Iowa Code
Section 135.22B - Brain injury services program.

135.22B Brain injury services program.
1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section:
a. “Brain injury services waiver” means the state’s medical assistance home and community-based services waiver for persons with brain injury implemented under chapter 249A.
b. “Program administrator” means the division of the department designated to administer the brain injury services program in accordance with subsection 2.
2. Program created.
a. A brain injury services program is created and shall be administered by a division of the Iowa department of public health in cooperation with counties and the department of human services.
b. The division of the department assigned to administer the advisory council on brain injuries under section 135.22A shall be the program administrator. The division duties shall include but are not limited to serving as the fiscal agent and contract administrator for the program and providing program oversight.
c. The division shall consult with the advisory council on brain injuries, established pursuant to section 135.22A, regarding the program and shall report to the council concerning the program at least quarterly. The council shall make recommendations to the department concerning the program’s operation.
3. Purpose. The purpose of the brain injury services program is to provide services, service funding, or other support for persons with a brain injury under the cost-share program component or other components established pursuant to this section. Implementation of the cost-share component or any other component of the program is subject to the funding made available for the program.
4. General requirements — cost-share component. The cost-share component of the brain injury services program shall be directed to persons who have been determined to be ineligible for the brain injury services waiver or persons who are eligible for the waiver but funding was not authorized or available to provide waiver eligibility for the persons. The cost-share component is subject to general requirements which shall include but are not limited to all of the following:
a. Services offered are consistent with the services offered through the brain injury services waiver.
b. Each service consumer has a service plan developed prior to service implementation and the service plan is reviewed and updated at least quarterly.
c. All other funding sources for which the service consumer is eligible are utilized to the greatest extent possible. The funding sources potentially available include but are not limited to community resources and public and private benefit programs.
d. The maximum monthly cost of the services provided shall be based on the maximum monthly amount authorized for the brain injury services waiver.
e. Assistance under the cost-share component shall be made available to a designated number of service consumers who are eligible, as determined from the funding available for the cost-share component, on a first-come, first-served basis.
f. Nothing in this section shall be construed or is intended as, or shall imply, a grant of entitlement to services to persons who are eligible for participation in the cost-share component based upon the eligibility provisions adopted consistent with the requirements of this section. Any obligation to provide services pursuant to this section is limited to the extent of the funds appropriated or provided for the cost-share component.
5. Cost-share component eligibility. An individual must meet all of the following requirements in order to be eligible for the cost-share component of the brain injury services program:
a. The individual is age one month through sixty-four years.
b. The individual has a diagnosis of brain injury that meets the diagnosis eligibility criteria for the brain injury services waiver.
c. The individual is a resident of this state and either a United States citizen or a qualified alien as defined in 8 U.S.C. §1641.
d. The individual meets the cost-share component’s financial eligibility requirements and is willing to pay a cost-share for the cost-share component.
e. The individual does not receive services or funding under any type of medical assistance home and community-based services waiver.
6. Cost-share requirements.
a. The cost-share component’s financial eligibility requirements shall be established in administrative rule. In establishing the requirements, the department shall consider the eligibility and cost-share requirements used for the hawk-i program under chapter 514I.
b. An individual’s cost-share responsibility for services under the cost-share component shall be determined on a sliding scale based upon the individual’s family income. An individual’s cost-share shall be assessed as a copayment, which shall not exceed thirty percent of the cost payable for the service.
c. The service provider shall bill the department for the portion of the cost payable for the service that is not covered by the individual’s copayment responsibility.
7. Application process.
a. The application materials for services under the cost-share component of the brain injury services program shall use the application form and other materials of the brain injury services waiver. In order to apply for the brain injury services program, the applicant must authorize the department of human services to provide the applicant’s waiver application materials to the brain injury services program. The application materials provided shall include but are not limited to the waiver application and any denial letter, financial assessment, and functional assessment regarding the person.
b. If a functional assessment for the waiver has not been completed due to a person’s financial ineligibility for the waiver, the brain injury services program may provide for a functional assessment to determine the person’s needs by reimbursing the department of human services for the assessment.
c. The program administrator shall file copies of the individual’s application and needs assessment with the program resource facilitator assigned to the individual’s geographic area.
d. The department’s program administrator shall make a final determination as to whether program funding will be authorized under the cost-share component.
8. Service providers and reimbursement. All of the following requirements apply to service providers and reimbursement rates payable for services under the cost-share component:
a. A service provider must either be certified to provide services under the brain injury services waiver or have a contract with a county to provide services and will become certified to provide services under such waiver within a reasonable period of time specified in rule.
b. The reimbursement rate payable for the cost of a service provided under the cost-share component is the rate payable under the medical assistance program. However, if the service provided does not have a medical assistance program reimbursement rate, the rate shall be the amount payable under the county contract.
9. Resource facilitation. The program shall utilize resource facilitators to facilitate program services. The resource facilitator shall be available to provide ongoing support for individuals with brain injury in coping with the issues of living with a brain injury and in assisting such individuals in transitioning back to employment and living in the community. The resource facilitator is intended to provide a linkage to existing services and increase the capacity of the state’s providers of services to persons with brain injury by doing all of the following:
a. Providing brain injury-specific information, support, and resources.
b. Enhancing the usage of support commonly available to an individual with brain injury from the community, family, and personal contacts and linking such individuals to appropriate services and community resources.
c. Training service providers to provide appropriate brain injury services.
d. Accessing, securing, and maximizing the private and public funding available to support an individual with a brain injury.
2006 Acts, ch 1114, §1; 2007 Acts, ch 126, §35; 2008 Acts, ch 1058, §3; 2008 Acts, ch 1187, §106 – 108

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 135.1 - Definitions.

Section 135.2 - Appointment of director and acting director.

Section 135.3 - Disqualifications.

Section 135.6 - Assistants and employees.

Section 135.7 - Bonds.

Section 135.8 - Seal.

Section 135.9 - Expenses.

Section 135.10 - Office.

Section 135.11 - Duties of department.

Section 135.11A - Professional licensure division — other licensing boards — expenses — fees.

Section 135.11B - Appointment of certain executive directors.

Section 135.12 - Statutory board, commission, committee, or council of committee — teleconference option.

Section 135.14 - State public health dental director — duties.

Section 135.15 - Oral and health delivery systems bureau established — responsibilities.

Section 135.16 - Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children — methamphetamine education.

Section 135.16A - Vendors participating in federal nutrition program — egg sales.

Section 135.17 - Dental screening of children.

Section 135.18 - Conflicting statutes.

Section 135.19 - Viral hepatitis program — awareness, vaccinations, and testing.

Section 135.20 - Hepatitis C awareness program — veterans — vaccinations.

Section 135.21 - Pay toilets.

Section 135.22 - Central registry for brain or spinal cord injuries.

Section 135.22A - Advisory council on brain injuries.

Section 135.22B - Brain injury services program.

Section 135.24 - Volunteer health care provider program established — immunity from civil liability.

Section 135.24A - Free clinics — volunteer record check.

Section 135.25 - Emergency medical services fund.

Section 135.26 - Automated external defibrillator grant program.

Section 135.27 - Iowa healthy communities initiative — grant program.

Section 135.27A - Governor’s council on physical fitness and nutrition.

Section 135.28 - State substitute medical decision-making board.

Section 135.29 - Local substitute medical decision-making board.

Section 135.30 - Protective eyeglasses — safety provisions.

Section 135.30A - Breast-feeding in public places.

Section 135.31 - Location of boards — rulemaking.

Section 135.32 - Publication and distribution.

Section 135.33 - Refusal of board to enforce rules.

Section 135.34 - Expenses for enforcing rules.

Section 135.35 - Duty of peace officers.

Section 135.36 - Interference with health officer — penalties.

Section 135.37 - Tattooing — permit requirement — penalty.

Section 135.37A - Natural hair braiding.

Section 135.38 - Penalty.

Section 135.39 - Federal aid.

Section 135.39A - Gifts and grants fund — appropriation.

Section 135.39B - Early childhood immunizations — content.

Section 135.39C - Elderly wellness services — payor of last resort.

Section 135.39D - Vision screening.

Section 135.39E - Fluoridation in public water supply — notice of discontinuance.

Section 135.40 - Collection and distribution of information.

Section 135.41 - Publication.

Section 135.42 - Unlawful use.

Section 135.43 - Iowa child death review team established — duties.

Section 135.45

Section 135.46

Section 135.47

Section 135.48

Section 135.61 - Definitions.

Section 135.62 - Department to administer subchapter — health facilities council established — appointments — powers and duties.

Section 135.63 - Certificate of need required — exclusions.

Section 135.64 - Criteria for evaluation of applications.

Section 135.65 - Letter of intent to precede application — review and comment.

Section 135.66 - Procedure upon receipt of application — public notification.

Section 135.67 - Summary review procedure.

Section 135.68 - Status reports on review in progress.

Section 135.69 - Council to make final decision.

Section 135.70 - Appeal of certificate of need decisions.

Section 135.71 - Period for which certificate is valid — extension or revocation.

Section 135.72 - Authority to adopt rules.

Section 135.73 - Sanctions.

Section 135.74 - Uniform financial reporting.

Section 135.75 - Annual reports by hospitals, health care facilities.

Section 135.76 - Analyses and studies by department.

Section 135.77 - Report to governor and legislature.

Section 135.78 - Data to be compiled.

Section 135.79 - Civil penalty.

Section 135.83 - Contracts for assistance with analyses, studies, and data.

Section 135.100 - Definitions.

Section 135.101 - Childhood lead poisoning prevention program.

Section 135.102 - Rules.

Section 135.103 - Grant program.

Section 135.104 - Requirements.

Section 135.105 - Department duties.

Section 135.105A - Lead inspector, lead abater, and lead-safe renovator training and certification program established — civil penalty.

Section 135.105B - Voluntary guidelines — health and environmental measures — confirmed cases of lead poisoning.

Section 135.105C - Renovation, remodeling, and repainting — lead hazard notification process established.

Section 135.105D - Blood lead testing — provider education — payor of last resort.

Section 135.106 - Healthy families programs — HOPES-HFI program.

Section 135.107 - Center for rural health and primary care established — duties.

Section 135.108 - Definitions.

Section 135.109 - Iowa domestic abuse death review team membership.

Section 135.110 - Iowa domestic abuse death review team powers and duties.

Section 135.111 - Confidentiality of domestic abuse death records.

Section 135.112 - Rulemaking.

Section 135.118 - Child protection center grant program.

Section 135.119 - Shaken baby syndrome prevention program.

Section 135.120 - Taxation of organized delivery systems.

Section 135.130 - Substance abuse treatment facility for persons on probation.

Section 135.131 - Universal newborn and infant hearing screening.

Section 135.132 - Interagency pharmaceuticals bulk purchasing council.

Section 135.140 - Definitions.

Section 135.141 - Division of acute disease prevention and emergency response — establishment — duties of department.

Section 135.142 - Health care supplies.

Section 135.143 - Public health response teams.

Section 135.144 - Additional duties of the department related to a public health disaster.

Section 135.145 - Information sharing.

Section 135.146 - First responder vaccination program.

Section 135.147 - Immunity for emergency aid — exceptions.

Section 135.150 - Gambling treatment program — standards and licensing.

Section 135.152 - Statewide obstetrical and newborn indigent patient care program.

Section 135.153 - Iowa collaborative safety net provider network established.

Section 135.153A - Safety net provider recruitment and retention initiatives program — repeal.

Section 135.154

Section 135.155

Section 135.155A

Section 135.156

Section 135.156A

Section 135.156B

Section 135.156C

Section 135.156D

Section 135.156E

Section 135.156F

Section 135.157 - Definitions.

Section 135.158 - Medical home purposes — characteristics.

Section 135.159 - Patient-centered health advisory council.

Section 135.160 - Definitions.

Section 135.161 - Prevention and chronic care management initiative — advisory council.

Section 135.162 - Clinicians advisory panel.

Section 135.163 - Health care access.

Section 135.164 - Strategic plan.

Section 135.165 - Health care transparency — reporting requirements — hospitals and nursing facilities.

Section 135.166 - Health data — collection and use — collection from hospitals.

Section 135.171 - Alzheimer’s disease service needs.

Section 135.173 - Early childhood Iowa council.

Section 135.173A - Child care advisory committee.

Section 135.174 - Lead agency and other state agencies.

Section 135.175 - Health care workforce support initiative — workforce shortage fund — accounts.

Section 135.176 - Medical residency training state matching grants program.

Section 135.177 - Physician assistant mental health fellowship program — repeal.

Section 135.178 - Nurse residency state matching grants program.

Section 135.179 - Fulfilling Iowa’s need for dentists.

Section 135.180 - Mental health professional shortage area program.

Section 135.181 - Board-certified behavior analyst and board-certified assistant behavior analyst grants program — fund.

Section 135.182 - Reserved.

Section 135.183 - Reserved.

Section 135.184 - Reserved.

Section 135.185 - Epinephrine auto-injector supply.

Section 135.186 - Reserved.

Section 135.187 - Reserved.

Section 135.188 - Reserved.

Section 135.189 - Reserved.

Section 135.190 - Possession and administration of opioid antagonists — immunity.

Section 135.191 - Stroke care — continuous quality improvement.

Section 135.192 - Protections of certain prospective recipients of anatomical gifts.