Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 176o - Health Insurance Consumer Protections
Section 2 - Bureau of Managed Care

Section 2. (a) There is hereby established within the division a bureau of managed care. Said bureau shall by regulation establish minimum standards for the accreditation of carriers in the following areas:
(1) utilization review;
(2) quality management and improvement;
(3) credentialing;
(4) preventive health services;
(5) access to pain management services, including non-opioid and non-pharmaceutical service options;
(6) access to behavioral health services, chronic disease management and primary care services via telehealth; and
(7) compliance with sections 2 to 12, inclusive.
(b) In establishing the minimum standards, the bureau shall consult and use, where appropriate, standards established by national accreditation organizations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the bureau shall not be bound by the standards established by such organizations, provided, however, that wherever the bureau promulgates standards different from the national standards, it shall: (1) be subject to chapter 30A; (2) state the reason for such variation; and (3) take into consideration any projected compliance costs for such variation. In order to reduce health care costs and improve access to health care services, the bureau shall establish by regulation as a condition of accreditation that carriers use uniform standards and methodologies for credentialing of providers, including any health care provider type licensed under chapter 112 that provide identical services. The division shall, before adopting regulations under this section, consult with the center for health information and analysis, the department of public health, the group insurance commission, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and each carrier. Accreditation by the bureau shall be valid for a period of 24 months.
For the purposes of accreditation review in the area of pain management, the division shall consult with the health policy commission, established under chapter 6D, for assistance in determining appropriate standards for evidence-based pain management, including non-opioid pain management products and services, and shall publish guidelines to assist and evaluate carriers' development and submission of pain management access plans as required under clause (5) of the second sentence of subsection (a).
To establish minimum standards for the accreditation of carriers related to access to behavioral health services, chronic disease management and primary care services via telehealth, the division shall consult with the health policy commission and the center for health information and analysis.
(c) Regulations promulgated by the bureau shall be consistent with and not duplicate or overlap with the regulations promulgated by the office of patient protection in the health policy commission established by section 16 of chapter 6D.
(d) A carrier that contracts with another entity to perform some or all of the functions governed by this chapter shall be responsible for ensuring compliance by said entity with the provisions of this chapter. Any failure by said entity to meet the requirements of this chapter shall be the responsibility of the carrier to remedy and shall subject the carrier to any and all enforcement actions, including financial penalties, authorized under this chapter.
(e) A carrier may apply to the bureau for deemed accreditation status. A carrier may be deemed to be in compliance with the bureau's standards, and may be so accredited by the bureau, only if the carrier, or an entity with which it contracts: (1) is accredited by a national accreditation organization; (2) is in compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter; and (3) demonstrates compliance with, and has obtained the highest possible rating from said national accreditation organization for: (i) utilization review, (ii) quality management, and (iii) member rights and responsibilities, as promulgated by the bureau pursuant to this chapter. The bureau shall publish by regulation the highest possible rating level in each such category used by every national accreditation organization recognized by the bureau. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require a carrier, as a condition of certification, to be in compliance at the highest possible rating with each of the accreditation requirements of a national accreditation organization.
(f) A carrier which is not accredited by the bureau pursuant to this section, and is not otherwise exempt from accreditation, shall not offer for sale, provide, or arrange for the provision of a defined set of health care services to insureds through affiliated and contracting providers or employ utilization review in making decisions about whether services are covered benefits under a health benefit plan.
(g) A carrier shall be exempt from accreditation if in the written opinion of the attorney general, the commissioner of insurance and the commissioner of public health, the health and safety of health care consumers would be materially jeopardized by requiring accreditation of the carrier. Before publishing such written exemption, the attorney general, the commissioner of insurance and the commissioner of public health shall jointly hold at least one public hearing at which testimony from interested parties on the subject of the exemption shall be solicited. A carrier granted such an exemption shall be provisionally accredited and, during such provisional accreditation, shall be subject to review not less than every four months and shall be subject to those requirements of this chapter as deemed appropriate by the commissioner of insurance.
(h) Nothing in this chapter shall relieve any carrier of its obligations pursuant to the applicable provisions of chapters 175, 176A, 176B, 176G and 176I. Compliance with such applicable provisions of chapter 175, 176A, 176B, 176G and 176I shall be a condition of accreditation.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 176o - Health Insurance Consumer Protections

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Bureau of Managed Care

Section 3 - Complaints Against Carriers; Notice; Hearing

Section 4 - Refusal of Carriers to Contract With Eligible Health, Dental or Vision Care Providers Solely Because Providers Have Practiced Good Faith Advocacy on Behalf of Patients

Section 5 - Contracts; Liability

Section 5a - Acceptance and Recognition of Information Submitted Pursuant to Current Coding Standards and Guidelines Required; Use of Standardized Claim Formats

Section 5b - Policies and Procedures to Enforce Sec. 5a

Section 5c - Failure of Carrier to Comply With Coding Standards and Guidelines; Notice; Penalty

Section 6 - Evidence of Coverage to Be Delivered to Covered Adults by Health, Dental and Vision Care Providers; Contents

Section 7 - Information Provided by Carrier Upon Enrollment or Upon Request

Section 8 - Failure by Carrier to File Annual Statement; Fine

Section 9 - Utilization Review Programs; Annual Attestations

Section 9a - Agreements or Contracts Between Carrier and Health Care Provider Prohibited if Containing Certain Provisions

Section 9b - Alternate Payment Arrangements Involving Downside Risk Prohibited Without Risk Certificate

Section 10 - Contractual Financial Incentive Plans

Section 11 - Rights of Health Benefit Plans to Include as Providers Religious Non-Medical Providers

Section 12 - Utilization Review

Section 13 - Formal Internal Grievance Process; Expedited Resolution Policy

Section 14 - Review Panel; Patient Protection Office

Section 15 - Disenrollment of Provider; Continuation of Treatment; Specialty Health Care Coverage

Section 16 - Clinical Decisions Regarding Medical Treatment Made by Treating Physicians; Payment for Health Care Services Ordered by Treating Physician or Primary Care Provider

Section 17 - Regulations; Promulgation

Section 18 - Responsibility of Carrier for Behavioral Health Services Compliance

Section 19 - Display of Name and Telephone Number of Health Service Manager on Enrollment Cards of Carrier

Section 20 - Information Provided to Insured Adults by Behavioral Health Manager; Submission of Material Changes; Workers' Compensation; Preferred Provider Arrangements

Section 21 - Submission by Carrier of Annual Comprehensive Financial Statement

Section 22 - Participation in Medical Assistance Program as Condition for Participation in Carrier's Provider Network

Section 23 - Disclosure by Carrier Upon Request for Network Status of Health Care Provider and Estimated or Maximum Allowed Amount or Charge for a Proposed Admission, Procedure or Service and Amount Insured Responsible to Pay; Establishment of Toll-F...

Section 24 - Internal Appeals Processes for Risk-Bearing Provider Organizations; Patient's Right to Third-Party Advocate; External Review Process

Section 25 - Use and Acceptance of Specifically Designated Prior Authorization Forms

Section 26 - Establishment of Standardized Processes and Procedures for the Determination of Patient's Health Benefit Plan Eligibility at or Prior to Time of Service

Section 27 - Development and Use of Common Summary of Payments Form; Implementation of Education Plan

Section 28 - Provider Directories; Contents; Audits; Print Copies; Customer Service Contact Information; Accommodations; Accuracy; Updates

Section 29 - Health Care Provider Credentialing