Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 176o - Health Insurance Consumer Protections
Section 21 - Submission by Carrier of Annual Comprehensive Financial Statement

Section 21. [There is no subsection (a).]
(b)(1) In this subsection, the following words shall have the following meanings:—
''Carrier'', an insurer licensed or otherwise authorized to transact accident or health insurance under chapter 175; a nonprofit hospital service corporation organized under chapter 176A; a nonprofit medical service corporation organized under chapter 176B; a health maintenance organization organized under chapter 176G; and an organization entering into a preferred provider arrangement under chapter 176I; or a third party administrator, a pharmacy benefit manager or other similar entity with claims data, eligibility data, provider files and other information relating to health care provided to residents of the commonwealth and health care provided by health care providers in the commonwealth; provided, however, that ''carrier'' shall not include any entity to the extent it offers a policy, certificate or contract that is not a health benefit plan, as defined in section 1 of chapter 176J.
''Self-insured customer'', a self-insured group for which a carrier provides administrative services.
''Self-insured group'', a self-insured or self-funded employer group health plan.
''Third-party administrator'', a person who, on behalf of a health insurer or purchaser of health benefits, receives or collects charges, contributions or premiums for, or adjusts or settles claims on or for residents of the commonwealth.
(2) Any carrier which provides administrative services to 1 or more self-insured groups shall submit to the division a report including the following information:
(i) the number of the carrier's self-insured customers;
(ii) the aggregate number of members, as defined in section 1 of chapter 176J, in all of the carrier's self-insured customers;
(iii) the aggregate number of lives covered in all of the carrier's self-insured customers;
(iv) the percentage of the carrier's self-insured customers that include each of the benefits mandated for health benefit plans under chapters 175, 176A, 176B and 176G; and
(v) any other information deemed necessary by the commissioner.
(c) A carrier who fails to file this report on or before April 1 shall be assessed a late penalty not to exceed $100 per day. The division shall make public all of the information collected under this section. The division shall issue an annual summary report to the joint committee on financial services, the joint committee on health care financing and the house and senate committees on ways and means of the annual comprehensive financial statements by May 15. The information shall be exchanged with the center for health information and analysis for use under section 10 of chapter 12C. The division shall, from time to time, require payers to submit the underlying data used in their calculations for audit.
The commissioner may adopt rules to carry out this subsection, including standards and procedures requiring the registration of persons or entities not otherwise licensed or registered by the commissioner, such as third-party administrators, and criteria for the standardized reporting and uniform allocation methodologies among carriers. The division shall, before adopting regulations under this subsection, consult with other agencies of the commonwealth and the federal government and affected carriers to ensure that the reporting requirements imposed under the regulations are not duplicative.
(d) If, for any year, the division determines, based on the report submitted under section 10 of chapter 176G or other sources, that a carrier has a risk-based capital ratio on a combined entity basis that exceeds 700 per cent, the division shall hold a public hearing within 60 days. The carrier shall submit testimony on its overall financial condition and the continued need for additional surplus. The carrier shall also submit testimony on how, and in what proportion to the total surplus accumulated, the carrier will dedicate any additional surplus to reducing the cost of health benefit plans or for health care quality improvement, patient safety or health cost containment activities not conducted in previous years. The division shall review such testimony and issue a final report on the results of the hearing.
(e) The commissioner may waive specific reporting requirements in this section for classes of carriers for which the commissioner deems such reporting requirements to be inapplicable; provided, however, that the commissioner shall provide written notice of any such waiver to the joint committee of health care financing and the house and senate committees on ways and means.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 176o - Health Insurance Consumer Protections

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Bureau of Managed Care

Section 3 - Complaints Against Carriers; Notice; Hearing

Section 4 - Refusal of Carriers to Contract With Eligible Health, Dental or Vision Care Providers Solely Because Providers Have Practiced Good Faith Advocacy on Behalf of Patients

Section 5 - Contracts; Liability

Section 5a - Acceptance and Recognition of Information Submitted Pursuant to Current Coding Standards and Guidelines Required; Use of Standardized Claim Formats

Section 5b - Policies and Procedures to Enforce Sec. 5a

Section 5c - Failure of Carrier to Comply With Coding Standards and Guidelines; Notice; Penalty

Section 6 - Evidence of Coverage to Be Delivered to Covered Adults by Health, Dental and Vision Care Providers; Contents

Section 7 - Information Provided by Carrier Upon Enrollment or Upon Request

Section 8 - Failure by Carrier to File Annual Statement; Fine

Section 9 - Utilization Review Programs; Annual Attestations

Section 9a - Agreements or Contracts Between Carrier and Health Care Provider Prohibited if Containing Certain Provisions

Section 9b - Alternate Payment Arrangements Involving Downside Risk Prohibited Without Risk Certificate

Section 10 - Contractual Financial Incentive Plans

Section 11 - Rights of Health Benefit Plans to Include as Providers Religious Non-Medical Providers

Section 12 - Utilization Review

Section 13 - Formal Internal Grievance Process; Expedited Resolution Policy

Section 14 - Review Panel; Patient Protection Office

Section 15 - Disenrollment of Provider; Continuation of Treatment; Specialty Health Care Coverage

Section 16 - Clinical Decisions Regarding Medical Treatment Made by Treating Physicians; Payment for Health Care Services Ordered by Treating Physician or Primary Care Provider

Section 17 - Regulations; Promulgation

Section 18 - Responsibility of Carrier for Behavioral Health Services Compliance

Section 19 - Display of Name and Telephone Number of Health Service Manager on Enrollment Cards of Carrier

Section 20 - Information Provided to Insured Adults by Behavioral Health Manager; Submission of Material Changes; Workers' Compensation; Preferred Provider Arrangements

Section 21 - Submission by Carrier of Annual Comprehensive Financial Statement

Section 22 - Participation in Medical Assistance Program as Condition for Participation in Carrier's Provider Network

Section 23 - Disclosure by Carrier Upon Request for Network Status of Health Care Provider and Estimated or Maximum Allowed Amount or Charge for a Proposed Admission, Procedure or Service and Amount Insured Responsible to Pay; Establishment of Toll-F...

Section 24 - Internal Appeals Processes for Risk-Bearing Provider Organizations; Patient's Right to Third-Party Advocate; External Review Process

Section 25 - Use and Acceptance of Specifically Designated Prior Authorization Forms

Section 26 - Establishment of Standardized Processes and Procedures for the Determination of Patient's Health Benefit Plan Eligibility at or Prior to Time of Service

Section 27 - Development and Use of Common Summary of Payments Form; Implementation of Education Plan

Section 28 - Provider Directories; Contents; Audits; Print Copies; Customer Service Contact Information; Accommodations; Accuracy; Updates

Section 29 - Health Care Provider Credentialing