Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 176o - Health Insurance Consumer Protections
Section 15 - Disenrollment of Provider; Continuation of Treatment; Specialty Health Care Coverage

Section 15. (a) A carrier that allows or requires the designation of a primary care provider shall notify an insured at least 30 days before the disenrollment of such insured's primary care provider and shall permit such insured to continue to be covered for health services, consistent with the terms of the evidence of coverage, by such primary care provider for at least 30 days after said provider is disenrolled, other than disenrollment for quality-related reasons or for fraud. Such notice shall also include a description of the procedure for choosing an alternative primary care provider.
(b) A carrier shall allow any female insured who is in her second or third trimester of pregnancy and whose provider in connection with her pregnancy is involuntarily disenrolled, other than disenrollment for quality-related reasons or for fraud, to continue treatment with said provider, consistent with the terms of the evidence of coverage, for the period up to and including the insured's first postpartum visit.
(c) A carrier shall allow any insured who is terminally ill and whose provider in connection with said illness is involuntarily disenrolled, other than disenrollment for quality-related reasons or for fraud, to continue treatment with said provider, consistent with the terms of the evidence of coverage, until the insured's death.
(d) A carrier shall provide coverage for health services for up to 30 days from the effective date of coverage to a new insured by a provider who is not a participating provider in the carrier's network if: (1) the insured's employer only offers the insured a choice of carriers in which said provider is not a participating provider, and (2) said provider is providing the insured with an ongoing course of treatment or is the insured's primary care provider. With respect to an insured in her second or third trimester of pregnancy, this subsection shall apply to services rendered through the first postpartum visit. With respect to an insured with a terminal illness, this subsection shall apply to services rendered until death.
(e) A carrier may condition coverage of continued treatment by a provider under subsections (a) to (d), inclusive, upon the provider's agreeing: (1) to accept reimbursement from the carrier at the rates applicable prior to notice of disenrollment as payment in full and not to impose cost sharing with respect to the insured in an amount that would exceed the cost sharing that could have been imposed if the provider had not been disenrolled; (2) to adhere to the quality assurance standards of the carrier and to provide the carrier with necessary medical information related to the care provided; and (3) to adhere to such carrier's policies and procedures, including procedures regarding referrals, obtaining prior authorization and providing services under a treatment plan, if any, approved by the carrier. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require the coverage of benefits that would not have been covered if the provider involved remained a participating provider.
(f) A carrier that requires an insured to designate a primary care provider shall allow such a primary care provider to authorize a standing referral for specialty health care provided by a health care provider participating in such carrier's network when (1) the primary care provider determines that such referrals are appropriate, (2) the provider of specialty health care agrees to a treatment plan for the insured and provides the primary care provider with all necessary clinical and administrative information on a regular basis, and (3) the health care services to be provided are consistent with the terms of the evidence of coverage. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit a provider of specialty health care who is the subject of a referral to authorize any further referral of an insured to any other provider without the approval of the insured's carrier.
(g) No carrier shall require an insured to obtain a referral or prior authorization from a primary care provider for specialty care provided by an obstetrician, gynecologist, certified nurse-midwife or family practitioner participating in such carrier's health care provider network for the following: (1) annual preventive gynecologic health examinations, including any subsequent obstetric or gynecological services determined by such obstetrician, gynecologist, certified nurse-midwife or family practitioner to be medically necessary as a result of such examination; (2) maternity care; and (3) medically necessary evaluations and resultant health care services for acute or emergency gynecological conditions. No carrier shall require higher copayments, coinsurance, deductibles or additional cost sharing arrangements for such services provided to such insureds in the absence of a referral from a primary care provider. Carriers may establish reasonable requirements for participating obstetricians, gynecologists, certified nurse-midwives or family practitioners to communicate with an insured's primary care provider regarding the insured's condition, treatment and need for follow-up care. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit an obstetrician, gynecologist, certified nurse-midwife or family practitioner to authorize any further referral of an insured to any other provider without the approval of the insured's carrier.
(h) A carrier shall provide coverage of pediatric specialty care, including mental health care, by persons with recognized expertise in specialty pediatrics to insureds requiring such services.
(i) A carrier, including a dental or vision carrier, shall provide health, dental or vision care providers applying to be participating providers who are denied such status with a written reason or reasons for denial of such application.
(j) No carrier shall make a contract with a health care provider which includes a provision permitting termination without cause. A carrier shall provide a written statement to a provider of the reason or reasons for such provider's involuntary disenrollment.
(k) A carrier, including a dental or vision carrier, shall provide insureds, upon request, interpreter and translation services related to administrative procedures.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 176o - Health Insurance Consumer Protections

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Bureau of Managed Care

Section 3 - Complaints Against Carriers; Notice; Hearing

Section 4 - Refusal of Carriers to Contract With Eligible Health, Dental or Vision Care Providers Solely Because Providers Have Practiced Good Faith Advocacy on Behalf of Patients

Section 5 - Contracts; Liability

Section 5a - Acceptance and Recognition of Information Submitted Pursuant to Current Coding Standards and Guidelines Required; Use of Standardized Claim Formats

Section 5b - Policies and Procedures to Enforce Sec. 5a

Section 5c - Failure of Carrier to Comply With Coding Standards and Guidelines; Notice; Penalty

Section 6 - Evidence of Coverage to Be Delivered to Covered Adults by Health, Dental and Vision Care Providers; Contents

Section 7 - Information Provided by Carrier Upon Enrollment or Upon Request

Section 8 - Failure by Carrier to File Annual Statement; Fine

Section 9 - Utilization Review Programs; Annual Attestations

Section 9a - Agreements or Contracts Between Carrier and Health Care Provider Prohibited if Containing Certain Provisions

Section 9b - Alternate Payment Arrangements Involving Downside Risk Prohibited Without Risk Certificate

Section 10 - Contractual Financial Incentive Plans

Section 11 - Rights of Health Benefit Plans to Include as Providers Religious Non-Medical Providers

Section 12 - Utilization Review

Section 13 - Formal Internal Grievance Process; Expedited Resolution Policy

Section 14 - Review Panel; Patient Protection Office

Section 15 - Disenrollment of Provider; Continuation of Treatment; Specialty Health Care Coverage

Section 16 - Clinical Decisions Regarding Medical Treatment Made by Treating Physicians; Payment for Health Care Services Ordered by Treating Physician or Primary Care Provider

Section 17 - Regulations; Promulgation

Section 18 - Responsibility of Carrier for Behavioral Health Services Compliance

Section 19 - Display of Name and Telephone Number of Health Service Manager on Enrollment Cards of Carrier

Section 20 - Information Provided to Insured Adults by Behavioral Health Manager; Submission of Material Changes; Workers' Compensation; Preferred Provider Arrangements

Section 21 - Submission by Carrier of Annual Comprehensive Financial Statement

Section 22 - Participation in Medical Assistance Program as Condition for Participation in Carrier's Provider Network

Section 23 - Disclosure by Carrier Upon Request for Network Status of Health Care Provider and Estimated or Maximum Allowed Amount or Charge for a Proposed Admission, Procedure or Service and Amount Insured Responsible to Pay; Establishment of Toll-F...

Section 24 - Internal Appeals Processes for Risk-Bearing Provider Organizations; Patient's Right to Third-Party Advocate; External Review Process

Section 25 - Use and Acceptance of Specifically Designated Prior Authorization Forms

Section 26 - Establishment of Standardized Processes and Procedures for the Determination of Patient's Health Benefit Plan Eligibility at or Prior to Time of Service

Section 27 - Development and Use of Common Summary of Payments Form; Implementation of Education Plan

Section 28 - Provider Directories; Contents; Audits; Print Copies; Customer Service Contact Information; Accommodations; Accuracy; Updates

Section 29 - Health Care Provider Credentialing