Iowa Code
Section 135.181 - Board-certified behavior analyst and board-certified assistant behavior analyst grants program — fund.

135.181 Board-certified behavior analyst and board-certified assistant behavior analyst grants program — fund.
1. The department shall establish a board-certified behavior analyst and board-certified assistant behavior analyst grants program to provide grants to Iowa resident and nonresident applicants who have been accepted for admission or are attending a university, community college, or an accredited private institution, within or outside the state of Iowa, are enrolled in a program that is accredited and meets coursework requirements to prepare the applicant to be eligible for board certification as a behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst, and demonstrate financial need.
2. The department, in cooperation with the department of education, shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to establish minimum standards for applicants to be eligible for a grant that address all of the following:
a. Eligibility requirements for and qualifications of an applicant to receive a grant. The applicant shall agree to practice in the state of Iowa for a period of time, not to exceed four years, as specified in the contract entered into between the applicant and the department at the time the grant is awarded. In addition, the applicant shall agree, as specified in the contract, that during the contract period, the applicant will assist in supervising an individual working toward board certification as a behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst or to consult with schools and service providers that provide services and supports to individuals with autism.
b. The application process for the grant.
c. Criteria for preference in awarding of the grants. Priority in the awarding of a grant shall be given to applicants who are residents of Iowa.
d. Determination of the amount of a grant. The amount of funding awarded to each applicant shall be based on the applicant’s enrollment status, the number of applicants, and the total amount of available funds. The total amount of funds awarded to an individual applicant shall not exceed fifty percent of the total costs attributable to program tuition and fees, annually.
e. Use of the funds awarded. Funds awarded may be used to offset the costs attributable to tuition and fees for the accredited behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst program.
3. a. A board-certified behavior analyst and board-certified assistant behavior analyst grants program fund is created in the state treasury as a separate fund under the control of the department. The fund shall consist of moneys appropriated from the general fund of the state for the purposes of the fund and moneys from any other public or private source available.
b. The department may receive contributions, grants, and in-kind contributions to support the purposes of the fund. Not more than five percent of the moneys in the fund may be used annually for administrative costs.
c. The fund shall be separate from the general fund of the state and shall not be considered part of the general fund of the state. The moneys in the fund shall not be considered revenue of the state, but rather shall be moneys of the fund. Moneys within the fund are not subject to section 8.33 and shall not be transferred, used, obligated, appropriated, or otherwise encumbered, except to provide for the purposes of this section. Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2, interest or earnings on moneys deposited in the fund shall be credited to the fund.
d. The moneys in the fund are appropriated to the department and shall be used to provide grants to individuals who meet the criteria established under this section.
4. The department shall submit a report to the governor and the general assembly no later than January 1, annually, that includes but is not limited to all of the following:
a. The number of applications received for the immediately preceding fiscal year.
b. The number of applications approved and the total amount of funding awarded in grants in the immediately preceding fiscal year.
c. The cost of administering the program in the immediately preceding fiscal year.
d. Recommendations for any changes to the program.
2015 Acts, ch 137, §68, 162, 163; 2016 Acts, ch 1139, §57, 58

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 135.1 - Definitions.

Section 135.2 - Appointment of director and acting director.

Section 135.3 - Disqualifications.

Section 135.6 - Assistants and employees.

Section 135.7 - Bonds.

Section 135.8 - Seal.

Section 135.9 - Expenses.

Section 135.10 - Office.

Section 135.11 - Duties of department.

Section 135.11A - Professional licensure division — other licensing boards — expenses — fees.

Section 135.11B - Appointment of certain executive directors.

Section 135.12 - Statutory board, commission, committee, or council of committee — teleconference option.

Section 135.14 - State public health dental director — duties.

Section 135.15 - Oral and health delivery systems bureau established — responsibilities.

Section 135.16 - Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children — methamphetamine education.

Section 135.16A - Vendors participating in federal nutrition program — egg sales.

Section 135.17 - Dental screening of children.

Section 135.18 - Conflicting statutes.

Section 135.19 - Viral hepatitis program — awareness, vaccinations, and testing.

Section 135.20 - Hepatitis C awareness program — veterans — vaccinations.

Section 135.21 - Pay toilets.

Section 135.22 - Central registry for brain or spinal cord injuries.

Section 135.22A - Advisory council on brain injuries.

Section 135.22B - Brain injury services program.

Section 135.24 - Volunteer health care provider program established — immunity from civil liability.

Section 135.24A - Free clinics — volunteer record check.

Section 135.25 - Emergency medical services fund.

Section 135.26 - Automated external defibrillator grant program.

Section 135.27 - Iowa healthy communities initiative — grant program.

Section 135.27A - Governor’s council on physical fitness and nutrition.

Section 135.28 - State substitute medical decision-making board.

Section 135.29 - Local substitute medical decision-making board.

Section 135.30 - Protective eyeglasses — safety provisions.

Section 135.30A - Breast-feeding in public places.

Section 135.31 - Location of boards — rulemaking.

Section 135.32 - Publication and distribution.

Section 135.33 - Refusal of board to enforce rules.

Section 135.34 - Expenses for enforcing rules.

Section 135.35 - Duty of peace officers.

Section 135.36 - Interference with health officer — penalties.

Section 135.37 - Tattooing — permit requirement — penalty.

Section 135.37A - Natural hair braiding.

Section 135.38 - Penalty.

Section 135.39 - Federal aid.

Section 135.39A - Gifts and grants fund — appropriation.

Section 135.39B - Early childhood immunizations — content.

Section 135.39C - Elderly wellness services — payor of last resort.

Section 135.39D - Vision screening.

Section 135.39E - Fluoridation in public water supply — notice of discontinuance.

Section 135.40 - Collection and distribution of information.

Section 135.41 - Publication.

Section 135.42 - Unlawful use.

Section 135.43 - Iowa child death review team established — duties.

Section 135.45

Section 135.46

Section 135.47

Section 135.48

Section 135.61 - Definitions.

Section 135.62 - Department to administer subchapter — health facilities council established — appointments — powers and duties.

Section 135.63 - Certificate of need required — exclusions.

Section 135.64 - Criteria for evaluation of applications.

Section 135.65 - Letter of intent to precede application — review and comment.

Section 135.66 - Procedure upon receipt of application — public notification.

Section 135.67 - Summary review procedure.

Section 135.68 - Status reports on review in progress.

Section 135.69 - Council to make final decision.

Section 135.70 - Appeal of certificate of need decisions.

Section 135.71 - Period for which certificate is valid — extension or revocation.

Section 135.72 - Authority to adopt rules.

Section 135.73 - Sanctions.

Section 135.74 - Uniform financial reporting.

Section 135.75 - Annual reports by hospitals, health care facilities.

Section 135.76 - Analyses and studies by department.

Section 135.77 - Report to governor and legislature.

Section 135.78 - Data to be compiled.

Section 135.79 - Civil penalty.

Section 135.83 - Contracts for assistance with analyses, studies, and data.

Section 135.100 - Definitions.

Section 135.101 - Childhood lead poisoning prevention program.

Section 135.102 - Rules.

Section 135.103 - Grant program.

Section 135.104 - Requirements.

Section 135.105 - Department duties.

Section 135.105A - Lead inspector, lead abater, and lead-safe renovator training and certification program established — civil penalty.

Section 135.105B - Voluntary guidelines — health and environmental measures — confirmed cases of lead poisoning.

Section 135.105C - Renovation, remodeling, and repainting — lead hazard notification process established.

Section 135.105D - Blood lead testing — provider education — payor of last resort.

Section 135.106 - Healthy families programs — HOPES-HFI program.

Section 135.107 - Center for rural health and primary care established — duties.

Section 135.108 - Definitions.

Section 135.109 - Iowa domestic abuse death review team membership.

Section 135.110 - Iowa domestic abuse death review team powers and duties.

Section 135.111 - Confidentiality of domestic abuse death records.

Section 135.112 - Rulemaking.

Section 135.118 - Child protection center grant program.

Section 135.119 - Shaken baby syndrome prevention program.

Section 135.120 - Taxation of organized delivery systems.

Section 135.130 - Substance abuse treatment facility for persons on probation.

Section 135.131 - Universal newborn and infant hearing screening.

Section 135.132 - Interagency pharmaceuticals bulk purchasing council.

Section 135.140 - Definitions.

Section 135.141 - Division of acute disease prevention and emergency response — establishment — duties of department.

Section 135.142 - Health care supplies.

Section 135.143 - Public health response teams.

Section 135.144 - Additional duties of the department related to a public health disaster.

Section 135.145 - Information sharing.

Section 135.146 - First responder vaccination program.

Section 135.147 - Immunity for emergency aid — exceptions.

Section 135.150 - Gambling treatment program — standards and licensing.

Section 135.152 - Statewide obstetrical and newborn indigent patient care program.

Section 135.153 - Iowa collaborative safety net provider network established.

Section 135.153A - Safety net provider recruitment and retention initiatives program — repeal.

Section 135.154

Section 135.155

Section 135.155A

Section 135.156

Section 135.156A

Section 135.156B

Section 135.156C

Section 135.156D

Section 135.156E

Section 135.156F

Section 135.157 - Definitions.

Section 135.158 - Medical home purposes — characteristics.

Section 135.159 - Patient-centered health advisory council.

Section 135.160 - Definitions.

Section 135.161 - Prevention and chronic care management initiative — advisory council.

Section 135.162 - Clinicians advisory panel.

Section 135.163 - Health care access.

Section 135.164 - Strategic plan.

Section 135.165 - Health care transparency — reporting requirements — hospitals and nursing facilities.

Section 135.166 - Health data — collection and use — collection from hospitals.

Section 135.171 - Alzheimer’s disease service needs.

Section 135.173 - Early childhood Iowa council.

Section 135.173A - Child care advisory committee.

Section 135.174 - Lead agency and other state agencies.

Section 135.175 - Health care workforce support initiative — workforce shortage fund — accounts.

Section 135.176 - Medical residency training state matching grants program.

Section 135.177 - Physician assistant mental health fellowship program — repeal.

Section 135.178 - Nurse residency state matching grants program.

Section 135.179 - Fulfilling Iowa’s need for dentists.

Section 135.180 - Mental health professional shortage area program.

Section 135.181 - Board-certified behavior analyst and board-certified assistant behavior analyst grants program — fund.

Section 135.182 - Reserved.

Section 135.183 - Reserved.

Section 135.184 - Reserved.

Section 135.185 - Epinephrine auto-injector supply.

Section 135.186 - Reserved.

Section 135.187 - Reserved.

Section 135.188 - Reserved.

Section 135.189 - Reserved.

Section 135.190 - Possession and administration of opioid antagonists — immunity.

Section 135.191 - Stroke care — continuous quality improvement.

Section 135.192 - Protections of certain prospective recipients of anatomical gifts.