Iowa Code
Chapter 384 - CITY FINANCE
Section 384.15A - Resolution establishing maximum property tax dollars — notice — hearing.

384.15A Resolution establishing maximum property tax dollars — notice — hearing.
1. For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
a. “Budget year” is the fiscal year beginning during the calendar year in which a budget is certified.
b. “Current fiscal year” is the fiscal year ending during the calendar year in which a budget for the budget year is certified.
c. “Effective property tax rate” means the property tax rate per one thousand dollars of assessed value and is equal to one thousand multiplied by the quotient of the current fiscal year’s actual property tax dollars certified for levy under the levies specified in subsection 2 divided by the total assessed value used to calculate taxes for the budget year.
2. For budget years beginning on or after July 1, 2020, prior to the period of time for distribution of the budget under section 384.16, subsection 2, the council shall adopt a resolution establishing the total maximum property tax dollars that may be certified for levy that includes taxes for city government purposes under section 384.1, for the city’s trust and agency fund under section 384.6, subsection 1, for the city’s emergency fund under section 384.8, and for the levies authorized under section 384.12, subsections 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, and 21, but excluding additions approved at election under section 384.12, subsection 19.
3. The maximum property tax dollars calculated and approved by resolution under this section includes those amounts received by the city as replacement taxes under chapter 437A or 437B.
4. a. The council shall set a time and place for a public hearing on the resolution before the date for adoption of the resolution and shall publish notice of the hearing not less than ten nor more than twenty days prior to the hearing in a newspaper published at least once weekly and having general circulation in the city. However, if the city has a population of two hundred or less, publication may be made by posting in three public places in the city. If the city has an internet site, the notice shall also be posted and clearly identified on the city’s internet site for public viewing beginning on the date of the newspaper publication or public posting, as applicable. Additionally, if the city maintains a social media account on one or more social media applications, the public hearing notice or an electronic link to the public hearing notice shall be posted on each such account on the same day as the publication of the notice. All of the following shall be included in the notice:
(1) The sum of the current fiscal year’s actual property taxes certified for levy under the levies specified in subsection 2 and the current fiscal year’s combined property tax levy rate for such amount that is applicable to taxable property in the city other than property used and assessed for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
(2) The effective tax rate calculated using the sum of the current fiscal year’s actual property taxes certified for levy under the levies specified in subsection 2, applicable to taxable property in the city other than property used and assessed for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
(3) The sum of the proposed maximum property tax dollars that may be certified for levy for the budget year under the levies specified in subsection 2 and the proposed combined property tax levy rate for such amount applicable to taxable property in the city other than property used and assessed for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
(4) If the proposed maximum property tax dollars specified under subparagraph (3) exceeds the current fiscal year’s actual property tax dollars certified for levy specified in subparagraph (1), a statement of the major reasons for the increase.
b. Proof of publication shall be filed with and preserved by the county auditor. The department of management shall prescribe the form for the public hearing notice for use by cities and the form for the resolution to be adopted by the council under subsection 5.
5. a. At the public hearing, the council shall receive oral or written objections from any resident or property owner of the city. After all objections have been received and considered, the council may decrease, but not increase, the proposed maximum property tax dollar amount for inclusion in the resolution and shall adopt the resolution and file the resolution with the county auditor as required under section 384.16, subsection 3.
b. If the sum of the maximum property tax dollars for the budget year specified in the resolution under the levies specified in subsection 2 exceeds one hundred two percent of the sum of the current fiscal year’s actual property taxes certified for levy under the levies specified in subsection 2, the council shall be required to adopt the resolution by a two-thirds majority of the membership of the council.
c. If the city has an internet site, in addition to filing the resolution with the auditor under section 384.16, subsection 3, the adopted resolution shall be posted and clearly identified on the city’s internet site for public viewing within ten days of approval by the council. The posted resolution for a budget year shall continue to be accessible for public viewing on the internet site along with resolutions posted for all subsequent budget years.
2019 Acts, ch 165, §13, 17
Referred to in §384.16, 384.17
Section applies to city budgets and taxes for fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2020; 2019 Acts, ch 165, §17

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code


Chapter 384 - CITY FINANCE

Section 384.1 - Taxes certified.

Section 384.2 - Fiscal year and tax year.

Section 384.3 - General fund.

Section 384.3A - Franchise fee account — use of franchise fee revenues.

Section 384.4 - Debt service fund.

Section 384.5 - Excess tax.

Section 384.6 - Trust and agency funds.

Section 384.7 - Capital improvements fund.

Section 384.8 - Emergency fund.

Section 384.9 - Additional funds.

Section 384.10 - Short-term loans.

Section 384.11 - Direct deposit of taxes.

Section 384.12 - Additional taxes.

Section 384.13 - City finance committee.

Section 384.14 - Office, expenses, compensation.

Section 384.15 - Duties — rules — law enforcement officer training reimbursement.

Section 384.15A - Resolution establishing maximum property tax dollars — notice — hearing.

Section 384.16 - City budget.

Section 384.17 - Levy by county.

Section 384.18 - Budget amendment.

Section 384.19 - Written protest.

Section 384.20 - Separate accounts.

Section 384.21 - Joint investment of funds.

Section 384.22 - Annual reports — financial report — urban renewal report.

Section 384.23 - Construction of words “and” and “or”.

Section 384.24 - Definitions.

Section 384.24A - Loan agreements.

Section 384.25 - General obligation bonds for essential purposes.

Section 384.26 - General obligation bonds for general purposes.

Section 384.27 - Sale of bonds.

Section 384.28 - Categories for general obligation bonds.

Section 384.29 - Form of bonds.

Section 384.30 - Execution.

Section 384.31 - Negotiable.

Section 384.32 - Tax to pay.

Section 384.33 - Action.

Section 384.34 - Local budget law.

Section 384.35 - Rule of construction.

Section 384.36 - Prior proceedings.

Section 384.37 - Definitions.

Section 384.38 - Certain costs assessed to private property.

Section 384.39 - Improvements brought to grade.

Section 384.40 - Underground improvements.

Section 384.41 - Petition by property owners.

Section 384.42 - Procedure on public improvement.

Section 384.43 - Preliminary plans.

Section 384.44 - Estimated cost.

Section 384.45 - Plats.

Section 384.46 - Lot valuations.

Section 384.47 - Schedule.

Section 384.48 - Adoption of plat.

Section 384.49 - Resolution of necessity.

Section 384.50 - Notice of hearing.

Section 384.51 - Adoption of resolution.

Section 384.52 - Detailed plans and specifications.

Section 384.53 - Procedures to let contract.

Section 384.54 - Confirmation by decree.

Section 384.55 - Notice of paving to water board.

Section 384.56 - State lands.

Section 384.57 - Monthly payments.

Section 384.58 - Inspection of work.

Section 384.59 - Assessment schedule.

Section 384.60 - Adoption of schedule.

Section 384.61 - Assessment of benefits.

Section 384.62 - Limit.

Section 384.63 - Insufficiency — certification to county treasurer — deficiency assessment.

Section 384.64 - Assessment to railway company.

Section 384.65 - Installments due.

Section 384.66 - Test of regularity.

Section 384.67 - Payment to county treasurer.

Section 384.68 - Bonds issued.

Section 384.69 - Property sold at tax sale.

Section 384.70 - Redemption by bondholder.

Section 384.71 - Costs paid from applicable funds.

Section 384.72 - Reassessment and relevy.

Section 384.73 - Void tax or assessment.

Section 384.74 - Correction of errors.

Section 384.75 - Special provisions.

Section 384.76 - Application to joint undertakings.

Section 384.77 - Assessments along railways.

Section 384.78 - Prior proceedings.

Section 384.79 - Conflicting provisions.

Section 384.80 - Definitions.

Section 384.81 - Provisions of city code exclusive — combined utility or enterprise.

Section 384.82 - Authority — revenue bonds — pledge orders.

Section 384.83 - Procedures for revenue bonds and pledge orders.

Section 384.84 - Rates and charges — billing and collection — contracts.

Section 384.84A - Special election.

Section 384.85 - Records — accounts — deposits.

Section 384.86 - Pledge valid and effective.

Section 384.87 - Payable from revenues.

Section 384.88 - Sole remedy.

Section 384.89 - Transfer of surplus.

Section 384.90 - Part payment from other bonds and other sources.

Section 384.91 - City to pay for services.

Section 384.92 - Statute of limitation.

Section 384.93 - Conflicting provisions.

Section 384.94 - Prior projects preserved.

Section 384.95 - Definitions.

Section 384.96 - Sealed bids.

Section 384.97 - Notice to bidders.

Section 384.98 - Bid security.

Section 384.99 - Award of contract.

Section 384.100 - Opening and considering bids.

Section 384.101 - Delegation of authority.

Section 384.102 - When hearing necessary.

Section 384.103 - Bonds authorized — emergency repairs.

Section 384.110 - Insurance, self-insurance, and risk pooling funds.

Section 384.120 - Definitions.