Iowa Code
Section 125.85 - Custody, discharge, and termination of proceeding.

125.85 Custody, discharge, and termination of proceeding.
1. A respondent committed under section 125.84, subsection 2, shall remain in the custody of a facility for treatment for a period of thirty days, unless sooner discharged. The department is not required to pay the cost of any medication or procedure provided to the respondent during that period which is not necessary or appropriate to the specific objectives of detoxification and treatment of substance abuse. At the end of the thirty-day period, the respondent shall be discharged automatically unless the administrator of the facility, before expiration of the period, obtains a court order for the respondent’s recommitment pursuant to an application under section 125.75, for a further period not to exceed ninety days.
2. A respondent recommitted under subsection 1 who has not been discharged by the facility before the end of the ninety-day period shall be discharged at the expiration of that period unless the administrator of the facility, before expiration of the period, obtains a court order for the respondent’s recommitment pursuant to an application under section 125.75, for a further period not to exceed ninety days.
3. Upon the filing of an application for recommitment under subsection 1 or 2, the court shall schedule a recommitment hearing for no later than ten days after the date the application is filed. A copy of the application, the notice of hearing, and any reports shall be served or provided in the manner and to the persons as required by sections 125.77 through 125.80, 125.83, and 125.84.
4. Following a respondent’s discharge from a facility or from treatment, the administrator of the facility shall immediately report that fact to the court which ordered the respondent’s commitment or treatment. The court shall issue an order confirming the respondent’s discharge from the facility or from treatment, as the case may be, and shall terminate the proceedings pursuant to which the order was issued. Copies of the order shall be sent by regular mail to the facility and the respondent.
5. A person who is placed for evaluation at a facility under section 125.83 or who is committed to a facility under section 125.84, subsection 2, shall remain at that facility unless discharged or otherwise permitted to leave by the court or administrator of the facility. If a person placed at a facility or committed to a facility leaves the facility without permission or without having been discharged, the administrator may notify the sheriff of the person’s absence and the sheriff shall take the person into custody and return the person promptly to the facility.
[C75, 77, §125.19; C79, 81, §229.52(3 – 5), 229.53; 82 Acts, ch 1212, §13]
92 Acts, ch 1072, §2; 99 Acts, ch 144, §1; 2021 Acts, ch 80, §66
Referred to in §229.21
Subsection 3 amended

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 125.1 - Declaration of policy.

Section 125.2 - Definitions.

Section 125.3 - Substance abuse program established.

Section 125.4

Section 125.5

Section 125.6

Section 125.7 - Duties of the board.

Section 125.9 - Powers of director.

Section 125.10 - Duties of director.

Section 125.12 - Comprehensive program for treatment — regional facilities.

Section 125.13 - Programs licensed — exceptions.

Section 125.14 - Licenses — renewal — fees.

Section 125.14A - Personnel of a licensed program admitting juveniles.

Section 125.15 - Inspections.

Section 125.15A - Licensure — emergencies.

Section 125.16 - Transfer of license or change of location prohibited.

Section 125.17 - License suspension or revocation.

Section 125.18 - Hearing before board.

Section 125.19 - Reissuance or reinstatement.

Section 125.20 - Rules.

Section 125.21 - Chemical substitutes and antagonists programs.

Section 125.25 - Approval of facility budget.

Section 125.32 - Acceptance for treatment — rules.

Section 125.32A - Discrimination prohibited.

Section 125.33 - Voluntary treatment of persons with substance-related disorders.

Section 125.34 - Treatment and services for persons with substance-related disorders due to intoxication and substance-induced incapacitation.

Section 125.37 - Records confidential.

Section 125.38 - Rights and privileges of patients.

Section 125.39 - Eligible entities.

Section 125.40 - Criminal laws limitations.

Section 125.41 - Judicial review.

Section 125.42 - Appeals.

Section 125.43 - Funding at mental health institutes.

Section 125.43A - Prescreening — exception.

Section 125.44 - Agreements with facilities — liability for costs.

Section 125.46 - County of residence determined.

Section 125.48 - List of contracting facilities.

Section 125.54 - Use of funds.

Section 125.55 - Audits.

Section 125.58 - Inspection — penalties.

Section 125.59 - Transfer of certain revenue — county program funding.

Section 125.60 - Grant formula.

Section 125.74 - Preapplication screening assessment — program.

Section 125.75 - Application.

Section 125.75A - Involuntary proceedings — minors — jurisdiction.

Section 125.75B - Dual filings.

Section 125.76 - Appointment of counsel for applicant.

Section 125.77 - Service of notice.

Section 125.78 - Procedure after application.

Section 125.79 - Respondent’s attorney informed.

Section 125.80 - Physician’s or mental health professional’s examination — report — scheduling of hearing.

Section 125.81 - Immediate custody.

Section 125.82 - Commitment hearing.

Section 125.83 - Placement for evaluation.

Section 125.83A - Placement in certain federal facilities.

Section 125.84 - Evaluation report.

Section 125.85 - Custody, discharge, and termination of proceeding.

Section 125.86 - Periodic reports required.

Section 125.87 - Status during appeal.

Section 125.88 - Status if commitment delayed.

Section 125.89 - Respondents charged with or convicted of crime.

Section 125.90 - Judicial hospitalization referee.

Section 125.91 - Emergency detention.

Section 125.92 - Rights and privileges of committed persons.

Section 125.93 - Commitment records — confidentiality.

Section 125.94 - Supreme court rules.