Iowa Code
Section 537.2201 - Finance charge for consumer credit sales not pursuant to open-end credit.

537.2201 Finance charge for consumer credit sales not pursuant to open-end credit.
1. With respect to a consumer credit sale, other than a sale pursuant to open-end credit, a creditor may contract for and receive a finance charge not exceeding the maximum charge permitted by the law of this state or the United States for similar creditors. In addition, with respect to a consumer credit sale of goods or services, other than a sale pursuant to open-end credit or a sale of a motor vehicle, a creditor may contract for and receive a finance charge not exceeding that permitted in subsections 2 through 6. With respect to a consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle, a creditor may contract for and receive a finance charge as provided in section 322.19, and a finance charge in excess of that provided in section 322.19, is an excess charge in violation of this chapter.
2. The finance charge, calculated according to the actuarial method, may not exceed twenty-one percent per year on the unpaid balances of the amount financed.
3. This section does not limit or restrict the manner of calculating the finance charge whether by way of add-on, discount, or otherwise, so long as the rate of the finance charge does not exceed that permitted by this section. If the sale is a precomputed consumer credit transaction, the finance charge may be calculated on the assumption that all scheduled payments will be made when due, and the effect of prepayment is governed by the provisions on rebate upon prepayment contained in section 537.2510.
4. For the purposes of this section, the term of a sale agreement commences with the date the credit is granted or, if goods are delivered or services performed ten days or more after that date, with the date of commencement of delivery or performance. Any month may be counted as one-twelfth of a year, but a day is counted as one-three hundred sixty-fifth of a year. Subject to classifications and differentiations the seller may reasonably establish, a part of a month in excess of fifteen days may be treated as a full month if periods of fifteen days or less are disregarded and that procedure is not consistently used to obtain a greater yield than would otherwise be permitted. The administrator may adopt rules not inconsistent with the Truth in Lending Act with respect to treating as regular other minor irregularities in amount or time.
5. Subject to classifications and differentiations the seller may reasonably establish, the seller may make the same finance charge on all amounts financed within a specified range. A finance charge so made does not violate subsection 2 if both of the following are applicable:
a. When applied to the median amount within each range, it does not exceed the maximum rate permitted by subsection 1.
b. When applied to the lowest amount within each range, it does not produce a rate of finance charge exceeding the rate calculated according to paragraph “a” by more than eight percent of the rate calculated according to paragraph “a” of this subsection.
6. Regardless of subsection 2, the seller may contract for and receive a minimum finance charge of not more than five dollars when the amount financed does not exceed seventy-five dollars, or seven dollars and fifty cents when the amount financed exceeds seventy-five dollars.
[C75, 77, 79, 81, §537.2201; 82 Acts, ch 1153, §15, 18(1)]
2018 Acts, ch 1041, §127; 2020 Acts, ch 1063, §311
Referred to in §535.11, 537.2504, 537.2505

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 537.1101 - Short title.

Section 537.1102 - Purposes — rules of construction.

Section 537.1103 - Law applicable.

Section 537.1104 - Construction.

Section 537.1107 - Waiver — agreement — settlement.

Section 537.1108 - Effect on organizations.

Section 537.1110 - Obligation of good faith.

Section 537.1201 - Territorial application.

Section 537.1202 - Exclusions.

Section 537.1203 - Jurisdiction — service of process.

Section 537.1301 - General definitions.

Section 537.1302 - Definition — Truth in Lending Act.

Section 537.1303 - Other defined terms.

Section 537.2101 - Short title.

Section 537.2102 - Scope.

Section 537.2201 - Finance charge for consumer credit sales not pursuant to open-end credit.

Section 537.2202 - Finance charge for consumer credit sales pursuant to open-end credit.

Section 537.2301 - Authority to make supervised loans.

Section 537.2303 - Revocation or suspension of license.

Section 537.2304 - Records — annual reports.

Section 537.2305 - Examinations and investigations.

Section 537.2307 - Restrictions on interest in land as security.

Section 537.2308 - Regular schedule of payments — maximum loan term.

Section 537.2309 - No other business for purpose of evasion.

Section 537.2310 - Conduct of business other than making loans.

Section 537.2401 - Finance charge for consumer loans not pursuant to open-end credit.

Section 537.2402 - Finance charge for consumer loans pursuant to open-end credit.

Section 537.2403 - Finance charge for consumer loans secured by a motor vehicle.

Section 537.2501 - Additional charges.

Section 537.2502 - Delinquency charges.

Section 537.2503 - Deferral charges.

Section 537.2504 - Finance charge on refinancing.

Section 537.2505 - Finance charge on consolidation.

Section 537.2506 - Advances to perform covenants of consumer.

Section 537.2507 - Attorney fees.

Section 537.2508 - Conversion to open-end credit.

Section 537.2509 - Right to prepay.

Section 537.2510 - Rebate upon prepayment.

Section 537.2601 - Charges for other credit transactions.

Section 537.3101 - Short title.

Section 537.3102 - Scope.

Section 537.3201 - Compliance with Truth in Lending Act.

Section 537.3202 - Consumer leases.

Section 537.3203 - Notice to consumer.

Section 537.3204 - Notice of assignment.

Section 537.3205 - Change in terms of open-end credit accounts.

Section 537.3206 - Receipt — statements of account — evidence of payment — credits.

Section 537.3207 - Form of insurance premium loan agreement.

Section 537.3208 - Notice to cosigners and similar parties.

Section 537.3209 - Advertising.

Section 537.3210 - Prohibited statements relating to rates.

Section 537.3211 - Notice of consumer paper.

Section 537.3212 - Notice of methods of financing and rates.

Section 537.3301 - Security in consumer credit transactions.

Section 537.3302 - Cross-collateral.

Section 537.3303 - Debt secured by cross-collateral.

Section 537.3304 - Use of multiple agreements.

Section 537.3305 - No assignment of earnings.

Section 537.3306 - Authorization to confess judgment prohibited.

Section 537.3307 - Certain negotiable instruments prohibited.

Section 537.3308 - Balloon payments.

Section 537.3309 - Referral sales and leases.

Section 537.3310 - Limitations on executory transactions.

Section 537.3311 - Discrimination prohibited.

Section 537.3401 - Restriction on liability in consumer lease.

Section 537.3402 - Limitation on default charges.

Section 537.3403 - Card issuer subject to claims and defenses.

Section 537.3404 - Assignee subject to claims and defenses.

Section 537.3405 - Lender subject to defenses arising from sales and leases.

Section 537.3501 - Door-to-door sales.

Section 537.3601 - Short title.

Section 537.3602 - Purposes — rules of construction.

Section 537.3603 - Exclusions.

Section 537.3604 - General definitions.

Section 537.3605 - Disclosures.

Section 537.3606 - Form requirements.

Section 537.3607 - Receipts.

Section 537.3608 - Acquiring ownership.

Section 537.3609 - Renegotiation.

Section 537.3610 - Balloon payments prohibited.

Section 537.3611 - Prohibited charges.

Section 537.3612 - Additional charges.

Section 537.3613 - Reinstatement fees.

Section 537.3614 - Taxes and official fees.

Section 537.3615 - Advertising.

Section 537.3616 - Lessee’s reinstatement rights.

Section 537.3617 - Unconscionability.

Section 537.3618 - Default.

Section 537.3619 - Cure of default.

Section 537.3620 - Willful and intentional violations.

Section 537.3621 - Damages.

Section 537.3622 - Effect of correction.

Section 537.3623 - Statute of limitations.

Section 537.3624 - Enforcement.

Section 537.4101 - Scope — excess charges.

Section 537.5101 - Short title.

Section 537.5102 - Scope.

Section 537.5103 - Creditor’s obligations on repossession — restriction on deficiency judgments.

Section 537.5104 - No garnishment before judgment.

Section 537.5105 - Limitation on garnishment.

Section 537.5106 - Garnishment.

Section 537.5107 - Extortionate or unlawful extensions of credit.

Section 537.5108 - Unconscionability — inducement by unconscionable conduct — unconscionable debt collection.

Section 537.5109 - Default.

Section 537.5110 - Cure of default.

Section 537.5111 - Notice of right to cure.

Section 537.5113 - Venue.

Section 537.5114 - Complaint — proof.

Section 537.5201 - Effect of violations on rights of parties.

Section 537.5202 - Damages or penalties as setoff to obligation.

Section 537.5203 - Civil liability for violation of disclosure provisions.

Section 537.5301 - Willful violations.

Section 537.5302 - Disclosure violations.

Section 537.6101 - Short title.

Section 537.6102 - Applicability.

Section 537.6103 - Administrator.

Section 537.6104 - Powers of administrator — reliance on rules — duty to report.

Section 537.6105 - Administrative powers with respect to supervised financial organizations and supervised loan licensees.

Section 537.6106 - Investigatory powers.

Section 537.6108 - Administrative enforcement orders.

Section 537.6109 - Assurance of discontinuance.

Section 537.6110 - Injunctions and other proceedings in equity.

Section 537.6111 - Injunctions against unconscionable agreements and fraudulent or unconscionable conduct.

Section 537.6112 - Temporary relief.

Section 537.6113 - Civil actions by administrator.

Section 537.6115 - Consumer’s remedies not affected.

Section 537.6116 - Venue.

Section 537.6117 - Administrative rules.

Section 537.6201 - Applicability.

Section 537.6202 - Notification.

Section 537.6203 - Fees.

Section 537.7101 - Short title.

Section 537.7102 - Definitions.

Section 537.7103 - Prohibited practices.

Section 537.8101 - Provision of credit card number as condition of check cashing or acceptance prohibited.