Iowa Code
Section 455B.419 - Agricultural chemicals.

455B.419 Agricultural chemicals. Repealed by 2011 Acts, ch 9, §10.

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 455B.101 - Definitions.

Section 455B.103 - Director’s duties.

Section 455B.103A - General permits — storm water discharge — air contaminant sources.

Section 455B.104 - Departmental duties.

Section 455B.105 - Powers and duties of the commission.

Section 455B.107 - Warrants by director of department of administrative services.

Section 455B.108 - Office facilities.

Section 455B.109 - Schedule of civil penalties — violations.

Section 455B.110 - Administrative appeal orders — deadline.

Section 455B.111 - Citizen actions.

Section 455B.112 - Actions by attorney general.

Section 455B.112A - Environmental crimes investigation and prosecution fund.

Section 455B.113 - Certification of laboratories.

Section 455B.114 - Laboratory certificates.

Section 455B.115 - Analysis by certified laboratory required.

Section 455B.116 - Pollution hotline program.

Section 455B.117 - Results of environmental tests — public records.

Section 455B.131 - Definitions.

Section 455B.132 - Executive agency.

Section 455B.133 - Duties.

Section 455B.133A - Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program.

Section 455B.133B - Air contaminant source fund created — fees and appropriations.

Section 455B.133C - Air quality fund — fees and appropriations.

Section 455B.134 - Director — duties — limitations.

Section 455B.135 - Limit on authority.

Section 455B.136 - Assistance on demand.

Section 455B.137 - Privileged information.

Section 455B.138 - Resolution of violations — appeal.

Section 455B.139 - Emergency orders.

Section 455B.140 - Judicial review.

Section 455B.141 - Legal action.

Section 455B.142 - Burden of proof.

Section 455B.143 - Variance.

Section 455B.144 - Local control program.

Section 455B.145 - Acceptance of local program.

Section 455B.146 - Civil action for compliance — local program actions.

Section 455B.146A - Criminal action — penalties.

Section 455B.147 - Failure — procedure.

Section 455B.149 - Energy or economic emergency.

Section 455B.150 - Compliance advisory panel — creation.

Section 455B.151 - Compliance advisory panel — powers and duties.

Section 455B.152 - Greenhouse gas inventory and registry.

Section 455B.164 - Distance measurements.

Section 455B.171 - Definitions.

Section 455B.172 - Jurisdiction of department and local boards.

Section 455B.172A - On-farm processing operations.

Section 455B.173 - Duties.

Section 455B.174 - Director’s duties.

Section 455B.175 - Violations.

Section 455B.176 - Criteria considered.

Section 455B.176A - Water quality standards.

Section 455B.177 - Declaration of policy.

Section 455B.178 - Judicial review.

Section 455B.179 - Trade secrets protected.

Section 455B.180 - Stay order.

Section 455B.181 - Variances and exemptions.

Section 455B.182 - Failure constitutes contempt.

Section 455B.183 - Written permits required.

Section 455B.183A - Water quality protection fund.

Section 455B.183B - Program to assist supply systems.

Section 455B.183C - Personnel — department of management.

Section 455B.184 - Disposal system plans.

Section 455B.185 - Data from departments.

Section 455B.186 - Prohibited actions.

Section 455B.187 - Water well construction.

Section 455B.188 - Provision for emergency replacement of water wells.

Section 455B.190 - Abandoned wells properly plugged.

Section 455B.190A - Well contractor certification program.

Section 455B.191 - Penalties — burden of proof.

Section 455B.192 - Local government — penalties.

Section 455B.193 - Qualifications for collection of credible data.

Section 455B.194 - Credible data required.

Section 455B.195 - Use or analysis of credible data.

Section 455B.196 - National pollutant discharge elimination system permit fund.

Section 455B.197 - National pollutant discharge elimination system permits.

Section 455B.198 - Wastewater discharge from well drilling sites — rules.

Section 455B.199 - Water resource restoration sponsor program.

Section 455B.199A - Prioritization of municipal water quality improvement projects.

Section 455B.199B - Disadvantaged communities variance.

Section 455B.199C - Alternative wastewater treatment technologies — legislative intent and purpose.

Section 455B.199D - At-risk utility systems.

Section 455B.211 - Definitions.

Section 455B.212 - Director’s duties.

Section 455B.213 - Certification of operators.

Section 455B.216 - Examinations.

Section 455B.217 - Operator’s certificate.

Section 455B.218 - Duration of certificates — fee — renewal.

Section 455B.219 - Revocation or suspension.

Section 455B.220 - Certificate without examination.

Section 455B.221 - Certification and examination fees.

Section 455B.222 - Rules.

Section 455B.223 - Competent operator required.

Section 455B.224 - Simple misdemeanor.

Section 455B.241 - Fund.

Section 455B.242 - Grants of assistance.

Section 455B.243 - Acceptance of grants.

Section 455B.244 - Contracts.

Section 455B.245 - Rules.

Section 455B.246 - Review of contracts by attorney general.

Section 455B.261 - Definitions.

Section 455B.262 - Declaration of policy and planning requirements.

Section 455B.262A - National flood insurance program — participation required.

Section 455B.262B - Cooperation with the state geologist.

Section 455B.263 - Duties.

Section 455B.264 - Jurisdiction — water and floodplains.

Section 455B.265 - Permits for diversion, storage, and withdrawal — fees authorized.

Section 455B.265A - Water use permit fund — appropriation.

Section 455B.266 - Priority allocation.

Section 455B.267 - Permits for beneficial use — prohibitions.

Section 455B.268 - When permit required.

Section 455B.269 - Taking water prohibited.

Section 455B.270 - Rights preserved.

Section 455B.271 - Modification or cancellation of permits.

Section 455B.272 - Termination of permit.

Section 455B.273 - Disposal of permit.

Section 455B.274 - Unauthorized depleting uses.

Section 455B.275 - Prohibited acts — powers of commission and executive director.

Section 455B.276 - Floodplains — encroachment limits.

Section 455B.277 - Flood control works coordinated.

Section 455B.278 - Permit application procedures.

Section 455B.279 - Violation.

Section 455B.281 - Compensation for well interference.

Section 455B.282 - County and city control of junkyards.

Section 455B.291 - Definitions.

Section 455B.292 - Findings.

Section 455B.293 - Policy.

Section 455B.294 - Establishment of the water pollution control works and drinking water facilities financing program.

Section 455B.295 - Funds and accounts.

Section 455B.296 - Intended use plans — capitalization grants — accounting.

Section 455B.297 - Loans to eligible entities.

Section 455B.298 - Powers and duties of the director.

Section 455B.299 - Adoption of rules.

Section 455B.301 - Definitions.

Section 455B.301A - Declaration of policy.

Section 455B.302 - Duty of cities and counties — agreements — liens.

Section 455B.303 - Administrator’s duties.

Section 455B.304 - Rules established.

Section 455B.305 - Issuance or renewal of permits by director.

Section 455B.305A - Local approval of sanitary landfill and infectious waste incinerator projects.

Section 455B.305B - Pyrolysis or gasification material ownership.

Section 455B.306 - Plans filed.

Section 455B.306A - Annexation of territory — expansion of services.

Section 455B.307 - Dumping — where prohibited — penalty.

Section 455B.307A - Discarding of solid waste — prohibitions — penalty.

Section 455B.307B - Illegal dumping enforcement officer.

Section 455B.308 - Appeal from order.

Section 455B.310 - Tonnage fee imposed — appropriations — exemptions.

Section 455B.311 - Grants.

Section 455B.312 - Waste abatement program.

Section 455B.313 - Beverage container connectors — prohibition.

Section 455B.314 - Incineration at sanitary disposal projects.

Section 455B.315 - Radioactive materials — prohibited deposit in sanitary landfills.

Section 455B.316 - Penalty.

Section 455B.331 - Definitions.

Section 455B.332

Section 455B.333

Section 455B.334 - Waste disposal site.

Section 455B.335 - Director’s duties.

Section 455B.335A - Pathological waste incineration facilities — radioactive materials — requirements.

Section 455B.336 - Notice to violators.

Section 455B.337 - Emergency action.

Section 455B.338 - Judicial review.

Section 455B.339 - Injunction.

Section 455B.340 - Penalty.

Section 455B.361 - Definitions.

Section 455B.362 - Director’s duties.

Section 455B.363 - Litter.

Section 455B.364 - Penalty.

Section 455B.381 - Definitions.

Section 455B.382 - Administrative agency.

Section 455B.383 - Powers and duties of department.

Section 455B.384 - Powers and duties of the executive director.

Section 455B.385 - State hazardous condition contingency plan.

Section 455B.386 - Notification of spills — penalty.

Section 455B.387 - Removal of hazardous substances.

Section 455B.388 - Injunctions and emergency orders.

Section 455B.389 - Judicial review.

Section 455B.390 - Jurisdiction limited.

Section 455B.391 - Duties of attorney general.

Section 455B.392 - Liability for cleanup costs.

Section 455B.393 - Liability of state employees or persons providing assistance.

Section 455B.394 - Right of entry.

Section 455B.395 - Public information.

Section 455B.396 - Claim of state.

Section 455B.397 - Financial disclosure.

Section 455B.399 - Cleanup assistance — liability.

Section 455B.411 - Definitions.

Section 455B.412 - Duties of the department.

Section 455B.413 - Director’s duties.

Section 455B.414 - Hazardous waste notification.

Section 455B.415 - Permit required.

Section 455B.416 - Inspections.

Section 455B.417 - Prohibited acts — penalties.

Section 455B.418 - Enforcement.

Section 455B.419 - Agricultural chemicals.

Section 455B.420 - Rules.

Section 455B.421 - Judicial review.

Section 455B.423 - Hazardous substance remedial fund.

Section 455B.424 - Hazardous waste fees.

Section 455B.425 - Annual report on hazardous substance remedial fund.

Section 455B.426 - Registry of hazardous waste or hazardous substance disposal sites.

Section 455B.427 - Annual report on hazardous waste or hazardous substance disposal sites.

Section 455B.428 - Investigation of sites.

Section 455B.429 - Notification to owners — appeals.

Section 455B.430 - Use and transfer of sites — penalty — financial disclosure.

Section 455B.431 - Recording of site designation.

Section 455B.432 - Liability.

Section 455B.433 - Physical infrastructure assistance — funding — liability.

Section 455B.441 - Purpose and guidelines.

Section 455B.442 - Definitions.

Section 455B.443 - License required.

Section 455B.444 - Temporary members appointed.

Section 455B.445 - Notification requirements.

Section 455B.446 - Proceeding.

Section 455B.447 - Proceeding — role of regulatory agencies.

Section 455B.448 - Decision by commission.

Section 455B.449 - Issuance of license — effect.

Section 455B.450 - Cost of proceedings.

Section 455B.451 - Further approvals prohibited — exception.

Section 455B.452 - Single hearing — judicial review.

Section 455B.453 - Rules.

Section 455B.454 - Penalties.

Section 455B.455 - Surcharge imposed.

Section 455B.461 - Definitions.

Section 455B.462 - Limitations on land disposal of hazardous waste.

Section 455B.463 - Dilution of hazardous waste.

Section 455B.464 - Additional hazardous or restricted waste listed.

Section 455B.465 - Well injection prohibited.

Section 455B.466 - Civil penalties.

Section 455B.467 - Emergency variance.

Section 455B.468 - Coordination with existing reporting and permitting requirements.

Section 455B.471 - Definitions.

Section 455B.472 - Declaration of policy.

Section 455B.473 - Report of existing and new tanks — fee.

Section 455B.473A - Petroleum underground storage tank registration amnesty program.

Section 455B.474 - Duties of commission — rules.

Section 455B.474A - Rules consistent with federal regulations.

Section 455B.475 - Duties and powers of the director.

Section 455B.476 - Violations — orders.

Section 455B.477 - Penalties — burden of proof.

Section 455B.478 - Judicial review.

Section 455B.479 - Storage tank management fee.

Section 455B.480 - Short title.

Section 455B.481 - Waste management policy.

Section 455B.482 - Definitions.

Section 455B.483 - Waste management assistance.

Section 455B.484 - Duties of the department.

Section 455B.484A - Confidentiality for assistance programs.

Section 455B.485 - Powers and duties of the commission.

Section 455B.486 - Facility siting.

Section 455B.487 - Facility acquisition and operation.

Section 455B.488 - Household hazardous waste collection and disposition.

Section 455B.491 - Restrictions on use of agricultural chemicals.

Section 455B.500 - Waste management research by persons in conjunction with institutions of higher education.

Section 455B.501 - Regulation of infectious waste.

Section 455B.502 - Infectious medical waste incinerators — regents universities — requirements.

Section 455B.503 - Infectious waste treatment and disposal facilities — permits required — rules.

Section 455B.504 - Collection and transportation of infectious medical waste — permits required — rules.

Section 455B.505 - Construction or operation of infectious waste treatment or disposal facilities near historic sites.

Section 455B.516

Section 455B.517

Section 455B.518

Section 455B.601 - Pesticide and fertilizer contaminated sites — prioritization of cleanup.

Section 455B.602 - Definitions.

Section 455B.701 - Oil spill immunity.

Section 455B.751 - Definitions.

Section 455B.752 - Immunity from third-party liability.

Section 455B.753 - Access to property.

Section 455B.754 - Legal responsibility.

Section 455B.801 - Short title.

Section 455B.802 - Definitions.

Section 455B.803 - Plans for removal, collection, and recovery of vehicle mercury-added switches.

Section 455B.804 - Prohibition and proper management of mercury-added vehicle switches.

Section 455B.805 - General compliance with other provisions.

Section 455B.806 - Regulations.

Section 455B.807 - Public notification.

Section 455B.808 - Reporting.

Section 455B.809 - State procurement.

Section 455B.851 - Iowa climate change advisory council.