Kansas Statutes
Article 1 - Names And Boundaries Of Counties
18-111 Cherokee.

18-111. Cherokee. The county of Cherokee is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the county of Crawford; thence west with the south line of said Crawford county, to the southwest corner of section fourteen, in township thirty-one south, of range twenty-one, east of the sixth principal meridian; thence south on the section line, to the Neosho river; thence with the channel of said river, to the south boundary line of the state of Kansas; thence east on said boundary line, to the southeast corner of the state; thence north with the east line of the state of Kansas, to the place of beginning: Provided, That at the next general election, the legal voters on the strip between the west line of Cherokee county as above defined, and the west line of Cherokee neutral land, shall decide by ballot for or against being attached to Cherokee county; and the ballot so cast shall be returned and canvassed as other election returns, and the result certified to the governor, who shall issue his proclamation in accordance therewith. If a majority of the votes cast shall be in favor of being attached to Cherokee county, the west line of said county shall remain as above defined; but if a majority be against being attached to Cherokee county, then the line between said Cherokee county and the county of Labette shall be the west line of the Cherokee neutral lands — anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding.
History: G.S. 1868, ch. 24, § 12; October 31; R.S. 1923, 18-111.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 18 - Counties

Article 1 - Names And Boundaries Of Counties

18-101 Allen.

18-102 Anderson.

18-103 Atchison.

18-104 Barber.

18-104a Barbour changed to Barber.

18-105 Barton.

18-106 Bourbon.

18-107 Brown.

18-108 Butler.

18-109 Chase.

18-110 Chautauqua.

18-110a Chautauqua and Elk Counties.

18-110b Former county of Howard.

18-111 Cherokee.

18-112 Cheyenne.

18-113 Clark.

18-114 Clay.

18-115 Cloud.

18-116 Coffey.

18-117 Comanche.

18-118 Cowley.

18-119 Crawford.

18-120 Decatur.

18-121 Dickinson.

18-122 Doniphan.

18-123 Douglas.

18-124 Edwards.

18-125 Elk.

18-126 Ellis.

18-127 Ellsworth.

18-128 Finney.

18-128a Garfield attached to Finney.

18-129 Ford.

18-130 Franklin.

18-131 Geary.

18-131a Davis changed to Geary.

18-131b Construction of statutes containing "Davis county."

18-131c Validating acts under name of Geary.

18-132 Gove.

18-133 Graham.

18-134 Grant.

18-135 Gray.

18-135a Gray and Lane counties.

18-136 Greeley.

18-137 Greenwood.

18-138 Hamilton.

18-139 Harper.

18-140 Harvey.

18-141 Haskell.

18-142 Hodgeman.

18-143 Jackson.

18-144 Jefferson.

18-144a Boundary between Jefferson and Shawnee.

18-145 Jewell.

18-146 Johnson.

18-147 Kearny.

18-147a Kearney changed to Kearny.

18-148 Kingman.

18-149 Kiowa.

18-150 Labette.

18-151 Lane.

18-152 Leavenworth.

18-153 Lincoln.

18-154 Linn.

18-155 Logan.

18-155a St. John changed to Logan.

18-156 Lyon.

18-157 Marion.

18-158 Marshall.

18-158a Boundary line between Marshall and Washington.

18-159 McPherson.

18-160 Meade.

18-161 Miami.

18-162 Mitchell.

18-163 Montgomery.

18-164 Morris.

18-165 Morton.

18-165a Legalizing Morton, Seward, and Stevens.

18-166 Nemaha.

18-167 Neosho.

18-168 Ness.

18-169 Norton.

18-170 Osage.

18-171 Osborne.

18-172 Ottawa.

18-173 Pawnee.

18-174 Phillips.

18-175 Pottawatomie.

18-176 Pratt.

18-177 Rawlins.

18-178 Reno.

18-179 Republic.

18-180 Rice.

18-181 Riley.

18-182 Rooks.

18-183 Rush.

18-184 Russell.

18-185 Saline.

18-186 Scott.

18-187 Sedgwick.

18-188 Seward.

18-189 Shawnee.

18-190 Sheridan.

18-191 Sherman.

18-192 Smith.

18-193 Stafford.

18-194 Stanton.

18-195 Stevens.

18-196 Sumner.

18-197 Thomas.

18-198 Trego.

18-199 Wabaunsee.

18-1,100 Wallace.

18-1,101 Washington.

18-1,102 Wichita.

18-1,103 Wilson.

18-1,104 Woodson.

18-1,105 Wyandotte.