance With Tax Laws as Prerequisite to Obtaining License or Governmental Contract; Confirmation of Good Tax Standing; Improper Registration of Motor Vehicle in Another State; Misrepresentation on Documents for Purp...

Section 50 - Liens Upon Property for Nonpayment of Taxes

Section 51 - Sale or Transfer of Corporate Assets; Procedure

Section 52 - Waiver of Lien; Certificate Showing Good Standing; Fees

Section 53 - Levy Upon Property for Payment of Tax

Section 54 - Surrender of Property or Discharge of Obligation; Exceptions; Personal Liability; Penalty

Section 55 - Books or Records Relating to Property Subject to Levy

Section 55a - Exempt Property

Section 56 - Seizure of Property; Notice; Sale

Section 57 - Disposition of Hard to Keep Property; Notice to Owner; Public Sale

Section 58 - Redemption of Property

Section 59 - Certificates of Sale; Execution of Deeds

Section 60 - Effect of Certificates of Sale and Deeds

Section 61 - Record of Sales and Redemptions of Real Property

Section 62 - Expenses of Levy and Sale

Section 63 - Disposition of Money Realized Under Secs. 53 Through 64

Section 64 - Release of Levy; Return of Wrongfully Levied Property

Section 65 - Time for Collection of Taxes; Bankruptcy Cases

Section 66 - Bonds of Licensees and Registrants Subject to Chapters 64a to 64c, 64e to 64j or 64m

Section 67 - Licenses and Registration Certificates of Taxpayers Under Chapters 64a, 64c, 64e to 64j or 64m

Section 67a - Shows; Registration Certificates

Section 67b - Reciprocal Agreements With Other States for Payment of Sales and Use Taxes

Section 67c - Revision of Procedures for Issuance, Acceptance and Recognition of Sales and Use Tax Certificates

Section 67d - Biotechnology or Medical Device Manufacturing Companies; Jobs Incentive Payment

Section 68 - Suspension or Revocation of License or Registration; Appeal; Reissuance of Registration

Section 69 - Destruction of Certain Copies, Returns, Statements or Documents

Section 70 - Testimony and Proofs Under Oath Taken by Commissioner; Witnesses; Production of Books, Paper, Etc.

Section 71 - Notice Under This Chapter

Section 72 - Person Defined

Section 73 - Tax Evasion, Failure to Collect or Pay Tax, Keep Records or Supply Information; Penalties

Section 74 - Disclosure of Information by Tax Preparer

Section 75 - False Statements by Taxpayers Subject to Secs. 11 and 30; Liability; Penalty

Section 76 - Failure to Possess License or Registration as Required by Secs. 67 and 67a; Penalty

Section 77 - Failure to File Return, List or Report, or Information Required by Sec. 8; Penalty

Section 79 - Time; Filing Returns; Payments

Section 80 - In-Person Interviews With Taxpayers; Explanations

Section 81 - Armed Forces Personnel; Extended Deadline

Section 82 - Aggregate Statistical Report of Taxes Collected; Contents

Section 83 - Report to State Secretary; Corporations Required to Report; Contents

Section 84 - Understatement of Tax on Joint Return; Liability for Deficiencies; Relief for Portion Not Attributable to Spouse; Conditions

Section 85 - Electronic Funds Transfers

Section 86 - Convention Center Financing Surcharges; Administration; Collection

Section 87 - Presidentially Declared Disaster; Terroristic or Military Action; Tax Liability

Section 89 - Annual Reports on Tax Credit Programs; Contents